The acarrier p1g0on .11MasbOee giveni a plcDinI Royal Cana- dian Mir Force, Scores orf lpOinfuiesw o)ffoed ta - srvce to the Fad- erai ovrmetat the urak of ~ ~ ~ ý wa uyt atlthere was n e u a f o t h e m) , u w h a e t h cha nice frh an ý.tauouuemtea quartars SOhatathir evices are npeedt. Thae .CA..leauiesto re- crui imediaelysoma 70eper ieuced lfmna pigeoon hanti- la-rS are calle'd-for c;ervice on îxeracel hanimig aumi train.- ing- racing pigeonîs will lie the de- tarninig factor hn rsp- tive rcutsapyat hÉ eua R.Ce euting cenresfaroes The loftmau AHl becoma regu- lar mambaI)rs 0f tha Re.C.AF. and, arter a pericd of training, takIle upý pestoa t varieus eperationa Sta- tions. They wlitrainrcigpigeons to"homue" af-ter iugrela-ased from aiircr-aft far 011t at sea or in- lnand[iainiwi iL laCttR.C.A.F. flyig personel on haudllg 0f thre birds, lEach 1fta ilhava fr-on' 50 to 200 irdts 1undarI hic charge xWen the naw lofts are comnpleted coma Ume A Seplam- ber, Carred "tgt a plan, e, abOrd wilbe takanï out, on the Aiantie andi Pacife patils for Use acscar- resof messages ani mape. Fliers iay depanti on thie pigeonif planes are forceti dowu at cea or in barren coutry -with tha radio out of Comission". s uN DA y LESSON 33 Prie4 T.sXt:Genesis 20, 183 GOLDEN TX BIs dare ble lldon fGd-M- THE LESSON -LiN IS SETTING Tine, Approuimately 1800 B.C Plyc, PrînicîpalyCoGerrand ls;aac ths e l-'iDggerý 18. "And llcac tiggad again lad digg dte days of Abra- ilm hlis fte;frta Piit mecs lia'! stoýpweitlmateh (Math of Abralain andi ha callat the"î, ir nmes afrth nmes by hcfathe hadcleMd tei 19. And Isaac's " srat ,Dige the 'i herismno crrsrv with sa' hrse, aig SCOIJTING £ a a A Special SCoult Lunlit 5of 10 0 boys closen from dîiffrenti To- ronto Troope provutedi a messen- gar service throughouf ftahe ,cant conivention of P,0tarly Internia- fionali at Toronito. Tley woýrked fron11 a-leatIquartýers sct up iii Union statin. Ta a firet aid cenipetitIonl for fIe Boy Scoutesof MP co out, N.S.,i ld a a,ýýiw Glasgow hy Stipe uitendenit James Wite of tIe Firt Aid and Draeger Teaim of t)e Acadia Coal Company, thle unusuai score of 99 out of a pas- ibla 100 ponts was matie by the taam rapresenfinlgthe 1fStelar ton Scout Troop. -Boy Scouts were wideiy usai tîroughout the Doiion f0 col-. leet augar ration aPpplication carde from lprivate hms Bocy Scouit traiuing ;nas oc agin rau Vadwith sctaing ife when Jack Pinot 141, of Stratlroy, C,)t,, duringa hike with -hie, brother anti another younger boy, ani len cl oma mi][es frorn 1any holp, feu on a pice of broken glass anti sevareiy eut lis arm. .van Picot, 12, promiptly imýpro)- vi seï- a tourniquet, whbieh control- led VIe bleedng until VIe boys couiti rea(,h the Srafhiroy Hospi- tai. Jackc Nvs a patient there for sevral days. In lcs fan ayeaýr 'thaScouts of Auror, Ont, hae raisatiover $300 by savae ork, anticn tiueithis to various war fuis, ncluding $80 f0 fIe Can- adlian Scote' B-P.Chine UCp Funti for the Scout var suffer- arc of Britaîn. ïlA\yýne ,hubo as or can imake tfIe fime u VaiIabl2or can thr wise a-sý-st in fIe vworký of th- BOY Scouts s oca ion snot oi m-alinýg aw'l w ecotiu tion towurfds t'liewinuiing 'of flic "var, but possiiy evn more imn- porýtant, towardis VIe building up) .cf,'the future mlaulooti of flue coutry"-Cl.P. G.Witaw ]Dirýecor of Military Tratiig. A mobile wa ervice tua cn VeuwaspeeneI by [fia,2.3 Bocy Scots off teIa 1aleswowen scout 'ITrooP of BirminghDam, Eng.- land, tote Y.M.C.A. The eau- t--eon nas receiveti on behlf of the ,Y. by Sir Alfred Pickf-oii in ae ittle cemiionïy at flie Royal Mîens, BuOckinlghamn Palace. T-, fendýs lfor the purchase of fIaeana- teen wvLe r ised i l inamouthi b-y the boys, badkedby a cn loiftee of par. us nt oha ep~ the nan fit Suh,2,Ani ha raloaifom tecandï Fi ggedilanothar w,'Ill-,- and fo"r t hat they strove not: and hacalled the naine of it Rehobolî; ani hA sa<dfor no- Jehovali buth Mati room fcor us, and cwalishAh i fruIu in the land." Isaac called tlie jname o2 f thEfss wa cn, meaning contentio, bause of hi experienca vith the'en cf Gerar; we omeldte av fLue el, iecaledth nxtone duý,g by tanm inh eun e1nmity, for the opsto ofite Phistinas was now berciingac- tQomlybpeecution a uow bra- nionad mdli urthraat a hobodth, fort11 miles from er aesin Oir, Almoet ail WC av preaced frmie partîcuar perX haebeen choked bylvrs a x- peiece,;b dultAuthne glecteof0fEn, 24)hj, "n eohapaa n 'o' Tiat Ésereen dloor ou Elm St. lu Clifforti GoWSldsifl's m-yti;cal Can"ter-ville le soon f tarfbanig- i-ng aguin. I nf, fliie Thureý- day niî a .3,"'I Altiriehi Faiy"ref-reehati afier 'afva Other NBC-CBC s ea sonr. Br Stone nuîl continuea as lHanry Aidda, Vth e e acreatetifMe yeýars ago lu Goldsifl'hs Bronti-- way play, "Wlat A Lfa 1" Hak's patienit fafller, sam Altriel, plat.- At by Houe Jameson; andi typil Am-erican boy's miother, Mrs. ie Aliil (Kathaerine Rat) ; sitar Mary (Chana Bauer) antifriand Homrar(jack Keik) carry on as before., For Vwo years, national popularity survay's hava placetil "'PIe Altiiel Famiy ong thaiý top iv ofal ahrdio shows on fIhe Ir--se hre'e for anothar year of fun anti comedi wifh he Aid- ricuhs--starfing TusaAg uMt-3 .0pm 1 an the, Gý'oi of Abamth fathier: fer nt, for Iar1 wt thee and wlll hlee thee n ulti- ply t1hy s-eed for m eratAb- raham' s sak 25, And he buld- ed an altar thor and called upon the 'name ýof eov ,and p)itchei his tent tee;adthr saaýc' servanits dggda el, eer- sheba was a sacrad place in the life of Iacsfaiy and hiere ht wold seem, in (SIs plan for hsis f, libuloseonged, lEra' Here for the --'firsttie w f the uow aml.artiie,2 teGo"d of Abrahani', Ja t oc eoddto this atair teean aldupon th nama of[h2a L'ordaudpitched hi tet hee:sd tee sacsser- in tha Farac' rsoa ife, Firstcre h atrwt t prayer with itscncoseso naed, thn he tntwith its wit- naeto hom. and then comaes Fthe ho e sum u ee rytin ta is and then haaetr.God must be Furst in eveythiug.; 26. "Th1en Aielciwent tG hom from Gerarc, adAus hýis friand, adPhclthecati of bis host1. 27, And Jacsaid! uinto taWheýrefJore ar-e ya coma unto]me, eengye ht e and hv etm wyfro you? 28. And tHey sad, Wa, saw plainly that eovl wswith- theu:and WC ssl t Let hra now ha an oatih hti us, aven ha- twixt u1's and th'e a ad )tli s mrake ua cveanvith thee, 29, that thon SAl do us no hurt, as ive hava not touched the?, and as we have done unto thea noth- hng but good and have sent thee away in peace: thou are now the blessed of Jehovai. 301 And A mnade them1 a feast, ant i tey did etand drink . 31. And t'hey rosa un eie in the mliorning an-i sware ona to anohar: and Isaac sent thlem awynd they de- parteti from hum l eae"The first word of tis paragrapl is very significant, than. %When 1le aac came Vo t'ha place wh1ere Go'd dafinitely wvanted him to ha, as soonaos an altar bail bea u tUp, a1ntithe vworship oCf God rsmd tfien another blessingz camie into his lif, namely, peaca with thosa Nwho formerly were his anemnias. Not long beforathse Aielc had told Isaac Vo geV out oif !hie sighit; now- hevery cama ma comas to Isaac, ackniowledging thbat God was ith I saac, and ask-. iug ,that hawoldenerinto a covanatwit vihihm and hie people, Lo do Vhem no hurt, an agreement upon which Isaac etered aeone. Isaacmon tca frieudhîpof his opponents by lis patience, as the verses after -the texftelal. Thair consienes nd hart ,-aec todhad, and they 'eaw plainly that the Lord wus with hini, and sued Fium for alliance. Lt is batter to tur n aneis into friands than to beat ta and have thami as eummies stillMBAt'hea a n's -ways pleaseth Lord, ha inaketfi aven hbis enemuies to ha ut pe'ce wi.h im WITH DAME conductet the NBC Symwphony or- cýhestra ov,'er tha NB"C ntokin the American introduction te th remarkable wo, coutinuet- conederbletime after the proI- grami was off the air. !Writen Under the fiySie of Lanin- grati, whara Vhe composer inter- rningled active oire warden duties wth ie cMOposiug audeavors, fIe work, as pradcep ,cas %4àetiby Amaricn îstenrsas un eloquent 1indictmnt of Axis aggresson ant tyranny. Doubtlass this greaf wýork will sooii be aalbaiou records, and wHIl soon become part and I prcal of thiecofnts great symphonieorgnztos Russia's music and cmoesare equaily greaLt and na nul ha ear- <n mel more of tham boti dur- ing the monlthe to coi-ne. On luefa Wednesdiay's :Bandwagon prograiin, locallyprodued fromCKOC eai week (,0pm)anal-usa program waýLs peetawth fI farnous Do-)n Coceneks Choi ý;r' Peotior Chliapin and Iro)g Gori iuterpreting the imusie. Mvadleie eCarroil tooktiuof froi lioneyrniooniing w-it f irin Hqaydan tVo make twoapeaana on "lCavalcade of America,", Ag Srti and lOtI Walter O'Kaefa's "Star Spang- lad Vudevile" sruesfor NB le7 soiyithing of a radio rabbit's foot. BotI Walter antid yrot Page (fhe show'e baileader) lava onatditional netw;ork con- trýacts sinice the sho-w opeati, anti Jolnny Burke, soierc-moniologist of 1917 anti Gracie ieTis "Pe Sweetlaar'It of fIe Epr"bf landeti Broadway spots affar ap- peuring on fha programý. Johnny'i ani Gracia will open in a uawýý "Pnioities reve in he fL. il-lis CURJOUS WeORLD B4L 7~4~ SI4ADE KNOWN s~'r~ GOT i-rS NAME PROM 8U~ L~4TN~, ~%~-UCH WAS MADE 0F ', eope~ i#~e!avies;ue. N ~~8A.L~PARK~ WIIRjz:GLE' FJELSD Ç-20 PA-K, Lou-is;Wiie 'elCicg Brlgs tdimVtrit hieParkç,ý I GREAT EMyANCIPATOvRI HOIZ ONTAL 1'7 Former T, I- S. A.Prs. C dent. SL lSiack. HE 1 paceo)us plant., 17 To doze. H 13 To risa ini vapor. 19 To oifer. 20 Tobaccoqut. 1 21 Coring tievice. A 22 Paeface. 24 Boue. t 25 Allegeti forcýe. 39~A 26 Schame. 140 S 27 To whip. 412ZIr 28 Pair ( 4,1. T 29 Riglt - .b>'44SI 3,Carbon in, 5 smoke. '4" Cý 32 Rodent. 48 -0 33 Measure 0of 50H~ area., 34 To pack away.U 35 Angar 51 Hl 36 Turn. b 3.7 Owuad, 38 Pertainingfto 1. M ->Answer to Previous Puzzle CH !CUJQjAP -qT9N14AV U~TJ~I tOE.L~ te suia. 2 Premîum fn or Aluror, ban, Stump. 3 Street, luiprisoi)meuýijt. 4 Sua3k.. remptafion. 5 Masculine peecîlees. proiioun.n bahncal seat. e) Staiti om rlystal gazer.,7Falsi:fier. Devoured. 8Distinctive lfought to hoy - fIe 9Nortîeasf :e -ea 10 Coustellation. VERTICAL 12 Nor-thwest 15 PRequixrment S18 Therefor-e. 19 To- boact. S20 He was aat of great .... or bravery', 2 Sheme. 23 Ha was ae- 28 Hangar-on, J30 Mountedi poliemran, 31 Daggeir thrust, ra32 Lawý. 34 To close.» 35 Golfar's çry. 38 Brief rule, 40 Auc(tion.* 41 Row Of ceries, n.'42 SwVord combat, 43 Twie. 44 NMyseif., 45 Spaý,inu.abr.) 48 Affi rmatiýve Vote. 49 Noun euidingi, j, Dl G STS NE slcm m PAP D CATECOPI-CAL MAL POUI M»011 ON HAG V NI[ E!