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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1942, p. 7

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Icebergs Add To SPerils 0f Atlaniiitic cithefli Route Thisvle lotnce wiren iwceireg1 ýEve île jUtera lewees fshc "er, and lal I w -tave L o tr pocrloun NeniAtianile. prm April to Jaiy tiraso latn fer-tresses Of znaiture diisul ard rontBaefn ny.Smtre lhyare se luge tàîn)t ileydar M , own below tire surfacelirnte xiost powo.rfal aubJ rino cengo' Enemy 1-bonias off Nwonln and Itire Anterrean caima 'aohfor tireso lalgwls0 tcee nieefniy as tire seet Éorrdeoectors 0 f ýeetdetors Tire borga atr l renand wioelire anowf aUi iamdeato, Imn-- buMtreSun la weak, Tbey are iionior e-"chlips" e Geoflt' glacIers, whidl)irmove 30 te 40 fot a5,day or sretmsfaste!, 'Tire '#umi.bldi glacier ï 60 ilJes ido, Ueually Float nCrei Thoeso rivera;2 et Io 10w uw tu tire sep, wirero wld and cÉon rior tirehiîfi e t ner ireneail oed tire over.bainîg 0f tiri weight above,break oMt spar. bed.Enlir unesappn u îrienexhaustiblo mi u apaen glacer ecomes a burg in tieremin, icebergs fluai la adlîdefied cauents frnt iroir orieanursery, mioivlng ont in lIe spirng te find n homue la tire eop son, and scatterlltgtereie ever sente !POO 0 iles et àia stni e tbousand miles locng sud brd- roda et iles wide. -1 Tiroy need net be p aindtoc pIhis strip, and ofter wnreut- IdMe, whon tirne cret105e ib oýr w-hiey luso irecrn- 11rai is, whon i iey"ro r eeofr ous or deeýpIy sumege lThe son by ',iroag crrenjts, pe)ýrwape 4,0ù00 fotdwn, Uis idefytag sIura:co one-Eighth Abo've W'I"aier On)iy oaie-i-gil or-su,0f- an ice- ber'g la Visible abovowtr.Pn nele e 1,000 foot have Ion rg - mnas tirai sncb beGave700 footo! nseeni ce 1w.S e bergafetiwe millontons endure haegoree grennd ocýffMvie :Bay nnd Lbuocetn au vtire0ecean bod. icebergs eauir -besigioed et 25 miles on naear day, sud 100 yards ai night. Fer, 97yertw cuea plueoearrid on tire burden oumd !Pg tirhe etfgrTeat darger edaýe 13 anationrs iusîiag treNort ,&taaicsbpjnglanles guiteý(-I g aie nd instiinted a 0aru. EacbD i s oaeut for 15dysedto voileved. -wirdtails et lis locýation, la ýsenjt te ahipasaWig bragl tMre rg- jeu. Six radio mon on tire ceuitr are kepibusy aigu a"ù dy menlt o! ier'ibLkdirctonu drii and spoeedtibeir -n cra tire so rouies ilamacs!ei lot,- ted Shroudod in Fog No Reïoius effort is»ma4 ,Do te d- ally impoýssible te do au. An au-Il d&esen ine wilu clip ofntw tons, Abeve île -ter a charge Mf dynamIte or aboli IIel 10nake a amIl oce Xh la peeýsIblofor, n sip 1te smash ùaie one wiren stIli seeiuigly n' 310aw-ayfrom ire vi-siblepotn of tle bil. Wlren parts et ' tire6 Icebeg îmou or faoffceîlecontre of blamec i siihed-iike a ma-w tain iavrning "ena a s - v eter tnîe GfStream, brg la4d tirirr ewa etrcin. l ~îgl e ntiras mauy ns 387 berga lave bn COnnteud bytie eto and île gran'd ttal for27yar la ablouit 13,00d' i'o'w fient aribo soti ita îl 1!ývfpAaliol ni New E'rkat tire bg geaiegor etf al lies la ir henvy You-shc wor! f atdae a serve yoorcootohceHm -,ods ior fi;; ly ihae * an arieu(ise f elïghtful dseî cen e aade uiclyeasiiy and at littIe cost, wthpure, high quality, Canada Corn Starcli. *SERIAL -STORY PY CECIL CARNES his tone was equabe, there -as tiil> trac'ofred toCo1or the 6clear olive skiaef i-ceeks. A the officer respoasible for ihis disritI ave -lately fouaid it ad-. vîal okeep an1oeiontclo- gram. A ild cnsrsip, you tregal. The wvre toyou came trghthie sanli baoffice hl I was teean-d itwns pa before me s a-, torof routinie --police routine, senoir'" AI beg your pardon," said AI- IaYi, rising rsad hI-3iîng onthi baad tnm . t ore nicn "I shoeuldhaeeebeeiou ofiiipositon :and fl ot spokeni oldgOing to el in a hack yoiu aecertainl'iy justified in doing ovrtigyou can tio koep ti litecornerofipacfL "My sentints exactl," od- dodth Meicn, ndgave at fredypressure ojý fmîhi stronýg finigers to Allan's Iband(, "Anid porhaps we shah have the plens- ure ofyour opaya dne is Rnihn, deonai sef agan, he sauatored backt A where his ebarming companion awaited hlm. Allaa mae 7aàgimaceat th the tbing in bs pocket, He gave some though-t toe, waatwonidering i teaxos. wudsna-p or thera'diator low upWhteerelse EscobaIjr ightî Wlh a capital G in lis neck ûo the woods andit mdoAllan a bit une~omortab1 to iehomight baýve ocmean obýject C o su- piinto the plc.It would hot reimous tu wo misson bfchwre slped intoth ,e lclhoeo on charge of bi1asp o ffh- But te coonelhad see quit god-bmord aoutit, lhe tried to tereas'suro hiîmself, and lo, ho ea.lly bad1erionsdoubts Of Alln's bona fid e hewud bardy have ipped offbis hn o opeply abouÀt the "extrïa-legal" censor'- soip. Morover, his suggestion of ISSUE 33-'42 0Le r. l e "ur se t eROUGH VOUR OCALSTOR u. G. EXTRACT KOALA JU-JURES KALA En ,lL I E ýiJ à ý ý PC -7Ë,YTU mused AW.len, dissnadingte edani from plunging nto a clump ut eoola cactus. Mexicans have a repýtatj-cInfor tai1f e ea.sily, but tbey stand for nofolisîne-sa. "Demn' fficiet tese rur- ales !" rntrdAllen, "'The e ho spotted tint San Iego date- jolted off no1arly ton mlso bibahell, 2Allan ,slowedlup fand began to look about hlms for Sun su's iaadmark, mHo discovee it presently, wel off1 e e ef i of tie on le %was un iI devi- dently qito nea-,ritje shore of the Gulf,.1-t wasý a atezCep little li, pe-rhaps thirty fecet bihpnd the top weýTs coneUy e grovo of knotty gaidodpinres. I f -ho couid gain thMirsheiter usen ho could ho comfortaly sure of enebnosu Tbore vwns a jun,-gl),etofcactus te tbe rigbt. Ho lcatý,ed e ýbreakin the grygro vall, turned mie it daringly, and parked the long- snfein edaý-n wlire t wonld net be noict(eod forIte roadl. 1No0t a, souil was in sighI. 1Ho migit lave touheh ldLower Clifornia, te !hmself but fer feint souna o buran ctiitywhich carne frorn îlbedretinof tle withtlitbm île riteof chains ;and thre eank of machery. "Tho cannerpY, I xpeci. 'fie canery-aad Mat olse ?" His right bad Ient ack to toucli bis bi-p-pocket,toulte egt o)f bis atmti n reef enclough of ita presen-ce. Just for uLrtk and t 0nin f poor l'Harry Bisbýop, hc took iýt out and made sure itwan la eadinensa-for luse with a bpdemc edi,"eil boere goos!" stooûpiaýg ahitiPis -Lert eyes watchfui, h h e dusty rond ai-d bae rs-onr for tho pine-tupped hBcHo ld on can- Vas leggiags hc roeidhlmr fron cctsspinea - aad other moedeadly perila. SeverI big scorpions scýuttIed way t bîi s swift apocaa ibaiono warning eat hlmto watcb bis stop.) Ho read iho bae cof tbe hm1 IH.AY FEVER ISINUS SUFFERERS 4cIe Cola., BroncMItîs COBIAfON25~ or istinctive Se ice AIIIIT T E Mll'È ,ýý Êli VI with npu morCe ta hs etla ho was within a fe ot of the to MTI(nle-I- d ndweLat tes eCo thýe waiy con banýda and iýIees, Mecametonthogrove of pin, cawld trouli t to its froredge Mad dropped fiat 0on bisstoachlaas nie afron1t- Elne berain otas, nature Strethe beor hm as thec blue-reenexpane ofth uf flected aa fsnlgt Ars the wtr er tonmiildis- tanpt atntis pont ws tiuhazy andwih n sgnof !h.abitation-. These details hold Allaa's at- tention ,nom'ore thananisnt 'Whaýt ho wsinerestod in wasa group of i*lands whicb la cose îasliore, almost dirocty .bolow him. ý Thocy stretcheid ont in a ebain aallto thieshran sepaatedfror-it as Sunl Su lad sai, b a tiit ardy mreta ai hnndred yards in wîddhThore scouth trnhte asgand AIMa crembered thOmocan tids reac-hedup ire uifevn sfar as tMi. Onytoof the ilads- the Tigeslofth Irn , had was a bat o-onitsaors shoe; n te frthsta long pmier j 0ttodoutinotat,-r, Ltwas easily iiOnugh to bertha friher wil oaig argo If canned fis. hethe-r cpîdisil a aý good deal MIaiIr thn te first, Allan aoted a roomy, hit atoe bunalo intbeconreand a houseo -n its aroýst sioro, 11e saw tho iurs of n ax n iled at, ndho focnse!d bis ,glssoýs con thoýrncrosyNite wasJaaneeThe vwomaun vwas in aL iuna, odcdd Theman ws blod, total an broa-shuldeed;he igIthtave bon an Amercan but frmthî wa le euqi aap ih hiu hands àas le talked, StihI ad ail, ho chi f entre of the seot odAlasbe- wtere iggýing incto tbe ide of a vatnga dr, eaylie substance rhich waes put on boind barrows and cari t i scw 10Y the wato's ege.Whjen it was 0oad- launchý- to the uanr iln nd ano0tborscýo cme p 1to be fied, "Sonetlung wrong about ti, mnutered A104n waing bis brow in prlxt.'Yudon't use iay lacaningfish, do you?, I Wonder why tho Samri1111 Sun Su dida'tmention this digging? It couldve tatdIsuppojse, after h 1 ceve1islat:epr frorn bis s "Ho shok is ba aboutsos- liq thc mddeof that vwish, 'a rattiesako whirred somo yards cbeind hlm. Hoad done aotcàing hiaiof ytorethemont nervouis of sie-wiaer;lie tuaod bi hea qiclyte se whaut lIad, straimnoe emu=&lecifa rifle It was beld by the equot Eurasin, and behind hM ere sixshor tu strongly bulîtJapanese. Te order, "H,-ands n,ý p, SeoStý- ,,ý s1LLeele ReqestNumrbers frorn sait adwîr ar syrup of Vteaspoon ceieryseed( Drep in dandvgtbe n ditl.Sealclsey K)ieL. eChaRmq e fwleonejperse&Na0 peves." Rqemuts ote, eelpe o peel mnu ae s ose . ACCreut bers, 7WstAeade Stireet, Tu- restào,e " SenS stsPlm.e1efadese enveleýpe if ye"P L-tb s ea', Canada To Send Wheat To Greece rcntly tirat Ger ray ild Rfi- sa foü coniduct for 0-imntut15,- C000 Tens uet C-afadin«etmu ]y to hngy adsubjnPgatedî Grooce, Tire tiri tpwilbaesbn frm 9Cnadiuza sat c pa ort, Milipoissaidi, -sud îYxe con. tiinlg ahTiments, giJfla efthre Starvehtion eaIrs l Ahasnin le ari wre500 ada, e Ald e' press cnerne L-ondon le ïst we elsot pa Greek ifrainofl,co laWash with CGreek foc;es i ie coqur- edkigon resistanmce ame iln a of ~Caada Lmited, for itas u'Ome ioday biack one tura, Put on -hi l ovlhaviaig jars 'abOCut Vl1/> incitesý apart. Proceas at 275"F. for 85 minutes for latjar-4 mrninr.- uates for quar-;t jar-,s, Wný, cool rýemov-e fron evn ad acrew tops iigbtfly. nvrijars utlcool. Canned ToMate Juico l qs. tomatoos S4 cup paît i weet green peyppr (cbopped) (clopped') ddsisti-r wehl d let stand iorDrain ffexcea wtern Aàddcthey ngedent oad riag Press througb a sieve padretara to stove, Add 2 abesoossucgar, and 2 tabespoons sait; boi2 at- UtosBotie and sai tmetn!l 4 quarts ccumbers 3 plats eider igr 4 I. granulaed auger 1 ounce coiery Seed 1 ouncoestck cinnamon i ounco whole eîpc Wasb ccumors la armn wýýater. Cnv,ýt f too1largeý, Couver wiib st6ng bri- <% cup sitto 1 quart wHar. Lot stanç 3 days. Pour off wtradadfresi- cold waïter. hane d ifr three Jaya. Drainsandsimmoer 1 ho lis honrsaila a ery woak viJnegaýr (îrup vngrto Ji cup waer) te wihlsbe2en ndded a puoce of elum the size of a mnarbe. Drain sud put cucnmi- bers ïnto lroeoc.Prep are a syrpo oarand sugar Using 4cup Uvinear te rAcup wate andspics. Bil or fiveo miue hn pour evrc th Lie from the cucmosfor thre consorctive %>Fs, Heat to bOHl- ing poaint and bttl wle oo îhe ihrd day, but not pooied)o 1 pu. ums! uonsm(alice) 4764 cupa aterý ~½cup saît 2 iare awetgrecsn ppper 1 amalilsures eiedPopper (diced) Prepare vegretabe;Wndso0al for tiree hours in brine made Whben vcon havýe Lonev tG s cao ffr eln pie.C ta, Mc EEEluR

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