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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1942, p. 5

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F Apl t the OOOTIMES OFFICE JOrono - -OntarioJ Nlow on Sale Special Price on 60 pou] C. Orono or over R. KNOX In Orono It's IMac Smith's n' W. B. H. Work Boots, regular $3.95. SALE 'I PRICE ........ .............0 Walker's Pioncer Overalls, black (the cloth ip that is cancelled now), reg. $29.50, for . .. ýý1 . 98 Walker's Blue Work Pants, regular $2.50.41a SALE PRICE ...... ... ...pA ~ Men's V-Neck Swèaters, regular $2.98. $ SALE PRICE ........ ...... Last Week's Bargains are still good this week MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO IMM RED& WHITE STO RES Pure Cider or Spirit Vinegar, gal 45c Piekling Onions, lb. 18C 2 gooci sized bunches Celery, 19e Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 IL bag 69c Five Roses Bread Flour, 98 Ibs. $2.99 Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c Lemons, 4 for 1IOc Oak Leaf Sardines, large tin 25c Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag 22c Keen's Mustard 1-4 lb. tin 25c Crown Brand Syrup, 5 IL tin 57c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, 2 tins 1-9c Fly Tox, 16 oz. in 45c Shoulder Roasts of Beef, IL. 2 5c Fresh Pork Liver, IL.15C Small Link Sausage, IL 22c Gold Medal Epsom Saits, 4 ozs. 5c Round Steak, IL 35c Sirloin Steak, lb. 37c Neilson's Cocoa, IL. in 29c Postum, 4 oz. tin 33e, 8 oz. tin 53e (No coupons nieeded) Crown Quart Gems, doz. $1Lin We are A proud of Orono Fair-Reserve the dates SEPTEMBEJt llth and l2th ~J. CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery Local News Pte. Sid. Hughes 1 is viing with frIiends in tIhe comnity. LOLST R.C.A.F. NEWS iiii hrelaOýro, a nulinher, .:f ffiat keys, widlh a výiece of strin en iale yenm2cto.2 uised as arig Finidrkîpaease leave the sanlie aquadronl is Fliglit Ser- at Times ofiCe. ggent Neil Erskine of Monkton, Onit., Snavigator, wo has 20 tisoe ýV-y Lis with youî printing neecis. neyteîritorIy to his credit, his __________________________crew matehen Fligh-It Seingeantn B. L.Schuenburg- of Assn hboia, Sask. wýho, samanair- gunnier ihas more than 3ý,0 sorties eak p Both fliers hvebeu on ail thle bîg rals Other Canaduians withi the squadîon ar F:ht SergeantJm Frna of Windsor, Ont. Sgt. Allan Gbson, Si. Catharines, Ont.;and Sgt. Wîlf- eaokEveretit Saslk. Francis re- cently made hîs l3th tnip as a pilot with the Germian U-ýloat plant at Duusburg as the main objective. Wîth the aquadron are also Flighit SSergeant George Allanl of Imlperual, 0 , SaAiç and Flîght Serigeanit Bil Crniainis of Guelph. AMBER IION k Mýiss Ruth Simpson, of Toronto, is viaitinig her frienld, Miss Betty Chlapman.1 M.R. H. Bîown hbas pur-chased 'Mi. Roland 3nmith's bone ln the Ilnort il ward.1 Mr. and Mis. W. Jordan and( fami- ily iwill miove to Ajax on Thuiaday, Mlrs. T. Lewis, Mýrs,. Phasey anld Mrs7lenryCan-trell spent Friday of last week in Toronto. Mis. J. D. Tye and Mi's. W. Brasa, o)f Toronto, are visiting wýth mi,. and1 Mlrs, Arthur Saunders. ^2 MM ba tei vil -las va( aiî Mu jo:l fill awi an- Tor i ng Mr- late fislJ sure arou oper pro, fami end ied Robe Roy, Jonie ifo0r:c Raný T I Chur on 1i. eda hot ý Th Win " ed t trie on ir utes Mr have1 weeil Beaël BRay. pari in Or Enid and Ave. Corps chee- willt Chure ables repair R. En Mr. Fred Staples, of StreesLville, s sPending a few holdays wth li rother, Mr. Milton Staples. Miss Velnma Gay, ofBow nvie ,pent a w-eelc in Orono, tht jguest of Ur, and Mis. Normian Allen. Mr. and Mis. Ed. Mitchell and ýdison, of Lindsay, visited Mr. and Urs. G. Jones on Thuriisday last. The Orýono Girl Guides arrived )ck home on Tuesday evening, af- er s)pending a vacation at J'aniet- ,ile, Mrs. W. F. M-,lcEIroy and daughter airgaret, of Peterborough, are holi- tying with the formner's mother, Mis. J. C. Game(-y returnedi home aet week- after _qpendcinýg a nIonths &cation -With bher hushand, Col. J. 'Gamley, of Prince Rupert. Mraý. Gordon Leamen lias tempor- ily given uq) ber position at Aja,- lunitions and leaves this weeký to in ber husbandin St. TbomwaS. Mr- AI. Hall is ibuay hauling somne e arpecLimens of pine logs to Osh;- wa and Toronto. These lecgs rua yvwhere froni 65 to 70 feet in ngth. Mr. and Mis. Coonibs of North )ronto, sipent a day last week visit- 9 with ;Mr. and Mis. J. J. Gi Illn s. Coombs was a dau.ghter of the te George Pollard. '. Gorden Watson caught a nice nge on Tuesday evening last while ing at Rice Lak<e. The flala mca- red 32 inches long and weighed und ei.gýft pounds. Hi-s. Stanley Maîtin, of Churcla ,et was taken to thle Bomanville ýptal on Saturday evening n îated on for appendicitis. She is giressing favoiably. Ir. and, Us. Gaînet Gansiby, and ily, of Kingston, spent the week- lai Oîono. They were accoiupan- by Mis. ;am-siby's mothei, Mrs. beut Allen, who had basa visiting- ffn. and Mis. J. W. Berny and y, accompaied by Mn. an-d Mi>s. G. ies and. Eileen visited Mijî. 011f- 'JoneCS at the homle of Mi. and S.W. RObb, at Stbirling Radio ge recently, 'he nmeraîbeus of Par'K St. Unitedi riieli bad a very pleasant avening- Imoniday at a camp l-, ire iin Orono niuniby Park. Gamies were play- and laten aIl were served withl ýdogs and chocolate milk. le icause ofcfie flure at Mi.s. Ir- Bragg's reeently, isno believ- co have heen caused by thre else- w.iuing. 'nie hight wavýs tiurned n the mow and abouit five min- Slater the mew -,as a'blaze. r. and Mis. ýE. G. Ha.y andi son returned tb Toronto after ka two W vacation spent at Newcastle ch and Honey lHarbour, Gýeor-gianj Donald visited with his grand- -AsrM. and Mirs. R. E. Log-an rone. e, engagemepnt i-aannoumep 1of 1Jane, onily daughteî- of m,. Mis. Neil D. McKen-,zie, 6 Lyall Toronto, te Lieutenant Don- A. Clieethait,, Canadjan Dena s, son of ýMi. and Mrs. A. tham, of Toronto. The niairiage take place in Rew Beachi United céh on Satuirday, Septemober 5. w, mnodemi test equipment en- sone to malke fast, dependable liel to any mnake of radic. Chas. 'nox, 42 r 2, Orono. f Local News Rev. William Sterli-ng, of ýShanj- nionville, has given notief, of his in- tention to îetire fjýrm th e active mrinisury on Octobler îst. Mr. Ster.- ling is a greatly 'beloved(, and ef- fective evanigalical preacher -who will ha g-reatly missed froni the ranka and ili spared. The following girls from this co-- miunity -will giaduate as nur-ses at Whitb)y Hospital on'Monduy evening, Auguat 3lst: Misses Muriel Morton, Enid Cofibledick, Marjorie and Mary Sisson an.d Thelmn-a Myles. Miss Muriel Mlvorton îeceived the second hig'hest markis in ber examinations thro'ugbout the Province of Ontario, which is a great honor toeMssMoi- Last Sunday moining ever the neighbborly Ne-ws broad'cast, Mr. Andy Clarke told of a lady bavin, a bolleybýck which Stood 111/2 feet bigh. On Wedniesday of this week Mn. Fred Taniblyn camie into the Tures offlice and informed us that lie had a hoilleybock, which meaaured 12hfeet high, had over one hundred floweis, with flower's out in blooni ecent isitors and caihers at the 'home 0 f Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones over the week-end, were Miss Eleanor uMoore, North Bay; Miss Greta Kit- ehen, Orillia; M-iss Eiieen Jones, of Pickering; -Mn. and Mis. Lawrencee jAllen, and famuily, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. E. E. Patterson and Jhîî, of Newcastle; -Mn. and Mis, J. N. Greenaway, of Port Hlope, and Mis. BIRTH 5 GRAH.A)M-i Fred and ZelIa Graham are haipjpyr to annou-nce îtie birth of a son (IMerrili Little), at Bow- nianvilie hos'pital, on Ang. 20th. 1942. SAUNDIERS - Ini Toronto, on Tues- dlay, August llth, 1942, to Mr. and Mis. Vernon Saunders, a son, Orono Tinshopî, Some Metaîs are hard to get If you need any get your order in as soon as possible R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St., Orono Phono 3SE PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Bey. S. Littlewood During the mionth cf August wership at il a. MR. J. J. MELLOR Phere wlll be no evening service f W hijty , Mi. a i s. E1ea Bshand faijy, and i. Ben)soný Crýydeîmani, of TrTeniton, and Mn.qi anld Mi.Charles IMiller, of Oroo,, visited vith mi. andlMis. Fe 1 ARM STRON G" IT PAYS TO PAY CAS Phoines 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Sat., Aug. 27, 28, FLANNELETTE Good quality Flette, 36 inches wide in plain colors, yd ..ý 25c. & 29c Figured Flette, 36 in- ches wide, yd, 29c, 35c. Flette, 27 inches wide, white only, yard . . 22e Striped Flette, 27 in- ches wide, yard ..17e SCATTER MATS Hooked by hand in Quebec good designs, in ail colors, size 16" by 36" ......... 79c, Balance of Ladies' Sirn,ï Orangy dozen 29e. Loin Pork Chops trimmed lb. London- b-luse 1 Cocoa Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag SPORT JACKETS Ladies' Sport Jack-ets., Of Ail Wool Plaid and Stripes, g-,ood fail shad- es and styles, sizes 12 to 20......59 SKIRTS Ladies' and Misses.,' Skirts, made of Alpine, Cloth, gored, pleated and swing styles, i11 ail shades, sizes 141 to 20, Priced at $2.25, $2-95, and......32 mer Dresses now on sale at L.arge Grape Fruit 5c. Fresh Sausage 2 lb. Round Steak lb. 35cib Fresh Shoulder Pork Beef ~25ce Ilillcrest Shorteiiing 2 lb. J. +IPHONE 12r2 THE p vâmmonumum 1)'n11t foliget to bria- your old iubbei into the Fair at Orno o FridaY and lSaturdaIy, Sept. 11 and 12. A receliticle will be placadl behind thle town, hall fou this pualpose. You &bn"t have to wýait uqntij then, as it will be acceptable at any time. Mn. "Bill" Bîown, of Nitrýo, Que., spent ast week with his parents, Mr. and MIa.ý R. Ii. Brown. Hie bas 1-aturned to lis woîk acuamp'anied by his mother, whîo will speil this week with him. "4Bill'~ is now asst. supt. of one of the djivisions whjjje lM. and Mrs. C. Go.owî, of To- onto, hbave moved to Le1ad 1- uho had 'been l il jjig hat i 'The late Ms arwwsbi near Lekard a da ghtî'ofMt Dwight Brown ajnd the lia e M Brfw whoafterwards mý Ilove c the Lake Shoreu, Claike. Thiityyei ago nx spring shje was married jr. Bo-wmanville to Mi. Walter Farrow, 5th Lina, Clavie; bj-ut for niany year, DOîW they have bee'n li'ving.. an.d fari ing" suCcesflly on the formr Fè Fh$,,gg ar just est of the CP.R1 suIIvwy on the King's Hligh-way N,. 2.Righit from terfa oigt teneighlborhood both Mi. andMs Walter Farrow won thec esteaml an. res4Peet - of the w hole co m mui n tlj,,y foi their hosîpitality and helpifulneaýs,2 their integr-jity and i n uty. SI, was an ideal farmneî's -wife, flot onl-, con'ceined with the -welfare of hun mnanity, but inteîested in and fondý f ever"y gowing Thing of the anii- mal and vegetLable kndm. She took a vary active p-art in Necwànistlu United Church circles, was a memiber of the Neweastle bianch and Bî'own's committee of the R.ed Cross. Bîown's Homie and Scb'ool Club, and the local Fedleration of Ag-riculture. The funeral service was conduet,,- ed at the house on ïMonday after- uoni, Atigust 17thi, with Rev. R. E. .Noit-on officiating.% A large number of relatives and friends weie piesent fromt the Lake Shore to the Kendal îei hb nh od and from Toronto and t other uriben centr es. Aniong thea numerous and heautiflul floral trb- utes wera pieces froinotrganizations with which the die-eised 'hiad been as- ociated. Inteiment was- la Oîono I *e nie te iy . f, The palibeaiers were three brothi- is, Mlton and ChaMton eft tbe Lakçe ti Shore and Ailan, of Oshawa, two C roVhersianlIwtý, M artin and Howard LI' Farrow, and a Cousin and nePighibor,'aý Wellington Farrow.L Beaides the bereaved huslbjand she A laves to moun her loss heuplittle C Dyson Cai ter, ofWi tical aniginiear, studant sýciences, journalist and au<,ý manl behin CiCCs unu ',Science In the News, ' ( nda( at9,15 .3 .CI m.MDT). Sie, i i flta talk, but a seias ý dr-amatic form with n'lC, feasional atî fo llyson LCartei 'w ýritea tha, carternila anative of)Ne and aàrauaeof btheUIv L'va nitLoba. He la a T3i( triibutoi of scientifieartic no's 'Satiday Nig-ht", liece anld adopted daugil Fët'r>ow,. who hias livedi for some yeaîrs, and brothers a1r,,Liady nient three sisters, Mis. Robert )îo0no, Mis. R. Bone, of T 3Jrs. Roy MeKay, Br-onte ged mother, -Mis. Bwi:g Lake Shore. One siater, .1 Allin died at hier hom3e, L 1 Th( ý

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