The hip bareatwas -MouAISu ian c an pes utumn-134,000,- 00 hf ewegh g200tos er gathJered oaote i]ty0 Heelh ci h1Laitad furîbher tons o! ilips we collechted la lEng- -dS'o that ti's sra rt druggî4S markleted 6ý00,P000 ote o! hp aru, ips are thesof scalet haryfr-uit of tbe rose. Boy scoute nm ,-omieii*serice 'weeSent onuIdeir tiger-picîg ilarveatv wshrou.Briili C'lemni s ta fou1d tatroe ips are an -b- urdly richsourceo!vitamînC- 400% rlcheribehn oranges (now,, rare au mangues in BriAin) a% 300% i-cher teablackrcrat (C-ricbesî uiaîdfruit), Ui 03 tis was re!por ted lan copies 0f, MonthllyScec Nwarctl arr>ired cla th e Z. S, trm Eg- lend. I!ousewirs ocotSthl w e'lixir of hp.Wdsra eat thy ouaStemere olol spooingontvitemlin C t teir bairas, btasc1"-"opedi patro, aulginýg la apoteïlt serred: "Wvenîay eren ses hpn ylpconme.îlng wib oane jlo after the wnrc-Time- Have You Heard? Joe Didei- on, the Amerîcan aicul-ptor,wa idling about th Streàs of Paris whe ho aaS 'ap- proached by, au unkempt Arali who 'was carryiag sevoral c-ptso hie, shouldler. Buly a carpt?", asleed the etreet seller. "Noi, n! aSthe -ScuIPitor "Tbey emeil Y "Ha'w dare yaa Say th-at!" C.Iitid thoe Arn-bindicigaantly, fHo drew, huinself (up proudly. "lil h ave you know, monsieur, titat mpyenr- JetS do not amei. IR is I !" Simms: "edyeurek yoU lta-,e neîy by going thiroujgh thie household n4- 1 countgs every ev1eninIg wltls your W;fe?ý" Grn 5" ave ~Iaî I mani. By the tine-we balaile tojeelaIte )go anywlere."' A parrat lived la thie bar. of a jIan, and was acutmdta note hOerush of business e very Satur- Aay niglitt. Oas Saturday it left its cage t explore the rneighborhood, n-nd waQ eventualy fo n ua fielS sur- rounded by rw sh were busi- <r y deýpriviag it of ils tonthora, Whien thte rescue party arriv- dlte parrot was honrd sýai-a lating1: "Oasent a imle, gentie- nion, if you pion-se. On-e at a tinne, yo'i a1 oserveS.", mnaur iake n Few?" Tommnyî "Three or four."' "How mnany makze a deozen?" "Twelive." "Howimaey nmake a mi- lion?" "'Vrry ,few." A typiciexemple ocf theLuný- .,on-quierab1e Ccknrey spirit. A fiamous city ltýaverai, windows iaat teelas flie folioig notice posteS up where lite winidows OPEN AS USUAL, The ,little ton- and caffte ssop xuext door', windows al! shnttered, Juàsgone oans ottr nd an- n ounces cerl MOZE OENTHAN U LSUAL, Dressmake r - " eider thi, the most perfect fit l'va ever $Sean, Customer - -,Well, you rhould e the fit my husbaýnd will have when ho gets tue ';T ses, dear," remnarked the wife, reediuig tram b ler newsanper, "that a womian bn-s beemi nwardedý £2,000 damiagea for the bs ot a thuini. I shouéidn' have thouglit a thumb was as valun-ble as ta. "Perh-poshe kept lher husband uînder i,"gruated lber huebqud. lthe lutle things that keep people awalLe nt nighit," laya a dector. Especially Iluoôe aged ue day te 18 month3. grandmther rogîtherfor n-r wo>rk ilaita HOW CANJI? A. ý fr wsln vaShabhl8 flecktles, at the linia-gs in place, '4o they wiýl ilot curi and becolme lumpy, Then r-emove the asin before ironing11. Q. How can I remo1ve mud stalins trom garments? ALot .tihe xud ry on the gar8- met.Then try brýushJing with à sti"ff wbisk broum, an-d if that dOoSnlý'tpove efetiety oCratoh- inig àt ff ith theege of a penny, This is just asz sharp as isned, a-ad will Usually do0 tho- work ;0t1- out inju,-ring the material. Q. 110w cen I1 keep tuies and o)ther insecnte awhy01rom freshly- painlted surfaces? A.By lxing a littlie bay 011P (laurjel oïl) ith the o11 paint. Or, place ua roceptacle containing tIbis 0!] Ëilthovicinity of the painteil Labjects. The pungeht odor wIll keopj off the files. Q. How o ýaa I meke good pot- A. Whien mekng pot-holders, it, is a good idlea ta insert a layer o! loather from an oid gloye trghthe center. ThIS Will et. iminlate danger o!rndigr, asleather is anocnutr f ileat.1 Q. iHow ('anfI remor-e grass stains from witecotton fabricl A. Whlite goods may be sponged wilh clear ammolnnia. for the re. moral of grass stains. For silks and woolens, white or colored, use alcohoL. New 5 Cent Coin To Replace Nickel Caaa ew 12-ideS fîre-cent piscos3, likeiy ta be in circulation nsxt iponîli, will be maSs o! cap- per anS zinc, an ailoy knowa as toin-ac, H-on. J. L. Ilsley, Finance- MUInister, announced Iat week. Mr. llsloy, announciag la the Commons Aug. 1, the Govera- k Mhoting 13 under par for 72 holes Craig Wood won the Cana- dian Open et Mississauga Golf Club, Toronito, on Satuirda, e ven though Ben Hogan was the favorite. Here, after shootng three sub- par rounds and one of even par, Craig Wood is shown rcivsgthe 'Seagram Gold Cup, which goes touthe winnier, along with $1,OOO asq well as the replia Whch Wil be addd o his coclleton of topis. JE. FoweSeagramn is on the leftiiiakinig theprstain montIs intention to introdu ce"the nesw vcoin,ý said thie actionwa heiag takon to!0preserro Caa's nickel sapply for war purposes. Mr, ll ecrbdtne comi- positiionfu the new coin as '"an admîxtuire of copper adzinc, :aim1- ilinr ta 'prince's imetal,' namied att- er Prince Rupert, andS also ani alloy enlied Imactto aa 'tombaga,' a popular l loy 1forai joweleory la ie Eat ldies." Easy TO Distinguiahi Thie Finance Miaister exp laineS f t Élie dodecag-onalin i(d- signed ta prevent confusion wt the oas-cent, 1-etor 25-cent coins. "Its size shoguld prevont, it fromn heligeuiv, lie said, "anIld it will ho eaýsy 10 istiniguieli end extract, xhen mixeS witl allier coins in a pseor tosrspockel, 'byvils unique ann pecliar shape. iýt lbas ineithier île mi'lleS edge o! thle silver nor the plain round,- edige o f thec formeýr nickel or theý oasI-cenlt piece, so0 that eIn a sitrayed reveller lai the dn-rk wold noî,t hoelyta bestow itl upan saMie aawortby recipient lai mis- teks cfor a qularter, A War Measurc mTl ize. weighlt nad thickn osa3 aer oxaThyte saine as thI-e pros!- ont 5-cent niick-el coinila circulla- to.It will, erofore, oper-ate îl hle pay station teleplonles amd will fitl oacbnemalg ma - ci!nes iii theatres, on sireet rail- way ca, ers ,ïld buises,., "Ta le end. 0f 194,1 theehad beonaenrly90,000,000 nickel calas IsuSfron I le m 'n 1s ta ay- ans shoulid lbave no dlflclty la geîting a nickel pioce, ifthy0 dles îio, for, years 10 came. "Th-e olimination of nickel coini- n-go is iroaly a itr'mon-sure, and S la eec o arelen-se abjoujt 50 tons ýo! nickiel a yen-r for war purposse,.Afler the war île icoins 9,i3 ho e ecalled, or, if rtune s wara Coin, ca!b:e mbit bronze cetLs vithouIj ficu 0-yo Tiny M-en -Needed For Midget Subs ThJ'e Australian raý)dio reporteS reetythad a nlum-ber of smal boys, taking adrantage of their asizo, climbd mbàaJap midget submiariae on exhibition ia Sydney and defied ail effortLs ta pry thomn o.)t. The aubmarines were sosa amal, said a bra-Snst recardeS hy CBS, that adulte cold flt go la aIfter teboys, wa M rmane unltil tbey wsre dlisposed 10 came otthemsîlves." Th'le broadcast seid tînt, naval offi>ers expreseed their astoniali- ment, that men smail enoulgl te man the submarine could he found erea in'Japan, Oas offieer estimated teB maximum heiglit possible aIs fourftet twolaes The submnarine was raised tramý the itarbor aïter il was sn dur- ing a rscent attn-ck on Sydney. Seicond Mîost Urgently Nee2de-d 0f Ail Strategic MinemaIs Ila World War No. i1heAlieÏts Learned from captured Gra galn harreis sanie of thle magic of molydona. '1hen Jlritain bought uip erer-y poun-d of molybdenite, thle comipod, that bo Nor.waýy coald pro dace ta keep n-ny -,f the sup- ply tram flowing to Germn-any, la Ibhis War today miolybdoni-ite ie evea miore soughit after by thaý m,-akersý of higli speed ùols and svery kind of bigli grade steel, Ths is a war of gunsplans, tankhsn-nd armiour whiere sp,,eod in shapiag, anSdstoager and longer- liteSste e canwi Modern Etiquette 1. Whon yau bave afin bs faullis you wauild iliketao1rct do? 2.Whee wniilng abIe ït n acquiainitanice Who 1calîsyu Ma BrElidges," how eoudyou i,îgu thom letter? -3. lnt M!ailrightt to Ca't so!t fruitÈs wità theson 4. 1Is il good tasýte fjr a gýirl ta wVear inany osiun oost a dance? 5. Whsaiel drinkinig kay klnd ut la t'le glass? ?,. laa ourteous notorit i waysý carefufl aboujttroigay bis, ligbtsd cigar or cgrtestu? Answerz 1. Overýlook thesse fauljts, aad concentrate on the qulitis li posses,,ses that bas madce hlm y -our frielad. Perhaps you have a f-i titthibs frieid is genierauls enloug-L tO inr.2. "Mary Bigs. .The fork sbould be used fïor soft fruýits3, vogtabessalade, meats, ck es, anS p ries, The klfe anSa spoon ehould lie used as littie as posý- sible. 4. lt is poor tasteuls t l aime le anelortafa, anS ve îers 4wa i s cnpco 5. Quie mn-y dink al ! Id; but n-roiS throwinig back tho hoaý3d, or drain il. 6, Yes. Othewige ho ay bit sýomyeonle with Ut, if in tafe or Ia the counjti'yol, a(,dry da. One varLiety of beetie bas di- ývideS syca, the Jlower haîf seeing under water anS the ulpper ha1I11 la the air. Y vu GIRLS WHOG SUFFER DYSMIeuOR RH EA. suifer niôntliy rmbek norvounessa-due to functiouaa nionthly cisturbanlcee...y Lydi E Plnkha'a Vegetable CornPa'OUn4 Tabeýs(vithaddfroi-,).Iad ed PPciaiiy for licon. Thpey elso he-.IÇIP e lci MIf i Cîp I Germans Try To Britaiin's rec ord hlarvest by, drop.. inicendiaries o rpeia1e1 Burn British iCrops drn ris i te lI3 ýýf« ________veeks, ThIe Dpaily EpesÀir Corres. 1He added that farm r erx pondent reported recenýtly t hat the banlding toge(th'er ta omafie Germans have attiempted to huri afila C L ASIFIED AD9V ER3T1 eIS"EENTiiS ACCORDIONS WANTED -Best prices3 palIl for pal aIccor'dion,twelve t10hun- dred &and twenty bas,,. THE T. E£ATON GO. LTD. Torclto LADIES! is Ex T RA .m0On~ aleedied il)your home? -If yi haea few heurs adayto sar We hai,,ve ani earning opportuLniti for you. Wr'Fite to Avon Productsý 0f, canada' Limiteil, '0 15 -- s Aleandr u,,Montreal', Quebec. USED CARS WITH i00» FjTIRE se us), firat. W ewill f8ù. fu v our cost of transporta. tion to Torontlo, if yOu huy f-,oý us3. Mount Pleasant M oorD Ltý. Used caIr Lots at 16e50 anor Avnu nd -2040 Yonge Street, lead Office. ,)-632Moun't Pes R'oad, Toronto. Telephon'le lgh land -2181. readcy sooni. Youll f lad it iýg- va1lable Lthis comiag -,seasonwts pultry an--d farm produ2ction, rainklng withl the essentielý in-. ildu st1ri es. OrdFr your Bray Sep-. tembr cick lagocil time, 1. BrayHatcery,130 John, uaim- ilton, Ont. BASRS VEýNS -AND AHfl eî,also rebuIl1t eýquï iment a. waon, hand. Torma ranel cor11,res Ponrdence invite. Hubbare Porýtable oven Co., 193 Bathurast BELTING, CETC. F011, BELTI-,NO FORU HSHEMN FE idl1es s threshet: ebt hase, feedecr canap.pîes, shaftings, hsni ')hefrings, nitors. S-pec- talBelingfor tracosF, 2 Jnch1 5- ply, 15c f0ootAliltypes 0? trans- Mission supplios in stck lafo immiiediate sýhipmeint et attractive 10w oceMrchan1]dise guara- teed andl shîppec1 subject to, your, inispect (in. Senil your orders ta THE YORK ETIOCO. 88 yoRK ,STREPLET, TO.RONTO) BULLS VORSAL ~tEGSTEED EREFORDS, RR Býull and twogodyueruls C. Gooch, 762 King Epast, Hml DYEING & CLEANING HAVEF, OU AN YT.1-11 NEEýýDi, dyigor cleaning? Writîe ta us, f nformtin.We aeglSto anwryour quston. epart- mient 1-f Parkýer's Dy e Works Liie,791 YongeStet o FOOT BALM BAU-MEEICA FOOT 1BALM îdestroys, o ,f fený ,s ive7 ýoioi- ln, s îLltantly,>45c hott1ce. 0Otta wa! agentt, Deaman Drug 'Store, taa Foie SALE1r FRSALE: $2,500f, 'l ACRE"DS, 4- roomiedcotgcla, yro close to hgwaToronto 15 mriles, taxes$280 I I ae R'ichmondHMill. FILW DVELOPED T -.u willapreiteth rue en nofqutajity nS flservice if you 47idvoirslnp7bsoits to bo1e, eop STREET, TO-RON*TOC "HlflShootiing Tipïa" (To aid vouit in in bttrpic- 6or 8exilosurs ieeoe n MAIL THEM I OD TO MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE 314 YOGE -TET, 1OT il'REEý!! CATALOGUE 0F R tARU adExcýiting boo,,ks. Rr ye' Creat Work onMarriageRd. ionsq, $2A.9.SUPER MAL M-~ Toronto, Otro LEARN HRAIMRIESSING TUE EROB.- eritson nmethod. Information con ro.. quest regardlng uclasýses. Rloberi- onsHairdress;ingAadyU AvneRoad, Toronto. GOD RESULTS -~EY81- ferer f rom Rhieumnatlc Pa,,ins o N ,euitis sh11(Uld tr'y DixN0'ý R edy. 1Munro's Drug store, Eliottawa. otad$.0 PATENTS quest. lntdstates, -Canaidian, lirlti4ý Pýatent Attorney. DBooket gratiqL ~stab'lshed over fortyyar,8 Beism AvnueToronto. DON'T TRUDGE THROUGU dlhe. HesaIt, , os, Ha1 HAVE YOUR SNAPS peiivered b>' Mail Anýy i or 8 xpsue ilm erfcu developed and prh1nt-ed for only 2!;e guaranateed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE NEW 11ANDJUSEÏD. i-0,OT WA11'ý1t takbath tbsinka, ties basins, elec("tric w -a t e rpumpà, etIc tnkstaps, drainage fitl_ tingsp, fittin1gsý,vaesral. tator,jcktheatersbhot wtee urae, groeenhouse hae etc. Enquire now. Uetteýr Plumnb-. ing Ckom1pany L jimited, 21975 u. dns Street West, Tornito,. RHEUM1ATIýC PAINS, TRY 'IT!EER SU ERR01 Rhe11utic Paqins or Nuii shoul1 try Dîxoýn's emdy M ro's £irug Store, 35 FElIgin, 01k OLD 7uGS REWO"VL1N XAW RLIGS, NEW RUs MADE FPRom oLdUflomin)on Rul WeviniCo pay 64 Qu11een st. W., Toronto, te-stant teach1erfor Section 14, Bemn, e-mi les 1nrth Ilo 11avelock. Dtisto bgnSel- tember "tI.Statfe salaryv. Apffly to C(has, W. Mcunro. ereay RaveockR.R.14, Ont TEACHER WNE FERI<REYu- _ QUALIVIED PRO- te'st1ant teacher wan!ted for 8.8. ereay-Tre,,surer_ R.R. No. i,0On t, rely -Massey threlhing machin1al), fn-uV, eqipeil wd ith BlE1erý,o3 Feecler nd Shredder, c1o-výr attmi grinbowej'a%,Id drivebl~ ISSUE 3-4 Wh«t Science ls Doing,-x Here's Where You Try For Big Profits 114AP tme sahow 'usp ÀWbig and valuabie the Iill of imolbileaite rock o011u my mniàîng lnlm realiy lm. Millions of tons,.iye Frsinice our imetsi lmaeeded s, adlheurto -trenxthen a teeil'for tue Wnt ovejrninent kvil elip ereet ae miii when we rove qiuatltNy. Thiâ Miii tusas molybilealbe oee to oroitN. Thet'a ývhv 1 I ci aafforil to give you se large an hjttresýt for holpDieinwth soelittie of'yoru1rOmenel. F111 ile the al- P. .1. DWYEB.UI l sv e s Nwhere 7:', l %Vi ~, ., Truu rois weant u TNo, e bu we roîeugSn to vrteye. uicat We, r tpr -.iheeI'e usty chance at neiig blg todaY i],te bel, Nase................... ........ i net, nk ieest mnr dl*s.................... WOOD WINS CANADIAN OPEN 1