VOlCE 0F THE P R ESS DON'T CASH THEM IN The voum if certificatestr- md lu would s'eem Vo indicatc ha a ily pteople have heen csili ~her crtiicaesfor- rea'sons noV P-together serious. The desire for Snew coat orsuit or - a vacation, ~p o a adequatte exceusefo re- Jleeng war sav7ings certificates. Itj3taliVehardeoi fo-Jr the ~oenen of-inance ur war7'i qffort and i, t makces the operation (el the Nwar effort miore expeii. ive. Tc, handle the redenýiption, lýhnbatsh~be goïing on rq e thùe srvices ofra large .br .p lrswhose work i-s P aca ~osas f ar as wnnn tewa s -Winni~pe FrettPes NOM-GRWNVEGETABLES The ntroBitish sulP)Y of grcen vgtals is o eing M on nthe United indm emeibeingthat before h c year wecanmenurethe war- $ime eeopetof British a'gri1- sultre, hichhasalso încureased fls poducion f cereals by ý50 per cent and tht ofpoaesb laing ajet of wa'te"'riona tüud Vo beVhe est iway o x jlgushngit. Therte are sýtili, however, [h epeople wý;ho deal- -with the mte by Saying, "B3oshl can'ýt happen here," and thlen itcng iontufo-r a ic lngride i .Lhecar. -WnsrStar NEW COINS NEEDEO silice soft dr-is now vcot meveen cents Pand chocolto baers Kil, how ahbout the mninlister of 4inance ordAerinlg the itinig of ecoven-enpt and six-cenit pieces? ABï s -isnow, so imanly coppers in b,,auge areý jeopar-diziag thie Wýar- ifmne ['ices, and Trade Board's qefforýts al4'ong thee of pants"- IlASILY SATISFIED he Nazi mmd i fairiy ils lrated hbY the Germana officer whoic ,when ho w vas caprledby 0the Éiussians declared: "1's aIl theý saine Vot ime whom owe fight. IV i.swaritself thýat s-aisfiesmD'e." KNOWS HIS STLJFF Theclmit osa id Ià vas't ralsummer unýtil te chair caýýie up when you 0,id, hurew smtigabout thiE humid1- ity aou his locality, Briish Girls Makie Eyes For Weapons Thekesestv eyso Mary eed,26-yar-old formerý eyes of nbaacdful of egergil are elpig cnstrct l a id- L-auds factory VLhs 4P,"ees"f b3ri+- l i Vhsonly factorysof ts, kindýj thie lesgasfor irplne, tnk-s, monopoized before the inar. To pends on the sharp weesght of Mary and ber companions. Mr'joýb is Vo tesýtVhgls in ias crude Mtate before it goes ko t'he ions ,ýgrijAdern Teshg est flaw r mpC iyheovr looks ï mighitreIt la eective perissope or a gun-eight off hs mark, Sje steat Ës beachwith a miniature magiclanateat one end sud a semul! white sereen al; lte othor. In he dark Vhs boum froi .the hater poece Lirl ef Iib nte cen evealing any defecte. Sometimes hs flawis as par- tieo detwhich etee %,h glas henIVwae in iqidform., Sometmes it is a ti eefknown gs a feth r ra "en"Tite flW is inged with soft blue pea- & id udeVhspiece of Oglas epassed to Vhs riedng dpartmnent, yeegirls ;cutlaway the ipr 'aws foiVe~ iam Liban sad. o ther gills a re o as a eoric ube trevolving sa,,ýv THE WAR - WEEK -Cmetr nCretEet War Effort 0f United Nations Threamtened By Crisis In India Thepeetcrtclsituationi in 1Ind3ia evloedby pr-ogressiv.'e sýtops fo.llow ing the nbiiyof lthe m-1ission headed b'y SrStaff ord Cripp Vo r ach anagreemlent wIth Idan leader,ýs ast spring. Tho m,-ajor mletne re Jsted bte Christian Science MoitorË as follows: Th e Cripps miY _.Sssîioný off er ed Indlia Doin-ion statua aîf'er the war an a graduially exupain.dingq voàý i la tho irection o ef its Sf- loirs dnring the period of hostili- ie.Toproposai was reýje"Ccd b)y ail mjor groups. h Ail- India Gongre'ss Parïty nsked ful lidaMoslem Lea)gcýIe refuÀsed Vo agree Vo any plan wich 1gave a propotionl ajor-ity Vo the pre- domînately li-ldu Congress Party and oughutetaiishment of a eru lindia Cogr asPrty leaders contîin- uvà ed Vo gitate for j imedîiate ini- depeneaceas Janpanlese xae thiuonqucetýs ini Asia. LaVte JuIl t orkinig Com- màittee of, theùCo1gresýs, Parjty acted Vo bring the situation Vo a h1ead uby p-assing ,a resolution, drawn up byMohanldas K. Gand- hicalig ora civil disobediîen._ce cap ignlessIdi'frdm was Iranted Pt Onc, The oiginldra1ft ofth 1e reso lui-on s-aid! the first mv of an independeat Indan government pxbbywouid be Vo rnegotiate- wi3h jpn. Thi s rem1ark ýlaVer wa adie ont of the original resohution, erevised draft said afreed linia vwould "hlhat edly aid nreservedily declare it- self on fihe sidle-of th-e United Nations, agreeing Vo meet Japanl or sny other aggresor with amed The B r itish G ov- ement re poddbyvuly accusing M. Ciandhi a 11 znd ohrCongr-ess lead- ers wih beiag appeasers of Japan The Fuli Committee of bh, Cogesparty xmet on Aug. '7 and pa5ssed a;-,supllent'ary kand prepatratory resolution givingMr Candi full powers Vo Jeaads- bedience mvmn if a dlemaînd fo feedom lwcee rejected. At he rame Vime Mrn Gandi aea i the oUniited state-s V0 st"While thero iM yet time" Vo bngabýout Indian ndpedec an4 per ilndians -Vo "use their LIFE'S LIKE THAT liberty in fvrof the Allie(I cause. ' Commi tee atified by an ver- Comitees evised rtesojiutioii suthorinig the disobeoiee move- !y countered hb outawing the Con- grese Paýrty generaly aid parr'est- inig Mr. anhiaad some 2C00 other embrs f the Working Comittaee Shrlefter Vhe are sds- and othme ites and police were forced o foo E)n demionsrators, Blow At Alliec Cauve ra sme Alled quar ers Che action of dhe Congress party seemed a major blow ait the Alli caucse, ays the New York Tintes, Mr.Gadh seem1ed ready Vo 3parua- l.,yze ads r VoQplunge lher into civl oafic aoa uewhen Vh,11 Ja,-panesýe we-reaýt the country's gaVes i laBurma. iý The farmIs, mnines, fatre n mn powver of-j th BitshEpire's greatest domaî-a land almost as lage as he Uiàted States Vint hre ines thei popullation-are vital Vo the defense of the MMdde East. lindia is the pgreat barrier Vto ani overand juMton of tho Germani and Japanece armies. Across i' ruas the remaining AgoAei car supply lune Vto Free Chinla. Tt lies on the flaaik of the Anglo. Amrcnsupply line Vo liussia via the PrinGulf DandIrn The jsieof Iaias aim Vo( freedoni ra oV questioaed in Britain andtheacUnited States. It was realized that M1n Gaadhi's people had evancs datig backý thirough ,ceaturcies of EUropean ex- plCotton, and that redress was due., The iin,ïg of the demaud, however, stirred doubts as Vo Mr. Gaadhî's sense of realityl and caused bitter crities Vo charge hîm with imnperil-Ing the Unîi tedNa tionis in one of the war's o GadisArgument The flare-up iiudis's ln fighit for sl-oenetbas spruag frýom t 'he advance of Ja-, Te M i k ad o's legions ïowept th-rough Malsyný, the Eii-,t lades nd urm--a; the naitive popuatins ook hsrdly an.y pa-rt ,u their cutis eessm By Fred Neher I'sfi-em Vt hie f opolice,. -. . lHerequrest yourpresence toniorrow m,rning a City HZallfor illogal parking. Dres. is inforrai." fLactions even helping the ivd eswithfftcounsrie similar situation-l might prevaýil ia In1dia ifthtie Japanese eniteried. it is known thtNppns gents have long prom-oted contacts with Lidian r 'evolutionaries and boml- barded Jndîa's masses wîith anti British propaganda. Theé rip plan presented an atmp o win fuilico-opera1tioD of the subeon- tinen1t's masses. lit has lbeenMr Gandhi's agmn that the coý- o)peration uvanted, by the Al;'J*es couid neye(-r be achieved unless his ounry ws etrusted with its Diverse India Loûndlonýs answe r--au pporlte d by Wasington-is that the issue i com11plex, that man-y interests mnSt be considered, that fi-eedom can- niot be rushled thxrough now wixth- out îinjustice and chaos in india, Vherebyladn to a fatial wecak- einlg of t1he Allied milîtary, posi- tin It is held particuflarly that thie Moslem in rt-8,0OQ J n numb11er, Compar>."ied'toC,26(30,- 0Ï00,000 HlndUs-wýill plunge theI cocuntry into civil wýar rathier ta su(bmi)t to Hinduadistton The Biis'ave declared that the Cripps proposai! is their ina ivo0rdL Recently Secretary o Sate CordeilH -- ddesed what n-tany regarded as a, warnnig Vo nda'sationalists He e Cared tht post-war freedomn could only, be -issured to peopfles who showedr,( theinseives wvorthy of it. Civil disobediencec amîpaigne of the past have inicluded boycojtts 0 British goods anid services, resig- nation of indians fr-om ipublic posts, wtdrwlof cide fromi schools, closiig of shjopa. Despite thejr nnvoetitn tions, they have usuallycumn ated in bloodshed, riotinig and ar- rests, The British idctdte werepread to uise force V keep Lidia's nationail;sts iii u, They forbadle thie closing of shops on paini of fine andimrsn mnent. T)ýh- iriy in the seuh- continent 11nmbers well over a, million ,and ài.,;is omposed largely of Mos;lems, who -might oV o sympathetic toja Hindu ms movemenit. Mr. Amery Confident Mr. -Amery, Secretary for l- dia, deciared in a, broadcast t hat "poptad firm actiojn by 7tho Governiment of Ind!ia hais, 1 be- livsaved In3dia and the Ale cause from igrave disaster." Hoe pesdfaith that the mwajority of4eahiistic" people in Idaare behînd the Gove-ral- ment's move to scotch "an at- tempt by blackmail anid civil is- turbance Vo nmake ordina,2ry gov- ,11erncnof fIndia impossiblean Voi paralyze India's -war effr, "-No -governmï)ent ý-could acp such a situation," Mr. Amîerysad "The Goerme nt of inidia ,coulid noV wait until the maiisses gotex cited, until rioinig and bloodshIced beyan. 1t'v was ncsayt u o)-ff the cur-rent, V d'conec Gadiandohrledsfrm theii- follow7ers. In, àon>yvcase, Mr. AnuîySad the peeVacýtion wil oVde- flect the Goverinment [1rom theP( broad pirpose of proVidinî1g ln as soon' as Vhe war is ove- it fulil opportity udrthecn] i ttoVobecome 'a fr1ee doiio0n, as free as any ,nation could be." In hi1s broadcast Mr, Aiuery said fUrther VhV sucessof fthe Co- gress party caýMPaign "wonld,, then ,m ean thL-]e '1h.etra-ýyal-o f Chin aýnd oýf Russia," "IV wold man the sae ment of Inia erself VotheJa- paee"he sid That iswht in thei,-rrekesirepnbed- sire for aty dmarc, he The( ovrnen - e said, 'had îtahLiindanil groun1dfor punitive acin"but 1had ;onfined itseif1 Liverpool' doks ontain neariy forty miles of qss A Weekly Colwnn Aboeut This and Tat i Our Canadian Armny Yeste-rday eon the street Imet 'u aî,bronz'ed yua rian la famiiar.Ho alked with bhis- sh),oulders hack aaý,d his head Up. 11 sildat ime ndau'tomlati- e all'y sinco I like Smile-s, I re- urned Thoemiiile. Then I 1walked on puzzlig slightly as Vo why the stran-ger had ied Sudnyit struck nme.11e çwas nostraniger! He was the Com- pany Sergeant-Major! For Vwo- w'eeks we lhad been work'ingtVO- gehe2r, sialuting echotlher whea Vue ocýcasionaruose and compariag noýtes as Vo the condition, of this re fi'seet, thlat 0one's pl ling Lhabit 0f drinki-ng ie co fizzy pop and eating biscuits L- stead of hîiing up for,,his meals hIke assder But it epaszdtwovhi'1ngs: the difference wr-ough-t in >a mlan byecloth"s he Vwears; sd he ti; vereerthat separates soldier fropi ciilsa Jit is a gooid tigth'atthe yenl- ee s so thin, Because it is noV beyond the bounds of posibihity thait a sudden change from ivýil- sa Vo soldier mnay become noces- sn.ry forimnn f us, -no,imo'st of I caid hast week that the Ho- ser1ve Arm1y of oday is very dif- fe2rt fromc the Mitit ofth it muet'S be, IV, must have thie supp ort of every mnan able Vo meet Vhe physmialrequirements. Lcook: at wb'7at srsea am has (done fori us, . Thtl whtour Reser-ývo A-rmy muejt do IV wiîi n make demrands-hev demads -uponour pare tume. It will caîl fýor Vwo or three eýve- i-nge a weok for, drijI, Vriaining or bpecialinrstru,,ction, IV will eaul frtnSunda-ys. it will ci!! for woweeks iii camp every year, of taienuot Of,365. Adthat, aýcually, is consider- ably less dmne than tbe average citizen w'%a'stee on! dancing, niovias, golfan Amighty low-isuane prom- NVso long a afanSaid Vo met quite Serijously, ",You pooplo have no right Vo put aamn pieces in the paper shout streý-et- fighring in Halifax Or Quebec or,- Moantreal orVacue. ht' hV made me hou, lie has a "C" clsificatinorbhie carHo qaksabout bisý high lacomon Va o aralings that are muceh greater th1an before 'thle war and ho has Vtimre sdeeg via for golf, BU(ut hecod'torold' e the point when I stiggested Vo lbu that if, ever'y-oae in Rusi ad feIt the cm a about it thle Nazis would have been in Mos- cow a year ago!ý badcasts rom VITe United States iDemrk, il ws rveaedy, Danîsh anOunIlceîr1-witer of -Vhs forega angagedivsio ofanl He~~~~~~i h na nfica ii ur- ingwhih h visited Lîttîs No wa am fVh oalNr f.,glatAirIForce. Wý,e've really got Vo put Dur bac:ks into this war. Knitting a few sýcks or sweaters, or send- ingcigretesoversens, or byn war svingsreguolarly iýs't auh Itli-, bato be an ahi out -effort'! liRong Kong yung anai.ans diod. li ngadthuaneo young Caniadian,-s ar chapa t the bit while te ri for Vhe job tVhey vohuniteereýd Vo do, if -it fshls V o us V-,odefend Vhsü land -thoy plan V cmeback Vou are we goiig tVO faîl bec,,ause h movis orthegof-ns er more limportant? Evelî ijthe face of daily storiÏes of repeated rvre nma fronts there still exit oo an pepewho loolkuonthe wa as ýsomjetbinogthat is £going on2 9"aa over t'hero." Do re thiak "it cant ap-pea here"? Fo ýr ay tbrece eas weave ben t ar 1n0W. aad taal bat fiime "Vheylia't tpped on. Briis so,"says yur sp-,)tecaliet la roùse-cûooured gase.lieov- !oOks lngKongn Sigapre He dentwaatotake a rucý,à l in biýs hand aad lcompareû,the iuas- tacLet-ween Japar end Malaya wyjihtheu distance betiveen Norway an oaScotia. Try, it yourseli - fippaliingly cl1ose, isn't it? That's why. we mlembers of the Ind idual Citi- zýen's Army must play Our part wbether that part be volunteer- iag, for Active Service, enlistiag la the Resýerve Army l or just be- in odsoldiers bebî'nd the mn beîdthe guas. ,Trsiný-ed or, noV, if an invader set is foot upon Can,,-adian soul aIl of ius-mneni, wonn ad chul- drea wvýould set ont -Vo do what we (>corild , - tre's nL doubt of that. Evýen the man who ilegally lu- creases! rente, the shop-keeper who aiss is prices above the celnthe sgr-trdr he gaslin chat-venthese would take up aýirme Vo dedtheir Why, theni, oe bun o odemust it ho neceesary f -or ne. Vostu-p aWriePie aaýd Tr.ade Board? WVJhat i, s it dhat make wa soremlote hatpeýîple like that muet.hobc ou,;ght into thje cùorVeevery dyIo ïanever Vo charge of îpdigthe war effort? The îmo-st cdisheae mn g tought aboutit i s that thesoe offenjers agalin)St rgulationis set up Vo pre- serve cour 'ecoiomýic str.ucture are niot oafly ýilliterate cmiiitaders- hey inclutde bigcoprtns Agaiastheml, and the ae in- vadrsofCanada don't forget, wo lieedthe piaesodesof the nivdu l Ctizeni's Arnmy w boss dt itis-for thir wn self- prs aiontosn Mwodof in- fatosof Vhs prise reýýgulations Voe the asreet office cf Vi' hs War- time rc 11es and Trade o ard. Infltioni ifilt->ation, - we mnus-t ho onriouir g stili ta N',azi-controlled lDenmark, eaid 1hie-,and wa onlyone of manyhearng boadst~ enit Ont dailyla mre tan aplo.un lang- nages. The broadcasts gve cour- age- ý V illions wbo ars ready Vo Id tueAlies sousd tesignal ho gieand form the basis of sscreth mimeo -Ahdnwpp ers, whchi, before teUie Statdes entered Vhs wr, reached thiis -jd c thie w rrglry pe saîd KigChriistian of Denmarý-k bas Vhsxe of ail, b]radaststae donn i ebrthndplaced o i dssk daIlyhosaid. -g By GENE BYLRNES REG'LAR 'FELLERS--Kïtchy-Kîtc,'y