Cupid Rauki As Enemy Agent No. 1 CamediansT-iin leE - 4aned Warned 4'7fcoTeif Her"v Lov,ýe la enemly aetNo. 1 for CIaaiens rainîng ,wÎth Ithe R'oyal Navy t mkecobie suprme iporance (nd the gre e ause of reveeled sec- rets Cs love- 'Don't ttelI hr" lathe tlnoeme t!"psers humgup wiereer ern11- bind peretioQns mngather. Yet, bylttle fragmwen!ts o!ffeto alatter hmeor ïa goodiye liai tea aMeifaor girl frien iiiBrMain icsoçdler may im.parli the l--ives o!C U% enet dunenes ed care- les Atlk in pubs that cause as .ie rmost grief," eaid a combined oprtoaofficer. It's )not-cas - helpiag IHifler, "WMy ind tint biimeas esthe offender is a felow1 wio) S la not particerly ipreýssive11nd 5le't"Y- ing to baeM big shot With somne vaymoi no ýIw ie need ,cAfor trning Brotin Cno alegd la- land grows more urgent, Nazi tryinig to ferret onut the ,"whet, uiakin.inie Wiet are they preparing next -la ritan? Wen will ticy ha raady 7 Where wl they strike? Thar Caniejns are invoived ln e,1l this end in pravenfting real betl3ecrets reacing tfie eneMy bacause thay 'have been cearrying çeut some o! t-he greatest raid pean wetere Thasetroope have curity drli- 4ed into them .,and emplo)aiss la plaeed opn net tlig"e They ae r eful ard -ds- 2ereet as eany troops on cmi k fi perations ai-d yet aý Canadian isacurity offiCer eed: Lov lastfli Pny headecie." On the big Canadienmno- ,re, Vie troopa wvera honthe enrCees talk !fim "Next 0Ofm, es remarkablamovie *t1Arie 4oeq h sbecu !e lsson. Ileft a deaper impression on, -4h0 cfficars und men ta ascore eà! lectures anid a býld&po:t;r, 'AfVer eeigthat mov.-î ie,,Ia- eneet efraid te talk aven teO miy- melf" asid aCanadincolneL. Onl.1y Gir Skipper To Salvage Ship S-ariner, wil soonbegir n eao! ~-~VtheageDfsagnaso!ler 'enreer, 1whlea ithe 3s],vage eon- )pany aie wnrks for, sterta raisînig the 1,900-ton freighf-ier Henry C. Llaw a""fronI tehotmo!f Eýe -,. awraayce River. The tcolfier. mank near Brockville lest fea nd aftia.a urva-y, ws ,gve jupas a ttl bas by marinaexprs Capt. Jolston wio took up ber unique crmer because o! bad healti 16 yeers ago hes been fire- feok and ipe.In her eË pa-re time aie teikes -lier taa t asi- lgdecks aend sIinîng rssok Wh(enli er bont, fi-e Selvage Prnc, acnrie nCptilliej czooka for lier btoys-, At mel ine aihe fuma Vite wi-eelover Vo ani- other seillr, end taleseer in Vie g4hip's galley. Itvis thaSavgePine js over ei yeer ego, tint got the, lipia rince ffth rpide in Die St.Lnwee t Verdu, when ahIe Vent aground. Marneex.- vos imposie.e When docke,f ept, ie nd The Difference I is eaid tha ,t eogth in ;riurre!Vfactories eceuly as U offl ioà! uirtnk, alliefine ýrecod t( fgîin iconversation, and Vhe wcrkera &~~y~~~rzeif2« 4 NoCuosree *Yo'u don'î ed ain cou ons euy Postvum. This grndmeehtime beverege ih sdelicieuis rohu, oae ffets you a ilsplendid wey tici onserva tee and ï Oflea. Il's isaîyiaei the cup -Vn CNMCL 4 on, size makes 50 cups 8 oz. size makes 100 ceps cg ?l IZAL E ElR A 0l 0a q' BY CECIL CARNES SE NTE N C ES CýHAPTE5R X 'N ie iwndar ever struck fasi- et tan Alen teelpa.lBe pivoted7 la bus on(M ngt h on theground and came te bis feat lafhe sa swft novemlent, JB-is forward ep and an upward thruat o! bis pow- arfal laft arm knocked aside the haaI 0,j f tha menin,,ig rifle, If ax- ploded harmleels lBe awung e liaymiakar wit'li hie right Wlildbh n'wouldIhave ton teEast Indîa'S liAad fom îls shouiders if f lid %Mud tue imr. Prbe ly tfellow was npe parad for any raSistauce et aei>,lai len ecounrta-attack s50 ýldynme. Per-bape his ordae were not to ',shocot iules ecessar-y. Be gve ground almýj-.ost automnaticelly, and gave It barel-y lIn iie te ascapa' the loping fis, whlch bu-zzad by hi nose. Be eoutad somathiug ln Japauese, flan went sopinig into a patcb o! cactus as Allan'S lefi reeched bis jew in an upper- cut full o! authomity. If the Japaeee words were a, comcmantuA d cose in, îW six yal- 10w hencimen lied not weited for if, They rushied forward eat Allaer's fret eet , Ouea o!flaem trip- ped, over flie Earasian's rifle, aul- etherv was knce prawJing by Operated by; Pat Burton, twice winner of the North Amnerican anid Canadian Caif Roping Championships at the Calgary Stamped(e, the Burton Ranch i Southern Aibejrta was estab- Iisýhed h% 1890 by F. A. Burton. BRAND 0F THE BURTON RANCH 71L ISSUE 34-'42 fie Ersinhinselif leuflght, at Chird, "o)de(,, upwtbegrunt and( wenf t",c.e eerth as Allan's khnee dve cb isstorinachiaegaiinaýt lis epine eud ýiplaetaered if ih ere, Bati et iii tiare îwar thaof tbe or-midable Orientais lai ey boadl, grim. , sen)t, purposeful, Two leped for AIsarmas, ceaugî'tfhem iand clung like leech- as. Thle,, st man dove lheedlong teù gmh is knees le a footbý-all tac.kla, but a well-almed kick la the ,fa dited hie airn, flesptaw- eisamnis stilî gropiag blindly Býy n thfe Euarasien wae on ie i ft gaJin, but standingprdfy teü onea aide, Bis hideouls face aveui more rpls P rom fbate, lha seap- pa-d ordars le womda fIhai crackled, .Asý If proddad by irnaglnary aie- pliant goda, flie femporeriîy dis3- tahled Japa sspreng ý-re aend fore Le agein Ilire men possessedt of flan1da; tey cdescendad u 1pon Allenl wutl ta Impat e! ix living bat- HafOUgbf fbtem f oofl and eu, aise ith elbowa and knees and fiess-nd feef.That'ieknof of stsug- glingJ. ileen ayadibis wevay and fief, s1iiig areund lel I a serias, of cýrezy circles,.No -somnd camae frmiit01P fraiing bodies axcapi, Al'sgaspinig b ahi nd an oc- cainlgruef, wifb a Jpns acce, aý-s eue o! bis dasperate luega1 s couaaecfed with semavital spot le n it y's natorny Hia aîm çwas te 1break 1loosafor, julic-heone inst'ant -hapaaded te3 g)t uf bs aut1omire. lBe couid nefA de , B-e wasfigiing a 1- emmed uei n ectopus ,Ii(eavary o! asinge tnt aa, wo othaers eUy ahee wait -anfd )brte ,force, ha uba l sa tat trougb flie clm tpias 'iandte Cle adge ef île sýtaap dclivify. A moment the( fwlstia-g group i teamadon the brink; another saw illam over, if and pinwaelInig thw îe shiarp inclIine Iu a chok.!inig cleud o! duef.t end, rubble. Allenfarad baf 0 themarnal; Inrt, centar o! île me- volvng asslisprotectiva cove- mag of eemy bl h(d1es bilebddbfis ow tro ilore end cal ctus. Pulb ad, If wes île Peia- suie îtsalf fliat bef hii. Afi e foot of the bfibi something ain te e display of fimawrks daizlad hi& braie; but bafora ha could re9lly appraciata île rackets, sboeting stars and Roman endies, e cur- tain of blacknass fal mi Élie show, Quife simply, biLs liad lied bit aj ýýroch with ïe forece that nearly eit tha botl Be was stuinad oaily on ten"1 jiy buit waseouigi for tîle pek f wolve wlo lbadpulle d )hm ow.He openad bLis eyes teý flnd hiinisaî1f haîples, his arma leshe bah 'd1hm et wrist ami elo.TwoJpasbrfig waghs necl cf bi1lgs. The 0uaia ctod 'above hM, tain WS yu'acorne bak Elife, "-ie commenited, anf)d drove a bocot- (30 tue d8fp into AIlan*s saide. ý'Be- iveme, it 'will be a lesret ireenly!" Ha aded omat ngto bislmen. The four WhO *Wre holdig A01an to the rondgot-, ra'.iing hl wil te. ecauh is bzalance crckonbs eabut ihe wilsab to contro bi libe wh is cp tors mrcedhl re, nte base cf the bl i ad down to the shore. ih pasd see'vecri l squ(Inadci, o! worme ,al Japanese, who maire- ly staedatthe party lincuiouisly anid wn aot their lbusineSss. Thelre seme f be a wbobs fleet of amaal launches la the cern- pan'e erice Alenand hossee keepers tumbled ù,naonoeaand' head eor thelargest islnd He kep bi eys openl as thbey putt- puttad toWard a dock, and appar- ently the Erainotc-d bihao r Mesa". A urorerfrom hirr li Ja-pane(e an ouaof tue men Pro- duca a d'tyyellocri loth wbich he rarspad about the prlsoner's bead, lindfolding hidi effctuiîvaly. B"e ould jýrnoalkemuiaoCf bis surrundngaas he wvas guided ashre an leCi lad.There saaed tto Ibe a joncr',ete pafli un der bis 04e. The sound of many cliatering vouces indlcated quite a crowv'd îad taVined ou( to inispeef hlmy. Fatrnbutunaia- tory7; 1a ittiewhlebefore lhe had been wising ha knew- sois; now ha mma regretinîg bis edunatin lied stogppedshort of the Japant- esa language, Presently Jhe party hlted, Al- uan bard a door uniockd and open. They Passed through andt tha dfoor was shuýt behinwitb a rattý i to! ars arld Pa metallic clang that sugwgstd Itou.A shot wali -h-e cuteinaestendw a fljgýlitC, 0f ii aone atýýepa.Aote d0oer, complate with sound aj ffects of! bars and peua. Anothr etair- way, aaî lading downi, and an- OMMer sone-agged passae.He wats reioefunapi ), amovie h4e badJ once seen ila which a iman was ;takîen d own ilato the bwl cf te erthandleit fe rot jn a mnedieval dugeon. Anlothier door, apd waathis wes Unbawraand Swung open, li aensed a change An the Hliht'evený thirough .-, his bandag9e. B-e fait lie 'waa li a oom, brillantly jilli- ntdeven -, 30 feat udrrud A voice sponke la Japanese, The rlothnos whipoed 4rmnbis eyes, Be wna's in aconrtby unsh ed room'. auppdlikle-any mod- eru offie ,,ayd llghtad by Pelectric- ity from n oba d riur Thie cpany7. leralctd ms ave ifs own dynmos. e wcnt ing sucn etis-oicnteey tMing and storig it in hbismeoy agaat atmesuch data ight le useful.1Be was down but flot yet out; bsmdwsactiva, and figtin evn i hi boy ws Ip- Be was stan ingin front of fiat-teP ahogany desk, the Eura Ala o n e a u ide o! lm, a ýlguard on thie oither. Thle test efthle cap- tue.paty iesupoedaust have Two ldl-ae Japanase ware seatÎed Inu chair's beind thle desk,. one cf %=cmluna ell-c ut uifr-el It -was h;e who camiebrsklt the maqtter la aud, pcaaking goo'd Spansb ý a hgh-pitchled vo i Ce. Amati ce? Haroïo photograpli the Pinuafotiamaazie? Allan lncliued bis head te each quey, hogh ha wee ore Japaese rmyThisile my cl leaguear.1%shizuke, of the Tokyo Aclaey0fscience,." Allen bweThe pair rose as'ý one man ad hwed ack on Wbatnabeiý,, "that orenhs îasM frpoorpysilould have lied you toe iltpfrom wh iich you were oberin or itt eittie- mlentthruh oai f field glass- as." The otnigglasses wr For wAec quart use 10 or 12 whle Yotug beets (emaîl),1itea- eporor n self andboiiingMwater. Moabei lcbecs iorougil. Put àn a pan o! boilig water and bOI for 1 iuts in la old water f0 malte beets casîer Vo endia, lemove mskias.L"ev whOla our Sliced and peck info 'hot eterilized jars on wiici seribîzedI ewruibere hive beaedjsfd Add. self and boiing waet faif tic jet rWil in /inch o! top Sctew Vigitly; tien tar eaVUrI f0 lef tetuellow for expansion. Pla ce in oven t 27Ï5'F. fLor 2 /e heurs. Af the enrd o!filîs fperi-!cd remnove jets fthm fiven andý compifleta tic sea].Inercool as repi.dly aessiîble te presarve tha color, Sto!ere a ï o, r place, Feor eacituertse 1 lb. cr- rVota, 1 Vs oonsef nd1 caps boilig wafr, Wsi youn11g at tendcrcaroets or scrape if de- wis, qertred aicad or pce whole. Place in pan anîd bell for 5 minute s. Peck fie carroie ioosely le hot eteubized jars on wvhici new seilzdrubiers lieve beenedjsta, dd eait end o! top, Place luoven et 275'F, for 2 i2 eus Rmoefromt oven, ýcei!P!aîa fie seelî andlu vecrt fejrCool rep4Ily e'nd store in a dry cool place. 2 cupe copped plume e/acp <water ï ilcupe grenuiated suga /cup chopped nute e' upliudpcn Prepere plume; pi ifchp and pýck into meaurincup uMee- utc ai l frit ien)d1Wtr - t lrg keffle; sr untdi ifcomas iVo ia hoil. Cover Fna simnver lowly for 15 mnutes. Addsauget and liad 1 minuteReovme fi lient eeld su.l pctn Simanîpu et once. CoCvs iipare!! lewax ceoolplace. ou tOPles tfochevCwUenni nsd l'y vu rendy teLlenteyour npet speeel enusarel noer. AdËdreýSs yeur leters te "aNsýe 5<Le .Cln Mm or hn 130,000o! fne Lon doner ashd unt opI,-homes dnrng ie eav radsara inowý A N NOU N CEMENT ,cauxbe prehnee-d THROUGH4 il UR L TOC'ïL AL STORE1- EUCAYPTUS ef aRy dI'f;lty lu ebfnlnig, tAsï,em , Wrieýte e dl' AUSfTRAýLlILAN EUCALYPTUS 75~7 flche,, S., ero~oOnt. ~y hir a srnewat hinerbut As whnwe drove thie HiisOut MIy feet atre flot a mlbut 1. Anld ail I aski s give e nemore They say fthisarys ecnid an fo omach arde Sý 'what? l'il keep on rolinlg 'tii oév neerl.,iean)ed 'a tradle; Thereee r pvý,wns ia job that made me quit FPi ionget iused to ommyguns, n' not afraid t)ee hm ad 'v'1e metthi best at VImly andJ P',e met them lOn- the Somme- Pi'm wrliting ths n ap oi'll unlderstand Thiat; while at home I doe my bit, I'd like an activeý par-t Aogwith thiose hounidertake to Serve Unîto fthe anid t(> f2nishw ha-it we Whlen JIrnwanedyou ivl ind Ime PhoogrphRecords selctrioýn s to hoi- fr availbe for ent Write ,for piculars.j Vigcneux Brosýcz 90 BAYS.TO NO TUE RALWAY ND twledrawîings sls;ratîng ithe pars playved bythe NtonlRail- wyin Canada's \War Eifforït will be pulse n booe4ýtf PRIý,CE: TEN CENS Services Assoriationnopoid comfoerts for mmer fith Fighing Serv'ices. Tc Secure a cp edTen Cents in stemrps to DsritPas- scingerAgent, Canadie Ntina HAY FEVER sI1Nu s SUFFERERS O/1MM4MJ~TA7 T E /5W14 FOR ME!