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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1942, p. 3

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New Hosiery Made From Rayon Yarns Look AS BEtatfut Au WkU as beaMtfu on she keg as alk or mybon ho"e they corne rouma Mmtiey dfert faily, and the bave pecuiamtes that demsnd Rayon smadefe ells hinterra, by 'one ofseealmoe 110e beautiful, wearabe boue now available, They hope to offer a oves improvin g produc, se ar- 10Rt o! furtler research andte- 'i ng, which gees oin atrul onitvh rayons as wlth aay type 44 hosiery, Ibewergqulte nie net a ie, faYýctobt epn la mrat deai umnes sdom usedi le nthr eection and tce ame sont whb tey are handled. New rayons Wii ses more comortbl rd wil fit bete if ' ýý-ý je a hem-" býeffore yený wjear them. They scould also be wash- vd imnediatel zàer each wesr- tng, by thse followiag metbod ûOt te' 31ag or, rea tilim Tises JrUn-e tileogiy la lkwr sh u qucezeC tie water o.,t h'rlngthem loosey la a twl pins, o a am3ooti re a- yfri mn ami iseat,. heurs, Tismeanst-hat ynne tise-y are even slgtydamup they are likey te break, They uone ai?- eprozimateli' bal! e!" tbir e etreaigt wisen wetý,adrcove ~ietey drY. Mien we censider that rayon os ene e! the vital war suplsies uic kn that everthln &J d te prelong9 tise we"'ar oÈiosei 1makes a direct, z humble Cctr- Japan wss p2epariug te sprig 1n hé' DuIteli Eust LfAies, co 40 enlts a. word - 40fer 1,00-wrd stoy, Robai-t 'M. Yweer writes inCocnt The tolîs can berecee cusbi' the uefcale, eie bbrIeviated jargo-n t Ihat ma'jkes *ine word do fibc work o w OrT tliree. Cableese laamitr \~ fLatin prefixes,- -ng ll d runniug wod ogte , wlin t is parmittc. The dramatie s ocf teol eulse~man te suàrvive the ank igOf' '6he suIniarin'-e a-6 i-m - .mcd ie Canalq Znby li's ownu ereort sbip, rie rd ing s follows ("exýpauded" version luý parenatheses): "M'pasilf ja pjme at uicA stop Eje (1) wast ure ex-_ acili' wist going bappenl stop We badour enlus topped torr (sudI ffur) motes reerSûà etshillp (sud thbe s4ijp) j-uet bguîgtei get 'stcru-lway wlin olision came, gtoûp Eyc' tbouigbt prOfcw') (fo'r aî -few) seconds, ouai oi- s3lip) goingý uIpstay (ui'aS goingý teLti Up> be-cause' SC s-mc s-fe e výen ettadi' (sud stad) top ThaÀ en breIdge filaed cuiuwatcr (u7ith w.ater) eteje3ý (sud j) wVent do'ui n trnilher (witli lier up T-was, Lcibidarkudewtreey (sud 1) 'lad Pair bnclr y nek(on my neck) ata'(u tusy) dewnholdg me (we olding me douin) . That Jet t% rtperter send fIf- tean! or tvuienti'wrshaula payf or. »BIta. Tod Allot %f Ail TeIuple SERIAL STORY BY CECIL CARNES Ne man bowever brave can Pear A chlI tickbd upAlla's pine and Mownagain; is lips tiglten- ed to a straigit Une; but tliey didi not tremble, sud ijJ1e forced bIis eyes te mneet -tne steaI' gaze fixed rupon hby Watanabe. fie did net spcak, for there waasOsc ;bisby ntInU g te say "Ibae heathoriti' toeecute Japanese thougitfnlly, "but Ipi-e- fer te ait a little-utabti whilc, senor! It liappeus 3yen have arrived at an awvkward moment fýor u ts. My s7upeýrior officer lere, Gden. Baron Kazunari Sagoya, wbho la lu charge eofthese operatins, is aIbsent at pes n ouashlort busnes tn notlitoyourow outy, in fact. Yen are re- prievad untî l i rturui s 1s hnklie 1mai'uihteqeto ce 1,eore o-rlaeu! Al.aîuclard is tiroi fie tric te hink o soetLing te sai' butý bis thîouglita we,.re rathier bad- by confused for t'he moïýmenît. Be- fore anthug ufl ccurred te ",Yen wiil be placed on a, acigli- beiuig island w(7 we se fer iliedetention aof" undesiraîbles. Yeni -inll have seme ýfreedom of imove- suen-t, but ynwiIl net zatteyïpt te cp scunor! There are guar1ds thîere wlý iotae epert mrs 1-sud fbec waters ethbIla Guif are teemiug with ma-eating aiya 1 Censidr1itOnly farhoc ar yo-u "Tbank yen," zssid Allan me- clanicaîbi. WNatanabe took op the auto- mjatie u uti u ledrawer et bis esk.fie xamied te field glasas asualli' MaYen my keep thesp e, scor le aaneunced gwecroali, but 4,-: 1av ete pi~of -my wvitihba wod n TJapanesile to the guard, who ng temover Ai.. "Tht s i o nowv, senor. W e Atiat lnC-ould ,,a'y somje- AI hope sou!"Ce decîared grim- Theblndfld was ireplaced. Wihteguard i front ndthe Burasian Dbhondhewas led baCk the May lie had cew. He took a long breath of the hot hurnid air when the last door was pass- ed; i't Mwas good to, be above- ground onte more, Sti lbdfoled lie masplaced' iiia lunci. nlyThe gujar..d was witli hlmnow, When The putt- putt ceased and tWeboatus nose gratd aginst a dock, the iman removed the bandage He hWldà revolver in one hAnd whue le loosed Ailan's bonds with the oter. Theýý ALlan was free a lat to sItretchhis campd rma. 1e scranbled 00ntith dock, and the laucliwaspromiptly backed away. Hle straightened thankfully, nd found himacî loing into a pairý of heaven blue eyes. They be- longed to the girl le bad seen- tlirougli-ý the glases.Shevas pret- Uthi at Uhscloserange, and mucl pratier thn the phetngrph Yi had studed wocefuly before- ieavi-ng San Deo IHull'o!" lie said. "Miss Kay sargent, believe !" "Oo-oh!" gra.sped the girl breatbsmsy. "Whio are you ?" "All'an Seee. Be leld eut ak pëart4alynubehnd "'m ad to lind ouàat last, Miss Sargent. l've be okigfiyou!" xKay Sargent, and as the ideas em cd t reiern Jhex mid, sheý 4rew ak ler ýbreatb she lhad ba.luoe og inha4lation-, "Tlnaian haei"sce d softly"P'd be- gn te thwin nbody was etver go- îng te do anything!it'vs nearly two onth nowsinlce 'ie -wuee li? "Wy gv yn h dtal later! fiecam onhr bunlt- ing -,foryorfathe andyout, buat -er-came backwiliotîcn puding toward the island Amlwan Sia jutefton She added bitte- "But, wy h isthsoti %idnaped you two ?" aud Othe dsari le oegavýe ima hint ocf thetoruresile iîrad an-fferd ro ncrtiny."f I SihA 2Japanese poliali, I know yourfathr cane hre oýn some m-issionforoe vr nmnbuot te d'tîlgive mIe the eai, Just wont was lie after?" "fenyrtold m.Father 'la ver-crefl. Ald Sinice i..ey brougltus here I havelhadnoi chane t tak wtlihl.Every dayat ix in tiemenon, uMo guar,ïds 'bing hlm to-jthe s'ý1c - lioreY o Cf that ilnWe ecec other and wavllýc cour banda. Tliey do thfat se V'il know lie'slah riglit a'nd lie'il se 1 ar. Edon'tbeieve tSc, 1- alune ef tears lunlier myes, "el C-e>o ayn Welihep u" se demane d "Aent yn apion-w "See e fieuda a m I wIn, tbogliad upoe er basis, shaîl wc? I'vesînotioni wc'llha ged fieda befo(,-re i mmefomq bndbi u this8-bil. "I op seAlsa.Faher su "-n e a nie" Adny eyebreue arlidn? WIo wta yenuire abiuwih e i - aï hnigtead su sl"ed as she ut- tee he nam. "ierc's aldr lie eeslitle hînate make me "Itbugtsefrm h wy i Siteu've met him?" se d ayha ayeilowl ïacbingi sraie "Ne ioaccu hlm. ie wvcshigs badao Yn oo ut, rKa'r. sometirneen e's clatAn g wieh yen bs Ke'gtnayextdad the ja,-wàtï o0" C l Sha drcw haekianhe a-d w a,, ic. thatýe sud"7, l'se hias a ripp;!0ng hale plner, uitdid quofr iing tei lIa' nies. ifene fie uias comparing lierJwitli Ai. hi wa lie onpi a rnslce ailrigh l ter iahe mused a.e V's osbetr~.rteln sud watc, ie oudiý-ieas.IfHa uias goting t al' oewi tiaasked sd actualli' soud.'e trifla eales. of;'s a e "sy h' nioe-lk u.H c'ameîl day'fie i.I ' apigpetingIbosefontaîs eve ltis e rnera-I deposits wb tnha Jnà-apanee pckeehleupATîi' sali le uIssdpin soote, fi 5i'th ey'r caz! "teF Yah? If Bcy'rc cDeazy, i saeD -- wa he cAhef o ta ont- fit la s nra uda baon;nex coles l, sud er ss sitisi wit ccaasbrpanYtos miroscf oes Vrery ditingied bunchie u- ThaScuns nosadays, menion tVihy."e wslked dewn bei-ete -wait forhin aud fonndYeu jusi surivig."ý TDi, ï "Ë E B.TALBERS Substitutes For Meat As sptstedt es- ask9ed te esesa etfrfnn cia i-asos mny ullfld this necssai. No lai-m will en te apyona if tvhouc wlprepare tle imeals si-ecareful te ubsti tute profi. t la the proper balan-ce et rotiniu ui- diet ta ceunits, net bowc mucb meat WC, eat or do netz aU Poinfood, as ynknw arc ea.t, eggs,' pesa, beaus sud clheese. Glatna OntaiJna it pretein, a IedeaS ilýk. fiai- are a few recipes which Make caltemniate layer, a a cs- merole of naïf s don thinli'sliceid raw pttca aîltnripl, eut in cu.bas, hl i aplat cf tinned pea sumd the samke cf tiinad te- ounecs of wasbed sud 1uncookedý.,ý,ý mica;seasen as yen go aith ai peppen sud powdcrcd alîspic. P-olur la.squart cOf godvege table stock, snd cýook wt i ouIluaislow ove-nuntil the c la donc, about 8 heurs. Cai-rot Pie Cook 4 largecaiiaoter equaivaletinte aaîleue su whLile tbey ai-e aiiI hot eut tblem in alîces ,and Put in s'qgreased pie- dia. Bîngs pnt t mlkte thel bl;aminto it s eUp e0!.'bi-ead crubaseaoedwitb eperand estalisd 4 ounces of grated heese UMxwilawc-bae egg. 1Peur ibis over !fiecret sud burom ;,lu mioilc.;ateoen MOUld of Spinach Sieve a Pound et cookcdspnq- nA ;Msd whip iueo a plut e'l or lmnel (pes - p i jelli'peuider>. Turu jute oan Jer douin the 0midlc. lOneut e spnciis set-r, take eu tetumb- 1er wheh illbe esyto do il yo',u pour ai ittleboc atrinto, it, F111 up te pae iti hope liard hoiled egg m edwit saad dressing and sasond wtli a littIe onon ndcelery, Tura e ut wlihen set adginihwtiring of iar beiedegg. Cheese Tai-t Linle a small ipie tiowth r ich cru , an ake. Wi e-3 it le cold pounld o£ grate'd cheese, toiwell, beaten egg yoliks andthequr ters plat-of cream or-vey rlh milk. Season with sÀait, pepper snd a toueli oý-f cayenne. Bake hin oven ifor ia quarter of ýAn hour. The tp illbea batflgoId aind the ndedicu, Cucumber Fitr pueel the ucubrs (arge onles) end eut i n eaî~ eli Re-move 2the ccentre p Dt ad balithe pvlces in atdw.1ter,. Drain tleiemwell1, and wè they are c-old eufwith £mor tufnseason)ed breaderumbIs or, cheeese ceme.Dip terud hn egg iand then in bedcub writh frîe *arly ariei UNI VERSITY 0F TORONTO School of Nursiýng For he sssio 194-3t-he include(s a, general tniingi Rureîg andspecial rpaa tion -for public b Iealtlinurig .Note:luticorepea- tien is givenfoNus For furihr nformaio a- The Setar'ýziy, Scbooel eùNT ng Un'iivers-ity of Truo ISSUE 35-ý42 NO coupns Needed for Pstun T EÂ anod qcffe ýie rtoinlg de na]Pply Posîm.No couponýs are neeýded t Cosevea and coffe ii your lýiime by drIinking PoTum ouiIe hLe irprsed andi delightked to learu holtw stsyn otm ingflaor.Posumis quimad easy 10 ake, and eoo ic10use. FEfori te Whole fmiycotinLo caiffehn ortann iiohig t u se nrvsorumsIeîomach 77/A CATE/NA WVMV RIMPINESS. 7ANNNteWZEE FEEL TERAV 5EVERAGE 77fl YOU~ WERIN LIS YIJ 'ELAX.

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