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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1942, p. 3

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IÔO Peradacn aIMYV art- 1 ce ýf 1 0 3m ao e Qu pis i b ihefinAt ype roduM c ny- r er Ae e r ýý 0 ............................. s j ee gm ~eeIs ~ ~rmCOUs ~1Bhodg~êhJ v~~I tea"s feeted by J~ aj)yit, asthe M theïa ranrge -eft Meé eavth me anointt uls aaBefpo tulnsçpadiaw sut 1xgh pa hve hadm, t0oerm for, f-iderabe prM~ce fromnds n tinAtng buyers, wbo usuly chose ile Britth prodnt ecause D nIt *etftnpess and gener-ai xelecn çýDnlmprd wiflh thehadndwy Ynestie.( produet. The Cdisuadx antage f',rcm whlchCndincloýth suffîe- ý, Iayin thecomb!)ngC , prce îhat was 1o1 su0 eafulli ti ý *joutry. Thiis lack bas now been lshd mterai hatredounde tm tise cr-edit of every goscoicernl- Jfrom the frmrswh crwed tie het he sinr n 7that worsted of superr alt 4ean now be imade bu Canada. Future For TtIMMes Peinon is beomnganimportý- anet phase of agriculture, and inim erihro1111Ughout the coUry are - eaingmorec'f tise tlinia a s 3ida ourC(ýe o'profit from fwcoo and Lmpalthis 'o eýtîg o b used molre lalrgely as graziniglad slsuld soon be restored 2A th dagrof da ol rmvd t aisould a i ake for a lan ed 5»rM economy in the WCs and at, ise sanie ime esr go a Iýa-e l'Or TheCnda etl n Can Now (Oreder Peace-TimeHoe llo wold ou iketo Corder- it tat car o-r thoCse tîires yoùý ProbLably intend to get when tey become availab]e? In Britin theyre makngpln j"r 4,00000 o unssMtobc buit when cpthe timâe conie-afe2h ugetdby thne pol 'ow ?Aie in them. The Minstry bas been colect- ;îng ideas fro-0th-pubic'o heîCp Î!, decide v woLsat type an-d sie re outed. To doubcek againsthtie yubic' whmsit illisue a kSsed on ]puliic sgetinthus jIain about features he dins 'weLre om-itted or souShavebeený MfiIk and Clothes For French Babies Tise ýFrencýh fre i ghti-,er Mon-%it b~ees as siled frem a Unîtedl obats pot Wnizacargo of MiA &and 2,000 infns ayttes ýfor dj.iriution uin France, thle Amyen-ý tsais Rekd Cross àanunced receni- T7he cargo, one Af a secsiesf sisipissets te )France, wa'spr ehûasýed wth inoney aporae 15Y congress anrdsptude ~~ supplies wili7.11be dstbtdh A WekIy -lmnAbout Tis ,and That iii Our Canadian -.Armay suio battiedres, as tise dlier, canl be expectedto lstsi month1Ws. If it ii eked Ont 13- the issue o? a çcton ilunfn intise unaer tislenCIgthjO? tume befone rpaeeG beccomes necccssan:y is leagtlisned by a) few, v,,, scWený ýwl, in haaddition, a si dier isisssu cd witi - a4wakn euýt" ui omto wean la tise faîlI anrdwiner onths ise btt- dress can beepetdolatt Wstis al tha.t abou -t? LYou. Jtthat when you are cot- ing or eqjuipîng an army yo--u thlinIk'of durability, utýility, andm tish le purse. Tise main de le Vo give eacýis soldier everyýtinig ise nes-butinotl-isling or tias tisat. Whii is a goo& tanget for us soldion-s in tiseIndividulal Citizen's Army te aim at i otiser words, let5s buy onily ,0iat we necd and preserve wvhat we ha-ve. > Tisere are rmany oneganizations hl tise Army charge,ýd witb seeing tisat soidiers baveý evenytiing tisey n)eed, that tisey tapke cane o? wisat tisey have and tisat what is no longer usable for its pn.imary pur- pose is salvaged for some other use. WTe bave dealV. from time to time, with the -rdnance Corps, tjise "Q", or Quartermnaster-Genrier- ai 'branch s Adtise oya-.l Cnd Arnsyý Service Corps)5 but so fa we iae't got, dwr to ise hesebusekeepers" are tis are to vanieties, R egimuîataci- QurerMstr Sergean'ïts aad C leits1 I.neanly forgot tise top ib (s nesnsbie cmcisioedo? ficer la cacis unit. Tise uit ora i-,onis: Quart- e-rasaster, acomsond ficr S., warantofficer, second i !fss aad Squdro, Batery orCons) pany (Quarter-IMaster egen wiso is 3tise senio nncoiiSSSoJ- cd fficer of tise conspaay rackr- in-g nextbeo tseCmpny5r- geanitiMa on. These nmen function asa surpply serviýe foi tise unit 1nd ar e cioingeqipmntand raýt ions fo ismen in tl,,ici can. Bt,"rù anid tisis iS a ');-p"but", tbey .are also responsibie for tise cane, maintenance and retur o? tisoe articles or for a Satisfactony ex- planation of clearance of tiser. Thus., thougi ths csanof ne- sponibilttie polspurse is wacied ane is takeni of tise peo- pile's poet used or worni by tise soldirs an provsionsi made -- througi tlisechain of rnesponsibiýLty -- for tise collection and return to' tise Salvage BrancsI, 1 c'.. o uised or worn articres tisat Cena be reardor otberwvise salvýagcd. "If it'.s go)od enougis for thec Armiy, it's goocd enoughi for tise taxpaer.7-ý" That would be a good. otoforv us to- adopt. TIien conerely "f it5s good enougis'ý for tise tapayerl, it's good ieniougIs for tise Arm.-y," nmust be true, too. Tisat refers to, material tisings. As regards tise preservatlin and conservation uo? inaterial tisings tise Amycan show tise nest of? us tise way. A Jfuircod ? venythinigi- ,sued is Sp in tise Corany and-ýi Rec-gimen"l-tal urtrM stes tore. That -rco-,rd shý-ow,ýs justmwisen Pte. -John Cne was isýsued witi sbi coat or hebattie d"ress o"r his bots I records tise losS by Pte, Caukof n of blis equipmenlt -ad asedthuat informatiion to tisePam tr so that dedulctioxis, canbe ade. Do we do thet i our hmes? Ina thrlc wOrds areWC taing eogscane o?.- wha't we bave to enab"le usto play cour, pat in ion frces? Or ïarc,e w ub off to- tise soeto buy Somlething wVe dont need because tise style bas cSanged - or because wve just plainwant it iseaýrd -ani indign ant citizen (feinie) aytbe othen daly thatýl LACKING ese ama n how opDeak- GET IDEA ACROSS To COWVS Tisemis bousCo fars-mers iay do uci godT'isete rsknLw capaîgafor an equal share o? tiseir iu-bands' pay envelopes. AGE 0F CHIVALRY Or countey, 1ll2-1mdel, A man glvingup ho Sset in tie busto a woman wisoistakAng isisjob away croun tcs. -(Windmsota) CURE FOR AILMENTS Ifyuget ont andwork to0pay tise dctor, i may cuse your a11- THE WA1R - -EE Cornmentary on Current Evcnts, Presnt ituaionIn Air Greatest .leversà-1 0f War Siael WjDot? There arestil mn etaleswhbave iiohe nstock tjat were manu- tatuedbfore the smlfcto ordes wrk sFtde. _Are these to be postes? Teeare tise tings we nust1 guarc againat. Turn- that spare 11eyfr e suit ;Qr Coa't il tÇ War imvpgs, or saye i fU tx -in fother rddo aS tile kestby tZoug ceeof atbykyy ~ipg the firstf placq The W rtime csn a not iminen. lt tl't102S not- mean go , on ~ ~buy'ing 3L m.- 0.-i T-liéesc COWS GO TC WATRI In 1d~trw~sa~ypro- vldn~tie pope f! GrieatSr, i ~iinwff~~50O0ô~4 geno in ee, In,0000 lïa Malast ev In oemitUe ~~#e 0, t0ù00,@O ýP 4alois a"hd -now hyl beatei ecn mhaigh klvai.Asas csut f iiï rccrd týie sinbistry 4?~be' -tn-bsaable ro ajnnosrsioe ~ecenly tlat, ntifutier notice.. t'hons wvsI be no<relsiriction -on. the ruie C Il%. - qlrandon EUnV/ £EEPS AND BEEPS, - «Fiftweisd epc and 1pqWj('we than tw'o to itbte-gpwgsi Uttie gasand can cUmb 14amu cdl- lien t t wuld be impubtalle for an automobie or a truck. l beeps areFikl o belhighýly ase- fnl frcetinmliay upoe and ar3beng sedalreadY ila HONOR THEM Lentsfor a small silver badge, un the uapels C0fm, sonne in non- descrptotiin.The badg9e wIl ~a orewn on top nuar e ts eer 'M.,"It tadsfor tseMerchant Navy an tloselads you seear ilonor ronem tise shadow et ie rmycombers, dowof iseR. . r, reaciinot rocsBnitisisairfieds 600 miles or mnore to the west of tise German op ',aw}ývin-, port o Setien tise flatFst C~ f't dtiytisn4e tislý3ý,,t act'fKelg Air' 1,11à'hIs-tedSa15 uskn AdustaaCed Saar rVla9y, wisose i aiea ,tsli i lý,vot9d'Lü end Uï'roa ch o, 1 ret-ari fb 0f tise Msi n-up tise ltiineÔ- bit aan Bombe Talked, tires sut by Ried airnien, lut tQ. mliiitary obser-veCra theiSoviet op- prooG istResaromeseau now streMotetiel At Me be-rt of tis emyl .Tise R. A.F isd eadyraie ntito Berli had et tisesiadow froM tse west! Wisere tbey peaged tisey blot(ted ont tse mt Geman op)e 'oes- WUIhtt o scow's waraig tia parabe wif1h seavy R, A. F. raids o? isepas. Tse ,Cllievei,-ent United ,States Has W ild atSupl tureassitod y ise ederlfr- 'some csr~c a in l tie easter woods TisaMwnal biggMe uple tise arc 0fIo§"nmont.,sou» feed 5,00,000 sidiers oir t moutis witontun tie basic fi - REG'LAR FELLERS-Fair Enough arousedsp uatonla Ma'y quar ters,Weete-nwoigiobÇ toies? Were iiey An0la-ui Fy'IlgFoitres s es - se .'tof9 Rass, ' viaAfrica' aud tlise NEair ýt? Ods these questions, ais on tielcti o? the -bases wisemncme ise b-s -~re---eeaserow >edlîpxIha do,9 0 ~ ~ ~ G i etlý~ti ~ ydcrao twa font, Leipzig, ý n ~t~rit bave isappenred if mtisedtsïàývt iadbei nabeto satrbombs on Eilibniigh,Gasoeft,3m è, CI Soultpamptol eouisieI ~as pinishlngLond,î mEvery er irulp con ese p r 1 el d 4erb i - toÔt4g étheirtesb(bo4l m 'Il ri fl 'a isV- r' mail n rl4yf~elthat ~tsu iis ,$Is% &ýt rthat;e Wrei -à auid on e 0 s-ic rollowedCIseecîisc i we Could lues ise oio 'sicohir'îret ie up, China ortis- oIitb. -ei.-ie îtisre Liio in nad cvr tselee, iser isincismen i tue uvisdie aifor pown ouri-pLsgsre iteerjn-obi7zd at, sleepinig tr(ntsontpro tiseir npe fgtv-spThr slisoidd. ile a eIeru raloaion.Ev brougisit ,tolbaroi Grlnd loteav e s hreat no-i lsirT: o 9"»houmme a cytue fod e"-r hAt0t eaoe no ugis mea - 1,t rocs ts1 stt, aOilone, to ie D Iwl oe 920,00 sldirsfor on mot. vas unoucie unlcvu 0fa. l tetal fondh portsouanus more od~~~~~U iseis oesrcarie SepL193 Ww QP,W. . FiaSp.1 By GENt~Y ZS Lt c N N N 'r' N N pi!anen onu'sLttaf Lonon n his ~flhsideadnlbed as ie hmeyt ai-M y aid ny 'wies tice, Ti0mies.iTheyý 306leê,ersous aç,n wnupde ;P0, it kas Coeof those frunté bl6ws-'isic¶s -we knisë1-lng- lan4 ~ 4~roar nd destrov thse tJpà poOpluý pel apu"- tegatcskp-e 'içny

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