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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1942, p. 1

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'Vol. 6. No. 31. ORýONO, ONT., THUPSDAY, AUG. 2th, 1942. >ubscription, $1 Durham Central Agricultural Society Fair, Orono, Sept. i11-12. Admission, 25( 'Upper And Lower School Exam Resuits 0f Orono Continuation Schooli 'Splendid Showing Mý,ade By the Children In Both Upper and Lower Sehiool Thie Dprtoen f Edlucticn bas forwerded criictsfor. the fellow- 111- stuideits witUing aet he Julie examinlations as f(illcwvs: IJpper School Resuits Roy Fo'rrest'er - Enig. Comop. C, Mod, H-ist. C, Trig,. 111, Phys. III. Franklin Tantiba - C'hemiý. C. Gwen) Tennanit-Trg C, Phys. CChemi. C. The f ollowing- studenits wil eev st-andcing as indicx&ted atercoplet-1 iiig et leeest thirteenr weeýks in an oc-, ,cupation listed in Circuila 27. Ht is neesrhowe-ver, before their cr tfctswill be for Werded from the flepartmneflt, that they retum1n theý statemfents whieh w e re given tÏo 1hmat the time oflein sho, properly certifled by thieir respective enployers. These sbould lie giveni ~or mailed to die prinicipal as sooni ~as possijble after the exp)ira,-tion of -the requ'ired periodi. Ta a ew css Uepartmlentxl peIpers were also writ- tený by ihese pLuqpilis; but it is presuin- ed-atthe Departmient is withhold- ing the results of thecse for, the boereason. Eid R1owen - Fling. Lit. C, Eng.ý eo'mp. Ill., Mo& fist. C., Tig. III., Margýaret Flinlltoif - Eg Lit. III. x Eng.Comîap. Ill., 'Gc.Ill., Trig. Jeanne Forrester - Etng. Lit. C., Eng. Co!p ' C., Geoni. Il., Trig. il,. phys. 'C., Ohimn, Il, Fr. C. Ruth GoodIe - Trig. III, Phys. C_, Chem. C Ruth Lun- Eg Comp. C., Tcig. iC., Fr1. 'C. KathleeiinimpsLon - Dnig. Lit. Il., Phys. C., Fr. C. Donald ,Staples - Eng,-. Lit. HI., Eîn-. Comsp. Il., Geoiii. Il., Trig. I., Phys. III., Cheni. IL, Fr. Ill. Gl1en in. Tamiblyn - En,-. Gomp. M1., Geonii. I., Trig. I., Phys. ., Chemn. I., Fr. III. Marlgaret Roy -~ Geo-m. -C., Trig. C., Phys. ýC., 'Chem. Il., Fr. C. Lower Schaol Resuits Dan Chniarmi - Mod. iHist. Il., ~Alg. L, Agr. (2) I. Clarence Faircww - Alxg. ýC., Agr. Junie Ooode -- Mod. Iiist. C.,> Mg. Il, Agr. (2) ;C. rMarjorrie IMeLaren -a Moil. Hist. ,11., Agr. (2) 111. Neil ýMfat - ýMid. Hist. ýC. Shirley Porter - Mcd. Illist. C. R~ub1y tAin - Kg-r. <2) C. 130). 'Cooper - Mod. Hist. Il., AIg. Il, kg-r. (2) IL, Enig. C. Lenore Wocd - Alg. C., Geoni. C, Agr. (2) ýC., Eeg. C., Fr. II, Lat. Ill, Roy Pcrrester - Fr. C., Lat. L11. .Firanidis-.I Tamibllyn - Lat. C. The -folonwing students wil receive stanîding as indlicated 'after comiplet- lnrg at least thirteen weeiks ini an oc- oupation listed inl Circuler 27. t la -ieeessaryý, however, 'before their cor- 1iiae will lie for-warded fromn the 7~ P. C . Tax Deductions I To Start September lst Ottawa, Aug-ust .-omecn on Tfuesday, S(iptemnber Ilst, incomie tanx dedizcýtionsý fromi interest on re- gisteredI bonds and debenitures and roidii.denids will be seven perý cent iinstead of the flime peir cent national defence tan deduo!titonsi as at pres- ent. tliee,'thiscdedluction v w1jil ot apytO initerest from egs'erddo- iminion,1prtovýincuial o 0r mnii pal1 bondis or dienrs wich are gen- erll 1cas.sifi.ed asý goveriinmen t se- cuiis w1hi'ch will be, paiCI to the re- hloldeir in fýull. Thiere is no deicinfromn intereýst Coupons on bear'er bonds. lu ail other instances, blhat is on interesi fronregistereil bonds orý debentxures of nn-oermnvor- pýorations andl on ividends, the, ;aven per cent will be deducted ét the source iby the conspanies pay- ing. The de'duction SiU be seven per cent oif týhe amnou-nt of initerest or dividends due. The eucin at tLhe source will be t'ne sm-s nper 'cent.- for- botlh single ain d nmarried persns. Sing-le pejl'Sons withif*ncomles of m1ore than $L,80'0 a year,. for whomi theý normail tax ,ýwill mbe more thban evnper cent. yýil1 have to make uip thie differeicýe be'ween the sen'en per cent deductions and the ful twenthey file th eir icornie tavetuirns lnextyer Waeor rir~Car ie rs, th 1at üi s persýons who get 75 per e n t. or more f their icoe from wage'S oýr salaries, will nftlot hae to "eii op" unrtil Sept.3, 1948 . Others not classed as -wage or salary earners will have to file thieir- 1942 tex re- turis,, andl "settie p with the ini- cornne ýtan dopaiitmient, on or befoýre April 30, 19 48. The poize lists for Dur-hami Central Ajgri'eultural SocieWy are now prînt- ed and anyone flot receivinK a copy is asked to get ln toui wiTh th e secreLtary, 'Mr-.-M. H. Staples, Orono. lYepartrnient, that hey retura tihe sataents 'fh i eh were gýiven to them at the timne of leaving school, properiy certifed by Wter respective eniployers. These sh.oulid be given or mnailed to the Iincipal as soon as possible fter Mie exiration of the required period. Bruce Cheipman.-- Agra (2) C. Neil Moffat - Alg. 1,1., Agr. (2) , Howarid Myles - Alg. Il., Agr. (2) Il. Jean Syer - Moi. lHist. III., Alg. Il, Agar.(2) 1. Ruby Allia -& od. Hist. C., Alg. C., Eng. 'C., Fr. C., Lat. C. Janmes Ard - MNod. Hist C., Alg. Il., Agr. (2) IL, Eng. C. Carol Dent - Mo'd. Hist. III., AIg I., Agr. <2) IL., Enig. Ill., Fr. II., Lat. Il. Cerol Staples - Mod. Hlist. U., A.l. I, K-r.(2) I., Eng. I., Fr. I., Lat. I Pu th Lunri - Lat. GC. Former Clarke Boys Son Makes Good In Navy, -1,1 tihe A'ugust editie>n of the ~Readerls Digest appears ýa write-tsp 'cf a men in the United States navy, Lieut. W. 'G. Ohapple, çwhbse fafiher, L~ou Clasopple, was born ir Clarke Tc-wnisbip on tihe foui-th coýncession acrosis frein the farm cf Mr. Geo. lBowen. Older ipecople cf this coin- mnity NwilI raiernler Lou, vwh1ie spentih is iboyhood ays îin ilde vi- '~cinity. Lou's parenbts are licth bu- ied in aOrone ceimetery. Lousti Oap- inl tihe Anieridan nmaxv as a Lieut. on a submiarie. iRe was bora la 1908, andi while et- 'tending Naval Academny was an eut- 'standing football player acf' boxer. He- sas gîve cocmmand cf bis owr stbarine in 1940, anti wherin wr ýtaited he lest ne timr na sinkirg e Japareýse ship. Anyene wlho niay be iaterested in ihe career cf this young man meay reaci the interesting artidle that ap- pons iii tihe .Auzgust edition cf the Reader's Digesýt, whiefh apipeers' on BRITÂIN'S KITE BALLOONS BRENG DOWN CONVOY RAIDERS Speial kite allon forý Britis andý Allied îmercliant ihi7p protectioni hýave rendexred enelmy dive -bon ing aïid mast-highiattacks a hazardous uiidertaýk'lhv. They havýe beenl the nieants of savig undreci(s of ie-- ciiantmvn ld'uring atakson 'osa ovy rouind Britain, and Lhave acý- coulited for' at least six eneiwy aïirr ft. Picture slowsý Transferriing a camotufageO, balloon ,froni a Royal Narval kite Balloon Section depo- breto a niaval ]ghe whicih will take it o'ut to one of the convoy shfips iii thebegrud Canada's War Effort A \weekýy review cf dvlpet onl tle 10ome fronlit from August 61th to August l3tli, 1942: 1. Three Caneadian SquadrLons par- ti cipatLe jin boroifiaig attaeck on Duis- lui., and other points on Ruhr Val- ley. 2, New measure's cncrn1go- ganIizatien anIý regulation of Ceni- aida 's man111andwmaoerfect byLabor Minister Hfon. HIumphr-eyý Michlll an adidres.s to the Cana- d'ien Club eit Sainit John, N.B, 3. MWajor HI. D. Proctor, 3-er Ald Ottaiva oficer of the 6th Cana- dien Division Signais, made officer conmmandling elcect of the 1sit Cana- dien Parachute Battalion. 4. Warthime Prices andI Trade Board promiszes "ep-proPriate action" in cases wlere sales of tee or coffee are made in conitra-veniîon of ration- iimg re'gulations. 5. Stocks of electrical stoves la the ýhands of retailers, 'wholesalers3 andI manufaturers are frozen and ne furblier sales are te lie made except under special ipermit. 6. Under the title cf "Canada's Handy An'dy," the N.Y. Heraldt-Tri- hune mag-azine "This Weeký" devotes neariy bwo pages te, a story and pic-1 Canada's Army Is Taking to t'he Airi (By 'Capt. Bruce M. Pearce) Six efficers andI 20 non-commis-f sioned, officers ccempr-ising -tihe firatt men fremn the Canaien A iny te be acceipted for jservice la the lst Cana- d(ieu Parachute B'ettalicn are nocw la traininrg et Fort Benning, Gecrgia. Tliey will retuma 1te canada upen conipletion cf their couytrses for ser- viýce asisttos in the ne Gana- dian Airny rparachute training centre te ble eýpen-eti etCamip S'hilo, -Mani- to he. Given a sentI-off frein Le.ýnsdoswaie Park, Ottewa, -wlliere ithe initial in- structional cadre wasseiecited hby the comlanerelet,31-'year-oltI Major Hilton David Proctor, of Otta'à, the nuit 'a insipected hy Defense Min- ister Raîston andtI lavesenior efflers frein- Nati'onal IDelfense Headquarters Major-General J. ýC. Muirchie, vice- chief icf the ,-eneral staff, andI Brig. E. G. Weeks, deputy chief cf the~ general staff. A.11 1ully qualifiýed soldiers, volun- teeils for -the bat canadien Para- chýute Battalion miust be cf hie'h pliy- si'cal standards. They must be alert, active, well-niuscled, with finit classa eyesigiht -end enidurance. Sen- ior officens muait be susuder 35, andI captains ý;and lieutenants rot over 32, andI N.;C.O.'s iand men froin 18 te 32. -Canada wifl' have the best jpara- ehutisl;ts in ýthe world', in tne opinion cf Canadien Ailmy leaders. Lnad~-. ture-s on Lieutenant &Generel A G. L 'M 0Nu ilto, Co0m mia ndier- in-'Ch ie of Canada's army in Briptaiin; "u' Il e Weukly Unli t edCISttes'nexvs maaiedevoted i a iclee a nd firt page picture ito hlm 'a day orý 7. Brjili Food M ýiisrtny hlbopes Canadua will lie eble tosuplythe Unitd ngd om w t e l'700,- 000,00 oundls cf hemn andi baco)n Lun- der a new bacon areeent bing ]ne- otteDepertmient cf Agricultureo aninounices. This la 100,fl0000 poulids above the ereetepr iag nexit Octoiber. 8. Queen Wilhelnina of thie Neth- erlanids greetedi et Ottawa and grýants first informai prears interview of hem long historie cereer as rtiler. 9. Pensions Miaister, Hon. Ian MVackenzie. annùunces et Vancouver that plans for evacuabien cof the civil population of Vancou'ver Island and parts of the Lywer mainland in case cf enemy attack are complete an.d rehearsal la plannedi within the next fL)w weeks. 10. Air Minister Heu. C. G. Power arrives witih senior efficers la Brî- tain for inspeotien tour andI confer- ences. are Canadien sotdiers from thle C'ana tiien Ariry overseas', ho will have had trailning la the Britishi pare- chute schools, and iwlio will serve as ins-tmuctors et Gan'p Shile. The best features cf ail existiag mnethods cf training ýparatroops are t e i lcer- poreted into the Canadien system. A juniingýiil to'wer will lie erectýed et Camp Shilo and velualteers will ýbe gliven cemn-p!ete instriuction lna al phases cf this mademn foriof fi-ht- iag. "There lias been a veuy large me- sponse te the oeIl for volunteers for the parachute bettalion,*" stetedl Brig. Meeks. "We are careflul in ouri selection not te enrol a mari wi,-th: special'ized techn!cal training. Wei went younlg, stro-ng figliVing- soldiers with initiaiive and military exper- ience.ý1,Tliey muait ihe under 185 poundis in weig-ht andI have stroag feet antI ankles." Traininig -will lie progressive. First thle -mer wffl ibe trairied la jumnping off wls 10 anid then 15 feet high. Then ilhere wîll be the tower-juimp- lng. frcm 2504ioot strueture. Tliey will first maike a controlied:j3unup frem the tower ia whicih they will be guided te 4the ground 'by wires. Thea cornes the "free" jump, enil tlhe mnen will commienýce real psarachute junup- ng frein planes. Serviýce with ithe paratroops ilabe- soluitely voluatary, If a mari even Barn, Stock And Thr 1 Machine Destr( Fire At BRUTON W SMýITII uere1ul Iers and One nnized lin Toroiio on Saturdlay, 'cnimg, AuLst 1'5th, 19412, rwiheni [r an d Tds. J. ýE. Smit}hi, of Roe- mimptoni,wa united in maiagl.le to uanley Ramond lBruItion, sonl of ra .Br tuon of Orno wih ev rK. C. Evans, of Trinity clee Thehosewas Ibeaniitilly decor- atedi ith Gladioli and suaPapdens ï]1nd h1,e b vide1, giveniinI mer- naiýge by erfaier. wore ae fiee - iength white .heer chiffon witl i fn- ge p veil held by e alo o f gar- denlias. Rer boqutvas crimlsonl rssani'd gopsophila. Mýiss liHirtihan Sni 'waIs lier ai ster s only ettend-] euit. She wreciel blue miarqnisette wihsmatl lhet cf fuchisia velvet flowers and riiben, and anl arm bou- quet of mthu gladioli. Gordon Bruton, acted as las'brotheris hesm At the home of the briid e be r miother rc inlaa navy and-wihite printed costume witLh corsazge of lit- tle pink oses. The groonmoicber woe auve and11 itelrepe itli luat to maItch, andI a corsage 4)f The coue f t for uakkathe with white aressriesant osg thoy'Will ivela1orot. The br!idejl Tornto. nItegoo fth n tai-ýo INamed Youth Secretavy Thie nationail ommte f tihe Laboýcr Youth edeato cf'Canad ennoune theadditýion te h oo m-jittee_ of M,\isýs Bea'tricc Walsh a s full-time sceey Eiducýated'et Stenstead colleige and Queeni's University, Mis's Wlsiwas aive 'la the Canadien situdent as- semabliy andIwa presidenit cftHie Stiudont Christian movemuent. She spent one year je training et the Y.W.'C.A. in Mentreal ead cone year as g-ird's' war secreltary cf the IHem- ilton East id Y.WCA. Fer the pat' year shie has been eecte secetany of the Hamiltoni Eas-t End Y.WjC.AI,, res>igning li er post to be- corne naMtonel sscretary of the Lab or Youth Faideration. 'Miss Walsh is a diaughter c f tihe lete Rev. A. N. Walsh, andi a alece of Mr. Howard Walshi, Oirene. Opening Of Schools The Public andt SeparateSeos will oipen for tihe new terin on Tues- day, Septeasher Sth, insteed cf on >fluesdïsy, Sepitemiber isit. 'The date for tlhe openiniîg of the Normal Sclools lias been ehang-ed te Tues- dySpteimber 22nd. These e dates have been author-ized by the M.,inister of Education. W. H. CAýRLTO, Inspecter cf Public Seheols Northumbherland end 1 Durhlamn No. 1 ICodbeurg, August 13th, 1942. I sumed In Fire of unliknown originl( thelaghu Ovii ntihe favnm- Ir-win Biraglg, of Providuee, urd(ay ngtlals t. The tire aro»ç 830in the evellngm tile a laige flelly reflcw ceirpnthe syVa oî for ileýs arouedi. Ttws feýl ng te hItrMendoIus heatL hous mniglit also be humeic the- fu--rniture wstalen out home, but the wind bithase in bhe opposite diection si 1w-1-ngfre.m ching Hfi] loadis cfgraýin rwPeethresbe( monnand thr-esih-ing o r cýontinpued( until seven co eveingq Rosis endi VmL Brau in the iower part of tihe ba igtlhe cows wh-en iMrs. Braý out of tbe ieuse te go tc, for a pa)il of nlilk ini ha the lir-e iin the top part oft Shle iied)1,Ciately notifled'il sons, thien callied itheui r n- Mi-. Wmi. Ru-,iter, -who -was the scene of the conflagrat theý fire had secured suicli that nothin-g could bedo. Three(,( purdblred Hoîsteir Crle pr EU bred Histail andIL one sow, '75 loaidi f h: tihe baina as thie tiractor w mlg tihe tre.,w iia the baen. c-d Ry Mr. D<- terv. 200 Close For ir-Èei b u . R. uouireue, oit Co Kocording te 011'Centr Cottrelle, ail iibe adbo tons were either acçep gasoline coupons or we 'c.oupons from ration boo sued for the vehicle for gasoline 'was soltI. Every service station cr seorvetI witli a speclal ci by Mie Gil 'Controller wh jini frein having aay deal troleuini producýts untilf tice. Tii Tcron'to 59 sain mongwith 9, la Montrea Winnpg Look over peur label on Our mnailing lIatit as jus ritdand will show7, standinig. If any erre- iosare noticedi, callti Children Using Light Bull For 'Soneil ausir4-o a Plm-- EE j WM

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