'Vita B Cereal, bag Fine Salt, 50 lb. bag Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. QuIýaker Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs Engish Brawn, lb. Wieners, lb. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, lb. Bologna Sausage, lb., Maple Leaf Lard, 2 Ibs. Fluffo Shortening, lb. Good sized Oranges, doz. Rinso, reg. size pkg. Wonderful Soap, 5 bars Celer y, 2 bunches 1PHONE 12r2 1lOc 48c 22e 25c 25c 24e 27c 30C 24c 29c 19C 29c 25C 18C 17c Prompt Delivery THE ORONO Urgent Need of Scrapê Iron and Steecl Salvage Ialf a million tons of sc!rairan>01 and Steel mont hbc-addeclt hesok piles throulghout Canada befor-e the wintr feez-np, the Dcpartment of Mntosand Supjply hias -ànnioun- ced. "ICanada faces a steel cr-isis which can libe svlvedi onhy by the ative c- ùper-ati)nof ai every farnier, ev-ery manufacturer, and cverýy other- own- er (ai iachiniery," said Fý . 1. il- bourm, Steel 'Controller. "If ouýi steel nills are ta kecp p maximi-um production ail rwinter, evey ast item- a.i srap irani and steel must be asold to a collection ag-ent or given to a Nationali Salvagc cosnmittee wti the next iewwes. The Controlier added thliat a recent. order ma1<es it illegal to retain, ex- cept by permit, any olisolete ina- chine whuch is not noni serviag a useful ptrppse. Su'ch -machines, anid scrap iran and steel in -ail other oins weighing a total ai T 0lbs. oir more, miust be disposed ai beore1 Seipteiber 15, Dro thnewise nius t be reported ta the Used Goods Amn istrator di the Waimiie Prices and Trade Bojaid, Lumisdeii Building, "The ordýer dos ft mean tha, sesnalmchinery -which vwill 1be used ugin txt year s'hould be scr-apped," said -MIl. Kilbourn1. *"On thecotay it isý essential that the fulle1st possible essential use ,be made of ahi existing e2quipimet so that new stcee need not be ijsed in the manu- factur!,e of a ddiîtionialeqinet. The Controller, added that the sudcessflul outcoeniie of thle\war ini- ges on thie abiity of 'the UTnited Nations ta gather sufficient scrap irnand stee~l ta kpep the milîs in fuli oýperation. "We need the scrap' toay i e said. "Tomorrýow migb' be tva late." Kirby RaIIy Day Service For> Chtureh anid Sunday' Sehool will be held nent Sund14ay a4ternoon1 at " P.m. The Total War' effort calîs for th'e spiritual railying oi thb.e peoçple. We wil be glad ta sec you preset Apple pickingl in this district, it isý exet~,wiiM omnesmtm n.ext wcek. Buy in your owrn home town. Local News Mdrs. Percy or>gan isp un t a f em dinys in Toronito last wee'k. LA C.eCcii Bruton, Nova Sctia1 is visiting b Iis mather in town. Mr'. E. Stronig, afi Hamilt, spýjen1t the week-end at _Mr. Per-cy Mor- gan' S. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ri(ddeIll were inPeeor on Wednesdý,ay atr noon ai last week. Mr. anýd Mrs. R. J. AndCerýson, 'of Toronto. spent Monday with Mï. and Ms C. H. Froste. Qiite a nnnber frloi-y Oronio and district atte-ndýed thie last day of Oshawa Fair on Wedfiesday last. Miss Jeanne Forrester -returned home on Tues.,day evening last frosu St. Catharines, whcre she was a miember of the Faim. Service CorPs. Anýyone in the country rwho bas aid rubber for salvage may leave it for the miail man ta bring inta Orono. The- mail carriers have consented ta dlo this ini an enleavaur tao relierve the ibblij:er shortaige. MIrs. H-. W. Lem-ronýd ai-d danghbter Lance Corparal Claire Lemiond, C.W.A.C., of Ottawa, sipet the past week with Mârs, W. ilarrisan. R t.sergt. Major George M1c- Kenna, and Sergt. Wright, af Peter- borough, spent a couple of days last w.eek wth the fonmer's wife and f ainily. Orono scouts wiîîcaliecot ail kinds af paper, magazines, metals, rub-j ber, etc., 'on iSaturday, Septeîiiberi 19. Please have your papera tied upi in bundies so as not ta cause any deiay in the ýollection. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forrester and daugliter Dorothy-Jean, ai Exzeter, and Mrs. D. C. Forrester and son Douglasý, of Oshiawýa, spent a f ew% hours on iManday evening with -Mr. and ýMrs. R. A. Forrester. Il~e duckhunting season opened on Tuaesday, September 15th and ex- tends to .November 30th. Thi's is for the district of Onitariao north vi N. 7 Highçw-ay. Throughout the re- malad(es' of the province the scaSon opens on, Octoiber lst and extenda ta Deceanber th Thc troLulýt fising acason for this year closed on Tuesday, Septenrber l5th, end during the ýseason the catches -were very small. This is ither due ta ithe ocact f trout or was an off season, If a persani caught seven or ight trout it was considercd a goodi catch. Msr.Janeis Eagleson and Robt. Stewart spent Thursdlay o)f ias, week lan Peterboro, and on, Friday wcnt ta Bewdlay -for a fishing trip. While in Bcwdley thcy stayed at the cottage ai Mn. Walter Eagieson, of the Blatchiord .Shoc Co_ Tcouanto, ,Who wvas sent as a delegate to; Ot- tàrwa tao attend the shoe convention,. nIr. and -Mns. C. F. Froste reiv- cd a cberi froni their -SOn, Wil- fred on Wednesday last, iirnn tbem lihe arrivcd in England safely, feeling fine and waa weill. He was la thecanvoy that nias eaiy at- tacked and it semns as if the boat he nias on was torpiedoed, but he managed ta ibe saved. 1 Mr. and Mes. J. Grecn-wa, af Port Hope, Mr. and IMrs. Af. Eliott & Son Douug-las, of ToDronto, ýMrs. F. J. Brimaconibe, of KirUy, Mrs. T. J. Garscadden, of Kendal, Mrs. C. Graham, of Winnitpeg, Mr. and Mrfs. M. ,Melttyre and son Donald, of Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. H1ood an)d son Allen, of onavl, visitcd uecetly -with Mr, and NMis. A Hearty Invitation To Attend Stmday Sho Everyibodv corne ta SundýCay ~o on Sunday, Setenliber 13, nt 2.30 ~p.n. After a sixy weeks' vacaýtion an attendanàjce ful to overflowinig is ex- peçcted anid plarned for. Bring- your friends, along witlh ail thie pep and enthujsiasni that yau ave gathered during the sulnimer, and let uIs coin- nele the work of the FaIT teri- in a big w)7ay. RADIO REPAIRING Ne-w, modern test equipmnent en- ablýes on. tc make fast, dependable rfflirs to eny make of radio. Mhas. P,.Kn, 4 r ",Oronwo. il NEED -NU TO ENEMIES1 This spriii,,ýNg hile riding on the, traini from Seattie to _Vancouver w got acq'uainited with an old gentle- mian from Tex\as that has a sSon ini the United Stat'es army who eca,ped fromn the Phillipine Islinds and! wh'o is now in LIdia, ard a snm law who i-s coinmainder of a Tjnite(d Statesbatehip The oldget- man said "1that hbe hated evýery Nazi, FqseŽist and Jav tLhat lreathe's, and that hie hoFped' aur boys would be able to shoot a hale thiroughi ever-I one of them nt1hat a dog could jumip thro'ugh." On the train coming from- Van- couver an aimy man connected with the inteFligence deparbiment saiid thW, the Russians and Pales were just as rathless as any Nazi ever thought of being, and that they treat a Nazi just,' the samne as anyone would aý vile reptile that you want to get rid of. During the deipression when the governmnent was dlolinýg out relief be- cause they said they didn't have enough moiney ta start gavernn'ment projeets ta give peoie -work, a mem- ber *of parliamlent said "if we ever havýe another wvar meiiney will be the only thing -we have_, plenty of. Premier 1Aur recently told uis nat to worry about the government deUb because the g-over>nmieflt would a say issue enough bonds ta cover the deibt and the books wo'uld always A-nyone knows that the Canadian ,war effort is the most glgantic ever made lby a sim1ilar nui-l2ber o'f pea- ple in aliý time and it ïrakes one proud ta be a Canadian. But it is my observation that we are not do- ing a whole-hearted job of thor- cugh1lr hating- every vile' Nazi, Fas- cist and Jap that breathes. Our govermnený' leadership has inade aiost people more interested in money than wni] the war. tMost every- where you go the principal tapies of conversation are "tatxes, inflation, rationing and lpuce 4lxing?" The United Nations haven't won one battle up until iow, so it is quite evident that we can easily lose this war. Ha4wever, we can aso win the war if we ýdo a proper job of hating the vile, ruthless devils we are fight- ing and place "the golde-n caif" and3 "mnoney ýchangers" in their proper place to Our war effort b"EýcaUse pe- pie are more o -ney e-onscious than war consciaus. A good niany tbioughtful persans have expressed themselves te, be- Hieving t.hat money wilfl he the niost uniniportant ,eomnmodity o'n t'his eart -h alfter this war ia over. So let's do a whole-hiearted job rf hating every Nazi, Fascist and Japiilkee "the dcevii hates hoiy water.» JOH'N ARMSTRONG 34r. Allhson, Cowan and son, of Taronto, spent t'fe week-end at the home af ihis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oowan. Ojrono TinshopP Some Metals are hard to'get If you need any get your order in as soon as possible R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30r1 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littiewood SIJNDAY, SEPT. 20th il ani.tA.GreatSavtn Off ered. 2,30 pr.J lyta the Sunday Siebool. Chancellor Bromm, of Viétor-ia universitý7, will apeak. 7 p.m.-The Headsman Prophet -Aimros "The liquor traffl is the greatest saboteur lu aur faid4st" The flo ing ltter vnias re1 Vr byM.W. J. Rdelti ek o Pte T. Lewis, o Orono, and ni iný 11-y,1hnks forv the sîmo(kes Bil. they sur'e cone in h1-anidy. Itust liat you and Mirs. RiddeIcl l are en]- joying- the best of healthi. Things over hecar are a littie diffcrent ta what thney are at hnom-e, but I suppos it. doesn't do any good ta cmpiain. 1 had the pleasure of going on my, firsît. seven days leave two 'wýeeks ago anid 1 met my aunft and sis;ter-s againi. As you can. readLily understaad it ga-ve 'mie quite a thrill seeingl them again. 1 sqppose thîings are pretty muech the same la Oronio. I had the good fortune ta run into Muit. Green wlien 1 was in London gaing- on mny leave. H1e was ýexýpectifig Leiroy Myles, and 1 was sorry that I didn't see Leroy. 1 wrote hiim once, but I gucss fie couldn't ha-ve received theu letter. 1 e seen a few of the his- torical ~ points, but u[p ta now we haveri't had much time off. TheL palace isn't -what it us-ed ta be. I noticed the windows ail blown out af anc side and still iboarded up. St. Paufls is .K., The parliament butildlings and Big Ben have been repaired again. The one th-inrg abiout the people over 'here is that they seeni so uuconcerned about thing-s. It mlakes a, fellow -wonder if thbey are in thleier rglit 1mi. We ha,-ve'hald lots af raids over here lately. W\e arie pretty cl1os e tao Portsqniouth and I guess Jerry is trying ta pre-vent an- other raid on the French coa-st and he coines over sever-al tines a day now,ý, but up ta now (l'il to11ch Wood) he bas been -a rotten shot. There is a big statute of King Billyin l a town a Icw miles rom here. I guess he stayed there 'or so+meting on bis finst uighit ilaEn.g- 'anrd. The Twvelithi of July ;a s B. J, MAIN, veteran railroad with nation wide 'experience, has been promoted to the po, General Superintendient of Tý portation, Canadian Padific way Company, with headqua at Montreal, sueceedig Geor, Coleman, retired under the pei regul ations after 49 years of se: Theu reet of the prize winir the Durhaai Central Ag-ric- Foit air at Orono will in nçext wecks isýSue of tlie just another da-,, here and 1 g wa'5 just as well, seeiag as -w ail k'nds i the arrmy, Wei thiankls again) for the slnok' give, my kindest regardsa to t gang, Ilf aryth-inýg exiciting h l'il bry andl drop 3) &u :a li m-iight be a littie different to1 count in the palpers and it 1 n o t h e ., YoUrs for now, Tom Lewvis. 'ARMSTRONG' IT PAYS TO IPAY CA Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 S HOES New Fail Shoes in Suedes, Kid and Caif- Skin, in browns and black. Priced f rom $2.45 to $3.45 LADIES' DRESSES In f ail shadles and sty- les of Wo001, crepe and sheers. Priced f rom, $3.95 to . . ý...., $1.2.0 Orono Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 6d&9mà. Aeroxon Fly Coils dozen 25e. Apple Juice large tin Neilson's Cocoa lb. tin Fancy Cakes H ATS For Ladies, M1isses and Chiidren's, in ail new f ail shades and shapes, from ...,$1.95 to $1.95 LADIES y A new shipment of Fait Coats, in tweeds and plain boucle. Plain fur trimomed, priced froni . .$15.00 to $35O Lots of Fresh Porh and Beef f or the week-end Pure Hloney 4 lb. pail 25c.m P. & G. Soap 2 for ic.O Ewings Puddings 3 for 25e Cooking Apples 6 qt. basket 125c. In Orono It's Mac Smith's at your service Wve are selling Our complete stock at f» cost price I MAC. SMITH PHONE 61 r2 --ORONO M RE D &W IIIT E STORe VE SI Orono Red Star Pastry FlourI extra special, 24 lb. bag 67C. Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tins 1 9c We take orders fot Tomatoes by the bushel also have good quality Crab Apples on hand.' J. J. CORNISH Phone For It