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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1942, p. 5

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THIE ORONO The wavr oni thie Ruifront la loooinig wvorse anid w r-ýise every day. ýýThe Gem nuae n i the- Cau- castis and the Russians do niot seen- able to hiold thiem ini tlie rv.Ever blie Doml Oosacks are unlable to sto~p them-i. j Apply at the OROÏÇO TIMES OFFICE Orono - - Ontario Service NMen 3Must Detach Gas Coupons The ordeýrsaof the il controller irgr ta the manner ilu which gasaline coupons are 'hanored nipon tihe purchnse of gasoline are quite expliLit n is pointed out hy t he reg,-ionlal office( of the Wartime Prices ani Trade Board, and n circular -which bias been issued te thase en- gaged in the gasoEine trade mnakes it cleathat they mnust be 'obeyedI. The enly precedure in tihds regard wvhioh is recognized is as fnlbows 1. The service station attendant wHi first ask for the custamer's gasoline license and ration coupon book. It 'la then bis 'duty ta comn- pare the icense numnber endoa-sed tIherear with tihie icense inumbilei ef the eustomier's miotor vehicle. 2. Mfteir inquiiing of t1he customr er ýthe quatity of gasoline desired the servie station attendiant mus, personally detach the 'required inim- ber of coupons iu the custmr's presence and lihen returr the gaso- lire icense and ration coupon bool ta the culstomer 3. The service station attendant miay then deliîea gasoline te the eustomer's car. Any deýpariture from the above procedure la a violation of the ail corVrollr'aadera. In Orono It's Mac Smith's - at youri service Pullover and Cardigan Sweaters dl$1,98 Corduroy Jacket, wine, 1 oniy.....4.50 Breakf ast Cloths and Servettes Ilouse Dresses of Bright Prints iiannelette Nightgowns, short sleeves . IMAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO RED &WIJTE STO RES SPECIALS FOR August l3th, l4th and l5th Quaker Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. 19C Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 21c Puffect Wheat Quaker, 2 pkgs. 15c Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. 19c Quart Jars, Crown, doz. $1.19 Rubber Rings, heavy cut, 4 doz 25c Certo, bottie 25c Mfracle Whip, qt. jar 52C Meat Sauce, 7 fluid oz. 25c Banana Flakes, from Brazil, pkg 21c Pilchards, in tomato sauce, tin 15c Crisco, 3 lb. tin 75c Round Steak, lb. 29c Sirloin Steak, lb. 32c Loin Chops, lb. 32c Bacon Squares, lb. 27c Bologna> Sausage, lb. 23c' Oxydol, pkg. 25c Veal, boned and rolled, 25c Shoulder of Pork, lb25 Butt of Pork, lb. 28C PHONE Local News L.A.'C. liff. Cowmni, ai the F., is home for a f l ays. R.C.A.1 Doris Cooper, of Ohmmlasperid- inig a week with Slialey FlirtLoif. Mia. F. Flintof, of Toronto, isý sperirfiig a week with Mras. H. Flin)- toit'. Mis. Liinbert, of Taranteý, is visit- inig withi her daughter-, -îMr. R. H. Brcwia. lMrs. Roy Rogers of Cobourg: ,apeut Saturday with Mr. and Mas. J. J. ýMellar. Misa Muriel Patterson, of Toronto, sýpent Sunday 'with Mr. and 'Mas. Dean Caiscadden. '2Ma. iand Mrs. Frmnk Hall are spemdiig this week at a aummnea cot- tage eaApsley. Mrv. Wilfred Froste luf t last week ta, rcsiimie bis duties on the merpi- ch ntmine service. Mrv.and Mus. W. J. Leamnen and Hïenaiy ihave moviid ta thleir inew hiome Lon Station str7eet. Ma. R. R. WadltIl sla aving the Kumaiite Apaaýtmemits bihtndup with afrealcoat ùai painit. Mr. iind Mas. ýMat. arisn are pednga week'a vaceation at ai summiier cottag-e noth af Apsley. Ma.M ioCarroîl d agte Normia, of Toronito, spent the week- ,n'd with _MrandMs Dean Gars- cdder. Dr. A. F. 1ýc'Kentzie ard Mis. Mc- Keaizie and littie child, have re- turned lame from tLhei~r two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Ci>ui-)ibacli and daugh-lter Misa rarmien, of Mi-ortreal, spent at wepek witb Mr. and Mars. Stanley Cha4pman. WrM. Allisoni Coixan ard Soni 8 ~ Bobbie, of Toronto, spent the -week- end wib b is parents, Ma, and Mails. 69c Thos. Cowar. Dr., and mis. J, Hl. Leslie, of M Peterboro, speit the week-end with DCthe latter's parents, Ma. and Ms ý top 1W. J. Riddell. Messrs. "Delb." -Myles, W9m. Rid- dell and Henay îCornisýh, atteirded the I.O.O.F. decoration day service at Cobourg on Sunday at. Lieut. F. J. Lorriman, af New- matket, and Mas.Larmn of Tor- ento pent the week-end with bis fathea, Ma. F. J. Lerai-man, ovea the week-end. L.A.C. John R enne, a Yakon Sask., spent a couple ofi days this w,,eek witb bis parents, Mr. and Mas. A. ýH. Renne. He aocoiupmanied the ladciy of a friend ta, Oshniwn. Pilot Ofl'icer N. F. Adams, son ai Mars. Chaerles Adanis, la continuing bis coursce oftriig in the R.C.A. F. in Trentain, baving retuireia-l!om England libe latter pa-rt oiMay. A men>.-,s'oftlball teani, from Aàia wll play a softball gamrre with the Kilriby teamn in Orono Comm1,-runi;ty Pairk on Friday evening. Kiby lost ta Ajaýx last rweelz at the latter place by one rua. Mas. C. Caiverley,' of Vir.giniataw,,n, Mr. and Mils. Everett Porter, ofi JTan~ti4lie, rs. 'Dave FoUnffi and son DiE -who are out nt the-ir o- tage were houre fer a short 'ii with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Mr. and ýMrs. PD. G. Hooper anid Mr. C. F. -Aiwde 'visited -Mas. C. F. Am-de et ler siîsýters, Mrs. E. Silver, North Eow.manrville, on Sunday hast and fouaid Mas. Awde greatly i-,r paeved in healtb, and expects tîa be home soon. Ma. T. J. Harper Allen sapent Sun,,- day xwth bis parents, -Mr. and Mas.i R. H. Allen, Ohunc street. Othe-r recent vsitors were, their grand- dauglhter, Miss Eileen Allen, of Toronto arnd Miss Betha Thomii-pson of Newtonville. Mrs. D. J. Holderft and dJaug- ters Dorothy Ana and Shirley, of Haiveleek, Mrs. F. Adamis, of Tren- 'ton, anad Mrs. Gordon Adamas and Bobby, of Toreniýto, visited recently wit~h Miss F. M. Cobbledick and sis- ter, Mas, C. Adiams. New, rmodemr- test equipment en- Wblei one te make fast, dependable repaire to any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Or-no. . tf. COOKING UTENSILS 1 The womien on tihe home front can make tihir onrbtirto,-wnrids re- lie'ving ihe rnetal situation, nom, ser- ions ns a re-sulit.of the wr by tak- ing Spccial care 0.of metaf cooking utensils ard ether articles cof metal in the home. Everythîng frons pots aind pans to flpswaLters is& no-w in the eritical material class. The -wise ffing to do la to miake every article of metalinh the home lasit as long as possible. Aluininum las in the preciou's netal claS S. Arny alliiiuium pots or uten- sils eau be iade to last longer if they are washedl as soon as possible aft'er lood is icooked ia them. Food should nfot he stored ln themi. They should not be cleaned with -water in - Mvhieh bthere is soda as it causes ahi ium toturan dark and pît. Brass and copper cena ha kepit cean and n goed condition bhy washing with soap and water. Spots niay be remnoved if rubbed witlh bot vinegar anid siait or lemon rindl and salit or bot bouttermilk. Metal poliahes shoild -neyer -be used or any kind of cleaning powder on nicikel or chr'omlium l plating. It car be kejpt tirigbt 'by being- wiped with a damip (loth or witlh washing in soapy water, rinsing and drying. lOrono 2Tin1 hopR-f Some Metals are hard to get If you need any get your order in as soon as possible R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. rn Ph4 [ma Sorl6 PARK ST. UNITED CH Bey. S. Littlewood .paster During the nmentb. ai August wor,-ship at il a.m. Mil. J. J. MELLOR wilî oifiiate at these services There will be na evýening service Local News I Mal. md AMrs. J. E. Collins and faroily, cf To)rorýto, penit Sui'day wk~h Ma. and -Mas. JT. J. Mlba, m]d Mýrs. George Colawho hais b em visitirýg with her da1nghte2r, Mis. Mel- lor for the past six wee-ks, euae wit'htheim ta Taranto. Visitora a-,it Mr, J. F Lerriman's, Ccoill111, ovea the week-end weae: MVr, and iMrs. R.. 'C. Ellis and Stian- chan, of .South Poeiupine, Mr. arid Mivt-s. E. G. Stialcelîs and Mas. G. P. Breaýkon, of Toronito. Mr. and Ms Ellis are staying over for a longer visit. Tlhis week -Mesarvs. W. J. iddell and ýA. E. We-,t are, celebraiting- the anaiversary of their confirmeàt ta ba-raoka j ustIlane year aga Mon- day. That wns the day Aib« West went ta BillJ's barber shocp for a shave, with thbe resuit ýhat Bill's shop was- placarded for scarlet fevea and Aib. was sent homne with strict crdeas ta stay in the hanse until cured aofthe sicrlet fevea. The bakirg le held ! y the Orona Womeni's Institute on Saturdny af- ternoon of hiat week 17 was a real sqedcess. AIlthe baking was daps edl of and the W. 1. aealized the sum of $20.40. Tea was served and rmany wha part)o1k thereaf lhad their- cups read aid jnow lcnow wihat the futture hiolds inà store for, th.eml. TAKE CARE 0F Mr. Mmc. Sai, oÇ f Torduto, la 2CLUB MEMBERS for, n two dmys' visiu wAi bsmothes.STAG PAl TY GrU; Mi4j. ard Ml-J, imton r Mr. nn PMs, . E.Ariýio a M-'thn10 imeriber's af fmil wreon a fsinbti ~ a en's Chibof the Chuîch or Scugog on Wedns 'ay. AMary ILvagdaiene, Toron e A( few ofh diretos f Dnahiam meof Dr. W. 1H. Wlo C'etr al -Agric-i uIl; lSoiety are 'rT-uesday at. A lito ora buay cenigMp tiu-0e mu grolUlê Head, kîiowu iia s Newca tb in preparatior for ihe m i mu a, Mie Lake, lplread y Dr. Bai] Ororo )orn ri a 1 ard ý éýturdavy reail ta fthcgroup foHlowing Septeniber llth and 12%Y per, Anioug the guesta werc. hehigis rew lunfCHlswing hnliTerence Crosthwait ef FS. I thi ditri'~ wih mat f h' ~.Anlican -eurh, Pot Hope, ens thaeebig out of dSorsi, as mi-ost Reiv. W. J. Byers of ISî. Steir of thel arr are fihed up w\it'lh hay United CI-urcilh, Toronto. ami ather Ted.Fairlv gýod yids - -G- - are in evidercee this year. Try us wth y'our prhihig rec FUN FOR SUNDAY H1ere is 1àfaestro Allan) Mchrer, wvlo's pres(ii'ng over fthis wek'ti-iio of Montreal'sý Sunday Ni'ght Variety August I16, 10.15 EBT, 11-1Ï5pni AýD T). Draiwig lis insp)iraion from thle ftmaital, Mr. MelIver îhas7 planned a gala salute to Robin arnd Ranger, two0 of Rolly],WOod'(s most prolific sangsmith1s .ý . . And listen ers are also gigto, hear the entý,ire Su.ndcay Evenitig Show c!ast in -Mr. Mcelverý's 'Impression of Hollywoo' impreçssion of two of the moast popular song-s in the comi-rnity snea repertoire. AR MST1RONG'S 1IT P AY S TO "'"P AY C';AS H Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thutrsday, Friday, Sat., Aulg, 13, 14 and 15 DRESSES G;irl's Print Dresses, floral patterns, smart -Etyles, sizes 3 to 14 yrs, clearing nt. .. . ...98c. Balance of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses on sale sizes 14 to 44, priced from .. $1.98 to $6.9â TOWELLING Now is the time to get your supply of towel- jing, roller toweiling, part linen, yd . 29c, 3,5c. Tea Towelling, 24 inch- es wide, part linen, sale price....aeui each 5c. Loin Pork Chops trimmed ib. 35emm Fresh Sausage 21lb 35c. Blue Rose Rice 2 lb. ..29t. IIOSIERY Ladies' full fash-ionled Corticelli Rlose, chif- fon......12 Service weight . 1O IBroken lines in silk and rayon Ilose, reg. 35c., clearing at _..29c Latdies' Fine Lisle Hose for ....... ....49c. LADIES' APRON S Made by the blind, fine quallty printed broad- cloth, large sizes and good styles, at 39e., 4ac 65c. and . . 7c No. 1 Peaches basket 75c. Large Lemons 3 for il0o. Fresh Ham Shoulder Pork Round Steak lb. 35c, Cabbage J, J. CORNISHa 2r'2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery ý dsI.

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