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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1942, p. 1

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EE LY TI ES -Vo0l.ý6. N 0.'35. OPONO, O)NT1., THUJISDAY, SEPT. l7th, 1942. subscriptioni, $1,25 Per Yi Chancellor Brown, of Victoàriîa University, at Park Str. Church Sept. 20, 2.30 Close To 49000 Attend Agricultural Fair at Orono On Saturday Lastý CGood Showing ln Ail The Horse classes, Also The Cattie Classes Fine weather aýttende-d teDur- jlnam Centra gcltrl Sc iet y F ir on F-riday nd Satulrdlay, Sel)- te b r il and 1-2. c-, r iln Lo;1., ly 1 th ei enrie s pnrdir to 'th agriepuiral building, ans aller the marinI 1building was opned t the pulic o St1r1 afernona ic array of the different classes wme cn)i display. A light shwer fSE for -1 few lmites anmdthie rndd f thle afternooni, Ibtth rain then held off untilthe end d oAte faW, The attendance this y,,ar re(-ached -aroundl the four 1tbouisand mark. There îwere 2600 paid admisions A. thec two diffe-rent entrances, and svhen youw add to this ilthleehi- ý,ors, l'le 1n1 Qer-S, d ir-ecuto0r S, judges, 2children nld scîdiers, the- total at- tendance would ba greatly sulledl. This -was the 6{th anil fair of theý This year no coiniplainits have hePen 'j-eard agains tithe way the fair as Q odc .Ever ly th.înlg ran long, smi-oothly. Mss.Crgho hadd !he microphone üroni the judges stand and called out the difFrent classes tA be judged. ThMsis clievedl nome of the drcoswho us;ed their t-heir tim-e in Ilooking alter other af- lairs. This rs fair in thelisoc de,(partmecnt, bogtont seOma Of the b-st livestok that bas bleen sear cha for a nurer of yva2rs lEs- pecially was thiis var-y notîiceable luî - the diffcer n orse classes. lu pas ~-years the enties in the dIiffarýent hcrse classes were 1ig--ht, ýbut 1this year large entries wereO in evidaence in ail teclawsses.- ManIqly roadszters wete hbrouhin , and fromi now on, ýasý the gasoine( and Pulybbar shortages begin to bje -eally felt, many f armniel s aud C n)thers will agatin 'turs.i, their, atteni- 'ien toý the almost forgOtteri driving horse. l the bc'avy horse cl]asses 'wvere also w7ell filed, and Inanly comâ-pientary remlaIks wera, ~heard as to the go hoig in t-he borse deipartmený1t. There were as large etisin iiost ofS the cattIe classes. Iu the S>hor'tlorn celas cevery etr y was fi11ed, Wfhile the Hoîstein ciass was fflled to Tvriwii.~ he enti-ies in the Afierdeen Augus, iHerefordsz, Mfarket Oattle and Jeo-seys 'were the samie as other years, while -theoyr ;shires were absent altogether. Au. the shee-pclse were fllErd, and mnany fine sheep were on dis- ipla y. The entries in the sîwiine lasses were the same as other years; while the poulhry also vinas about the sanie, thongh pnrbably just a littie liglter than uùl A fulI prograinme of ent.tan mnent was helc in front cf the grand stand tA tho satisfaction of ah. ed un il enry thre1.ý2eococt hn Russ. C ieýigbtuuü, lsud1( is ,ýVaia-ty Entaertainarus, of 'Toronto, took ýoveýr the fteroouwici, ncluiîd ta dancinghPunch-sud iJudy show, somatrilos sigiu, ad af ew other nuMis. The chidron on tCe clon ho ep thnihappy -duiug tCe aferoon, On1 Fridaly ngt h due i conacton iththa Faýir was he,]l win h dîaw 4s,11 ptruisandth Soit eailizad rthe ncesun o£ $4900 wblautthe concert at Oroso on the last night cof the Fair drew recod;crod of57,0, froln wbich ha ipSociety uaitted_ the sum of $17800ý. RuLss. Creigblton sd l bi is stsput ou nna varýiatysho a the concert, enssin f wig acmtobaticsutcomledian acets sud musîic. The hall was jnmmed to thec douwhîle ltha balcouy was filled te (rapacity,, ev>en aIl standi!ng rooni was taken. Four. youg girsEuid Midle- toni, Cunie Mthel onna Wa-' 1ý'st 1,1 PRata McUKanni ja, raeýSentiug1 Miss Canaa, wee1bus ýy salhiulg War SavingSta-mps 1and rai $60;wbile 0he Orono Boy 0Scouts wihthir appe driv-e colcad2,0. Everytbiug takeu in Ithe Faim w,ýas Thora *ware good exhibie slutn îu~ uidi g ond stock, good bors racs aid esougb neran nien foravernua.The diretr arie tebehgl opimitd u ishpdthat ue-xt yeam thay iij fre antiwith n 1ewidafoou terainmest.-e lthat in the vary na futurethe fir w\%ill Ihave avsa Owiug te Jack of spaca te print ai th wnnrstis we'lek, wa i give teprize wneso h e mainlng deparýtmeuits nexot week. FALL FAIR ]DATES Li .a.......... etmhr16-1 Stimlng......September 17, 1, B'gt............ _ Satember21 Lakefield.....Septemiber 222, '2r C amll e Ifo0rd .... Septemiber 29, 30 Pt' on .... ..... .. ............... Octeber 2, 3 Porit Hope..-........ Septý, 0Ot. 1 Ro.seneatb............ Otoher , ),17 Wa-kwxoitb ........... October 8,9 Bohucaygeon ............... Otober 2, C(Cledon............. Septemb'er 18, 1 Tweed ..........-. ,.. obr1,. Madoc . -.. Otober 6, 77 Acton ......Sptenber 18, 19 CObdn..... SpeMe 22, 2à 2, HioursuMay Effect Retail Stores Toronto, Seýpt.-iLiitt o f retail stores te .56")heurs of opera- tieon a week as preposeti by ýth-e War- time Prices anti Trade Bard niayý croate a hardship for many ludecpen- dent retaileis, according te a latter fromi the Canadia Counicil cf Dis- tnibutiion ýte Mýr. Edigar Burton, R- tail Friee Adlmiistrator. Tire lat- ter, wbicb is signeti by Mr. W. C. -PL-sher-, president, suggests that the proposcd restrictions Ou store heurs shouldti ne aput iloto affec o n Octoliar 1-but that action mi-igtb ho deferred until January 1, edg the results of -,vidow-lighting rcur- tailmet i ir central pirovinces. PeRýpreseingii. a large niv-mer c ietai1 stores operating acruoss Gas- ada, the Canadian Counuil cf Bis- trÏbuti'oný states that most chais ~Sstores are aew copeuatin-ig at or near the proposet i luit cf 56 heurs we ad si Weuld sot ha seriously af- fctti y tiree ier., As amterc patice anti policy, the Coustcil sp - proves sborteisg ef Store heurIIs. The ltter points eut however, that msuy small retail meirchants de- pend m aînly on aveninqg trade. These retailor'S, the Goý States, perfcrmi a serviece for the 'pubilic anti shertar heurs migir compeil tbem te close their businesses. The nation's shopp.i)ing- habits namy ha chanti m ateiaîly as the rasait cf restnicteti usa, cf lectrie power ,ichelimninates e ,c;i igai aud1 widwdisphay hgtnvUstil tire full effeçt cf these changes cas ha studietianinecesry adjustinen-s matie hy Vire retail tratia tha naw order linitling store hoaLSswut impose an atiditional rardship on smal i retaîiers, tnre Couacil statos. F rize Winners In Ail The Live Stock Classes V7'EERAN SOUTU lAFRICAN REGIMENT IN LI TBYA:RIDEAN 0'F THIE KýNýG'S RIOYAL IFE Rhoesan hae aredwil th the0001h King's Roylal Rifles sincue Lord' ichnrput' Ilurlthem theîe duin"g thlewar oýf 11-1.Ma-ny vrn of thautitîme are mnow servinlg with tfie regý]iment in Lidbva sJide by side wit te yuner enratonof ther outrme, il'oluiteers. Theuy ar iigup to thec tradition o)f thie rgiment lthro ggulling WeC-s - ternDse btte.Pitr shiows Rhdesan ren gunner cof tlie, King"sRylRfesi cin Canada's War Efftort A woi rva f dvlpot 1Aco o ely wýill be via as auti-freaza tis wtintl( Jeprt 2. Canadianbombergmnsip of fromn 1 ) te20 audru o h omdi U-nted Kingdouî by the anti cf tbe yartehafoloe by a Caniadianl fighter gimoup, ArMnitrPower anneunces. 1. Wartie Footis Corporation ha- oas sole epue of Canadiaiu cat- tie te the- Uniteti States;, 4. Wýood pencil suid peshoider. sty- les rdue f-'ri68 te '38 bY order of Wartie Prices sud Trade Board. 5.Appiumetof a tbree masii enamssenulider thie Tadiustrial Dis- 'putes Aet teý investigatae wage dis- putes iu steem iudusty anueunceti lA Lalber Miniister' Honi. Hmnphirey Mit- chell. 6. Air iMarshall H. E. Edwards,ý Air Officer lu Chief of thie R.C.A.F àH oRS E R-A cE RESU-LT S There wxera twýýo classified races, sud both laces wvere keeslly Con-te-st- eti1. The ast hutin tha iast racoe Vas the dmssonfea aloseý.t three of the fivea herses in the hst heast aicameup te ýha(finish wir'e witb oshy ab outÉ a lbond 'iscpreua t is)g thehe hre.Thora iewere ini-e hessiuthbe teracesý. Fiwigis tie su omrycfthe h rserces: lass A. Miss, areAxe,. wndby D. Down, Por-t Hope ..........1 1 1 Oupha Ausi, owed hy S. Paime.,.ort.Hop. ..... 2 3 2 Diec alwio wnýýed Iby HL. IgnLindsay.......3 2 3 Ginger Direct, ow-,ne(,d by BdI, Grabsoni Peteiýbero 4 4 4 lass B. Ch'ester Gra,)ttas, oneby M. Steýwart, Pceilttor .. 2 1 2 Ioqucois Grýattait, crwned by Ai. Brow, Oshawa ........5 3 1 Rcbert Balfwiin, own,--( y A. V. Tinnay, Liudsay.. 1 4 4l Adtilie Grattan, owaeti by v. HBodg&in, l 1ialib)urton- 3 2 3 Gloria Le e, owned by W. Baker, Oshawa .. ........... 4 5 5 -- - 0-- If tha mý -ienat shorta-Ogeokepis On continuing-, and pupleare f orc t t estfwi by tbe timie Christrnas roils arounLid evemyone vwIl be se sie.k of foýwi that thay wilh waat a roast cf beeýf for their Christmias dnner. 0ove rsaa,q ýtePlîs Ti sitig Canadi onspaparmcis London tathigh authlles i jil tha ,Air MiIsty 1hava2 ne nppnstionte anadianîzation cf 7. Unhusually large ceng egations obseva Cnadas Dy nf- iciayar. 8. High Officer's of Iitaiu's Aý,u x - ilayTerritorialSevc ariai O1 ttawa, 9. Riso f sugar aieig o guilationIs :aun'ouuced lbyV( War-t ima- Prics sud Trada Board. 10. V c hairnisu W. L. oac of t he Ontarioe Hydre tPowmer Com- m'.ission ianununcas IbmoswÀves te be aisked lte stagger thileir iro1iig days this filaîlnsudvwnter. 11. DiepI)pe stormîn.g, spear-bead- ed l)y7Canad ,iaus, is "inidispeInsable preliimiay te bigger undlertakiugs," PrimeMîiserChiurchili tells the BitisiHBouse 'cf Ceaimons. 12, Musitieus Minister Howo au- sousnces egtpoint goveruntllal pro-)grailime te meet "greatest tu-nber shevnge u Cnada's bis-tory.'" Chanber of Commerce Mleeting Oron Chinhr c Cmmrc eld thei reghar onthly meeting ia the Kuuie Apautmlenti Ms 01A lda-ty Oves:iing of this %Ve ek, with eig-ht The mais tepie for disacussion was tira poultry 1m-1aliket that is belti in Omono every Yoar a f ew daPys beiore Chmismss.Plans, are ahreed mti to S'cea jIst hwmsy bayerawihb 'h te a t e n d Lte m r e . T h e CIhrAsiher cf Commce 'viii star-t eaýrhy on tire Critma iarket se ai- t o gv tepoultry pro- imeýýrs the jhaýst marluket th-y t is dacideti to have Tuesday, Decani- ber Snd as the day for the malrkat. It wais sigse that roply post cards sbiould be sent te-) the faumners se- thatÉ they coulti inforam tire Chamn- ber of' Comumence J ustL how mauy f owl biey cexpeCt te bring lui. Pla ns are aise under way fortira holding cf a concert anti tisaca, if possýible, around the middie c f OC- toher. plages cf. missing soldions aippear- Atina tira city papars on Wedaiesday df thiis we-ek. This is hard, osroir folks ha k homeri, net iowinig vile- ther their- son or bus sund is alive br net, sud it namy ha nrany months b)ed'ore'somie will e've lcnow. Class .Cldsdl Mlare aud foaylult Fred loesry, ,3r,tlParc(y Farrow; foal of 1942', PoeyFrrwS S. StaplsM, IFre'd owr;filly or geildiug,ou-e- ofldo loetDiuT R alS.S o Td S. . Stals Hbr oFe Lowory; iyorgedigthe Saa- ol,aA Aisu B). Mann, W. ëýS. Mfft s. Cowa -, in Sýo ii LFrihst e foMuraid fby Mack Raa, 1942, Wes Wood, W. SKy, . MH.t S &s Percyof192,arrow $pcia - S-ýy . IS. thur Mr ay& J. .:Fordeo& Sons geiding, ona year Old, Fred Lowvery, 'Leslie R. Cochrane; fily or gelding, two years otd,ý Os. Cwn J. H. Foi»dar & Sons, Rohhrsonl Bros.; filly ogeliug, three y aas 01ld, Heber Du"w, T. R. Hal, Heber Down; spcni of orses in haruass 'withli on HýIber Du, T. R.i, N. R. Au- drews. Gla;ss-111. - Including Get Blin Per-cheron ante iinch Hre Minmu wight ýfor. mature borse-, Marcad e,i Roy F(r, Walter J.~~~l 1osroe Enst Hnitby& Sous Jr. igoe retHlb os FoalSnfS942RyFaraWlr fily o gedinC ee oyat nid,W 1,.e J. Hoisg 0. .e, Lawron R Heoey Bm-ui est Hoortby & Sons;onfllyaorogeidiugJ a; fihly oueligoIi, hree ye:Id., obinsonnBo. Msani- cf bgiu oises lu harnesn withwagdson, . . endv Seamuý el Euicott , Waltiie J. Bols S. S. Stnp ilge ore i Wm. tRobis'n, BecaLtyBest Lau B. Maun; pair of borses ia ha- ness Wm BeatyALlan B. M-an Class V.-Roaàdster iMae indfoal, W. H. Lisidsay, Zaiphi Saddler, awrence oooy; foal of I1942, "W. H. Liindsay, Law- ranc Hoey; flly or gelding, W. T-. Lidsy;filyor gldiug, two yoars oId, W S. Moffat &S'ons, Eruiest thro y ear](d1va crn, E. B. Shea Alls BMann; sing1i, horse ini hares, 5½badsor over, \W.-HI Lindsaý;y, Ivan Co (chrlan", livan Coch.- raseý; singila h]orsa in hmcunder 15ý1/2hands, E. B. Shea, L-ivan oek- raW. Hl.Lnsa;pir of Jiorse3 CcrnE. B. Shiea; best tLurnout, Wm. Beatýty, W. IH. Lindsay,; hast pnnlyudrsadeS S. Staples, S. S. Stap'l3asý; 1)as-t(lay driVer, «WM. Beaty. B. indsay; Iblest saddle hiorse, Bob. llancock, Ralph Sialer, Alza 13-Mjnii, CasVI.-Generai Purpose Mar'e and foail, Alln B. I1,ann, G. L. -Kelio-g A. Sharpe & Sons; foul of L" 12, W. S. M 'ofiat & Sons, Halstead Coahan, AiianB. Mass; fily or ge1lding, ene yea olil, J. H1-. Forder &' Son, J. W. Boyd. l& Sons, Emniest, Bowený; filly or g-eldin'g, two years oIldLsi.ohae E'rsest Bowen, Rciuo Bos;fi 1y o r gelding, Bewen; ingleh rselubaruness wibh vehcl, del airy Ed. IBarris> haýn"s i th iVahcl-' IdaDairy,> E d. Bars esi ohrn;hst bote, uy ge- Q~~ foni ÇJss- es1,2and3 S. S', 71plesý. ThaHoryMmo1ialCupt J.M. CATTLE Bll, th'0 yar-s old aIsld Over, M. i.lmet es . H.Forder &Sou,Rsel sbre;blE, orte yeroldl, W. F. Read&Sonis, 2na and1-d,' . .IiL met& Sons; bull cacuf, J. 1IlFoder& Sons,'Wý . F R (Ilr & Son, Russeli1 Oslcomse; mic cv, RsalOshorue, W. F, Richarýýd & Son, J. H. Fordar & Sonts, hfet'wo yeasnd, M . B.Piumett & Sous, Newt-os Taylcor & Sons, Rus- sel Odorne'; hieone yea"r oId. M., H.Pimmett & S ons, W. F. Ritk- rd& Soou, selOshorne; beifer cail, junior, W,. F. Ri-kard & Sonl, J. Bl. Forder & --Sons, M. Il. pfimmett &So)ns; hiecaf seor M. H. Pimmtt &Soins, W. F. R1ckard & Son, Rsellihr ebrd bull and (Cositislued on, pa-ge f our) Wood Prices Fixed By. M Time Prices And Trac Maixnpr'ices ferfi wood in Bard mpie, ye-hlew hi-v rc'h, beac1h tbpousties cf Balhurtes, Peter- anti au, 4-oot hength$12; 24-inel bore, Simne,Victoria, Dahamleugth $13,50; l6-ihleugth $14; 12 unibolad.Onaro.Pueel, Weiia'1nd, ardwood, ixati - ardimalpie, trits Avebva eu iet y the War-I ani whiabih1-foîhnt $15 UePice sd. LTradc Boarti, t C 4io ab$3 ich eu1gÂ1 an Ï)ct y J. MC.Stewrt, cea ic1,5; 12-sh IcIregtb $14. admiistator Mied ard ud oftwood-so,11 Tire scheObuls cf pricas vary foAav ,wht icr ppape QCe uerthenn anti southers coontias sroaat elc,4fo eg sohtiaes f.-prîes ar ordof 1ry eugth$12,50;12inds u lngh $13. fuelwnvý"od bought t -ro)adsidJe astide- Ti rtarsnprovde thatthe max- liveretiara as folows. Pmuini otieor dlveeipruce a- Rotiide l Dcan, adiasidarany scadh sal a$1bspar O!nari, PalWalaad Watwoth ordth-a- noersprieprice of 4dry 0'nt'a"io' eel, lellïfue eweodth 1,is also pinvided thatn anti Yo k: ' Shnsllsalilis, dgings or ill- liard nmaple, yehllu)w biuch, h bhwn uHhuoPtboreiiSiln- anti osi, 4-foot lasgth $7,50; 64Ohcee3 Victorii L ounties;, Muskoka (dis.. length $9; 12-hsh length $9150. tr0%tasti Durban, Haldimut, Bai- Hardwood, mixeti - biard miaple, ton, LinscohuNotbead, Ont- yelow bircir, beech eil, scft male aie, Peal Welland, WVentworth andi anti white birh1 4foot leugti $7; 16 Yonk counties, but sot inehuding' éIne lesgth $8,5; 12-ineh lntr$.Grester Tocouto, orHmuta at a Mixei' ad andi soft woiod-.-oft price highor tiras the higzhest la'wful mnaple, witie hircir, popiar, pisne, puice at 'which tbey wone soldtiutetir slprioce andi heoikë1, 4-foot emSgthcustome-r or ciascs of 'lstomr ha $6; 16-inch lengtb $7,50 12incIt ween Dc 1 aniDan 5,lul oI lenpth $8. dates incusie. - <- Dehiverati, in Durhami, Haldimant IlTeo der aCaisita Balts, Lnoî,N ourth ii(b er laniid , une shall iusert an au civ,2i -r ý It il OtiPoo2l, Wellaud., Wentworth, sny newspaper or othèr periodical anti Yerk cuntiesbut sot icludiug ofeing fuel wood for sale unloss ,niaegaraFa15sOshawa. C athar- t% e lainae anti ý'dress ,of the ad- maes ai ilanlGrator Toronto vectser à e st forth in the adiveuise.- or Hamiïilton-: ment. " 1 ORONO

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