ORONO WEEKLY T131EM m~ved to I reti Kimbail ohi has a v Me. and nt the past famulv hav j~, et Toron o. 'les. Frank Ovens. Robb and Me. eetuened to Mon- 5taqpleton is vîsii exndd teMr. Wail- Nexcastle in his Siemon and cousin d, of Troronto, visitec [ :C ullu!gh spent rt Hove wibh lher Virs.Harod Litie'hve ampb~1foe whet'lau M.a s.J. 'J. Str-ie ger1, o Me. anti Mes. George Hendelrson'i. MsA.Flynni, Sanit Ste,. Mare, andsse -ý-lawMis ,S. J. FIlnn, ofToono were get of thie for- mec 'snielc , Me. Bieuce Winy M.and Mrs. Ken.Wae of Toc- ontbo, spcnt the wee-k-eýnd 'with her par lentsý, M.a n(t i 'S. George OàvenIls. Terniece, 'MisMargairet Ovets, relreito Toronto with them- for a Whee i Geeany gettinig ail hecý oi? AfteFnel 'elil %we Weee, to ,l she ad enou<gfr s -ix moiiths., SeTARK VILLE Me.1iveof Pce ing s homeý Goron owleof Dtrit, vwith his unt 'Ms. usel Savery. M I.l. L. Teim r-eturnedL" to hisý r.Rginiald Blrnof Pceig vwiflh _Me. ami Mes.Geo(. Smithi. <iss GwenG-l'l r of Gaieik e, wiUh Me. and Ms H. B. Gilmier. Me. and -Mes. Ciloeugiscîiff, of Toi- ont, 'with Mr. and _UMesý. GO',don Tuim. Meý. and Mes. Ethian Jo es a ndc famiiily 'withMe.andi Mes.1LHo, of Mo-eish. Me. and Mis. Harold Little and Gary, of 'Ca'm1pbellford, -witih MeL. ancd 'Mes. T.Fas MdFýss Laureyne Stark', andi friend 'Mr. Borden Kjau-,,,) of HanIlover, Mr. and Mesý. Sta. Fls and fam- - w I I - o Employers and Pos.t Offices have Ibeen requested to dis- play in a prornisrtat place the officiai Table of Tax Deductions, Foetus-TI>- I ni'tU-secured from your employer, Post Offices, or local Income Tax of f !cCs Incorne Tax Is FaIr to Ail In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 f rom every man, woman and child in the country. Even with the hiighest income tax in history, 52%/ý only of the mnoney Canada needs will bc raised by taxation. The rest will have to be borrowed by means of War Savings Stamps, Certif icates and Victory Bonds. Starting with the first pay period in September representing Sep- tember earnings only, your em-.ployer is reqivired by law to deduct your income tax from your wages or salary, anid send it promptly to the Government. Everybody will pay lis share as he goes along. li's going to be tough . .. but not too tough! Here are some good features: CIIARY SI<OWING 194Z TAX LIA i LlTy I MARRIED PERSON WITH rwo DEPENDENTS urnE! AND COMPARISON WTH TME 1941 T *AX UtVgL TA TOTAL TAX PAYABLE 1500GA ýfl 5 BD ANUNAItTAXAHI.! INCISE AIFORX AEM"10OUS Unless you are single, without dependents, and flot making payments of the types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you shduld file Form. TD-1 with your employer. Otherwise, you may nct be allowed the credits to which you ae entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD-1 with your employïr at once SO that you may get the full allowances from the star:. PA - EPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE, C. FRASER ELLIOTT, Commisioster of bIcorn e T. AN- AL CLARKE UNION Med). ErneýtB<owe< is home( on a Mr. anid Ms,,im Pattesoin, M 1. and Mes, Bruce Drunimonil, of Tou- onto, VAIS'itemithMr, and Mrs. John Miss Leniora an'd MastÉerGrant Vhom<psone of Toto(nt, who hv beeýn viitin1g willh MUes. Arthuir Saur- ders, retu'ened hom-e. ,.MIiss Helen aPnd <Miss Myrtie RuLi- tee, of Piekering, visited wit)h theiir parents, Mr. and Me-s. William-r Rui- ter, reic.ntly. Much syýimipathy isetedd to Mris. Irwin Bra-,gg a.nd famnil!y ini hec sevece loss, Ilosng her ba rn an d nearly the entire crop along -with ai thloiough'brled H0leýtein yull anlé three heifers and a birood sûw. ily. of Trntwt!ýh s parents, IMe. aaid M-s. Thos, Falls. Semi- trimmed Sun- worthy Wall- papers 1-x ý ' Sale Lasts only uintil Sat. Aug.,22 TO MATKE ROO-M FOR OUR NEW FALL PATTERNS JUST ARRIVED Ail papers at 10 per cent. discount from re«gular marked prices.. Papers must be delivered andi paid for not later than August 22nd. Sale ends Aug. 22nd BARGAINS IN ROOM LOTS We have about 25 roomc lots of Wallpapers, varying in size f rom 6 to 12 sinzle rolîs, with border to match, as low as Se. per single roll. Ask to see them We Seil War Savings Stamps "S aving is Servin g Jai Prescriptions a Specialty CharlesîTyrrél Agent f or Phone 68 ckman Flowers Orono Colgate 's Lelys Toilet Soap Large cakes, asso&ttecf Colors. Week-end Spe- cial, 3 for .................... .... ýý13e. Lushuis Jelly Powdcers (flavour in the buds, 3 for ........... ... ........ .. ..... ... 2c Libby's Deep Br-owned'c Pork & Beans, tin..... 10c. Muiffets, Week-end Special, 2 for......19c. Grape Nuts, pkg. ... .............. .... 15C. Boneless Chieken, 3 oz. tin . . ..ý.. .......... 15c. Sunkist Orang-es, sweet and juicy, dozen ...... 25c. Fig Bars (cakes), fresh from the ovens, lb.. 25c. Ready-cut Macaroni, Special, 2 Ibs .........9e. Fresh Ritz Cheese Wafers and Graham Wafers. Pitted Dates, Special, 1-2 lb. for ......... ý. .18e. Neilson's Cocoa, 1 lb. tins......... ...... 29e. Fry's Cocoa, i lb. tins............ ......... 31c. Heavy Waxed Paper, 40 feet long, 12 inches S wide, rol........... ..._..... ........ 15C. Gold Bronze Enamel for painting Picture Frames, etc., 4 oz. tin . ......... ....... --25e. Sash Rods, round style, for doors and small win- dows, complete with brackets.......... -5c. Ail-Nu Fly and insect Spray, k-ilîs flues, moths, mosquitos, pleasantly soented, large 16 oz. tins for... ...... ................... 20e. Y-OUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE Motor EquipMent Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the motiest funeral at the most reasonable charge as well as the largest and 1 1 Telephone: Office 669 Telephone Collect Accident Proves Fatal Ijrlover tÀwo weeks ago in ai f ail on his farmn, Arthur Black~, 51, of the Base Line Road, 'Gobourg, passed aiwa4y andi was buried on 'Hon- day of this week. ýMr. Black slid off a load of hay anti fell on a handle of a .pîtc<hfoAk enmbedd'ed in th e ýroim'd, lie received -,evere internai -Residence 6ý3 and 72.1à Bowmanville, Ont. inter to Toronto for an opeention. Ha iste survivedbfor is wiow, rcdtiHe sons, who ed byai i n thend fr- ces, two of whom 'are, in Exgand. D)urhaim Central Agrieulbura1 Pair at Orono %vill' be 'held on Fri- day and Saturday, Septemaber llth and l2lh. Thi's year the admisirm price has been droppvet to 25e, wîth. 1. You will pay as you earn, se that yesa will flot be faced with a large lump sum paymient next--year. 2. The National Defence Tax already de- ducted during the first 8 months of this year lias been taken into account in the Table of Tait Deduc-tions. 3. Thoughi the income tax rates show s sharp incresse over lat year. a large portion of this inçrease is actually sIvings, tu be paid back te you -with interest after the war. 4. The mnoney you are paying for life insur- ance premiumns, annuities, principal repay- irents on your home, or into a pension fund mvay be deducted (Up te a certain ma-ximum>) from the savings portion of your incomne tait. in many cases this may bce sufficient te make paymient of the ssvings portion of the tax unnecesîary. SALE Private Ambulance