of Bsut Thousande cs f tons cf Brâiain's ~w we1~e"'-bd~.iitare hingl 4otcýed a ay in pra fto$r ae ~nltiehsé{O1gOn3t ~The b iseuit ilhu be4n1 1e0 oke4 a-erm et e b.y Briih biîs - tuit ima k 1so -"et ne , C ih cuit tanufacturers' WMrême AUiS raoe(ar-eeR-,lsrU!itmak'ing-orgallizý idefro ~ ao t pureet vegeýtableî fat, and thse fl- e-t ,g,,d-Pof, swgar, IJt e5the proce cf 9d. per lb., and the in- duetry regard t as the beet vlua,ý ever eftered te the public. 'fb',atscgfthe i'ýÏ1re ,ïelta aire stndrdzat,. the sbgipes vary a littie se' as net to linit produe- tfentea few vcttiune laIcines. 'rThey are ,Care-iuly paelked iu thno'stored un cases of 50 IMe hidetin in uail eçfimates Fo r Briti3h 'A',Yrm1y ýWJheu a mail in the Britishi Armiy hate nesrt to hie '"ron 'i'nti'us"today, he settotf a rnii at, reincendiary bomk and heats siself a eau' ef'soup, r ~lasoup rtric~k la rI(idýedTY elyi.»Sealed lu- the' tin ije'a a s [l hernfitü cylinder. A wiek ~', pi'rulesthrroilh thse top.gWheîsi one'5rlzants rjqr rPethe eeup, hae sîimp1ly touches a nltÉiVhAt Vs nikad lu anmttçýr cf iuutes, j shýeàfp is' bala'ug hot. sTherOs aretee, 'cf course, coên- de0.n s c (,' Iat i e - 1s-. In a Ciltainaer '4 ýthe size' 'ef"'a sardine titi, Mrepacred Vthe needs oeta! rumn s or48 1heur1s. :r: -- r Yýo r.rGegah lra tille cessiopoli. tap aspct of'the BrýitilhArmr, ~enspiateth'eproblene of thse , seî,eu-tists Whor are cosistalitly con-e duciUng i-seAh in food suply. Tii!ae -usut hae pecial fooc packs Aqr imu n i~fightig veisilc and ,alsu' f cithese beerving lin the_-A-tce tàic egions. Widely varyriug astes oef OIffeirent racersiand oen eu e 1Lgiaisrs estrictions on diet. mut b_ takl'eite a,-ecurýt. Sa5ved Fromn Nazis r By SajniingDeath Týfeo117as 13rewvn, oet the 3t1 il U- rsrs.who lias lust beeni awarded ,(ilyitazy ,Wedial, save!Ad hielite and i s weuudpd efficer bY Sb-In- ,xlipg death foem toul. hour.pnDu îe r le waN"qS rni pdOyeiby 'urGer. Du.at ýAT-ey 'a,ýr lue 'rlaY, on1tise ' ro vn se«hie officer 'wei'et r dovwis,ý' aud'Brown. towédr it' tor, ~ini 4l1 ut8 nter -enelny 'tirém - tic, ôWÈcer ww ouned i thï, Éfi1,lIiIt Brwnwaite4 Until Lbte cea-twa ieàr andl then ried the, weetid offi(ker oe'e. a mile te rAnd Cliee-Up ceu ybille, themoderrahouewite bas an eau3y timie lu compliason 1 wità prsces uring the ,pestrwai' _Ye 1 o 00O 01' bills show the rr folllowig19.20 prîjCeý as cQppar- ed (1 ltiithese oet the P'ssen0dy. r- reapac4vey:10 punda ofi-ugar $21r0, 15;lard, si centsaon 17; 47 oiasseir '$2 gallon, $1,09; " rpeurids flour' $8, $2.95; 'bacon, i»' cents a 'Pound, 45Y; evaportil "5r-n1ilk,'2&' 'Centrer eau), 14; fiee bars r o Rp, c, 27.' Wirnhop 'ýW. 4-dich, jut y'itu.rileO from a viit toeB~a~~ ~ a4thî3t the ]rtish "deeeniia-' lti t' n.e iarry onniut bsi-leen te~ roc ýappreciaVe(UiY-'Ple preidenltr- «r; 10-w seritisih'Wnê Relief Society "' ý( as'hd larérl4b4dof-th(, )'1î Çe'e' ',tR'âi.i' Bankto7d' guè5t. ' (lir î haï ,narale i e ra ô Vrd i n lrfi jyr~rsi - ~r~r.ârr é u'r 1 lx H i r t Y 't 'N I "4 Il Ar-4 ' I I'~ j CITRLJ$ JUICE'-Over ahait mIillion )gllons oet eôacentrated cit- rouejces are te be lIoade inFer içIa by the Depaitinsent et Agicul- turD and shipped abroud te pre- vent eutbreaks of' ectnrvy anx 1 e peuples at vwar. Thp e icen- trated juice 'lu the o-aqfntet .yup Is new being put into memicîn bettleý, t:r tlie beIlefttetcbld by -British pharmacelitica bouse. FROZEN EGGS-Frozenieggs ,ar new brint packea 'lu celloj line, lthîan Outside Oepmtco Ytca board te svémetl. Winoe- eggs werc, remioved 'frora' tfrel 1ng tlirty, pquads eacb,,and, i4leu Ilzan and ste cd,ThÈe i, prqvemomy ,ussa requir&é ",,two »eunids of__n tal ±cf.E1ècl phne tlinpdc 0 iin h~i mseî'& t i, éxep;t trfoi' uttc~ j ng lisoeein~ fce RAYON NSU14ATORS -'4 S lh~ lias lien tie4 e 3insiilgti !,wersinu<_Jha ,Z Frnk4 1lin. No-w that Japaï) is cut off fro m thàe o t pe eThanký te ilisingnuty a , etsacory] ,~ic~ o.~3ie etape iasý mucli m demanc. Tire tp e Itrps Iessuthantwo-thousandth cfý un inch in uthanes Mbetere t Di prcsed et pIrvies atlrm, endurilng wlre-,nulaton ~a~ç& beapplieti te the wlreso!tele- pifeneý, radlios5 teudspeakers and r ' * -kueîiovrii tly Fo.for>, e i r-J' ' r' r r -' lng an axplanation e; 1 ofa ismr, and seèmed ne etd "l Johnn1y," saiti isise tèdctlti' rSrne hlis expositionü htir k da"wa "'d malte ,Qem intO Wtiti5 'vas bis p'iutand wlsepîy 'Y(aàn? t EIt'dison that eaid fou.r. ho'u' of sleep' were enotigOh for any Mani", exactfy wbat my baby 'tns,"' yeu think o! your nets t eachrT Bobby: "Oh, hems net ha hlimùei, but Oeec~' relyonwa he aays." meteu: "Hclw le at?' Bob»y: "Fiethe ei,'w andi two mabetu,'adthnn said, 'Tfliee and eue alta tsur Colonel (ti lrish eerv-ýant)l 0This la going t9t'a l at teibe war, Pat." Paýt: "Sure, lt ' girg to I ter-rible vwar' sor, buýtil,'l b butter than nro waral.ýt ail, tai. ETJ(ETTE 1. W'ha'k erae w, jtser pose cf a tuxdpand &Watisth orri he Swojr-d ît&I 2 ~ P w~ heri rlll¾r§ a,~ euigagen e ist gtise, 1asas given ser as e o gI o ne'rf :'1g~t1ete~for a' cocktDli ft ' C4lr4r'rhuId axgir'leverseuAra 5. Io't au nvu pmn n luncheon Party? 1.kIs issit eQingý dres fOr "nsen's weht éls eocsiorts îubV(ro.r quiring a ~ foinsal fulldfles sit 'It cernes frou is "Ie Isa1ne of a rcoLiV.ry clurb at Tuxede ar in soutiseaster'n News Yorlç,2. No; she ssould rtuuail oet hese. s: Thesp invitatiür aie tuhually rerteuldeci over tiseý tekephorte or - t'y Perssona.lconac 'L.Net nil- lesse s eengaged te ho marmjed te Vis ie'~an, and issu ntise, omly 4gfte qcssyar t Chrs-tmitras and O1n is s irtisday. 5,Ycs' al- -ar.An eld Latin proverb seays, "14e who envies aniser adnimits bis owl itferoriy."And cf cou1rse it î ïa' diff4cualt fo-r- anlinferiOr per- 'saon b' 'becotie )opulam. 6.'Tise dp_-(ent cf tise cliib; SèIdier Kento etatied In A alka 1i!xe tise e i pd raily'-hâve> nexprysese~ d - Osett4_rtl'r Sen. HacitiId .Burtonsidý o ho1 reumm toe siigen fdomssanl {inepecuiemj"ourmof ioëti Pacifie -lhave been aînes the tlaya of e 'c r" r ,, 'r*y, -r' 'rJ~rr r l~ "'r -'r uglIeg unacp. L tnhdI .S [ '45,000-TOn a-i WaIee eee (Athe pg'reuaLe Stmle -wvar ever buifi, sud down 'the waci otP st'~td N rkrs sN~i-arO waedeksvn mnte aed simple andi bni, because-- Mtwr jIone restrictions and 'the ncc-ýeeeit'y 0-t'- ausiig the lenetinereruc te impor'itan erilnperaao ehrve'ssel!s, She wae the tirai t sx pr beingbout- other S.hipyarS, aie ccfe, but i ma oit redle chat her main battery Wll le' Me I6-incii gunis.She le s0-teetlong. Tihe area cf ail ue deykesand pistlorms la 9jj ~acul'slue e r '80 miles lotpipe 'vihh hr,1'7 fer' ?efrigramfoh iandi cckîiîg. Wit r~'ope r Are rcduiretl. rThaetoLal 11Weugtta o l, h- It4, cblo 'reqnîîred end pèy vfmud ponp . mx< pic Hler gnrtr have a cpii~ 'j , 0W) vIkile'walt IIoU1Sý 'or ~ne~gh ,ee'criutyfejr zt oÈy oý 0,0.On hier trial tn, he -'iii and lancebilgweighy, tour SetS o'f <way were uSAd The lauch- in "rtjure 15 'tous p u r r 'r~r Ir r t' ~ r~ r' rChina 'Fight's On niarkig tise third a>4lÙfiviy o' in sa' aEui'epé4 has ca'blsd4 primè Itîliter Cuitrclsilf a va e- 'n*dpleilge fthat 'Thina i l' net etft Yghting' fier Sh'ik tr11s afI' utt t'hIr Sa ,rîtic i-tiî the lasiAst r Vsl aggi'esoi't' las given 'i-p'his' 'F u, Te tide 'e0, war fa tu'filig 01n ou avor." , ACCOR1O~NSWANTD ACCORDIONS WAINUED (;eSt prices ptd fj or plne atccor dionUls, twvel ve te hun- dred ciand 7twenity basS. TE T. EATON CO, LTD, USDCARS \%'TUH GOD -)TLEES. See ujs firit. Moillint Pleasant-t Mo-' 204 oneStr eet;' Head Ofie 'Il 1ouEt 1 > ]u a11 o i7, To- ïSELStNG, ETC. FORc s "-ndcS' threeher beit, lise, -vde aa, pulleys, sbafina la'-.-eitog or trtaoea, Li2 itli 5r- plv, 1,C foo, I types of trans- ision su-p Lplies ilrstûci5 for nïlaieijlýiU- t :1'ctive teed an siped 'su jeet o yolur inpetin.Sndl gour odesto Ti~flELTNG ,CO, Lr ae you wan-:t lt. [tlath'fng rSû'ail. Pric2esraonbeAn Ic i i ow 1,11egoold mr a îng 'fr iggs and poulltry. Brly -; John St. -N.,.1r- 0 IXt~ V 1"NS A N D IN1Ac lI N- ~y li -e hlit (eq u 1 le f!t ai- snCc'Terme ,arra4ri eli- iiivlte'd. FEu bard p0rtq-bIc Oven Ce.. 103 Uati4urst 8t., T'Inrof. r 'r~ ~5'li4j9 .5 CLEAN1NG IA V E, Y UU. AIN Y TR N U Nr EiDS dyelnig or cleaning? Write to mej nswer your- questions. Depart- MentL 11, Parker's Dye ok~l Liiited, 79 1 yonge relTo 4' }IAIRDRESSING SCIIOOL sonsHaidresingAcadmy,137_ Avenue RoaLd, Toronto. t r41'OR5'SrALE" Mrust ee, UsooeHî,Trno DuR l57 <ue Sre'vet r Tadosk ittio. 15 'r r 4V,'r- ~ p rrS CEE RJ SS1, GE1MANYsiGY1 prp~tnlOa' ta ketAis'tira '1' r "11 c i 1)1' ' Lt' rjj fSt r-C i ' a r- r-El <r a ' ' r iwffl Jâftl Iel3ý ýe%- 1 1 149 Church St, Toronic, r5 Years ý aIue For SALE Appiy M. Ramaes ,e,,ov Oi FOOT EALý bottie. Ottwa agent, Denmass F'BTl-ERSZTONi4AUUB'& CO-Mp'ANig Patent Soalic iters. Estaublisasu4 380 4Kinig WsTe)rpote. oerete Information our. rc mcRRTON Il.CSRGITR1 UJnited States, (Ganadian), l-ts Patent Atternieye BeeýIietgals Estaiisbd oer fory yrs. 'L2 33 ISutAvedeTorenit, Ansaemia and-la il, t- rdi ,di ider' seeni te o st~-coi Iii4 So ,ea lo mstens weaýkïiervces 'ana what' ni a 1kes th, ic ~i~~" nervs.fln'tdi4~4end iforer a gx dIay tr atment. Postpaijd . <ord 1 Should t r yv ixonr tiem y 1ES-Herrseii)n iet 1, oulices, $ L2; Rigwoln emI 7-11 ~boctin en1 s,60k, 'S oks aS' ar i1,4 Lininapo11t (;,0n.er 60;Gai , anmd Ee01n1g inment i ih. '$125. oi- l'fnedic0 toýn Ypnrgr StreeT, roIù o DON'T TlrU G 4-; .E TIMIROU Ce H HAVE YOUR SNAP-1S e i' DIi'rer y Manli rii Q ,8 exos r ilm rec , dve pd and printed for only 2b15 urme quaity and fast seivi-c 1PAPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Stto .Torooto iRUS, NLVW I USm SADJIlP - pan , 1>64QueehSt W ocnd W Ile rfm vikc -' VOd U iIEÀýL) A OUT I3X oasNêtritis L'a Rh ini r j a iRmdt iys god e t MUJSCLEI ULISe' MEN A$ID B<3YS ý EEUý0ljU fJjI rn il e1esa lird iuec er ý Or qtren'th with aellgn sytm ' 1 ttii0'iiecti 't .i n s1d uidnaf< Scotr ü oto St ovr r8-242 'SSI D15VE1ISENT 'r"' A. By stiking the blades up-. rig c'jtean enion andlavn il ten cdean with an ordinary A.Use w arm soapsude. Wash ata tineý, aud wjpeïit dry, tieentire surfacq Sg , overit witha c e h dîî)ppeà 1n liuseed rpjeventý relig b o~t f the sewvm'- )iice neeIe when stitching thire 9h '.Ruili tise"seis wi'tr' e 1', 0- -ap' u the needie will peu.- etaethe gciodi without danger' Q.Hew c n inke 1a go ed sa'lad ihcttaýgeceese? A. Makea 1,ch-ive '- secaeon-ed nomnd cf cottage cheese on crisp let-tuce, sur ,n)d y pineapplie setns, and-tOp)with jmayon)T- naise. Q.How canu 1 reimee he hum- in c eet? A. A littie powdiered taninï or powdered borax shake, ino tIe etci~swill work wenders if ~tusuffet frem bungfet Eit'her cf thbe,, remedies is very -z;ý 1 Sop ithyacht Joins3 The Navy ~n~n ~w~a -~xcLedby tha- luxifliOU yacht Tomi Sepwich built ta tow Ne acktEnglaid lÙ Anmeclt -wilen s1le qai1d- arosthe M, CS. Vand-v.ift1 J, R.Paraore et the oyal Naï"vy. 1he tjgk towrepe, a eeneed bor exl n drag- gipg Endewar IU ver much the 11cr okpnldwrre a seattlty prsoe a diuorat Oeue th itig !aWs n ee I 1àxSTU aIl-d. 111 pIý Write For Catalogue Tç. SJ.Dew