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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1942, p. 2

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-Ç Churçýhill Preparing Account 0f Wa.r premier Cuciiis rpre to bha preparing is Owu accOUnt «f the war, te be published whan vicfory ila wun.lluis method isq ta empfloy a taff of studeafs tf0lok up f act allu fiurewsd t (m o thebassof notes supplied by re- searh worershe dicAtes nt an asfouunigSpeedl. The ýPrem-ier's work Îis set i type wvith extra wide malr-ginal whicb give lhim- space l-a wbich f0ý bauid lus ncî expositions', E'auh shIeet is scored wvith nu1mèrous corrections ,il Mr. Chuarchill's boldlegile hndwrtiugf0awaitJ the day when publication Aill e- ome dilomni,)tically possible Mr. Churchill, iucide-nfallysir recd maay uemories when liere ferred i l the Honsa ofComn tu arcorr:esPondenfa la Libya, _He onewas a wrcorsndt himiself,sedg dispatches on the fluer War fth e ,oring Poat,ý D uring that cmagM Churchili wa)s tâkan pIrisoner and despita his demands for rveleaseý as a warcorsndt was sent tO anlimpro0visedcocnrtn camp1. i eid hhulm or thraaý week befo e hapassed bll withîa five yards eoaf satr tihe gates aMi waied into Pre- topia. Get Financial To Aid Arragemntshav e been com pleted betweea the, University of uoronto and %h Doinion Guy- erument providng for bans, up f0 a maximum utof$8,00 s yearz7 for any one student registered iii the second, MArdand fout efl yar lanfthe deprtm-ents of civ7il,inia- ehanical, electrical and mefal-. lurgical engineercing, inegner ing physica, zaad la the arts de- partnseafs oft mathematics, physices and chemistry, if lias been an- nonncad.The stdenfa muet make 'heir services available tu Car-. sda's war effort uipont grad1ua'tin. 63,000 Conchies more than 63,000 conscienfionsý ýýajctors have leea regist.erad ,ince, tha sfart ot the war, Labor, Mjiister Beviýn said ia writteni rns-war l the flouse of Cern- Fîffy Boy Scouts of hý s 2u'd Woods5tockN..Scout Top maa haf prubably is 0a sairagaý record, la an ail-day salv-age 1drive, lastlng tr(m 8 am. f11mlduilbt they tlled a- eoa e wifb ueed nifisi 3fa1k1 dato the Value was preseted he Red Cross. The Scouts lsutibchdthie cam- paiga when adaîfs failed tf0 move, udare now banddllng 1if as the AI have svrlBo-y Scouts lai mïy Hfome Gurdplaf'oo1 n aad1 find that fhay bave com-PA lauai ready haot raiedl due f0th ei air attacks upon Ba,-th, Englandi, aScoulmaster aoieed awt a eadeýavou-nig f0 open the dor 0 a sf111 standing Boy Scout t esd- quartera. Tobis question -s-e--x- p"lined Pfiber son-, La former S1couttofth1e Troop1, bad beau ba af sea, and that bis uoral huag In an bouonredplace uon te trop u-uom wall. "I gýo jinf) ob aI fBol) whoevr Ipus," she said j m* . Twltons 0ýf salvatge rUliber woeculefdsu"d shiped by bic Bloy Sco(uts fi ofSoutb orupne An intprnatuunalBoy Scofcm bed his umeraIYolbry near Oxford, Englind, ws aittendi- ed by Scuns oftan differnt on triesnmostof Ulim udr fopeNaz newosaved ïthe rs ù0f menl by aimigbckadssdfo-u wards between a iaking cruiser andcl a rescu1e slip off Creta, tmen Mr Scontut othde rd Gloucasfer- sreBoy- Scout Group).flie w-as posthumouse, awarded thie Scout Bronge Cross. ScuJavage worit was ottered by îlie Scouts of WraAlfu,, witb ký tel blp ouim.-lbersa of the GrouP Conmmites '1hey gatbered 36 tons oy mets! sud twu carloadsÈA utm iad sa1vt]Yge, for wbich $497,44 was is-ceived, f the amonut $225 was? o taire MAP"PING AIED PACIFICý'- OFFENSIVE ezngthe offen'sive froim the Japs, the Unaited Nations haveW launched n cttaDk ofitei owri in the area nmapped above. orce o£ thle Un iedtates PcfeFleet, assisted by 1unlits of the ohw Pacifie, attacke-d inte Tulagi ae of the Solonon iala(1.At thle sam tAine ai un- its uder Gen. MacArthur'seoman D.tacked Jp lbases r ) in Nw Gujinea ajt Salamraua and La-,e (2) acnd Bluna-Ko-koda (3ý) and at Rabaul (4) in New Britainl, I ODIALING WITH DAVE:J Perliape Kathleen Sfokes is teýling the bo)ys ýthe bastf bad-tima story ut the ocarrant huidlay ses- Uu. A ay rate, their ratura totaCanladian anir-lanas le lese than two waaks swvay-in tact, un Tuesdsy, Septa-mbaýr 1sf, h iAIl ratura at tha u:sual finie, 1.15 pni, tu briag f0 us ona sudail, that inimitable brand ut tunansd apnesthiat'.s nade "4Theat)ap py Gang" Canada's outstanldiag da-iaradilo prog"ramn! CKO0C in Hnamlton will agai'n ba witb rthe CB>C Nefwork iaibroadcastiag thal"ir daily f Ily- i,--taround'ut ftasd merriment! Thu-rsday n iighfCaudanaudi- en ea. The shiow raturas amioag the tirst etr the niew Septeraber season., out Septinibçr 4fb. That's- a FRIDAY nighit insfend out'lhe ramiemberedi Thursday nighf show. But tha tiime l3 the sameý - 8.30 p.m. .- sud thash bas ba somewb,,iat revamped to geJva aý,veu more play f0 if man tuapos-si- SU N DA Y LESON 34 ,IACOf5'S VISION 0F GOO.- Genesis 27128, PRINTED TEXT, Genesýis 28: 10-22. GOLDEN TEXT-I arnvitfi thee, and wiIl keep th5ee whither- soever thou goest, Geniesis 2:5 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tirne.-Tbisa ecan )De dafed somewhere near 16 B.C. Place.-Tbe beginniing of unr toyis laid lin Beer-shieba, ila éîoutberm Palestine, butth dream 0f Jacoi fakes 1place at Bethel, fwelIve m i ortb of Jrslm Jacobs FIght 10. "And Jacobi went out btrom Bee-shbaand wenit toward H1ar- au). 11, And lie lighfeduo cranplace, and tarried there ail ngeit, ecause the sua was ,et; and lie took onie of tbe atones of the place,. and put ýit undcer'bis beadl, anldlay dowln in tat place to Sweap'Mediatig mucha"d praying luch, Jaýcob hiad Ontthis joffrney drawn niear toeGdand la af last accepted. The laterest la Jaicoyb*slitrelies linthilegrd character. Jacob's Dream 12. 'And lie dreameci; and, li- hold, a laddalr set up on tbe artb and thie top of it reached fW beav- en; andi, bebiold, the angels of Cod asceniding and dleacencling on if. 13. Anid, bebold, Jebovab stood aboya if, andi said, 1 amn Jebovab, the G(od of Abrabam thy tatber, and the GoA of Isaa: the land xliereon thou iiest, fo thiea will [ ,give it, and f0te ly seed; il. and tbiy eed shahlieý as tSe dusf of tSc earthl, and thon shah apreaci abroad to tbe ywest, and fa the esanld ftb e norfh, and ftbeto soufli: and ia thea, and] in thy seed sliah ail the failles of ithe- e-arfhb le bless"ed. 15, And, beboldfI 1 arn) witb thea, and will kaep thee w1hithalrsoavaer thon goers", andll bring tbe-e again iufo this land;ý for I WiH! not leave fbee, until I bmave dunie that whvlich I havesok en te tbee of." la bis dleep Jacob sees a lad- del, or staircase-, risinig fromnt heý grolind at is aide ad ieacbjing np f0 beavenl. If tells bilm that heaven and eartb are united, anad that thare is a wý"ay from nteu tbe other. Upon hese stairs 'miess- engers 0f Elobi are ascending and descenidinig,' carryjiini) f Cod men's prayers, and tbe tale 0f thleir at n sorro, 0f t[beir faitli sud hope sud jtrust;, and bini own f0th iem i)ep and comfort and blessing. At tMe bead of He ladder Jehovah hlm- self stanlds. Tbe word is that used inaecbap. 2:1,and iajgnijfies lthat tbe Daity was not thare accident- ally, but that lu'e bolda thare Hig! permnaneilt station. tFinally, Je, bovali from luis heaivenly past confirma f0teJacobi al fthe prom- ises mnadeý fromi the timie whien Abrabiam l«Luit of the Chaldlees, and asenres hlm 0of luis constant presence and protection. but where th(- multitudes gatber lu deflance ofIlusle w; Ha la fIstere. This iï; the truth to -,wbich Jacobý 18. Ând Jacob vrose up early in th-e mioring, and tookth stone it I li batput under ha bea and Het it np for apilran ponrled il uplon thIe top 01 if, 119, Anýd lie called [tie naine ut tï a place Befli-el: buit the niame ofi thie c1ity was Luz at the f'irst, 20. AndC Jacob vowed a vow, say- inýg, If CGod will be with me, and will ke me ln Ibis way that 1 go, and lwlll gîve me bre,ýad to eat, atnd raimlenlt tu putc on, 21. sýo that 1 crïne [gain y fathIer*'a bouse ia pýea-ce, and. Jehovah will be my Godi, 29. then-i this aonwblch I have set for a pillar-, shal] be God'a oue:and of al Lathton shaîit gîve me fI lll surely give tlie tentl i uno tbiee." Jacob',s irsponis(- tl, this DiIne revelation shows that, iia spite of everything, he bail tala bis soul which reacb- ed out towarda the Divine will, bowe.ver naiiwortby and wrong were the tmethuyds that be used. It is a gr-eaf thing thaf, Jacob real- Izes bis need of Cod and tbaf he mai,ýkes this repsolution, inader what- ever cndtinakniowledging God as bi God and fledging bims ait tw odaservice, Ten is 'Le whole: ïa tentb is a share of the vwbole. The Lord re- ýeiVe-a One Share as an ack- nowledgmneit of bis svelg rig1it ta ail. Here It isrepr-eseted ns thie faîll share uof the kinlg wbo dlwells witb i-stisobjecets. Thjus Jacob openls bis bear, bis home- ani! bis treasure to Gd.These are tbhe 6abuple elema(-nts ut the trune religion. TI-e spirit ot pOW- er ,an u love, andýc of ai souand mild, fis beguni to reiga la Jacob. Cuba thas 200,000 mii i n the army, navy and police forces com-' bined plus 30,009 reservists. Find Uzeful Stores Hididen By Italiýa&t Secret stores of guns,, ammuý-- flua, nchinery and other equip, mnen t hiden away by theétlun la, t.ihirformer, coiony of, Erýi ta on die Ized Sea coast are proývid, ing mucb-needed scrap niefal for the., war plants at the United: States base there.' The stores were piled up by the Italians ove r a period of years and npparenfly vcwere întended for use, in possible campaigns againaf the Sudan, Egypt and the ArwIab peninsula, reports f0 Cairo, said, Some of the supplies %wer& fuc'ked away in isolated valleys, somie buried. Planes bave searcli- ed ouf soma of the stores la tlighfs over remote areas. Much ot the material is of pour qunlity and nof worth shipping f0 the war areas in ifs prasent stafe., However-,'tif l us fulor local needsatinnd is aspecially we(.lcm in the Amar-ican p flants there, "It's aice f0 bave so much steel righf in the his uf Bri.- ras," une officar said, Auchinalecik Directs Baffle From Jeep Genl. sir lueAuhaak who bias taken over ipersonaL ýcou-y. mand oft the British hh Arn)ve 'n Egypt, bias beanî diracfing the El Alamain baffle fromn a jeep la the tiald(,1 aqmilitsry commen- fafor said, The commanfator quotad an offier's report from Egypt as syn "Iwaaft t Army Head- quresand found Auchinleck rus-ing about the baftietiald lan a jeep l)"ying the Union Jack-, dining unrder the stars snd aieep- ing under a msp truck, I ÉXPERIENCED ACTRESS HORIZONTAL 1, 6 Pictured .American actress. 13 Radio anfenna. 15 To this. 16 Persia. 17 Minerai filed fissuras. 19 The we-tt. 21 Fisbing baga. 22 Gem weight. 23 Caferpillar hair. 24 Period, 25 Que who runis away. 30 Pigeuai's ecry. 32 Mouatain asbi. 33,Dutch (ablir.). 34 Rowing paddle 35 Newspaper paragraphis. .36 And. 37 Kind utf snoýw- shoe. 38 Ail. 40 Newts. 44 Ship's decks. 47 Gent]ie. Ir- 12 13, Ï14 Answer te Previous Puzzle P HAM LI1NCOLN LOOE ANISE POW NAP ~~ IDM ÇiD C PPMM eiROE Os DEPLAN um ABA4fNLGpp 50 Prof ounid, 51 Blundler. 52 Burden. 53 Pertaining to 55 Custom. 56 Branchies of learning. 57 She recenýitly celebr-ated 40 years of ,aShe as a 11. Indian. 1Z Plant part. 14 Small star. 16 She -hSe acting ab!llty. 18floctor (abbr.> 20 Her, brothers .are alsoô stase 'AC) SOLAP I26 Quantity. 9 uU PES51S97 To be EMiUTU1 indebted. StEEPA El~28Knaveof - =f LWY lI1 clubs. VERTICAL 30 Kind ot lettuce- 31 Commun tree.' 2 Net weigbt out33 Propriefy. coafainer. 39 To mock. 3 High temapera- 41 Ex_,ploit. ture. 42 Tissue. 4,Sea eagles. 43 To box. 5 Chinese 45 Bard. weigbt. 46 Senior (abbr.)ý 6 To puif up. 47 Bull. 7 Genus ut 48 Kiad ut pier. ostricb. 49 Ought. 8 To slumber. 54 Road (abbr.). 9 Year (abbr.). 56 Measure of 10 Cries as a.caf. ares.

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