Vo týPjtHRn "down iuntij Ime, that 1 i maýy set hisoseif that Aniother person iwmi a A D 11--BlEp 0GBT miaeyes upon h mI . 2_ gd do a' certajin thing S nthe futrire, a ilARefýrR'gr-atpr~ eILNiV(7, AE said untoi, ry 'lord, The lad h. promise% to do, or ha-, the surL-, I AI~t wfH AV: ann3ot leveJis fatheor: for -if he ty, wiIl offer u.p higs own 1ft'e Uas Ihud leave fis ather, bis father penalty frfailra.ý n ordr topreserve the l i ceavour esofeLee -e would (dia. M .And tho ai dst îvdGdl u i: o shou d !be Paid seý,v- youn.gest brother cone down ithMny o usae e4r e est, wherever honey la stor you, ye shah aýee iy ace no more. eouht aditath is n ...Ad V am.o.as.wau tha eprosper(ous thingsaLbut when t e.ace urt be dry. Henice , eame up unto thvt servant mny trouble1 comne% upon us wa aà dkitchen shaîf is a SHble- f ather, -we told hiiii the words of t hiuý 1at s;olaly to othars, and ot . r, -Qmbhoniey i la wiciV*. lpy lord, 25. Andl epr father sr.id, inta wa we os aco ot uonia,%m of flowar-s l lck- -d G in buy us a, Iiittiefod la s ip~iIa~dy ellr 2i -whieh otherwlse vwe m-ight have id 1_9e oag o An.~d we sqid, w cannot -'oe.T d wn:if o? yongéli brol~ei iieoyed un-der its enduranceTe a ~ o tefilbt e cellar meti1 Tenxill we go ïkwi fo'r m re falXtm.a fe weF may not sae flic Inan's face, ip.e yu idl h ~te~ fln ystte W A Sepen ~e ep ~ ~ oteU ' 1nless of a sirngle trial; and God. e, stÂao, oino E er s W. A.27 ndt s vat 1- ~ is ah u friond for years-, ~.f her aid nto s, Y ki~~ W oeteul together, while We, stre u n ibOX or laywf bare me two_ sons: 28, a -th authors 6f our afflictionL M .i.d-th e one ,-'lit out ro t at \asine1ytheiis-eoh b icopoat4 1ieilell f. .1--said, surely ha is torii.n ~doua 0 ote? ood. Frthr ns~ een;and I av~~ ~ti n 115t way. T1h efirst tlihnp wa sO er it ,vl]1r1t haI -&èe;29 il f 1 l hs , og to ay e in ev 1â the~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ reaW hnlvP Ofrn inud an-beaims ,lil h erd('o. yntte e -ieratrs l hig, honey~ll l-~n~ -e ii Vbiag ownniy ray haV airhavbbt nthe uma lxli. st euaed lu.Itueicarton reeiset l iqud ho PY wl mn co- th the 'lad i- notwih 1-1ithea1daY grtaai1oprainsthr iee, It loiu1 a e mem re d V istrGod, ,,ayls ro -icei u e~ t a th frctoa op id ar no- iîî ia. and s, 0rt ervanshe iî olanda3prm0.n ha -fira ïd ths e on .tr eoig th lsof miesanhiunte ah' roisd oi her ew192 evant ýroi' fathe 1with sowt q ste od' ie ha - t ney was rqulrd, Ths faî andwintç sçres 0fb~oadasta are ell o'-thon wus -Theirhaoî" s1eady s; fo didha no giv tloý ra p, ho ie y s1 baÊr .ldd baes yar elrodes ig y th Iathetn-. he Jtuabs ip p couwbeid onk, Figh b s iit iieCIL Lýiis oiôl" lits in mpeL$îty ' 4ed 3ts o{ut e appr ;ilves? ( a tie, tgiere. Iliau iie tbt e ue ls ges.Sca Crp! all~an ietio str,,eglesetm he hth mnsnyhn u et to he gût~I~fff~hl stre et~etia - ~ ws oa -u.csh iMyV~i~e au nlitei otby Volie c s ompareds, l t e -lton ihus e soon as w ' arïý -en friction tDide 0 'i0 h arrend not crwfomill (lie sigl a: iiex. ack dow ledge s eat s aanh are ad e L This ld 1,DlxIm a tniu ies u ped J rut éît easct 'le ns U1) eeny aig ndtad. g u lt ownaudthe tray ais r ti t togto -rsprtsol a-ug fý,Sit-7, Tlrey mhould bo ai'placed 'th 1 ' et ;etIleiar wio -0 Ill Iils f ii-'es ýý fllth- G ouisd hyor-the V va -v 1sA94-9 te ýli Orhatifor V, litt ie oe, On sw V Ciara's terie-are _sladf romc arc et ibo ui thýayounTheir Sh p)uhl4ohi dd. )vLD i siu the s reusire ase {Tsand sha iga up feroi' neesa 1 us; V for. uda' vlieWeioibg te , F Juvenile daliu-quencyiiDr.bro d Dominion S- anibter list, a 'h Il dug a I thq4s ljap- aAeh aeê p~a ajo L pro ema e this ceuutryfr. (_ peas eof o itnci farso yiur w il for ahe plethe-. o urs i-min. ro- - Yh lo h0 l evar as - -1 .1e5 tso L45ina .et tE, CBC y--rthda twrk! te se rpieey e o ad eci - o- Clie W lae l lf ý?aji erd mntV aewiînetyer, sae v ot2Or li-es? lali e hr ur4ig1 1 I . ugn -e Ëati. of troo id, or icraaed ct1vty11àugnrta a ne . - v sg hattop -lta " hisVforedinh teai r st1seu agnm , sabut ~nc oraniatius Vl~.ie,-qavSreur paiod, on..o CF113 nryofheingVie 'oJd tnh listhingo V.9Vméti' teir' 5 M scouts irl1Gui adY.M.O.A, and!- day t noug ILFId s eayj. m ),çI. 1- 4 rl anui iby Ahsl-.emiagl.Th aa-nhib i ad wa ~und ehool, upo whih wer 2.00p m. ive Ina Uppy ~nmj~- boW thî~ e'te ahdfhaitifur - Wili they e be ilhrig' teir '7 pi' VV. Inhese abuoomalf--ns. ongle ourî o (le .ciV"s !(iîLesyR d 20ecbsel; No o be emard t, te f iti ? Tler- s oo s Ur. Abligations ihl -f m ýean Iaa-- t ~ e1d .m niu~ graet iap O es store iide Pvea fng,âroFr r i çws wlhh nt hat Jrah'trial11fteGne, wfare V DisZinou""es eeltttheb i4r uciwll utaliraertocaepropai polkand o-, o audwho Be * f -s etefo tesidungley aiand 2 Woinnxpex-- J- ~lam l Va es-wr ay, i' ~A -ha n in liIasin ban neebte V2 Buen4d j lEer" s scn la oo Isai *m yu o eif ,oune ntherdvere' edn15l f , T -eiV B1Vtj rBC' raad1l'Loue Rang e hcVenIeaI ea m bda VIeNail driatca1o~ fFa~ebs- ui4ti iflé CKow ehor Iestay t9 a w fnèofto heva 8C I H 7~eUd ,e tJîr ihoai 1 ai' 1ýic ôuncac1hjse ô brug. rd ya .8 mm.Je tanL'f 1Vth rtirwoh fýoin Ck.-aS showst ddthatunrou KOC at ,15 p.m nud ta- d'odmand fte g e;audlo et h 1P in, el1i ofnhiy, KFEmi cou ' vlt , wbicn bisecreta'ey npile as tet iS¶mjWunn, seithaLilen- 'Z t ay *'e'a tiug witi th1a7cni.1 V b 'inVthe Ftrthe anandeoo rru f 0n-, -L ýuàtLbisý ireout te nlp of tic, a i for I Il lwe ac i mseLsâ u, 3 t- ni li'tcr tho 'i coiai eeph F esied o -t k- C ' r> bisis of tbthis country. 'tô-,tua W slïmpe Wlt' TIK C -i'ehsttins fNhew bitWLAn ' '~a S ~ P~fm~e. I~bini't'~e ' \l-ýs thé he- eerr*lil p1lL er sed hi V hr- idéd lem. - -i iainl'te '-ll' tuhon 1f4thr'i-mi!- L 'fsétftm foa, ininnaalfÇ ina wag i tul ha o-Jltutfl-lil i adm- io da e, - ulg 40 ep4u soli ahin. hîbenty aida' V 1-V- b h ogniaios a t t hm ni od, 'kheaB0r"- i Thago sief- te l.V VZ. -. 1eV tby riodr Mo- CKO r ad Tharang tek a 15iy f ul n cir &,us ilGieYMCA.IH, ee and, 3 joVhléana' uu alnte ~ dm i'r i ta1, ,worcilase ex- 4retb~ Hmivt ho la' lt-h Vie OuLEN TEJyf.- ireby now great; o Toartaenadtist'y eutfm- niprfuuc- wa Sotiatr oi eloe ecue .lidcow ui >aren.1.liyly enrdagaked>luishe, pthlof, 17: as ipossble or ot,00id ' o i. ivrefile brethreu. ér n) boths er 20.oAnci a said ane mi-ci pas hsuon bio btePl1 unit~~nd cvrlaaV~' i r, and N TSSETNG anôh il, auci a eci t Jissîne is ayo' N Ca ae th* * Ti sb,àorniavats etsthis les-e'i 'gega'",ie ea;ani na 20tl ugl hdýtleobu rcl. 1484t5 tls Bo ligaos we-f 'th ta b-+V sLaicrs': bj i ' 1 - Vn l . Fre ýir-hadad db.a nla ediyceneea's efSacifictr' brotin- î( D sfo ~tistict n-e unergp~g ~u J-Ve- t 1710 t.C.frhthesra otl Coi- ohr nibstahi r oaiiiVŽgut ~v ore otal raunn te oil r- e flka il-- sme -of tiwb'e. Js oei- i f...dThnsks h ord b(, ade tausl at ear-2 _______, 4- Duan iemevsavailmibla for I'mnaden.. ýIer Service witb the Sudbur'y" 4.R.P. erganizatioIn.. "YÇVu -ilP P Jan tuscd te camry nmssages"from ' pulce te paueanhd umoi ht rouped ip tlie t ran 11s porta tio n sevcW-IA' T4 ýîI official. COM.PLAI N2 "I'e sigeo'4ns- teig, TfesMajesty-tia King tolVd t-he ÇbIQIScont, Lord Sonnrs, pan i ' l repat êit. te Impera ilead- -paarris îV Londlon. -Th~eKing ' cAIi à Boy se-mt upfforn taken V~ abulltV15 eiaâ&ago'- est %ni~ V - ni, àÏMieêt- reul :the-t ha' aVil V ýa theiVi steekinga, but ina was r- alla te recahi -tha na-mes of il ?11V Mei otlicls siowu ln uehphetosu ,Now -i M a wav to =comdort and support 3ýýdier ik For ýthere axe fl ot twn Gýë -one of poieie n ono Iof rdmto, Jehovah la ame, andt he who 'So) oved the. goten Son, that whosoever bu- hvhin Ihlm isnould inotr. si but avc, eyerIastirg 1ife,' Is at thli samne tiie hawho iordert, our live3a nd sençis and superiatenda ouj ;ýffllct;on. We may, hreo ia-ve absolute faith in blis gorAd- neas, fot only in spite of trial, but bi'irou-gh trial." H~nièmakUr J'ab i latip e~Labor reguLjati(tist4t ,haplniy a h~mkrVzi pi y d erso qms get ajo U d!OesIn't mea ouswies )I a on siderd whe±i a homemaker gets shi6e sqare meals a day, suec tha te lamil-y war wrkers geL plenty of sleep anýd kee"jis tEa chuldron huàithy that ehe's doing a Wk1-ime war job. And she can sily rigbt wIhere ebehý is. wolOd son .co mpellecito')goà iviÉtbout b;ef ' twQ days weê1hy bc- cI.rIse Jeef islirgelntly qeededfQ Sarnie« orus l~a eA siup tioW f2 ~i~and lain! v w' skgas W d. H NROIE n V to~i'~ gui~V~ V Y V18'Soîdié ~ V J V 1' aSdi~m~e - " r qcuader. '~ fi~Dri±nk et th~ -~ V f V V - - eV11a VTERTICAL 351 2-IMo-re antique. 41] T ow.ai'd tVine 42? i~e.44 1 4 Nither. ' .4b 7 Court (abbr.>. -47< 0 Neut- '4,5e V f nuy V [t. - 4- ea ire 4 I. Ž5 Byl - MILLÂR -~' t v t~, - ' ' '--'V VV~ V - r I I P; 'X