THE ORI ed every Thur-sday m-orning at the Times Office 01rono1, Ontario ýsing Rates on request Subseription, $Ï.25 Subsriptionsto the United States, $2.00 R. A. Forr ester, Publisher imuel W. Smith Sr. r Newtonville Correspondent) -i 'tha pass4îng of -Mr. samuel. sr. ou July 6th, this districti ne of its mo-nst estpeeued citi- Mr. Smili h aqd suffered froni trouble for soire tme hut was y active and 'was at bis wcrk ai wbhen the cail came swfftly son of the late 3fr. and Sm'l.He had onie * and ore lial f4brothecr th predeceased b.. ,ru o)n th e lioiestead oliville, novw owned Uyy ott. On Dec. Ist, 1897, vaggie May PaInrier, of ;ard they con1týinued to home farre tili %bout ag o. Mfr. Snitli then irto and drove a truck )hnstone fro niwhoni lie ireconiniandations. On s healtVh le returned to lie village w heleand had lived mYost cf the -ked in Totronto. When Thoanpsor purcliased Ir. and Mrs. Sii-th e- le farm for a couple of rîey wçere utaible to work failing hemth, tfihy sold c A Ellidtt and purcbasedl loit in bile village an~dbLiilt a mýodeml- home nere hey have lived sinIce. Mr. Smith bad a quiet, kindly dis- posi,,tion with an ever ready smnile, allways wïilli,g to lend a hielping hbard(. He and Mrs. Srnft'h built up a truie Christilan homne wbich lias made its influence widel, f et in the cemnty. H a n honored memiber of the Board of the United ChjurLim. e served for quite a time as road superinltenJident for the town- shipand the township couancil jr their 'latter of syrqpa!thy teci MrlS. Sm-ith ass'uuired hier that -M.r. Smith was a f a tlf ul and cosientious werker, throýuehîy reilable and lion- HP.e leves tormeure bis passing, bis seroin vidow, ore son Roy, and one, grardson Carlos. The funeral service wat lield in the Uniited Ohurch, eaii, fol- lowirtg a private service a3t the house, and was cordujcted by Iis pa1s- tor, Rex'. J.MjLcan assisted by a form-er pastor, Rev. T. Wallace, of Greenbanlk. M, 1r. George OuIaphei sang a solo during the service.Te large cenecouese of frienýcl ardre latives frou-i near and, far attested! to tihe higli esteeni ir whicb deceased wms held. The palIbarers were, -Messrs. J W. Lalicaister, George WÎIlloeY, Wi- KIRBY -Mis. Oral Chapman spent Surday wxitb -Mrs.Fred Wood. Majster JIacqk Bry soýnis spend,(iIIg blis holidmy-s in port H-ope. Mliss Mildred All1en sp ent the wee -end with ier parenits, Mr. r M-.V. Alleni. ris. Ross W ittakIler afd Bali., of Torýonto, are visitCiing lier mother, Mri s. George Forlbes- 3fr. and Mrs. Leonarld BradIleY and 3f. nd Mrs. Walher, Bowman- Ville, spent Sunday wý7ith 3Mr. and Meis. J. Thoanpso-n. iecent visitors ýat Mr. F. J. Briom- acontheb were,3r.anMis. J'a k Reîd, of Newto nville, and 3fr. and Mrs. S. Berr-y, Kiinby. 3fd orreýw and Pearl :-p'nt Sun- day with Mrs. Mnrtlia Morrow, wlio ceehsledher 8th birthda[y a ni reniaining for a week the guests of Mr. and Ms Peter Wallace. Caniacian troops, aloi1g with U. S. Britisfh anid Free Frenich l tOOPS maea raid on the Frencli coast on Wedines a andwaslainied to be hghiy suecessful. They stayed six hous. No reports of the damlage has iheen given yet or tlie numiber ofcastialties suffered. -liami Laing-, Ar>tlur Redkiap, le- larnd Lane and Ceeil Robinsor. intenment wa's made in Lakeview Floral offerings fo:Mr1. and Mrs. Wm. PaImer, and Mr. and Mrs. Jac'k Ellery, of Ferelon Fallis; Board of the Unîted Churdh, W. A. of tlie United Chiih, Mr. and MsD. O- den, of Osharva; Mrix and Mr. R. A. Joirstone, of Toronto; ýMr. and Mrs. Ken. Haïw, of Tororto; Mrs. Fred Slmith, and Sam, Miry, and Mrs. Jas. Stone' Mr. and Mrs. George Smih Mr. and -rs. Ciaton Farotw Ir. and Mrs. John Cotter, Port fHope. SAMUEL HERSENHIOREN When the Toron~to Philhar.monie Orchestra resumes its series of CR0C National r etwork Pr1ogramniesý, in the Prom Concert per-formances fromn Varsity, Arena, Toronto, on Thursday, Auigust 27, Samuel Her- senihoren (affive) wil lie guest eon- dJuctor. Jean Diekerson wilb be the solist and besides works by Mer- delssoilin, Elgar- and Rmsyor- kof, Mfr. Herserioren will cenduet the orchesýtra hi 'Enchanted Hill", by the Caradian composer, Johin ,Weinizweîg. 'Plie liroadeat portioni of the rane wibl be be-ard at 10.15pni EDT, 11.15 p.m. ADT. Fractures Neck In Dive George MUartyr, 19, son of -Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Martyr, of the R.C.A. F., Trenton received a fraetured reck when lie struck a rock wLle diving in Dale creek, duing t he paist week- end. Martyn xýjas home oa leave after conupletinig a course, and had beau lialping bis father witb hayingl or their farre near Welcomie. He wans takier te Port Hope Hospital and later taken by R.C.A.F. amn-bul- ance back to Trenton for treatient. _______________ _______________________ M ____________________________ M ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ You tan now buy War Savings Certificates u . n iinvostment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada a. t ail Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies $5 FOR $4 $10 FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 INTEREST AT 3% TAX FREE REDE EM A BLE REGISTERED po4h , & Classifîed FOR SALE 529 Ford Sdn $50.App1lr to D. Sharpe, Newcastle. a3-p STRA Y ED One 3-year-o!IldB la ck cow froml pks;i-ure, about three -weeks a go. Anyone knowing- of its wvherealiouts kindly eal 7.3 r 11, 'Oron-o. a-831-c. 'Our two-acre home is for, sale. For particulars scee m Riddell, or the owner, Rowland Smnith, 354 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa. c-31-p. PUPS FOR SALE Six Part-Houn~d Puips, niust be sold iminedlatelly. Very reasonalile. Phone 5 r 1, or aiply to Mrs. Wm. Lynnh. aS FOR PICKERING MUNITION PLANT Cafeteria staff wanted -,Cashïers, counter girls, waitresses, steam- table servers. EZperience not ne- e.essary. Minimum Tate $52.00 per1 month, room and board free. Reply, giving age, etc., to Miss Jamieson, Georg-e Cule.s Limiited, Ajax, Ontario. c-31-c. FOR PICKERING MUNITION PLANT Men wa 'te or kitchen cleaning and and porter work. -Preferably aged! 45 to 55. Experience not necessar'y. Minim--uim rate $60.001 per m-onth, room and board free. Reply, givin'g agec, etc., to Mlr. Wil- liamns, George Goles. Limited, Ajax, Ontario. c-Si-c.1 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY 4. MORTON, late of the Town of Whitby, ini the County of Ontario, and formerly of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased. Creditors and others having laimns against the above estate are required te send ful par"ticullars of such d.aimls to the unýders-igned on or lie- fore> the 7th day of Septeraber, 1942, after whie3h date the ýEstates assets will be distrijhuted, ha'ving regard onrly to ýclaires that have -been rec-eiv- ed, aId.he Adrninistrator will be responsible for ne others. Tbis Notice girven pursuant ýo the Trustee Act, being R. S. O. 1937, Chaptèr 165. SAMUEL L. BERRY, Administrator LAWRENCE C. MNASON Bowmanville, Ont. His Solicitor COeýWANVILLE The cominiunity wvas sorry to hear of the sudden dealtho r.Wle Farrow. Mr. and M->-, Wos. Stinger, Mr. and !Mrs, J. J. W. Stringer 'iie nt Mr. (GeOrge Headersoni's on1 Sun- da4y. M.and Mrs. Roy Langmiid and the latter-'s mother, Mrs. George Ste- plienr, and Helen and Chiarles Langi- me-id, of soîina, visited with Mr. and Ms Hilliard Siînpsor. Mr. and Mrs. B. Strirger n-nd Granddlaughter Joani, Miss Garmel Stringer, Mfr. Ehimýo Stringer, of Toronto, made several calis ini the neigihlorhood o n Sunday. Sorry to report Mr. Stanley Por- teous has beer confined to bis bed. WVe wislih in a sýpeedy recovery. Mrs. D. fHaslkill is hehping her miother while ber falier is ill. ENTERPRSE ente hs week. Mfr. and Mrs. Gordon ýMoffat and £a-ibiy, are holidayinIg at Port lPerry. MWrs. John. Cochrane spent a- few days with lIMrs. Richard Kirk imat V",ee-k. Mrs. Clifford Gilbank, of Hamul- ton, is visiting 3fr. ýand Mrs. Earl Gilbanic. 1 Mr. Aiithur Curtis anci fmmiily, of Peterboro, are speirg, a f ew days at the fanm. [Miss Barbara Rarslberry li-as re- turned homie tfterý a neonths visit with Toornto friends. Mmsteir Gerald Scott, of Columbus, sprtbis bolidmys w\ýith Mfr. and Mrs. Lloydl Ramsberry. Master Billie Bradfley, cf Pieker- gis spending ,bis hlihdmys at bis auljtrs, Mrs. Wi. XMalley. Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Thonipsor and boys, o£ Toro .Uto, have beeny Prof essional Directory' MEDICAL A, F. McKENZIE, M.D. PH1SICIAN and SUR GEON Offie llcurs - 2.00 to 4.00 pm.;- 6.N80 8.0 . PHONB VE47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Omo Phione 56 r 7, Orono, onti John J. Gîifillai, QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISIr Licentiate of the Oolle6 f (OptOn- etry of Oxtario office fHours: 10 to 12 a.n. anid 2 In 4.30 p.m ad hy aPPOintinbut Ofine 0i. B. Tyrrell's DrugStw Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo1- bile and LiabilitY I rono - 5 - Ontariau AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ConducteAacetion Sales of ailuise& and at resonatde rates., Oominuiate wïth hi3n at Poet" Ferry, Ontario, or 9s e 01«Iok, L. E. Morton, t Oromo, for data. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnanville - Oronoe Phones: Büwmanvýille, Day 480 _Night. 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete FuTnture Store and Modern Funeral Service iin Durham OurService-THiE BEST Our Gods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE --&SONO vîisiting ber parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Jamn-es .Rarsberry. We are pleased to krow that Mrs. Kirk lias retuined home from1r Peter- horo hopital, havig undergone a eye operation -ilicli was quite suc- ,cessful. SIXTH UNE Neigihbors of Mrm. Gîlroy are glad te hear of a decided improvemient in lier condition. A pleasirg cendiltion is the ex- change of help aniorgst our farners,, due Vo lack of belp generally. Mr. Lorre Martinell bas al'mos1t finished the excellent rerovatior on our Sixtli Lire sehool bouse. M1r, John iStore, our efficient thrasher, lias been ini our neigIhi1bor- boed wiihbis miachine and farineils report favorable yie(ids. A goodly crowd of irterested lis- teniers to the Service to hear an ' nu- terestirg diseourse On hhe sulijeet of defective eyesiglbt from -a former itizen, Re-.Albert Carseadden, who has lied this frailty toe coterd wlli sinice boyboed, and durirg bis effort and success iri bis career as a i-s ter of Mie gospel. 3fr. sasaidnl wellb known here ad waa bora or the farun on the seventhn concession nü,o oocupiied by ithe McKelvey f arn- ily. His discourse was a touchirg plea for the bhird suLd semi-libimid