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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1942, p. 5

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LOST SomWhreiOrnoý, a numbi'er of fiat keysý wi a pice of stlin u3sed asi ring.Fidrler dese leave at Timiesofie 'rry us withl your rrntigneedaS. Charged With Selling 12-year-old Daughiter For Coat and $75.00 Ina a Toronto D)aiy Star cf last who re aîleed wtihsellin'g 12-year-old deghcter for a coat and $7.5.00. Jud ment was reservedi theý- chargesaegainsýtJohn BoEurjfoou, La 1Hastinýgs counity faIrme1r, whowa aNlgesi te have %so'"his 12-yer- o-d daeghter to a farmihanid, Williami Kellar, for $75 -andi a down paymnt cf an oldoveacoat. Mrs. Boumihour wa si to 'have written a note as owtes f the transaction. Poilce arre'std tihe all'ege'd "pur- chaser" When he aippiies for a mar- rnage lj:-iise. They ivere te ha;ve been marriedsi wheethe girl tures 13 on Autgust 30th. L.A-'.C. Brucýe Teiinant, cfMai Leo)a, is speiiding a couple cf weeks' vacation avth is paren1ts, Mr. and MFs. Art Teenant. Only about three more weeks' then ail roadjs mciile ad to Oren for, the Agricu lt Fair. The Bowmienville iÀons Club dur- ing the past yeacr bas eontributed the 'tid>y suni cf $55'7.04 Vo the Lions British Gihîlki War Vicetimei'Fud IIn Orono It's Mac Smith' s Iin Boys' Eeasyfit Sunirer Combinations:, r 3e 9c 59c. SPECIAL SL RC ... 9 -Boys' Walker Overalis, regular $l1.59.d' SALE PRICE ....-. -....-.ý... .,,.2 Boys' Trousers, summer long-s, reg. $1.50, SALE PRICE ......*. ...... $115i Regular $1.10, for ...... 8 9c Boys' Brushed Wool Sweaters, reg. $1.50, à- SALE PRICE . .... ... .............C Men's Light Weight Flannelette Pyjamas, $1.05~ reg. $1.35. SALE PRICE ..... ,AV Men's White Dress Shoes, reg. $3 .50, sale price $2.69 MAC. SMITH PHONE 6 r 2 - - ORONO; RED &WITE STO RES Magie Baking Powder, cash 1and carry, 16 oz. tin 28c Shredded Wheat, cash carry 2 for 23c Newport Fluffs, 13 qt. size' 39c Mustard, Gold Medal Prepared 8 oz. jar, 2 for 17ce Quix Cereal, ýwith pearing knife, 2 for 25e Babo Cleanser, in 14c Vita B Cereal, pkg. lOc Toddy, 16 oz. in 47c Flax Seed, 3 lbs. 21c Small Link Sausage, lb. 22e Roasting Veal, boned & rolled,1bh25c Fresh Pork Liver, IL 15C Dutch Loaf, IL 29e Good sized Oranges, doz. 29c Lemons, 3 for 9e Bulk Macaroni, 2 lbs. Ilc Choice Quality Peas, 2 tins 21c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 10 lbs. $1,10 Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 71c New Cabbage, Tomatoes, Celery Freestone Pea- ches at Mloderate Prices, J. J. CORNISH L.PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery Local News Mr. an(] Mus. John ý àorris are both on the s-ick lis't. IMijs s IsbleAllie is hojlaying witih friensine the North Bey (dis- tric.. L.A.C. John Grady, of Manng Pool, spenit the week-end with McHs, C. G. Amtog Mrs. J. D. Found andsi-son Bill, cf Tort>o are holi'îday-ieg e-t theiir cot- take neer Lesikard. Dr. Rosis Laing, cf Chicago, spena f ew dayýs this week visitieg withl his sister, Mrs. Nedeni. Mcs. L. Bruton atteneds the wed- ding cf ber soc Stanley, le Toconto, oýn Saburday evcnieg l'est. Miss Marion Cooper, cf Toronto, speet the week-end -with his parents, Mc. andi Mrs. 0. W. Cooper. Mr. Ohas. A-wde trucked a loe'd cf 'bis caWile te the eity ce Saturday ansi reports that f air priceýs still pr-e- vail. L.A.G. Jas. 'Pewers, of IMannieg Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. andi Mrs. G. L.Powecs. Messrs, Ab. Bonuen andi Georg-e Lune attend'ed the herse races et New Haniburg andi report a veiy surle!esisful outieg. Mes. W. E. Armistrorng- ansi fam- iiy are spenidinig a coplof weeks hlolidai-ys et Mr. -Mlorris' summier cet- t'age at, Jaeeftville, MU. Wm. Mi-I,1s, fcrmnerly cf Orono, and father 'cf Mrs. Robert Cern- forth, cf Lindsay, 'passesi awey ile that towe, on Sunldaylet Mc. Perc. Chaprnan is 'busiy rushl- ineg the construýction cf Mr, Gecry's new residence ie the seuth wacd ansi he is aise shinglieîg Mils. McýIPher- son's residence. On Tuesday evening cf tinis week about twýenty friensis ansi relatives from Oshawa, Hlaniiltoni, Kinge,,ton and. Belleville, visitesi et Vnho-m cof Mus. H. Flintoif. The prie cf milk advanced ini ia Oreno on Monday of this week, -\with quarts now sellin'g for i twVelJve ýcents instead cf eleven, and pints fat '7 cents, instead cf six. 'Mrs. Water iCobbediel, has been laid up wtha apraieed ankie, cauis- cd 'by steýpping off the odge cf 'the siide wa'lk on Church street. t semrs that more liights are needed on this stredt. Thne cro1ps inethis district are un- in-, out excptionaly welU. mr. _Mil- ton Corndish threshed 10 acres cf peas wfhich yielded hm200 bushels, wihileehis cat croip will everage 60 busihels to the acre. iMrs. D. Noble celehrated hier 82aid birtihday on Tuesdiay 'cf this week, and received many telegrins aend c letters cf cnrtulation. Mr ýs. Noble is in) fine liealtlh and i is able to be 'up tOwyn evec'y day cf 0the week. Sonie cf env gardceniers a re heviag good cesits with their po)taýto c-rops. Mr. Ab. Bo'wen diug fifteen buis-heIs cf spuds furm eue bag cf seed, -whîle ,If.Geo. Butters dug up 'fourteen begis. T'le seeciidttoe-s were pur- chased from ýMr. 'm. Hale. 'Those froïm Orono vwhc atteedesi tihe funeral cf the laVte r Mc. Mis, father cîf Mrs. -Robert Cornforth, cf Lindsay 'on M'enday last wecre: Mr. and ,Mrs. W. E. Davey, Mr. andi Mrs. E. J. Hanimi, Mr. Robert Sherwln and Miss 'Sherwin, Mrs. cccandi Mr. A. J. Tamubiyn. M-. Fred iHinten, vho has occu- pied Mr.. Pattersoe's farm on the Eilhth 'Concession cf 'Clarke, for Vhe past four yeanls, 'wTiIllaccu be leaving wi.tb lis wvife and family te take up resideece ie Hamilton, hfis sormer place cf residiee before com ing te Clarke Townisipi. Mr. and MiVrs. Haýoýld Cobbledick and the latterP's sister audc brother- i-eMr. and -Yrçs. WBeýllcf Toronto, s-peet, a week's viacation at "Pine Point," Mcrrv- Winiters sumnmer resort on Lake St. Peter andi ieport a grand hldy havieg a nie catcýh cf speeledc( trout a n 1 blaclk bss. New, mdr test equipmenten ables one to make fast, dependa-ble epairs to any imake of rado. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono, ti. Mrs. Wv. D. Fowler, of Peterboro, visiteil uverilbhe welk-end lwith ble Mr. 'and Mis. T. J. Car1'snaddIen are now pendlirng a Vacation aiýt a cottage' at Neiwcastle on Ihe Laike. Miss Elrva Tucker, of Toronto, is sepenidinig her aanu'al two weekls' va- cation at her home in town. Miss Edith Shierwin, of Wininipe, is visiting lier brother, Mr. Rober-t Sherwin and *Mrs. C. Mon, Centre street. Mr. and Mm <i'dus Jones and Mi-, and Mrs. 'T. J. 'Garscadden visit- (2d with ýMr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson one day lastcek Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Millson and. daueghter- Mar'garet visibed Mr. land Mi-S. Johil Milîson, of Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. 1. tD. Carruthens, Pertý,h, last week. Mi-. and Mr.s. Fred Wood, Mrs. 1. Winter, Pere. Winter and Bull 11Lynch are spending a week at Harvey Winiter's summer cam~p at Lake St. Peter near Bancroft. Mrs. Jamnes Dickson returned homne on Tuesday o4f Iast week after a six week.s' visit with 'hýer daugh- ters, Murs. Mili11son, of Kingston, and Màs. Turley cf Fitzroy 'Harbor. We are glad I!to learn that fi'issý Myrtie omih,0r forr phon eperator', has s'ulcessflully passed her exaimiination'ýs for Second lass Certifrcate cf Proflciency ie Redlio, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. James Eagleo m Miss Jean Turner sipent Wednesdey cf le--st woeek inP eterhoiro and aiýse attended the annuel regatitea at Weal- lace's Point, -whieh inecluded swimr- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough and young daugliter 'have returned te their home in 'Orolno after spend- ing a fmw days et Bucikhorn Lake, aIe visÀ'fig with !the's parý- ents, Mr,.-and _Mrs. Ros-b-oirough iof Peteriboro. Mr. W. E. Davey caughit twe beau- tif-ul brook troût on Weclnesdav cf Iast 'week, ocee meui 111/2 ln- ches in leingth and tihie otiher 10 inch- es in a local stream. Bonth hese trottwere thiick VJhrough as to widith anid dpth, Wmi. then did the good siameiten ect and sent both trouit te a sick friend in Toronto. Major Watkins, of Toronteo, and Ad;t. J. Hart, of Bowmeanvile, visit- ed Oreno the forepabt of this week mkigcontacts for special cerr- paigan in Septeesher for the Salvat-ioni Arniy's Homý-e Service Red Shield work. The objective i-3 approximîate- ly $200.00 for tihis district and it is e>xpectedc that 4;his very wor'thy ap- peal rwill be aûceptaile te al and a sýlendid res(pnse ili. e forth- Orono Tn o Some MNetals are hard to get If you need any get your order inl as soon as possible R. E. LOGAN POPJRIREOR Centre St. Oronoe Phone 30ih PAKST. UNITED CHURCH ~ AKRev. S.littlewood P agter Durneg the month cf August wership et Il a.nmi. MRL J. J. MELLOR wiilî -effiiate a th lese services Thece will be ne evening serviece Park oni Fridaiu, nir o etwc by ~ ~ ~ t e'crcflte8. Kirby 11md a detea1mined effo":4t la the la1st cf the, se'-v1ntih te eitberci tic the sOreo wiîn, nuhen the fiust ltree batters seoLured hits, but the îAjax1 p til('e' tihtaduqp andi allowed oaily tht el ruas' n tislest inings, making" cee0 batter1 fly eut ainsi then hei stç c eut T'he other- two. Ajxseicures thruee ruesla ilth( firsit ieiigintwo welks and cee single, while the Kirby batters wený eu1t in order. TIn the s;econd anc third ineiings Kirby helsi the Ajax: teani scoreless, ani)d tlhey ln tiurc scored thiree ruens, twc n luaesec~ andi 'ce in thne third 'te tic up VInE the secnd G. Watson sini- gled while Ab. West -,vas g-iven a waik andse soresi on 1H. 1avey's smi- gle. Lawrene E -rris siegles-1in- ihe third mi scced on E. MGthc' singlJe. Inethe first cf tfie feuc'ýth Ajax scored three runs when Hclly w-as safe ce an errer, -Stronsi wal-ked. andi Delvin singiesi. Kirby camne be'ek in their half cf the feurth with t-wc ruswhen Ah. West andi H Davey sinigiles andi leter sceresi. Ajax -adoresi two rues ile the tiftd i -lea Wyatt andi A. Vrýoonan hi oth conî- n]ectesi for doubles. Kirby iwalS blnkes injethe fi-ftlnandsisixth in- ninigis, 'h ile Aja x sco]eesi ovemoee rues lm the'siixth, , when Strousi was safe on an errer' andi Pet nuekesi, bcth erg on Graves double. Ta the first eof Vte seveeith Ajax secur- cd cnee ruen whev Holly conniectesi for a 3 -b a gg e r. iiiby made a streng bld for thne gamue ine VIe least haîf cf the seveeth -he J. Lowery, andi G.1 Watse-n bethsege, Diek Morton drove 'then home with a double, who eýýcocesi on A. West's long -fly toecen- tre fieldi, cJ-,biing homie'on Vthe Vrcw- ie. The other tmwe hatters stcuck- John Lowýýer y pthdsix ijnni! for Kiirby and orny gaeop -its, 'but is -ed 1four walkýs, r 'theseris'ultingin ruaýs. Two i ï wcere alcoredon uerrors. 1) Meto ek over the moUnd s("i in the sevenith and Y-ieldced up hit,a bage by llily. J -Lowe-my h-ads1i s' strikLeouts and lu Mor't'1on ce. F. Strou'd fer Aapthc sepven ieniangs, aliowving 10 hlits-. issued four welks, with cee lec turne-d into- a runi. Ile had 10 stri ocns te bis 'crit Stani. Payne wsesiimp. behlinsi plate, andi gave geod setisacýtior both teameu. Lyell Lowery, ceat ing for Kiby, waas forcesi te ne1 -nle fouillh nuhien a fowl tip turi baeon ee cf MIt fingesrnails, 4lcehing tknL'y "ik ters. Ajax ........ 3 003 2 21-11 Kîrby . 0 21 2 003- 810 Liee-up) for Kjidjy . L. Harcis, E. McCutcýheen, 1ýf, J. Lowery, p,, G. Watson, lb, D. Mortoen, cf, Pl Ws,2h, W. Winter, SSc , C .Dav cf, L. Lowery, c, Ken. Neal, -ss. Carl Meagher, Oshawa Lucky Ticket Ruld At Bow'manville Lions Sti Garni-val held on Wednesdny eveii cf lest wee'k, Carl 7Meaghec, cf0 awa, w!a1s the holde 'f the ltu ticket which gave -,him tl hkoiýc a lbeuse or $600 in Vietery Ul Bond, The nmher cf bis ticketi 6 208S. A Colliacautt,-.f 'Bowm-iannv wý,as waed$25 ie Cash for sell the -lueclcy ticket. The uýsi! hiý games and other ga-mes cf c1iar ref-reslhment bootihsi andi other attr tions ket fie !lrge rod nÈ taine(l until late li- the eveninj. - - -- - - - Numerons t>reshieg mcie neow lusy tihroivgh'et bhetown-sii ARM STRONG y IT PAYS TO PAY CA, Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thursday, Friday, Sat. Aug. 20, 21, an, UMBRELLAS Oul Silk Umibrellas, plain, plaid and floral patterns, in all shadles, priced at $2.00, $2.95 and.,... ......$3.50 DRESSES Ladies' Sheer Dresses with Slips, in rose, blue navy andIC black, sizes W ii to 24 . ...$6.45 IBalance of Rayon Crepes and Slub Dress-_ es 110W on sale duced Prices, Quart r dozen Loin Pork Chops triimmed Shoulder Roast Beef 25c. Ewing's Powder pudding 3 for at Re- TABLE CLOTI Scotch Lace r Cloth, size 54" x for...... Rayon Cloth, 50"x: Çi0o0red Borders LADIES' SATIN-]ý UNDERWEAI .xuaianteed Run-pi in- white an-d tea Slips, sizes 3/9-40 Gown-s, sizes, si m-1edium, 1ýlarge- ý Panitees, sizes si medium, large . .. ~--.- 'j, Thrif t Soap Flakies large size Fresh Side Pork IL 28e. Roun-d Steak lb. 35c. Fresh Shouflder - Pork

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