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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES ,y Thursclay mnorning at the Times Office Orono,0> OtarjÏo ates on request Subsciription-, $1.2â ptions to the United States, $2.00 ng -WiIl Receive Our Promipt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Co Buy reaizes that hîs country has t o nmeet Certifica the 'dIo ubigations o1 a war for his fr-ee- Cerifcaesde, can not maintain the sam standard of living durî,ng the con-- izens of Canada ing yean as he has in lthe past. Hie oset up budgets lias to plani not only Vo pay his in- , in ve of the come taxes but Vo buy even more as inuch as pos- certificates and bonds than. ever beu- inconies to Can- fore. ough the pur- It is plain thiat in order- to carry 1certificates. At out this programn, both the wealthy ice liolds good, and people with sllender )means, will offered casualiy jbe foirced to budget expenditures -mte renthe m-ore and more carefully, dacIe i n 1mosIt cases reductionis rust Ibe made lians can contin- lai spending oUher than for rent, Pro- 1kind of privatel pcrty taxes and food. And the oniy mig year as they intelli gent rwa-,y la whlch one can cut g' the past year spe.nding oni generai itemns is to Set icease ln incomlel fig ure for every casfiain of Io this by cuittin-gl spending, and kýeep w-ýithin that figure of cet ,ae Business filis and othe-ir orga-- ltecitizen, Who izations wvýhich malke a practisp of Township of Clarke] VOTERS' LIST, 1942 Dorothy Whyte ivho has been onie of the ýprincipal rensons for- the suc- cess of Mnra' Sunday Night shw(Sundýays at 10ý.15 pin. EDT, 11.15 p.m. ADT). While on, her holiday her iplace was taken by Maxine, one of Phi! Spitainy's love-i ly, girls, appearing ns ust sar. JuIst so ber fans w\ýont be lonesome, here is a cunignew pcueof Dorothy looking v-,ery sophisticated anddrmt. show\viiig indiviuials hcw to b)udglet e7elrsy last cent ofthi inomes are rendering an invaluable service to Ganad's War Finance prograin. dit CANADMN 9CUSTOM tir pioncer grandparents had a big job to called i their neighbours. A barn raicing" help from miles around. Skiled hart took charge; ides were chosen and com- between teams lent interest to the -work. A Canadiant custom was revived when 'c National W'ar Finance Committee wac MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARZKE COUNTY 0F DURHAlM Notice is hierehy givlen Zhat 1 have comiplied -with Se-ction 7 of the Votersl List AcV, and that 1 have post ed tup in iy office at Oronio on the 27th day of Jýuiy, 194?, the lisV of ail persons entitled Vo vote i the sald municipaiity for meirihers of parliamrent, or as the case inay be, at Munic 'ipal Elections, aid that such lisV reiriainc tthere for inspec- tion. And I hereby eaul upon aIl voters to tlake iniediate proceedings Vo have any errons or omnissions cor- rected acceording te, law, the last day for apipeals being the 15th day' of Septeniben, 1942. Orono, July 30, 1942. J. J. MELLOR, Cierk A new îprocess hy which the raw mîaterials for, syntthetic rubber and ani iipr,(ovedl quality of aviation --as- oline can be prý,oduced simuitaneous- iy fromi petroleumi was recently an- nouniced. e 4 gr formed and went into operation. Under the leadership of thie National and Provincial Coin- mittees-men experienicedl in the organization and conduet of financial operaion s-Local Com- mittees were formed iu ail comimunities. Co- operation and compeition characterized the work. The biggest "raising" in Canada's hi§tory eot away Io a magnificent tart. GOT1 A BIG JOB TO DO NOW goes on. The National Wjýar Finance ee carrnes on. Some will serve on the Our fighters must have more chips and tanks and guns and planes. They must have better ttees organized to promote continuied chips and tanks and guins and planes than the of Bonds, W'ar Savings Certificates and enemly has. We muet al work, and cave and lend. n»c. AUl of lis muet Continue to'buy thece The safest investmnents -we can find for our hties. We m-uet cave every dollar, every cent ri-and lend our mioney to Canada. We muetL le the mioniey required to carry on thc w4ar Smoniey required to win the war. savings are Bonds, War Savinge Certificates and StamjjpS-anqd they willjj provijde mloney for US to buy thinge that wTe will wvýant when the war is elnded. YOUR LOCAL WAR FINANCE COMMUTTEE tmike A02 Classified1 FOR SALE One oiu stove, 2 amil heaters,i rug and(1i robe. Aipply Mrs. A. Henry, 0 oroo.a-0c Ouir Vwo-acre homie is lor sale. For par-ticulars cee Wmi. Riddell, or the owner, Ilowivand Smnith, 354 Sim-1 coe St. N., Oisfiawa. C-31-1), FLOWER SHOW Newcastle Horticulitural Soeiety Anniual Fl'ower Show wvill be held in NewýcasUIle Community Hall on Thuirsday, Aagust 20th. Tea wil1 be served fm 5.30 to 7.30 p.m.. Ad- mdission to Tea and Flower Show, 25e. Ait 8, John F. Hall, ýof Toronto, wilI deli-eer an address. KLEEREX --A QUIOK HEAL- IN-G SALVE FOR SK IN AIL- MENTS. ýSold lin1two strengths, Me- diuim and Strong. Relieves Suniburni, Poison lvy Mosquito Bites, Burns, Cuba. Also heals E(ýcmia, Psoriasis, Pin-Lples, limpiletigo, lid. 50,c.; $1.00; $2.00. Recommended and sold by Tyrrelibs Drug Store. FOR PICKERING MUUNITION Caf eteria staff wanted-Cahes counter girls, rwaitresses, steami table servera .,Eprece o e cessary. Minimumi rate $52.00 perý month, 1oom1and board fre.Rl, giving age, etc., to MssJanrieson,ý George CoIes Limited, Ajax, Ontario. FOR PICKERING MUJNITION PLANT Men wanted for kitchen cleaning and and Porter, wovrk. Preferably ag-ed 45 to U5. Ex_ýperience noV neýessary. Minimumiii- rate $60.00 per monrth, roone and board free. Reply; giving aige, etc., to Mr. Wil- liamas, George (oies Limited, Ajax, Ontario.c--. FOR SALE Buàck, beautifuil condition, fine for snow; two ne~w tires, $95.00 cash. Green enailed) kitchen range, wood burning, ýcost $80.00, $-35.00 cash. Wood heater, cuitable for cihuiclh oru hall, $6.00. Two e-asy chair--, s'ettee, steel cot (with out mratVress), one 'bed, ouch, ail for~ $10.00. W. R. 'Dent, Orono, Phone 541 r-1. a-30-p. Notice to Creditors IN THIE ESTATE 0F MARY ýG. UORTON, late of the Tow-,ýn of Whitbye in the County of Ontarioe, and formerly of the Township of Clarkie in the Couuty of Durham, Wido,deceased. Cr-editorýs and others having d eaims the aboveý estatJ' are requîred te send fi-l], particulars of such dlaims te the uindersignied on or be- fore the 7Vh day of S'eptembery, 1942, after whiQ date the Estate's a-ssets wiil he distrlbuted, having reg-ard o)nly to dlaimrs that have been reer-v ed, and 'the Administrator -wiii be responsible for no others. This Notice g-iven pjursuant rto the Trustee Act, being- R. S, O. 1937, Chapter 165. SAMUEL L. BERRY, Administrator LAWRENCE C. 'MASON Bowmanville, Ont.' Ris Solicitor County and District News Mr. W. ýC. Weatherilt, of Mill- ýbrook, icelebrated his 96th birthday on Wedinesday, August 5th. He seeme In good health and on Sun- day, August 2nd, enjoyed a moýtr trip ride tlhro.ugh the wountry visit- Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PIIYSJCIAN and SUR GEON Offiýe 1ilours. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 P.nL PHONE 47ir1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Skerwin B.V. Se., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Oir'cno Ptmne 56 r 7, Orono, Out. John J. Gilfillan ~ ~QIALIFIED OPTOMETRISI7 Licenîiate of the College of Opt0mn. etry of Ontario Officellours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 9 U 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. B. Iyrrell's Drug Stn- Phone 6sr2 J. C. GIAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-- fbile anid Liability SOrono e Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSOIN Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction S'aies " of ail @"a and at reasonable rates. Perry, On tarie, or cee hie Olork, JL E. Moýrton, at Oreno, for date. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealersf AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oro-no Phones: Bowm--aeiviile, Day 480 Night, 734 and 5i73 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Fanerai Service in Durham Ouir Service-THE BEST Our Goos-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST I MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO UNITED NAÂTIONS ON THEE OFFENSIVE IN PACIFIC The United Nations are startir»g on the offensive in the Pacifie. Unit- ed StaVes Marines are busy in the Solomon Islands trying Vo drive the Ja4ps eut cso as Vo relief the pressure on Aulstr'aliýa. 1V certaiay seemarii about VIne tihat soeLtlhing was done to stop the Japs in that area. harbor at that town on flWedniesday of last weejc te weicone the arrivai of the ninesweeper H.M.C.S. Port Hope, froma Toronto, and namied la honjor of this- Lake 'Ontario town. This minesweoiper ýwill go te sea te helïp protect our Canadian coast lino. The ve.ssel',s new ensig-n was pre- sented by Mr. 'W. F. Rickard, M.P, for Durfiaam County. Six-year-old Florence Scett, daughter of Mn. and ýMes. Leslie Scott, of Cobourg, toppled laVe the haribour vihiie play-ing- on the e- planade la thait bown coa Tue-sday evening- of last week, and had a narrow escape frein dnownig. She was rescued hy Orrin Morris, -whco works in the ferry deqpot. Florence was playing with ber flve-year-reld brother, and wheni the aeidenb ha4p- pened the youing brother iinmediate- ly van e ver Vo the ticket office at the ferry dock and clhouV.ed that hie sii- ter had fallen ite the water.n iie younigster was unha.rnered hy ber duekcilg.

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