e8erbînlnpaýtriot arimy, sered mag arsngtd frvt louh le captured 10,000ofrhm ntlree pM40erbatties, private vrorts te lýoidon said 1lsweek.' mikhaBiovich sufoces are also mfrigheavy sethrpot fflid, but frer her outan n iretfastnle'4s rewin.ure lt~v aids as far a's Zr on the F ýhm the leugth and breadth et 4<Y lyeldei rCndmore widespread re e*wîtlnco, especlally fo owy wbweeptriots recked another Gema rio train, and from Hol- leand where tlrty Gra od lishaxv vanlshed at ight with- ent trace in the last ftxghtnïi. The reports estimated that Mik- Iiaiilovtch'ï' o hd kildat kast 7,500Axs ropsanid cap- *ard 2500 ohors i tho tree mg battes., Iii ori, the ermas ere re- ~oeteto have i had to senHua- farian war2'ships down theDanub e rosuoe occupation ifoces wýhO ~4llacainpign o disapt ito (31 ther of Mkaioiohsivh everaL tons long uthe impotant Moaar-~xaevorailroad ilu Serbia Jrs figh-ltifig hat cOst theAis9(00 MUled and 400 captured. The guer- eilas as etoydsvrlrail- etoad rdesadcap)tur'edlarqge &wnunts cfwar ateralsthey The tHird major batIE was re- ~portd froghin Se KozaraMoun- %mns withheavy losesuonbothý aides. Yugoéhv quarters bebeved Mik- Iîailovitcih had cosntis t ime te ejss-lng Ibis offensive s hepeio bi mâlhîh ho could do the mest good for te RussinsWho wero CaetaelirinaPlane dina PBY-5 mangiug oea air armada, as possese- et auv hwe- e new 1-tonl, $250,000 imA«craftl lstineçd te play animpetau it iný a hugo lne mlyn [y 2,0 omn hOarmf lrore ta 0,0 at n mnore than 10,000 1an-hurs educe, Its haill Is ns îeaY"g as imlan c a nd ils win'g ,span hob liaod end ho eudÜ aleng- ongh t ac, ts la-lo s big as caneoes. gimun seod etth-, aaln altitudJe ef 8,000 fot la about liles por heour and 1Itseis ruig 1 ah the samue atiud lnp- ýmately 17i5 m.,r 1h ht as a g 0f4 lmoh ivo mijjles and axhlmum cusgranil wui dcit 1h4te ly fron f~ixt role et Ttheo patr-ol ant. Th,ýey suammon ies audiý0 shipo ýýwhen eWraft wl hlih agreat d- amadsp pyig tie pweem fisswem e ti e eed feon ïg-rge Developa New lWlay 0f Using Rubber Reclaimiug rubher 1s usually a leng naudcotyreesbcae et must ho e-fomed nto raw mýaheralautonr-auct- edint juteharcereurd Bt aZ mew sysýton hfas cme inho op- eratoin Bu rhiaiwherehy scrap7 tires are utilzed for the direct maufctrecfcetan rtcls Tisa ~ ý prcs ssimplet nrndesus ne wa tnge,h read audunr,((- ûend are lane jte a coýumpoun)d fur manufactu ing sucs esseutial eoods as mýubber sQles, heels, 'babIy THE WAR -WEEK -Cmetr nCurent E-vents WHERE WILL RED ARM,«Y, MAKE LAST STAIND TOSTPNZ? N6t enc stop back! The axe- caution of this týask mieans thýe praservaticýon of aur cnotry, the detrctonofthe hated ri myandFagua;.,raînf1t eea0 f datwek ced on The Red Amy fradea te stnd against the advanciïng Whmct says the New York Times.Ho gave notice te his 1000,0 ontye hat thejir nation ha'd noýver faed a gravermomen-neteven in a pstý thtat ba-s beeeî,cergd y iavad- Ing T ,,1 aars, M14ongols, Swvved1e S, Polos, Fr-enchaad anothergen- o'ratien efGemas.The feeling 0f risisbad beon matchd W nîylst Faîl when Adoîf Hiter's guns we heard l M1 ows--uri a ,hé, ptn- ctiea yere sumr- jmonod fer thP 1h11r Of eIPr'Mln sacrifcec' It was a feeling that iled eîosl rnsoarod meaowsaadorcard cfthle Don1 and achne-htteredfields at the triage eA theCaucasusinto the capitas 0f the Aies abroad. The pligt efthde Russin colosus wae the pligttcfthewMois zanti- agesor cause. Thexi wop othe Don h the first mct f itho grand(l 1942 campaign hoaverrun some 80,000 square ilec 0fgran ad ctthe counitry. 1It ]hed brenýchedthos- tev -nrac 0hotheCacus opened the way fe a drive te the ler Vcoga and the Caspian. If tho Gerns ceul d nddthefam et fthe NeràhCiucsus lte their W'es Rusia, kaioar o Sovie's cultivatod land, If thoy coul take theOoH fhelds of the Caucsus thy wuhdhold the et the Svc' erlu.At thie Veïlga anýýld teCaspian "heywod ho ha position tosever the Alled supplY Mlintrn Iran. Doni, acrdn t he Christlian Sciece Mnito, mielte ail- imprtat qestonwhethiel riad Wbere the Nais au hostbpc d WH!I it hoatthe Vela or lu tbe tiras? illtbeybe blete cross the Csinsea ïnnd cthr.eaten India Aslog s heRusin aies cao position te he ther Grmn caunet ee doam et havig Vwe vctory over Russia, The Russian Frntis1 oxtremly flexiblebut hto "finl sand" whRlalways de- pond upon Che army. Ne natural obsýtacles exept he mjiigbity Volga River prtee te Russian ltr The ULs e arengompia coxceptien, thotraditionial dvd ing lino etwnEuirope and Asýin, but theirShIS and ferests nover miýslead usiate a,,Maginot binei c(mplacencùy The importan'lce ot lho UeualeI baed on their natural have h'ei-ilbuLilardt hom ibut netou tatge esonatos Irom thbat peint otview, the Can- casa",Is aloe shl1e1t1id t twe maini uýpproaches ho the cil 0f Boku. T'le Russia mhiay trngb avaihable wplns tanks and guns. It doeesmont mter whetber the three lte r retduced Jl atc- tories closýeIho thýe front, or far from thCe fOnt, orshpped fromi the Uited Nat_io t atrs FA ta mie odesgtto "latime fer se la mnpowr te Rs ianiave at great dvntgeeerth Ai antheir stlieWiethe Ywo- mn1 tako ov-eî thieol-lrk 0f n, uMilios cfsolier ae mblzd Russia eauput ýýitetho il- tan A armies of 10,000000 and 20,- 000,000 slir wtetaffectlug Its wrldsr ragriculture. Zvery yoar 1,600,000 yeung Rus- sian mn cm nothe rmilitariy ago.Ther auberwil rise, te band, the erman man oe es ervirsuplid 60, n11who while the numbor et new recruis will deie to530,000 by 1946. as mnyyung en it for miii- tary service as Germany. aad esit ovr adis-tanice of 5ev- ora tousndmiles. Rusias 3,00,00 quae iîles of forests chiefly i east e h Uasand Lthere its amy could disappear bfr thle O-ýye of teivdrwjthout the danger ef a crusibigdoent. fýor usi'sg e ohreserves cf,È thleCuassterpurpose s not oay e edreth 01forhm selvc s but î te deprve Russija 0f onie et itsmstiasuprsl mhe wnr. Germawnîil>--t.!s ..0teiet off the oul from topweflRussian 1wnrl min e andput ut 0 com)bat whic evryting epeds o nd whicb aready hve idenît m sevieebesatteeC m.Rsi culur s hchdeïivd e â01 cul Wile ltre huge rnspaofus- siJa whll peritii ts amyte with- draw v pel, hsevadinig ini- defiitel a fnalGermInn coy the Germans woucld attempt to blockade Russia economically and te reduce its fghting power tA The ermns re n ftheir wayý Stalingrad snd Astrakhan at the Caspian Son woîïul eut ff nî comi- muncatonsbeteentheCenltral Front antcChe fo'rces wlhprotect the Cacsu.Bsidles this lii- tary àthra hhbos such may ho -'sseini thecase cf a srn flow ef Rssanei toward the iu- sia would Coe Yn end Rutiss ia wold suffer ttereend.- eusly undu er Meleo f 85 pu cent cf, ItG cil outputGeat stýcks ot oîl have been ac rcuulatedî, how- eve-r, and in ddtonwihthere ies oudntocrped War taches weuldbave te ho ehlanged, tirancpttion 'W o0 IU n egietd u hr would ho sutf- ficient cil for the war imachine. We must c eret tlut menente Gor- m1-an wal nmachine i s conusidered te, rua on less than 70,000,000barrels 0f il an ucns4umiption under fuoi warfaro. The next wne weuald permt sia te redJuce its war f move-ment anid thus save nch gsloand periftne stocks tiacuulte Ru1ssia iculureweuld suffer bit power sbtttsmarle fren grain and w'oed, mnest abunidantly avaible Inriberia, wuldpermait the co11ntiaion oflthe use of trac- tors and vehicle1s. lallmore herses coul be raied in a rein- tieyshortpridas the osoî,ckýs oudpermtem aintnaneÈ0 cur-îtailed cnupinof 011 Over a, peried0f ser. niyears. Scochd arh policy tweuil dod- 011 t entfor se7veral moenths. But ntcold bnetbe prevented frin utlzing the abndnt 011 rescure- oýs 0fth' Caucasonei, or Inlter, once liposes ifetthis region. armie weud tbratonthe cil of Yiraq anidIrn ad a1ke thle Un- ltede Nation position tere miost Preares. Te wleeoe Russian riýver aneanal systelrn w1ould pemit he istibu)ltion cf the il tete Ukiineanld over the PolishanuBaltie river sys- toms te tü he cnsmig eter's ef 1REG'LAR FELLERS-Lip Reading Y'OU~HTA~ &E THE VAV MY FATHER WEA~RS 1415 <I1J\SS~S! RIGHT ON THE E1~JO~ 0F I-IlS NOSE! a EvenifR E acnwihra i Uts 40,000tak cars and the large uimber uof ull argIdestroy a Pipelines ans on wells and ave the pBlack Sea Fleet 1by the cn cession oe mee passage through the Bomporus tA Uited Natons ports, tCe whoe Stregy of the Germny wld a vî -e gie most important baSeher li*way to Ida n l togarfet oulce upie ihtheuretl nIe(eedohciL'oud h'arasa 'theUn ited NatLOis upply lnsh h MdLEat and 'Lepîte RUàssiansý at bay ehndte,'Oa ithte mnainintruentofthlearfoc aud arelivl al aday lhi-e east, T ute bulk f h Gorman amy wooldbe freed te flght elsewhoep Sayvs IMrs. Geor-ge Maoria, CGrande- due te laýck of the igt kind cf Baie, Quebec: Weha-ve been ,iusers "buik" ila your diet? But remnemrber. f KLLOGC'S Â.L-aNfer a long ALRRNdoesn'-t WOr-k lie cathlar- ie. . . and for a geod reaisen. tics.7 It takzes tiinec. Eat it regularly ,ALL-AN, besides beting a most su-d dririkç pleuty of vwater, Get dcicious eearea lly dooýs kcfp ALL-BRAN- at your groco-r's, la, two ns reýgular . nlaturally" convenxieut si -c packcage,m rrask for Wihy don't you try ALBAN5 teindividual serving package et "Better Way" te correct the cause restaurants. M,)ade by Kehlogg's in ifyou're treubled by constipation London, i aa A ekyCofumn- About T'his aniThatin Our Can.adian Army- "RevillewiClbe t 3.o0'a m," The yun 'er I euIder te save3 tlie unît ýiet h sreArm1y wt vi(ce twhea tho ae eld enough teo whc teded Sulmmer Cap'luior;te middle nged to fit prrodrte 0oura-1te i it S 1rmr') y thenseveSs as fast asosibefer anid tn disba-nd foànweck'sst oedfneduties enty frein ovonhng pradesthle ctznnbcm eces-sary,. s'oldiorýs t teir jobs in offce, h Roserve Amy mon eL t today factoriesc trswrhuss al- aent"Saturday nýLit slir" way yards d ; the dozen oýtho-r -they a-re patriehic citizens dbr classes fo.u'ty rom whlcb ýi red by»-geor ether limiatonlru tbey (camre. tkhn ithir full prtin the Job Soundflsa a litti1tctrgh te hev- otwf k we bave te de ,They are orage rman whe caln sleplaulrepnrig or a im; buinesad six or sevenl, dops't '1h? But 1h ltcy aegoling moe ha It wns ine.totugh by the tino we hd temetthel ir istmucters 1lu thïe finisbted fouritceen days ef hraniug useet ildadealing oquip--, Wo took ýil Is our-trdeas-wu, ha"d ment imadCe available '0te hmfr takon ithe daily 6a.m, revoille, the hrah îing longlhours c 'f tanigand the uoc- Thoemon lamy plitop, hy te casienlni peaiuswih itbmey 'trad mm cap, tredpartcet the intensive po bdflr-ed m)-ore eunds fr-ýon re gramme undrtaken y muits cf, guns la two weeks th n l h the ros-erv-e iamy la sumi-iei>CrJms nsh wvar I bradfimAed fronza rifle' t 'lighutthe CDom1iini. by the time I badbenl toamly Ouir un-its wremade np cfrmo heu mnth1.The7 fîredwthrfe hetw-ee n the ageorcf17 5anld 19, onï hrtld og ags. Theyv and ?5 and 50, Aaid whelî I Say reevdnsucinith ba- moImnit as regards heb iug aad sr epn f th p Bren'un euds et the sal, tiÈ s a tess-ump Thoy la nabout ibaud rigrenadCes' whether the yeuthls 0or the iddïle- anrd thJeypuit lusienuushours aged weme the kee eno. There p raetisin;g the rhght wyt eie wns coertaily vryitlo sodîr- heseproý1-seuts te an ieeny. Tbey in"-euse a tom thlat soud had their tlrst leson1s i ýlabattle- bubeised omcr vocýabularqy. dlrili" They 'r'actised stlkn A4fter a heavy route mnrch thoe ü threugb thre open and ithrel' ugh1 waa a faIm iz s ic-prne"bu cve l e y loara-ied ire ba si c 1h was nt The "ic-aod"foprxipe e ayv-eetfigbtln.g - whilh old seldiers arýje acse- but they - èdlat lenra ite"grouse,"e ed.'JIl Th e i-p coniishe e n î'Lý This brinip, us ho th:e secondul a Iiu o have thei? 'l5ieu 5 ruaen rfeed o aove. ThLemo clessfixod up -so that tliey Ste tac thinge tatsoldtiers gous weuid netc" havîe -te miss drIi pa- abut mea0t. OQue ïis heenleu-ss lods tho 'uext da ly -- nCo f mon round f imgettiv d ii h datermilned te wangle a'7iýigbt othor, bave you gesd-od duity" permjyit fren th'le mredit1 Thero was ne ron foreî-Ither- ef efficer se tbieyCcould e£vado the'li e o ceplintsispoctaly ,th mcrro's rsponsbiliiesLatter, whCb used mnny an 1, d There were maay tinas a bout sdirte'(0gsp. Fed 4undertýh e thi.s yearý's Reserve Amy c anips Owse f -Ëatiolls N.C'O.'s alla that aae h l ohieswo mnejyd- and thatword il's athended tbem sand easily [the mt woll chosen --sncb moaýlls asï outstaadling wns ie e nthusianm thee: with 'hihlte aewrpecruits ah- reakýfast : gaefutj iai e o, sos-lied instruction. Thec only "w- whe-ah or ont meail porr 1i dge war suad",attor tho (second lor srnsldeggs ontoatbaconl, third daiy, were the ,veluutamy ones mamaade tast ud efee that asseushled und)(er goed ntr Lnh soup, celd -mstbef ed e-cm ssoeofcr du- hwc vegeh.ables, apple ppi et, iaig off d'uhy houirs, Yeu w;uld fn upe:beef steýw, twoveg them n la e tueju inosprctîn bls, bendud ing with choco-j ayugfrnleft andf right h 'umas5ý hatosaue, ead bu te on by numbers thothe "pro(sent ainms- eoie there was --cake. Qu-e fre-ni.the "er'dern" D u r 'ing the neali wus baked Viiaha bam mninig L aud aLtterucen 115 minutîe OnFrdaysfish ad m-.iacaron.i roat lpioolds ie eoly smok0es an chà semarked the 1twobig ti parade heurswereÈiudulged l, oas- nnd you dhda mix1 i iscussion gmolups tomed thn- up la tie samle'til) "dixieJ". that selvs nouu efices ad N.C. hd bld oursbiav-iugwaeroa O,'S ho ply thon questionisias ho-e0 the "whJy" et this, the "beow" 0f DeGhoe ations 1ook hairh thïatanud 1the pahclapplicatin yen than he ameunit -you1consum1j1e of tr0uig e arfameu1L ws, ahhoeThey are! utsdir uintil yeu iogh bout it, ice- -eve Resýervo Amy sldiersah ihle! tnig apforolyto ek When i1you ouh iibo t il te -edheavy rtos au s-w em soon hbecam iie apar 0 ient1, Y eu ant o n your fo )o Theso mou have jo"ined the e- si l te oming tilismtis clasifcaion,'oritwo 1renton0 1S. pcomnd-.Iflabyoowbequmip- menit over rough ground and smlooth; nmarcàing ordon Ipys!- Ical t raiigwotg ooed food and lotsCfItW That' why we are rationed, That's why eigto unces 0fsugar, a miimumof ea andctfeemust Onie o..hejosc.th-. rtm Prce nd Trade( Board isï to con,- srefood for ourioieshere and vereas- ad toseof Us wvho are good soldiers WHl hep the Board do tat job1. 0F' T HE Bombin oniahuge scale must disoganie th defncesnastun the peoplewo are goingtbrough it, At C àon, tis sad tat one bomab feu on the average every six scnd.If yu re afrýjaid cf lihtin, hikwhat it ol be like o to gothirough a thunder sto v wth ïa n-ew lightinig flash ever si seond. Ton emem- ber hatprobblynone of those ligtnig sroki, i~ ourtown, whileever bombscors a t and bosu oehn. Th iat wil gve oua mrough ide,îa, at --FrgUsn es-lecord -o- SOME FOOL'S V'ICTiMý if a psyucatrit investigated the fearïs o o- ~esh woud roahy find t'hat ea,,rl'y in Sie they had been nischievouslyr or cdeieçy pushed into the water, or duekei when they did net teps it and got a fJright ChAien sheuld neveube ;mad(, afadof the water. -St.Thems Tm-Jora -- 'AREN'T WE ALL? Exlanighisatep to es- cape fom a î,Quebec mltayhosý pita, acapure Gemanmerch- ant seamnsai that, he wa,,s "fed mp Wh the war." Wue havcn't accopli,-, Ur purpoýse until whaemaýde aoterNaz,much --Wmndr Star YO'EBRITISH, ÂE' What' thi ?Aryo gin sln? AreYu oin oatbe- cause the war is going aPi icWk these days?, Wvhat's he matter? Keep that yenl E0 VEARS AGO load,îs o-ýf cheese vwere sippod efromr cheCse0sbIpped iaone day fVrm th~e factorios, of' one dstrictîý., Peu's ppuationiscompoe&d of the boriianiInca Idas B'y GENTE BRE I-E5C.zy 'o WEAR w ASESIFTH-AT'" T-I iqr WY1FDOMS SI _______________________ I L~-~--~ -~ OIVER M-IS MOUI.WkNEARIY#