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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1942, p. 2

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Troops And ýJeeps 'Commando' Trasport Piana Already in Maso Producton 'Bad nws orliter, Hirohit-o& Company was released luth the announcement that the new cr- tisa "Coummawdo" (C-46) mllitary, transport plane had passed ex:- haustive tstsand arayl u quantlty production. The Cmmnd, or tan tice as large as aury domestie airlinler Inow lýu op(eraIn au tra)nsp'ort toos nd sco)ut crs.x siultaneou'ily -Au Idea-o Its size can becgin edby rpsearch eninee a daims that 35 ocetheýise craft coul'd hv 30,1)00 tons ofvmterlal arle vb 2,700 trucks ov r e raRa during oimot- ndmr quiky. Torpedo-stiped and o! ailmet construction,, the Clommando ilIas a3 top speed approachug Utao combat airciqrft, te Cuiïîss-WIght Corporation ,saîd, ta spe ,*o course, las ertbut a protype. of! the Commnando spanned the At- lamtie ost in leas tanne boum. The Cmmndias awlgsa o! 108 feet, wevlýgIis 5O,000ound !nlly loadeýd and ilaOpwored bytwo englues, Aside 6from thbe long,gueig ground and f lgh t e etowhicb the glant troopbip o!ftMe sky was subjected before belug turned over to e earmyi, Cthe mlostItrstn phase o!01thetias nvolvýJad a er- les of!itr-oo-cr ry! ng demronstra- tions. The 712th mitary police bac- talion was used and at asignýa froDm Mai. Robort A,Wlim, fully equwPped Solourcharge! up ruuwaye tm obl-ulktimie aud poured brouli a large domr l ty@ aide !tCe fuselge. luiside týhe soldions took :thaiir plaes on Ilitwelght tfoi ,seata liulngLtise walls cf tIse cab- lu, Thesodirdemnoustravtiodu !ounod acceptable, "jeep"ý scout c-ars werci driven aboard a!ter -whiob soldiera agalin dashd up thse rampa ald took their places. The Ltransportation of ttroopa anud scout-cars la Ônly oaso! tha many xilitary msiosfor Vwhicil tIse Commiand Ic s desgluecd. Russia-n Prisoriers Inhumanly Treated Prsone of wý,iin Germra y now are g'arded by cipe n old muenaand the campa ,,iare amr. bstend hy wcusn, Frae Forever suid ïlua sumurnîy Gof Informnationî eollected fromý liberatedpronr of wwr Prisoneýrs report that the in-. human treatmnt prevalent early lnatthe wa)rblas aettled ljuto what Was descýr.bed as, "normal Geýrman callousness,"' said thieorai- tien, Uit'ed States centre cf thse Free Freuch ovemnent. Gua-rds, aýven, those -Aderly and crippled, were saud tebe Mthatenied wit beinig sen3t to the Russian front ror, lapses in initermen-it disipline. Rus ans Éotof them cîvilsans, were said to be tire greatest gufferers inu Germiais camips. Lib- -aated prisonersc said thre interned Rsiasaged from- 18 t 65 wNe Rruh croýsaGermlan-y Jlu catte casopeuied enly twice a week 'or hygienie purposes and'!te give lhe Pcisenersfood, Among 2,800 who arriv7ed alive kt oua camip, France Forever ;aid, thre imajority, weighied froin Î0 te 100 pound a. Ineach car aling 50 mon, 30 arrived dead. lu camip, thley dîed at tise rate 4f 50 a day for the first eight laya and 20 daily thereafter. r'o Draft Womnen As Tire -Watchers HomneScuît Mnster Her- :ýert Morrîson ïanniounled plans oIoncrîpjt Britisliswomn f roai roore R DIO RESWt DURBIN AND McCARTHY ThIere's ONE ,fýactvwe ko for sue ad that îza, Charlie MeYf- Catyreturu.sto theCanadian air-anes Sunday, September Mth, at .0 p.. DT, Wetra iu past eas Deauna Duirbin will ha tise firat guest cf honor on thle show, is as y-et a moot peinIt. Soetin 2aseWC do know , sud it's sensatioal news, l that Don Ameche will ha Manster cf Cere- mo--nies!1 Dou's great vocal par- souality lll, wî , feel, brinîg M- ath'smst brîiliant sasnteý the air. RaýY Noble's music '7i11 ha tis hera tue, and a mIgreat prd of fmosgUe3ta.So mark dcowni tha date -sund,ý(ay, septemlbar 6th, foriChatiYtcCarÉthy - 8.00 p.m. -CK asd CBRC nt work! T'he new voice beiug hemA Tran-Caadathese days uthe eýarly afte-rneon CDC etwor"k at 1.45, is that of CaieWallace, well ,- knowu Toýronlto wom-au,ý whose neansd radio teatuvres for, womn lu .tisewar-time Caua- dia'n homîe are very ,,weill no With Cltaire Walace îlu this lnewt national dail pogas series, l Toddl Russeli, well-known niet- worIL-l iiag "star. AinluaIl, Claire WValace and her prograîn "'THEY TELL ME" l dsi-e for war-tiie IjsteniJug, oif particu- iàr heop sud utereysEta Canadian womes. Give it a listen aud besse- fit from sud enjoy Cladre Wl- lace! Aniother Monrday t'hro>ugh Fr1- Everïyone working îlu everëfy radjio station gets a banîg ocf-i 1 tle job they d - and particu- larly those whlo work on tý he air7 and produceý and prýesentL pro- gris for your e.uIjoymeu.ýt. Around CKSOC the other day, the whole staff was 'tikled pink' wïth a coplete library 'of the famovs Boston 'Pops, Orchestra record- ings pwhich the station acquired. Also in the samec lot wrea fuli ros.ter of",songs by Jamyes Mefïtlon Richiard Crooks, John Charles Thom-aýs and Lawrence Tib)bett!ý YOU. the !listener, will share inl thie en-joyniit of this top-flite- mmei, whenou arein tune -with CKOC y Thcnksgiving Day Observed Lth],coetCu Moný-day, Otbr12, it wasapa- nouuýced ilaapolaainpub.- ished last week in a specia edition of the Canada Gazette. I SOLDI ER OFTODAY HORIZONTAL Answer to Prt Africaýn army. E A 14 Sentenced. E CA 15 To suclcin ' again.0T 20 Distinctive RD theory. 1 E 2 2 Musical ,nte. T E C I 24 Feats. È I 26 Company - (abbr.). ALA U '17 Turkihcon 29 You and. me, 30 Ti, endea vor. 46) Strip of U2 Frozen leather. desserts. 48 Whither. 33Hawailin !Old. 50 Preposition. 3-4 Native metal. 51 Egýg-2shape. 3 ý'Weds pirt. 53 To dresch. 36 Leguines. 54 Senior (abbr.) 37 Gold coins. 56e Musical 39 Fewl dies. tragedy. 40, Valuable 57 Dwellings. property. 59 He is an 41 Aff irmative. experienced 42 Trappings for - figiter.- a herse. 60à His Iilsiitary ýevi1e sPuzzle wonu agrt -hluAfrica. ET 17 He received iis -- uideýr General Allenby, O 3Evasion Of 25 Musical terma.' ODS T 28 To fondie. 'a - p 01S131.Leave-ning SZ AP~TS agent, H A-r33 Puzzler. 36 Postscript VERTICAL (abbr.-). 2 Ronid (abbr-,). 38 Barber, 3 BuïI). 39 pair <abbr.) 4 Exclamationi. 40 To sisaiTi. 5 1arn (contr.). 43 A-side. 6C Commron verb. 44 To f aint. 7 Advertis-e- 47 Lasso. meut. 49 Water cresa;. 8 Doctor (abbr.) 50 To) succor. 9 Spider's home. 52 Musical note, 10 Side rmrs 53 Pronoun. 11 E1ectoDr. 55 Tising. 12 ïrisis. 56 Bone. 13 Pouud (ubbr.) 58 Souths Africa 16 is irea have (abbr.). DEADUCTIONS FROM SAVLAIRYà FOIR INCOME TAX SHOWVN The follong ta ble shows hW much iempo r ildde rmCaain'we a hqe foi incomle tax pame tartinig with the first pay peridiÉ epebr Deductions for ternatesavinga ke ife insurance premicuwand mortgage paiapui-ayucnte mayý oeiade fomte Savings Portin SJR) oftheTotail Tax (T,.)bitnunoease cap the dedue- tios be greaterthan thn mount of the savigs portin The deductios from the cheques of persos paid ever two wek ilbedul teaon of the- core~pndig wekl deucton.Those pid îtwvice a oU, hor muhywl aeeuvln euten WVEEKLY ?ÂYMENTS whîch bas caught onalike wild- fire through the summer mothS, and wihpromjises cniuden- joymet and benefà,itla theWar- tire Pricea anrd Trade oad' m or n iln g sow "OLIE WIF," broadcat at 1,30 )amn. Tel'iîng the ste CryyMuor- dochi, aslirwfa ndbring- inig i-nto shiarpfocusthe înewestL ediets and suggestions froin the vita WPTB, "Suoie'NWue" rates hîgh %with andanlsten- eIrs.1 Hear thle show ;daily vfromn your narstCB1C saio.For pe !ul siteners, CKOC and CtL carry the show The firat week in September brîngs back manuy fvrieÉo the airlans - SeptembeyfAirt and the Hacppy Gang -- September, 4th ani penny's -Diary - Sep-, temrýber 5th and Share thile WeaIthI, sundny the 6t1 and MCrh and on the same day, CKOC iv HIamiILton, wi.11 usher luna new season of September on CKOC with a banner une-up of top- flciteIbalshows, to snpplement, the new National headîUners, t give an otanding schedule o, wellblanced faî istening for aD those who listn to 1150con thirraiils! SC HOOL JACOB SEEKS GOD'S l4L. Genasis 31-33. PRINTED TEXT, Ganesýis 32:2-12. 27-29. GOLDEN TEXT-God usý our refuge and strengýth, A very pre- sent help in trouble. Psaýlm 46:1 THE LESSON IN 1ITS SETTING e! Labain lise Harau. enat ei tise ulpper upraesvalley, ps sibîy near Dmsu;Panliel. 0Ises fa r iuudcýtiflied. but I c er0taiaily eoiewhcra out thle ba )fae tIs Jabblok n lu thanrfhcastleru pto!ý Palastilin lGleaS. Criais of Jacob's Lift 2 AdJa(ob said vwleilha 55 themii, Thiis i l Ge's hetýaf:slia calîad thee nalinee!ftoat placé i\Ia-ý baaîxi. ?,. And Jacobssntms engers before bhlm ïte Ean is brotr ente tIe land e!ofSeitil ts tf"ilSO!fEom ,4.And lia emad ed tei, sayngThu1is shah ye aa nemy lord Esse: ý)tias saith thiy srvn1coI bave aojorncdwithLaba. sd sa uilouw: 5. suld 1 have oxeni, aud asse0s, sud fleeka sudam casev ant1 s, asud aadeev lns: 1ud1 bave sent te l 'I my lord, ta mD myfinS laver lui by 1 g,11v l Andti bl esagr ctrci Jacoi), saiu, ccae e Vh hrothaîei su, - anS morcl eve ] h, cemletil te ml]eet ce sud leur1 Isuudred mciiwitll m. 7.Phe Jacb ws reaiyafraid asud wa da t jas1isudbe (di viSeS1 (ltIsa people tatwrewthhmsd tIefleeka, sud tIse rSsu hc sud hlie 2aa(,idft sucon et eue copauy, ud amt t te 1 .(J-i c .m 13-500-1,'.24 l13.250-17.4 9 17.5 0-1374 4.0-14.99l! 15.00-15.49 20.150-25.99 160-649 180 0-84 18.5 0-18.9 9.00- 19.4 9 2-1. 500-2 149 225.)0022.4)9 23650-39 24 . 50 -247.9 9 26).50-26.99ý 230)0-27049 29.0 0i-)29,49 329.50-29.99 30.00-30.49 '33.50-09 34.00-341.49 ,31. 5 0-314.9 9 3,00-32.4)9 32.00-'32.99 33.043.99 4.00-44ý9 35.00-12,99) 3,00-43699 -1.00-37.99 3.00-38,.99 397ý0 0-39 .9 9 40.00-19.99) 42.00-42.499 4.5.0 0-5.49 46.00-46.99 98.00-98.99 957.50-5)9.99ý 100.00649 TýT. . .. SP, 2.0 71.07 2 .7 1.221.87 1,317 58 1.71.12 1,82 1.20 2. 12 1.33 7 2.7-2,1.48 2.871,05 5.062,1.5 3.2 12.62 3.33 -216 3. 5 1 .76 5.801 1 .80 3i.96 1.84 4.1720118 4ý.59 1.928 4;.74 2.02 5i.8'212.12 5.37 2.162 5.52 '2,205 5,67 2.23 S- l4 '2.75 6.17 2.34 60.232.280 6.522.17 736 .52 7'.702 2.59 82.0l8 32.661 82.802-1 i ;0 91.68 3.02 11.593.176 10.5 3.2L4 11.1.31 19.66 3.38 125.62554.14 MarrieLàMarne T.T. S.PC. ,10 'l10 .17 .17 .9 1 20 .20 9.23 1.l23 2.2-5.5 2.35 L64 2.50 .473 ?.65 L52 1.10 2.77 .252.185 1.55 1.01, ,.76 .10 2.06LI14 .37 2.M25 55 2.35 1.64 2.51 1.73 2.66 1.82 2.89-L21.9î1 2.97 2.00) 3.29 2.18 3.44 2.84 3.02.362 3.72,4 3.12.47 4,23 ý255 4.40 2.59 4.56 2563 .741 .67 9.691.71 50.08 2.75 6(.47 3.00! 6183 3.08 i.7,18 .1 .7,55 l3. 24G 8.L62 (3.48 9)1.693 (.73i 105.481 36.8-9 10.77 3.97 11.1342S.105 .29ý .50ý '51 .3 1.4 L56 1.75 1.89 1.07 1.24. .56 1.73 2.05 3.13 3.31 3.67 4.03 4.39 5.12 5.84 6;. 21 6.57 6.9 3 7.30 7.C,66 8.75 9.7f) 10.70 11.170 12.69 14,68 16.638 18.67 90,366 25.01 259 .16 tbe:contry in wibbis Ibrother Essu with his family was living, hi. a csot lhelp but bce troubled lu remlemberiug, thongis tweuty yas hjava aelspsed silice it occurired, his doception o! bis fathar Itsaac, hîs, chieatiigof ha brother Esau, and a! Esau's intentionl at that timae o! killing the twin ;whobismo- eV loved.A sinfulact bas tIs pOwar, aftar years, et risinig up sud confrouting ns lu tIsa moat un- expectdad ud undesirad timap. 0cr evil deedsa ae asl forgoïtten and Our imagination of thse past ru- ain ny tIse good: but God sudd conscience keep lu 1reserv'e tbe eî.Twventy y-ears hadpuse lueJacob dd Isle avil. It stood before lm niiow, just as it steod when ei lofled froi t twcutiy yeaas bafore - only mrore oriabe grown lubulk sud terrer. PIf la vain to t1inlk thait you eau do evil ind rcap no consaquenices frein it. Prayer For Deliverance 9. -And Jacob said, 0 God o! mly father Abrahin, asud God o! my fathier lUass, O 0Jehovah, whoý saidst unte mle, Return unf11o ty couultry, sud te thy kindcrcd, suid Iwill do Ithea gooid: I.10. i am et wotyof[the lesat OU!1,aicis trutb, wich fhtou hast shiowýed uie t(ý hy servant; for it l y staff J pasused oe bsJordain sud 1now nl becomle twe coins- paniS. 11. De lver m1e, 1 it ry flcfromntIhe lbandudto!my broth- cer, frein tl he lbaud o! ss for, [ fear humii, lest lhe cortem a ;ntiamta imetlisemether %with h bfi ree 12. An- th11s(ia,0iwi11suel do th(ea good, u mke thy seed as the SAdo! tSsa whcieu foilotb nmrdfor muiýltitud(e" Tboub Jaoh s n essangpersý Ahead wifl th iue hope th1at tîîey wudbe ablýe te aippeisseEsu he-waîs Sceu doubly îoula e. aue whea liey camie Isacli te lm nitlsey ou)ld enly report isi Esnwas aise approa):chji1g withI t Ir bndrcd rîet n I'bTis sent Ja'oIb te bis ku1rs roteidy bi 14 .30 .4U -4 .36 .7 .3 1.40 2.42 2.5 4.148 58 7.6 .78 8.8 9.72 1807 Marrî *4 201 .2 2 ,24 .26 M12 ..35 .45 .719 4.07 4.4 4.20 à.26 5.28 7.29 81 9.4 1.44 1A 21.53 21.80 2 .26 -93 . .1 2.42 2.15 2.81 3.13 3.21 Ï.27 4.8 .31 6.432 0.534 11.7 Mare DepenSenP. .01 .0 2 .04 .06 '08 .10 .11 .19 .16 .19 ,21 .24 1.01 1.71 2.10 2.46 2.82 3.18 4.86 9.85 11.84 13.83 S15. 8 3 1-8.00 20.17 20.17 24.52 .01 .02 .04 A05 '06 .1j .14 S19 .21 1.28 1.48 1.6$1 1.89 2.0 4.41 6.5,7 7.6e 5 8.73 1 9.30 ( gen e rll y recognJî zad 1te ba i Èiatoil prayer rco(rdes u nth< word of God. Tl'ise prayer wam markc,-d by true humiiility. Jcel acknowedged is Ownuwot- nesa of al ihat God hsd d (oue foi, hladwith hcart-felt grat-itude, ha tstiiesto tisewaly lin îc 27iq h Ain e hld, WhaW 2&. And he sayIdTy came sMa be callaS ne more Jacob, but le- raci: fer týhon haist strîven wî'tlî GýoS ainS ith mli einsd hast prec vailati 29. And Jacob asked Ihp sud suid, Talli me, 1I pray thaty ciame. Ail n hasaiSWbre n# l ip tiat thon doat Mask srMy iinmc:? Aud lha blessaS hlm tae' t sisoul be csrcfully notaS thiat Jacob did net îay Isold e!fIbis visiter, but the visiter lay, beLl o! hlmii. Thiýis t efa pictura op inu cmig te God. te wrastla with Ced i pn"y Mbu a recor of God comliug te insrýu, te reI the piit o! stubboruncsasdsudul- suLffliiaîcy wbich sn particýulauais bas "fer. teelong',a tilma bai'ly maulasad.All night 'thesa e wrestied, tie ue frein beaven ud"- t[lieuoie o! carisd Wbeu at Ltise dawu of day, Jaceb 55w siet hae could not praevail agaluat tIse in, inbis exhaustion sud wca xi- nasa.ý lie sdauyf ct the tou cll of!netisabado!ftpa stragar ou hic thig. lmnedîteîyhis thigisira eut of joint, rcncriug lm ah aoiutejýly eiplesa. But uowJue reîlestat lite oeewitb lîn halisas wraestled ah nigui le a divine parson, aud, wbareas ax- ! luiha nigh liehawsa.' nld lu tIsa grip o 1 o! isieci', lnow ha -e es terueae iasgirasp e! tisevisto W'tî ha ecaivýsas sble'ssi1gIon hlaassiug a Sd reclva l tIse new naine, sud ic e n-,%,ofor sud positon, wbicbGod etnd opon hm. hanlurthe usine 0 Jmahwlich mwass piaeî te Iraai whih m0ns, 5 p'pi' .416 .ý2 .68 2.85 1.33 2.03o 2.68 2.83 4,01 3.18 3.34 3.50 3.66 4.01 4.74 6.01 6.37 7.82 8.1L8 8.91 9.27 9,63 10.00 10.86 11.32 12.31 13.31 14.30 16.29 18.29 20.29 22.28 24.45 2 6.62 28.80 30.97 AC- .U1 .46 .27 .,C .1 2.4 2.36 3.14 4.59 5.42 -.05 .41 7M 8.97 1.33 27.06 2.42 2.787 re

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