Have You*Had live to he a hundred." Houbby: 'pNot if Yom remain farty manch longe, da, "Bat I thoghî-" begas tis "Its net yourbunss teA thah" napped iz h angr ",JuSt you takýe dw htIs word for wranid keep your Se thlalternloonthfolig leteî asbroaglît fer imt siga: "erMr.Br ne-re Il with n " ue wn-i ±ather pas agardenr.Whitr- gard te your lttr f, waee dta i t mwa.s, I can quota outh following prices. Hli! Thnpsm-ýon! 1, t'01ht, usi1LBone o machi shal we stick on"? Tw,ýen'ty ercent! Make it t !t? iho 'Tirty bbto onateýaa Ion0 Aaitngyour e- ýsteeme-il Or- tuer, arnyourstruly.Tht' sýettoihl" Johnny (buyinAg ticýket ir railroad tation) i wa1 tick-et ta New York Clark: Would1yaucarte ta go by Buffala? Johýnny: 1 don't kno,> I bave -neyer rdon n,, Ha haïd juat 5Ébeen iaels hapetmail alivealand wet int m 'jewcl!er's le hay lie ngge iincn trlng. He picked up) a nc ok dianoad ring. "Wht's the price oi)f tisee lia asýked. "Thait one )i n e d gain- Tas a," rep1 Mld lis jeela anid thea he wssld 11 e poinited t anol0ther1rig: 'And this one " "Thl, sir, -ý said tisa jmeeer, liathat in civiliahf e." Recruit: "No, dco-' 5end for you." Thie iaw Lan-ic Girl .a doiag lbp hst, bl Shlo was avidecnlly Hnving had an incuibalor ,ex-. pl]ained! te her, andu been asked if PS efuily 1und(erýstood il, she !put A'- ir head on oaneaide and, %th a% puzzled looke repliatu st"y4ýbi Tribunal Chiaimn (ta C.O.): "-And w13ax would ya)u doa if a Germian atteckýa youir mnother?" Consientoug0bjacter- "I'd Ilay 3 to 1 on 7muni." 1. Whaa ]yen have a tennis partner whe is far lesm hilful t'alyen ara, shlould'l tyen cever more thaai your part of tise court? 2. Wisaa a mlan lifts his bhat 10 - ir'l, shon11(ld't ha rernove tise ciaetcigar or pipe 'fre,)in bis% 41. 'Wiat l is c orriect position oftisa breail and butter plates ýýn lise breakfast Or Inachýeen tabla? 4. If a gir'l is sacreary te a busines mani, and whiledacn la soîrna public place ise secs fier emlyrand bis wif e aI a table, -whnl sisould ise do? 5). How Sisould at wife introduce- lerisnusbaad te anotiser non'? f>. la it nec.aa,,ary tisaI a tale- aeat vedigha ackaowledged? ANS WERS t. No. Allow your pairtner te play iseb la tisIcoma e hisin, avjen if ha is les akelfl. 't la axceedingy rade and poorports- mlanshiîp te cnýLt in fronit ofhl te p3lay halls lisat are di1-rel a a 2. Yesn always. 3. At tise ppar iflsnad Maie of tie plates. 4.,ui and bew toe ia if ais:ctchaes tiseir eye, but nllow tham oite makeanay f urtisar ad- 0ances, 5. "Mr. Johisason. fth:,is l n 6. 1%àislous pot necýsitale tise nomte ofi tiank requiratu by a gift, but tise fir-st timte oaa emaclatisa acdrof tisa lelagrain, afe wd of apecaio hlould b esprcaactl, What Science SPONGE IRON A strange wartimie bttt was inuthe making lastweek--a substitute for scrap irai and steL. Ctélacalled sponge iron, and the U.S. Bureau of Màines hsdecided te risk $500,000 ini hurry-up deveMopment of tbe hithertounapractical procesa b y wchit la made. To mîake sponge iron, ore la net; smelted. Itfi mèiedwhpul- verized Lcoa'l (naýtural gas Caa also be( used) alnd coke, then fed tec)a large rotary kila. When the kUn la heated to 1,800 degrees FA, thie powdered coal first robs, t1h ore (iren oxide) of its oxýgen-, rthen turas into gas, leaving fairly pure iron granules which have a spnytex'ture. Th-is stuff ean then beoe fed to fihe Steel furnaces. Stýeelm-akers watchi the pr-oject withi cotendling doubts and hopes. Il sponge Sron can be mnadeit wHI head off a decline la steel production caused byz the omînous shinkage of U.S.scrap Sron re- sou r ce S. 1,In1t mauaso eut Éthe cosl of steel b)y as miuch as $5 a ton. Ili the last 9)0 years, thie steel iautyhaS spent millions la futile efforts te rmake sponige iron. Catch la the precesa s selection of an ore which eaa yiedld igh. grade sponge. plants in Swedenr and Filaad are now trnngit elut profitably. Until this summiner, scrap irnn aInd steel have qalways beeni abund- ant, seu temkr have reliedý on them for 40 te 60 percent o)f the ch(21arge la their furnaices. But no,,,,the ThS. nýeeds scriap anid needs it badily bcuethere ar e nelt eog:()open-hlearth fur- naces to pouesteela1't the slower rt eurdwhea highier percenitages of pgirea are u.sedi, ('2) last fracste make pîg for fthe steeL T'he furniace handi- cap wil e overcomne if Élhe sponge iron process can be perfected, siae "Mmaeiran plant can bc Jbuilt more quickly and cheaply than ne bîinat furnaces, and are chieaper te oprate.-Time. PIe. Jones had bean nlatise Arimy a week wlien ise sergeant "I ay like il aftera hie, repliid Jonea, "kut jut aow I tisinktiseres tee ucis dlrillinig Fior u4iic ierlief Srom itciêinizg et lcet bitos, hesir rssb, atite'S foui, aozema and tiier Ltitrnils' eeuSed sOitobes atsilng, OOIIng,, e Jetic, hlienid n.D. Bý, Preseriptien, r. ees sisolea. eotalrittio sn qukiyiop itees itebdrg- 5~ii.bli rve ,o oe et LADIES OROUP TyDifferen Drlink aiC quarterly meing ,dý,of Jthe local Lde Aid, buctïan excel:lenit beerage was-i- used, and the uests commete upon lueiclos avor. The pei dentexplineha-,tthý ban ron itea !and coffee waIdeference t-,0the -request f t he Governiment.Exres ing ?ais utin tthe succes of tue ex~primntthe chairman s aidj taken les ga huan would have'm benused for zea and coffee. Itha roslesal nithe.r tea )or cfeead su as saingte the treasury, am wellas asavig ontea, coffieé,sua Whîepr nit'a -meetoïng-of a socàety ,,r -a meal in youir easy tomae Japs PeaeFor Attack O iei RusIS lReady, Says 1-arri- son q"Fermanin 'lNew Vork Time-î or je gaerally admitinted tisat curreat expecttions of peab11ll,)Y Silbeia riay aise ia godmea- aura frein wisisfnl ilisnklng -'o'tise hope3 it woul i maka avallale u- genlly n ieede l air asesfor, tie Uita"IlNations ' !laSib)eria. On tise othar 1,h!and, fle Japallese, ws hav log looker upea Russia a"S he homAraitryeemy whicis mt sema da!,,y be deciîsivaly deaIt witti, rëalise even mrekeealy teday tatail tlieir recent expensivaly pluroisad Pacifie conquesîs -Nul be' -wisoly1nu1ltifilsae long as Japan proper remanls vuinaable te a chort range, determinai aI- tack îýfreintise Siserian aitad Tira liaIst age 0f tise Japase plan for isegamoaly, tise "Greater E3astAscaCopropsptySpisara" inybe aid te ha Ï eadycomplqet- ,Ai, mnety,lise conquest 0f Brit-i l-lkad AmIericaRnteroia n cmmercial oulpoats uis a Sisangliai, Hoag Koag, ise Piilip- Pine, Malaya anil Burina. TIiis iaves four princi!pl liste- aIres remaiaing frDat Nippon's nex coacertOil action, naily, IniAustralla,iCh-ina ailibar la,. Tise mrosn, seison wisicis ai- rcady isas started ila mua muat dîcuaeacion Ihaere, aItarIet3 for isenext seIa ols. Aýs for Austratia, it wolda- pear that rtise Cýor.alSeýa efnt s deAlyed Jppanase iîîvasi plans lisera fr lie enougli le enable SulMcent Aierican aid le reacis lise' Aattpoes temake Invasion1l tiatdirectin extrarney hausd oua. For a wsileta ilwas beIievai that China hail been selnetd for an, aiut miiiary drive,ut witis tis Yuaa puas petering eut at lise SalwaaaeI river and tise carr Lent Cýhekbtaag-iangsîaiction reveatIir'g ieiasdeslignad ïat Imost le clear tse ail rente e In Japa-nvia Kcorenl, ManchurIia, îCistas, Inde-) ChnThailanid and M.ataya te- lnaprthis leve niy Siber- la v fisere tise next large scata rnitiary 1aggrIe,-Sai,)Ilouid bacon- lerplatd. But tise Soviet wtlt .Inet ;e caugist înappfing. Pereainil aquaishIcs ti lise Japarnesas long ago niecessi!tat(ai a tciioate prpare lor tie in- evittabte showdIownI in Sib)eria. 1904 tisýe Ru,slais leaneilbiter lees ofhe ladiffcnîties encoun- leeai y tise supply services iftan amy la intise field eperating500 mites freinEnopen ases. Even thougis lie TransSibuai .railway la toda'ydoherak, tise coniditions of modemrj warfare par man in taris f heavy gas, tank!s, trueka, gasoline, anmmuali- tJin and genaral supplies. For ti-isi easýon dafeace ,stxagy lisei. broad seasa isas called( fortise ini- ten)siveý colonlization aInd develop- metof Sb)ieria's udrdvlpi aadn' sprepopullated vaýstueSS. lu htisa mtime, Ltisa Japanae1 haveý beeýn paralleling lise Sibarian dalvel0e'Inntwitstenivtop- speKIl preparali on of MalichIIuri ils n inlvasion base. Machku wCo-k of milways ta ail A-irail- wI ways WisIlil uwarraa, lte d fre- lin tisa cononie tailpoinit. ~I~is offenive (ienion o! C sas frei hefnsaedaacere the riwyarrown.ig l1lte apread fingera of thse hanid oward theý C Soviet border. To,, coanter tbis threat, ibe us slans, rýecogalizia-g tise d 0--utyo garýirisonliig 'and patrolliag [lhe Pen- tire leagths0 the 3,000-m1ile border betweenl Manchukue oand Soviet Rus-sia ihave decided te oac0ea-M trie on a ch1ain of stronigly forti- lied defence posta.Suberna airdromes-ý are scatitere.d about, - pecially lanttle seaboard "aqppenl- lx" of Siberia, exte'nding bq.ao frein .Vladivostock aswe- a s uKauin- cliatka, Sakhain a;,ndnegbrod Ilalnda, aIl wvithbin ea,-sy flyiag dis- tance frein laska. mandier--isiands iilaàhe, rlgSea '4 off Kaiatka ttiser.l"3 a a el- L1evelop)etu auàobmarinebase, Oppo- site 'SaIialin on tise ma1iaaa, Nikolaessk and SovietHibo r Service pýlned ,0te connicÉtIhein witis tls rnaSb,'a ysen H1W CAN I? prevenit sua'bura? A. By mixing twe onceý,so wva±er and tea turopa ýof gycrie add a 11111ýe perfum-e andl dab ti on thse skia with a sof t eloth; le-ave onl five minutes; fihe-iwlpe off -very gently. Q.How oaa I keep waterceSs fres'h and crisp for seývera1 days? A. Tt wl keep fresh ii, affer weashing and pi ckiag, it la drained and put ilaIe alheavy bag latise, refrigerator. Keep thse bag lan the moderately cold section.ý Q. Ilow ea 7 Idsoy Chigr on thie lawn andl bushies? A. By Ille liberal use of auj- phiur, applied -with a dil'st gýuan. on lawn's, of course, the cigr will disappear ii the grass la- kept cul.1 Q. How cena I prevent dirtfrom gettiag unllder IhE edges of lise fiagernails vwhilegp 'einor rdoiag othe-r dirly work? A. liisthle ends of the iner over somen candfle wa1x, taking car,- te get it wefll ander thýe nailis. When ilthe work is completed and thse handa wvashied,th ans il be as dlean asev. Q.Hwcan Ipeetprpr atien stains on a hat baad? A. FoldI a strip of clohn and place ('itl ander the i-nsidelhat b'aad. Thlis will prevent perapir- ation and oul from-' stiiagIh outsîde rbbilop o band. Rua OUT TIRED ACHES Relevs istes tamMONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNE%"S Lydia E. Pinichain's Vegeta-ble Compounid not only heips relieve monthly pain but -aise wealc, non'- our, feelings-dule te nionthly fane- tloiial cistuirbanei3. RIt elps bulild»Lp resistance against distress et "d1n - cuit day5."',Madncl Da'7taad- mu i i 51 priseciones up wt h rats one se far. Cep-PuIllvetetaaieo tha road. Driver-es, si. Cop-.Lemma soe your papers., Dr.iver-Which onýea'? 1i glý rny driving icnc, y egstra-' tien, m scascuiy ad, y angarratioig NOok,=y gas card, my selectiv-esriergs Iration card '1anatce ols policeman's baIl, British CmJmkn Tite Britono, through tise cyLca of, Ruasian Journaqlist !IYauhr burg: "Peopla wvhe de net know Elngland eftla msae Briti-sh caiamnesa for lack ïof da4terMiL"a- tien. Actually, hiowevar, fe-W Paoù- pues eaua match tise Britîis in -Àl sistence. The rBrili.sh tcalmily lose their lempera, calmly work thein- Selves int a rage, fight ealmly but furioaly." For AIlDfrti Wri;te For CtlgeT S. J. Dew 14q Church St., Toyons) 25YerEtalhe r aC"SS CLAS 51FIEn ABVERTISEMENTS ACORINS WANTEDxrr ACCORDIONS WANTED ]3eSt pri'eS paid for ia accordions, tweIve te0iiun- dred land i.twventy bas,,. THE T. EATON CC). LTD- Muo fiIsumtDpatit AGETS ANTED1 not tointerei ithinhomewui~ For fuit pa, ritý,ilrs ri g-t .&n yProc detsdet Canadast, ia- itecd, 115st. A end er o- treal. Que o Ibecalspota aus.roipteaAge t orur v ail pubicaLtos. Fui or art- ronte, Ontice. 31\otI laa Secufisto hn. Wewillr.- tien-tToonto, fyubu rn us uMunt ieasant otrs Ltd.' Head Office, 032 sou2tinceasin Roead, soronto elephone Hightv- landyou 2181.. t 88 AXER I6 TORNTO dey, as rbute quiomen'to ai- Siltcd ToroSfî,nto.e FOOTess thresher eshoys hýL Agar, 1beaIS , IUotorsiSpe foa lEltia for traes 2 Inch Ly, N15e feet. AI ýte ettran- i mete hipmnt aattrativer low p ries. ercanisegrn- inspctin. endyou orers te13 elO e SRET TROT DYiIG& LANN RAVE OU ANTRINU NEED Red and Crs oxces.Ramn RiNorrniaique Ranch, SLaF4t PATEFNTS Pa-te nt Solicitors. Es uablýlàhee 1 o ê'; i14 klngi w 0 t, Toronto.zý l'B11eek0et 1 info rilatio0n on r.- 'DON'T TRUDGE TUROUIGU Tl'le Heat, Ramý, of~H HAVE YOUR SNAPS Cay(Ior 8 expGsure film rfti dAvelJoped and iteif or ,oniy,-ï Sapreme iquallty aad fast s'3rv!,-e IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Stto ,Tor-onto, RUEUMATTO PAINS H -IGLX RCOMMî_"ENDcED --- EV- eysufferer '0f 1Eheumatie 1'alnos or Neuritis should try Dixon'c RUGS, NEW RUIS MADE FR0)11 oid,ý Domninion Ru gWlg Coin.. py.964 QeaSt.'AW., To)ront, -HANEPLO(Ci - WANTED, il O4- testant teacher for Secio(n 1 Belient, lten miles; north, -Have-olock* Duties teohegini lSep - tei t h.11 LýSIate salar,.Apply TEACHER 1tWAIVTED testaniLtteacher waatned fe 5. No. , Biland. Stai:te alaryam quaifiatons a so telephoneý TEACHER WANTED FýOR UNIO(- N SCEQO0L SEC (T lOM . 2, uliett Township. Luttesj te omence Septemilberl ýt, U142. State qaiictosandsary Aïppiy te F. J. ydl, ertr teacheerfor '-.S. No. 7 Rdife A pply ,,statiag, exýpC- eiceana salry xpeted Luteste om- T i R LES IIING SAýLE-A [ACfHlv: They don't need tu havetheir tea beaves read to find Wut bou a second front. Béeg Gen. ha C. Eake, Oen, wcommander of the U, Sý Bomber Commnand la Eu-Lrope; Mai, Gen. Carl Spaatz, chef of U. S, AryAir Forces fin the European Theatre of operatins; and Air Marahal SIr Arthur Harris, right, chief of thie Biih brCern- mand, are pictured conferrirg ever tea at an 1PArpr in Bitain