ORONO WEEfi WeAR LABOUR BOARD OR2q0DE R The Domninion Bureau of Statisties has found that the cost of living index number for JuIy 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117) has risen by 2.4l points ovesc the index for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 (adjusted index 114.6). Accordingiy, pursuant to thse provisions of Section 34 (1) of the Wartime Wages Control Order P.C. 5963, and subject te the generai provisions of thse Order, tise National War Labour Board orders that employers subject to the Order, wbo are paying a cost of living bonus shall adjust the amount of such bonus pay- ment, andi enployers who are not paying a cost of living bonus shall commence tise payment of such a bonus, both effective froni thse first payroll period beginning on or after August 15, 1942, as follows: (a) If paymient of a cot rit living borns is being macle pursuant te the provisions of Orler in Courici; P.C. 8253 now suýperseded by P.C. 596f3): (i) For emplQyees t. whsom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies, the bonUs shali bc increasedl by the amourIt Of sixty '60c) cents per week. (ii) For en-pioyees to whorri Section 48 (ii) (b) of P.C. 591,5 applies, the ýpecýen.tage 0of the-ir weekly wage rates, paid te thera asi a cot of living bonus, shiah bc increased by 2.4 poincs; (b> If no cot of iing bonus is beirig paidl, tbe paysnent of sncb a bonus shah be commericed: (i> For ernloses to wbom Section 48 (iii) (a>)rof P.C. 59653 applies. in tbe amocunt of nixty (160c) cents per week, (ii) For employees to whorn Sectioni 48 (iii) (b) of P.C, 5963 applies, ritise amcunt of 24 of their weely wage rates; (c) In no case abai the amne t of a cost of living bonus adiLsted as stated exceed a maximum of $4.25 per weekz to emrployees te wbom. Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies, arid of 17% of their weekly wage rates te, employeca to wbom Section 48 (iii) (b) of P.C. 5963 apolies: (d) (1) (il For employes te wbom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies now being paid a cost of *living bonus, not pursuarit te thse provisions of P.C. 8253, established prior te the effctive date of tbat Ortler, in an amonrit exceedling $4.25 per week, tbe amounit of tbe bonus shait rrmairi ncbanged, (ii) For sucb emp1oyeea no- being paid e cot of living 'bonus of less than $4.2 5 per -week. thse amount of the bonus shah be increased up te sixty (60c) cents per week, but ie no case to exceed a total weekly bonus oi $4.25; (2) (i) For employees to wboxn Section 48 (iii) (b) of P.C, 5963 applies, now being paid a cost of living bonus, net puranst to tbe provisions of P.C. 8253, established prier to the effctýive date of tbat Ortler, ini un amourt exceeding 17% of tiseir weekly wage rates, thse amount of tbe bonus shaht remnairi nchanged; (ii) For aucis emplayes now beirig paid a cost of living bonus of leGs.tban 17%1 of tiseir weely wage rates, tise bonus sisal be increased np to 2.4 points, but in no case to exceed a total weekly bonuas of 17%' of tiseir weekly wage rates; (e) Tise adjustmrit or payinent of a cot of living bonus calcnhated as orderedl shah b e t otnaret cent of any fractional figure; (f) Employera in the construction industry shahl adjust tbe amnount of any cost etfiving bonus required by paragraph (a) oft tiis arder offly foremoes inrepc of whons no speial bonus arrange- -ment býas bec. madewith tise approval of a War Labour Board, pursuant ta tbeprvso of tise Order for thse coriduct of tbe NationalJint Coferene Boad of tise construction [ndustry. s'a, Ontario, ut 4., 1942. HUJMPH--PREY MITCHELL, Cisaiîrmani, National War Labour Board. The World's News Seen Through H'E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MOINITOR An International Daily Ne'ws paper Truthfuil-Constructîve-Unbiase-d--Free from Sensationsal. tui - Editorials Are Tinely and Instructive, and Its Daily ,srtsres, Together iith thse Weekly Magazine Section, Maie ie Monitor an Ideica Newspaper for the Horne. Thie Christian Science Publishiing Socieg One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusettn Price $12.00 Yearly, or $ .00 a Month, Saturdav Issue, including Matgazine Section, $2.60 a Year. 'Irrroductorv Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents Naine ---- --------- SAMPLI COPY ON REQUESI1 *L SERVICES RUNNINC, e are ing tvainesi te ever- Woýmen ihave aireaidy sýepiapesi 'onin-g, etc. 'Pictjue sho-ws nda n former isousewife, as- COWANVILLE NEWTONVILLE 'MISs nthy iHoiingsworth vitl- Ms alnBruce is hoëduayi1ng cd Aith beu parents over the wecus- A nme from hïere atnete MAn'Mr. J. Payne, of Toronto,. deoa o esieat Nwoniieo aeviii' Mr. W.Sit. Sunday. Mss. W.V ChesiserctOf Oswvisit' *Mr. Jibn KelUly, OrofOshawa, spent edCher mothe, ss W:Witaks cheý weked1t r aluMSs. Mss. W'yleýy, e sgofspa u- Wes. Stingr. ay itb be]r cousini, Ms ci . issLauine Idwaids, of Toronto , inon. viste xith Mr.and Mrs, Wes. s- ï.Noci Bro)oks , et Moi!treal, i- Stigrrecenitly. iili s r.f . Msis. B. MIilisoii, Hector- and Addie vstn i rndoteMs .J Milson visitsd ith fri-esds in PortRoe Hope on Sunay. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stapieton 'eal- Anyone that wouid like to enter- cd On M1. and Mss. J. Moris, 01rono, tain theSetbr Womcen's Asso- recently ciation meveting kiadly 1et one of the Congratulations At i'Ms. BroA officers know Pet[biok who is 89 on Auiguti-St h, anadilWho is quite active. K IRBY Mý, Fred Souch, of Toron-t, asr 'R'f IR B Y the -uest of ar.CaýRi;as Mas. R.Whitaker is visiting her; Mr. and Mss. Peacock, Oshawra. mo1ther, M1rs. Fe>wler.1 Sunday guests ait 'Ms. Wni. Staple- Master Jack Bryonp is spending ton's wcre, 'Aisses Eileen Todd and bis vacation i Port Hope. Pyli limer, Staviile, and Msi. Miss lMargýaret Mci-n 1Lno asy ot'MNcol spendhngliersvacation in Tononto. IMisseis Maurgaret anid Mary De- Msrs. S. Chapianbas ber sste from tei vi4iting witb ber. nault and Ronald Busrley, R.CC.AYF, ,Till an(! Jaclk Tulble are sn-joyinig wcireguessAt the- borne Of aMs. Roy ai holiday itêh Ms.and AMss.WppAtBery, Oronoon Saturday. sonI. aMs. and Msis. Chias. Cowan, New- Ms. and Mrs. B. Tbompson, of castie, Msr. and Mrs. Hieni Gilhaer of Por [op, s.and Mss. aM. Ta- Sa.kvllitedc 1dcoaion and blyiGlenn. and Ms.nMi'tcbelh'e d wce uCstof lMss. Rutberford al- vié A*MS.andi Mss. E. R. Brysan on tesward. Sunday. Anadln hC son n Th .A. o'pened thieir imeeýtin-g Ms. a :nsiMs. Crli son n \vitb bymnn 502, and1 ail sepeating the fmlEeeentne eoa Lord's Prayer. In tie absence of tion Services and visited i 'her ussIe Vhs 'pesdetMs. Fowler, the lst ai5d aunt, Ms.and s. ,Broc'k priesîdlent, Msrs. 'Wannan, presided. Petbick. After thse bsns periord, tire nmeet- Msi. and Msrs. Fred,( Corcis, 1Mss.lý irg closediwt Hyn 148 and pray- %Nran Samis and Miss aMe a er. rVo,,4, T.p'n±p and Mss. C. Thle Aug-ust mieeting eofthtie W.M.S. anid W.A. was bel141ini Kirby Ohurch on cdesa even-iing ef last week. The WM.SprsetMss. R. Allun, [preslde(1(,d. Tise mee(-tinig openesi with singitig bymui, "I loove Vo tel the s7toryv." Tise Vopic cof tise meetin)g was "The Bibleisnatise world ýtodaïy," read by Mils. W. Ruthenford. Don. MG angave a very beautiful violin -solo, "tise 'H'oy City," 'with .Mss. Brabam at ths piano. It was eniJoyesi very iy uo by everyone prs .Tise meeting- closesi witb STARK VILLE MSs. 'ivsba 'rndt e Mss. H. L. Trian, et Oshiawa, withi Ms.f an-Mss. Gordon iTimi. Ms. and Ms.Geo. Siis witlà Ms. ainiMs George Stapi1)etonl, Clarkc!. Ms, and cl Mss,. Waiter Sjimpsoýn, of Qsa's, wýith 'Ms. and Mss. Gordo)n Ms.1n% iMss. ul,ý"Iwsce Savesy,ý et' Osbawa, -witb Ms. aniMss.Win. Sarveryv. Ms.l. B. Gilmes- is ente'rtuining the Shilois W. A. tisis Tuesday a1tte- Ms. ansi 'Ms. illugh apeoof Os'lawa, 'witb Msr. and Mss. Will Hauieweii. Mr. andiMs.Ubrne Tedd and Mi4ss Eileen with [Ms. Jam-es Con- nieli, of Manvers. 'Mss Russel Leywery, Grant ansi Marilyn, ef Toronto, with Ms., anrd Mss. AI . Dtibson. 'Glasi Vo reJpoit 'Ms. Etiwei and Ms. H. L. Triml impseving niicely frein tiseis scent accident. AIR FORCE NEWS *(By Fliglit Lieut. T. C. MoýICali, ROCAF "Dsdad(ful flap at Ops: Tisses kites missing,. Ses if you dan get mie somjje en ",on ît. ThisF commiainsi, taIcdsess.ed Vo a neiLývy-ar rivs-(d Canadia'n ailrman oudPi'(bal)ly dVhsow hl invto conl fuinutil sucbtime ,as he had sueedesin is 'mastesissg Vthe intrica- esof "'f"te universal lin- g-uag et a f illï '1'h v fly ith !ibe R.A.F. Tranms'ed tnerqi e naita liseç~peatins rom-nnvecentre l ie sudo 'cn'cndoe speaker wou-l ilke sonins informia- ion on- Vhs m Iuater. ' ýe. s a shIor.t terni for inside iniformiation;l 'fap ieasainsýosit any kind et commllotion osorto-do, 'and ofts"e coaurse, rfeste 'aiscraft. Wîiti maay Candiia n flyerssse- tunigte Caadsucbtei-mis as hs l abve are likýely teliard their wa-,y into ils langug-e 'of he youn'ger ,eneration. Forl nstacethere's tise exlpression, "Goal. Show-%" w'hich is a, comment designed Vo noves ai- nesst amy situuntion from shoei4z down hree- ene.my aircraft Vto huyin.g t neýw ecktie. Ov"esseas, 'a chap is U '4ype,"-either goosi osrbasi. If yenI ses, a pilýIot wîith eise tsYp buttea 'of his tunie u-nfasteasi, don't cilide 'h;l for 'siuppinesis; he'.s a il-giter :plot and as a ruggedfly illdividiialis;tic- fel- lo)w, 'dersanssVhs right Vo exprse-s hiiasseif t1us. [tf Iis cap badige, li-J Cowan, of CwnvilatIeddde- crtinservice 'andi wcre guesits of Mr. and M Ls. Lanson ilio Two Toro.n'o nds it oke MaO Ms. Spencer Br bys~ ootb andi stole aibout eigbt dollars wortl of goods on1 Frîdny. Provincial Constable Brougistent, of HighIway No. 2, ook themi into custody latesthesasime aernoon. Ms. 'ansi Ms. Georg2e Sm-iith, of Starkviile, -Mi. andi Mss. Austin Tur- ne(r aand HeeneNe'w'astie, 'Ms. Robent Mairtin, Lake Shore, attendl- cd decor'ation anidvýisitesi Ms. a Ms.Georige Stapleton and -Mss. T[hos Stapîc1(ton. Other 'visiItrs at DicorationLf reom adizataLe p w-e : iMr. ind Mss. Alani Penou'd Osaw; Msý. and M1s~. LaweaccWii.t, aiieGrove; -Ms1 s. Meneeiy, oft Toiron1to; Msl. and -Mss:ý. Herb AlandeoftMarkham; 'Ms. and Mus. Bears and 'Caso1, ot Green-i banik;'Mrs. 1Harold !Couch ansi others fso'm Nemwca s.1 Deéeoration Day Services Dec,ýoration Day Servi;ces were heid at the ceni,etery .Sumday andi al- th'g ibie weat[her looked ,]unfav- oïurahie a large crowd attended. The graves were beautifully idecorated and this, togetiser with the welI-kept grass, pres'ented a fine appearance. The chairnian, Reýeve T. A. Reid, drew attenttion Vo the fact tihat we have one of the bes't kqpt rural ceme-teries in 'Canada. Rev. MIs. Byer.s, who is sulypiying for Rex'. R. E. Morton, Newcastie, and R1ev. Blake, of Bowmaattville, conducte'd the ser-vice. A sinited chois undeur the leadlership of (Mr. George Camip- bell, led in Ihesîing.ii- ste ad cf glisteniii, la 'sheaviiy asa- ished andi covered %vith 'verdigris, it isn't that he doesn't take pride in bis uniform. 'Not at ail. He's prousi to bie a coasita 'Commandlll or fliyinjg bout sbappie -w.hose expoaure te sait water is emlazoned on his' cap badige as ateimna for nl Vo see. Seottis'b hospit;ali'ty Cdees noVtakile second place te aniybhitig fo'u'nd on this c ontinent, in l e opinlion ofý FIigbtLieuenn A. R. Fergusion, an RCAF pte,vlio, [howý,e'vsr, mybe snswntprjdies n 1h mtr.Fit. 1Lt. Fergu.soni, wbo for- mesily bels chýarýges as arPresbyvtes- ianclrgyanat varions inits in Ontarlie, vins borln in Scotiansi 'ans edlucaltesi a t CG1asg1-owv Uivessity. NÔ w w itlh tise Royal Canadian Air, Force Lse is back in bis ilaomland andi re -ntl conucýtes a service at a cburcb whecre he was aissistant iistesý in 1919. Since tain p bis post lan'Scotlani ise 'estimates tisait ise bas trave.les "5(0 m-iles by train 'ansi the samne d1:s tani ce- on foot." Canadian airmen stationed ini tise l'and ofthVIe heather have received a wasm weicome, lie says. Tiese quadrcon coasuman'ded by Wing Com-mander P. Y. Davourl 0et KingisFtoi, 'Ontari'o, now someýWhlere ln Great Bilîtain, bas a dsiiinguisibed membles vhose exploits are frequent- iy n-sentionesi intise officiai diary. For exampis : "A recennaisance patrol headesid byA. C. -M. Tinioshenko, D. M. C., S031ETHIING NEW IN BABY PANTS BILHIAM BAN.TEES Washable, wvaterproof, formn-fitting, macle of a s'pecially woven wý,ater-proof Rayon, sizes, large, mý-ed1iumi and smnall, pair..........'49c. LayBeth Full-fashionied Pure Silk Hose, chif- fon weight, color, gunmretal only, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair........... ...'... ........ 89e. Birthday Candies, 36 in box, colors, pink, blue, whI-ite, etc., box ...... ... ..........5e Oven Glass Deep Pie Plates ...25c., 30é. and 35c. Clothes Pins, 40 for.... ,...... ....... ... 10c. Heavy Glass Towel Bars, 15 inches long with curved ends and nickeled sockets, comiplete with screws ..... ........... . ...20c. Bicycle Belis......... .......... ......... 20c. Large Round Mirrors, about 16 inches in dliain- eter, with fancy frame, each.......... ý$1.00 Leather Soles for ladies and children, pair .... 20c. Shine Brite floor Wax, 1 lb. tin........... 29c. Nail Brushes, 4 inch block, each........... 5e. Salmon, Fancy Pink, 1 lb. tins............ 24c. -Aylmer Raspberry Jam, 2-1b. jars......35c. Minute Tapioca, 8-ounce cartons, 2 for.... ... 23c. Aylmer Pineapple Mar-malade, large 32-oz. jar, Week-end Speelal, jar ..............35e. IRobinhood Oats, Quick Cooking, 5-lb. bag .... 27c. YOUR POPDULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORON%"iO 5c. TO $1.0O STORE Motos Equipment Private Ambulance N&o rthcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equippesi te take cars of the modest funeral at the Mosit reasonable chargýe as wl as the largest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Collect penetvated inito enensy unesý in tise chninngrevn. A sing-le uniý was sn- countesesi ansi destroyed. O'ur ter- ces maintaineld their 'patrol before retseating Vo -a stroniger positi*on. 'Pise presenice efthVie eaemny was sIus- pectesiin thseC. ' oons. i-Tiseaw- tuai staengt ofthtie epposinig force wals net kaoiw. It was bel?'eved that an 'attack wns about to e bmade on tise vert l'ange quantities of food s'toses tisese. Aij. Timeishenko, DIM.C mals a sortie andsur'n'pris'ed Bowmanville, Ont. i an enemy p'atsoi. This was destroy- e(l, ah'd j'dgi.ng by tise extreme yeubh 'ie may assuXme tihat bise n'u- bers of tise opposition eps ibecoming deqpleted." Timit-oshiseko, by Vise way, is Vhcy) squadson !cat. The designati<rn "A.C.M." dosa noV asean Air Giief marsisal., [uit raVises Air 'Ohieuf Mouser, 'ansiVise decoration D.M.C. stanis fýgor Dis'inguis-hed Mousinug