ORONO WEEKLY TIMIEL' yen, will t, l'P meterairerat at oir natv i ladN~ ore lie 1o," forOi sweld". L hy iriesi Cunadianl like "TfrTotronie" andt ony" bt ene cfth - dscon ýeve1 the idea cf turesque nameus. Se nou mdulge ficer's ait crft -T for Tmgm" 'R fou Restigouche" and "H foru ohlea.' t itwa tey Say, aret buit t e ýxotieeog. ev tIe are umer o hoso lyigcver vriaes rot te ail-ýý rto Waciie. ithery> queterstht heaime or feninre amies c lol-er a town or illage1,0 tes au ie ata embe o rîy be taig photog 1 apei ae Usktll svcosyperIt o' for a vy. T e-ý l5' tel ti 1 he jý ares wh-o had rao to be ubygtefi AheR..AF cmeMstationyou May havebeeni uv th nieRC... h bject f sualy fics rom a ma1ýst bfr h nain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L adiitrtolbidng lh icasce'f leir fLag. It soun1Ids palaoia, u h Coyal Caadian iAJirForce ha sa ratinumber .ofsaor in its rnks T1'bese are the imen 'whio must operate he "rs boats" and varins ,tYpesý ~d aongCandabcoasta, si wel as n te atrsover lrchairrf ro omigand gunne IIlr schools1 peîae. Tere re ven arin gu- îers as istict gnner, wh re aie ~pcil rîmg n peatn "batt speed.'v F Apply at the ORONO TI1MES OFFICE orolio - - ontario News Seen Through LN SCIENCE MONITOR h-onal Dady Newspapeur e-Unbia-sed-Free froîn Sensational- tnely and Instructive, and Its Daily the Week!y Magazine Section, Make ews'paper for the Home. Science Puhhlshing Society ýreet, Boston, Massachusetts Yearly, or $100 a Meontis. n g Ma gazin-e Section, $260 a Year. Offer, 6 I-ssues 25 Cents. $AMPLE COPY ON.. REQI LJES T Ct 'AJ SPEED RUNNING RACES Ad Sehool Exhibits and Ladies' Work ners Evening SXTH LINE A NotabeW ine Ln a relcenit issue c(f the lobce and! Mal hnewa ictr- Biil Tho irneu (ane intans=Jidfy-eight seconds in th anulîmodel plane contes-ýt at Armurighlts. Bill's pictuLn i-,si b siwa1s aniecelet or.trait of hlwois a granidon of[', or re- puected Kendal ctzeMLSs. 'horne, aind we con-grtulate ail concerned. <CciiWcod, cf Toronto,-was sec- oind in the contest, losing out by a few seconds. Bill's gradmother in- foîmiis yocr suri1he that his hobb)y is tu be a pilot. Toc late foirlast week) The Sixth Line -school house Ilasz un,der21 gonije thiorocgh rnoi tin t the bands c f the Mertinoîl 1brothers, carpntes, nd yonr scrulibe takes nmo rik Ihn-,hesttestbat weuhave:as ivL lihted ech',oo]!tl ueas a n Il mi i l,,,thneStewart in carg 'is the scesrto Mis Ar, Egt Lino. We aienl ucbpleýsed in- ded ith ee' hson1ý ly hîpu s e'lt sca1rcity cf girls and boý,ys inet tedace l i itresýting1-tu go b2ack in em yaini receliteny1ý seIolarYS and tech r in a a ed ever'y schoelsecionin Clarke uTown:- shiLp a nd we u reret o see sccl baus takoen pla1ce ilin m scinst NEWi)lS 0F YOUR AMY (By Lt. John YW. Hughes) They mk 'em t-ug in Brock- v til hS e daysý7Z. Tougher 'thaJIen eve The ncvow ffcers cf Cie Canadien Arýmy xvho are now ttiiining atte Offier's Training Centre l*a Brock- v-ille havýe recetntly- lied instruction in wvhaî basbeencaIled "gutter fight- ýNo tick is mîýssed by, the officerý cadiatsand the "ed o f them ail" is at presetnt at tire centre in- str-ucting thre future comndo l11ead ors . . . . Hoe is Majorý Ewart lFiri- bairan, lae cfthre Shangbai Mlunici- pal, Police . . te tuhs clc frein Lihe woL. FOr' thiirîy yeasprierte the-,oct- brakcfwar., the 1Major was with the Shan1ghaî olie. s mthcds. now vbeing use(d et Brockville, woroL duvetled in ellys and sbadows cf Shangbi., The famious Japanese Jude (Jiu-Jutse) contributed, and seu did Cine(Se boxing. 'ao Fair- bain'smthois eaibeat lbctb, Shnghai was fifled with euct- th'asand the poice had te be tou'gh. Tougher even than the kil- losibcy Lhad to brinig in. Major Fairb iamde ihen-u bough. Since tîbea he has instruetd theý Britib iComandos a nd pa-racýhute, tosand the Amerie N Armed Forces. Now -he is ia Brockvile îfor a short t ýinie te gIve the instructor-s thýere a in lsigbt into his methods. Kfefghting is one cf theo most impotant phasescof Commando traiiaig,dam Majo)r Fairbaira ....and lie knews whereof Ire Pplae. Te ' iCommado k ni f e" as designeilby' him. And he shows his olloershow te ulse it. Tre modlern soldier caa't carry Gbe eýpir-it cf scretes into e tho-,i tre f atio. l1e bas te be lbard- ented e lst. It's him--s-Iif or bhis * ~ A- e+my1-u mo1-,nraiu as read prven imslf superios- te hie HOPE KendalDistict GatiersI 57D Ib.o avg Lnx Tilrs we tukfro-m To)ro vîîed te Kne ititand came ew y wîth 5700 pundis of sicoteý1p mote l, ru br rge, etc. Thre s'p-enisioai of th1is secs-k wes given over te Mr.. John ptrottn, who hasi -iseLrmoie collee't ail bbc s'1Crýp n iheirup issand pla-ceit in eaipile, then tliebourc teck an afiernoonl -md vsie. he plaýces mero the j.)'I)p Imm colloci andi haulesi it eway. lYter ectonsofClanke L -si ar'e ne9W in'ti wok be unaiik onio, N-o. 9 andi 'Kirlby, -alie IeSixth Lino. Il tise whole towln.,hip iwcuid onily ge behnd this miovintent, in aeny toniis cf scrap moetel would lieshipped t,) tho acoresto ho forge-d lie sear eupmabut hhi.sac'w oc- ly rusting eway on soo f the ferme. Bay ïWnr Sevinge Staipe ,),"andi NE WTON VILLE i', hiome for a w-eok,'oias MisGwen Gie sen te week- end t h er. ho m a Sakille. week. Mis azel Reid, of Oshaw,, isj lbolidain'lg at homie for a couiple o wýNeeks. Mîiss 1. Laiag and Mr. Wmà. Laing,- visite'd Mr. anld Mrs. Geor-ge Laing, Orono, on Saturdîay. Mr. and m. Willis Jolles anid Fae, were in 'ýWkworth for the week-endf andl broughlt Budf home. iMr. and Mis. Hilton Ave, ' and1 soni s, of Cobouuc, Wore Sunlday guss f Mr. and MrliS. La ison Miii- Mr.C. Morr1is spent a f cw day-s iii ee ýi Torontoind \ItMr, Morsvisîted heu p ei t Mt, AI- Mr. and Mis.GoreSmithi, of with them fnor awek irý. Dix, of Toont , Iasbogt a-nd take-n o-er-Mri- J. T.Pece' str.We alrge oigMs Peaieandstfffrm 'thel-stoe W.M.S Meeingutý th aeetof thcelîlchurciThe quilt, which Vwa:s quit a r.J. W.~~i Lnatrsadfori. ch l" Mr's. Lnatrdonatod theu top, was sold for, si dlar. twas dcddto buyi aion o)ýn ir le debt of the Unit- ed Church of[ Caitnada with this mo .Mis Laing gv a palýperj onl thle ?,3 'rd chpter of the s'tu1dýý 1book. ent-itled "iisof Rfg. r.C. Robiion nid Mrs. MeýLchlaa led in pryr Urs. C. Bui-leyv closýd with pao.At, the reguilar mee('(t- ing,Otoe 13ý, tho M5.wili enl- terai te others and babies of STARK VILLE Mrs.Ellion, amorn, wth hber 1 r,.iand Mrsf lR l -4, of Porlt iHope, wLi t M. and Mire.;(!. Ha1ilo'woll. Mis. Lawrenc(ie W ood, c3f po Hoe.u) it M%'ndMr. av lt- Mî'p Rsei Lallo weli with ber '\U'sMî. -inii]Mrs. Ed. White, of Mrs. RsaHadl(-leellith her- par- etMir. nd -Mrsi. Edi. Whlite, cf Mess et and Go01doniiTrim are spndniafea ikys dusik hunt- ing atiicd Lake-. Mrs-. i--Sn:\-vyentertinied the laieof the Shiioh! W. A.0n1 ed nesdy oflastweel, Sorry te bec M. 'nd Mrsý. Ethanl Jnsand famiy, wo hve moved] onto- aifammat sbry1Hll. Mr-.ia Stark with, Mrý.aiMrs Gor'don Power-, Clarke UnonMrs. fiaPaeon Welevilewith -Mr KIRBY MisRuhLunn iansi Mis ýEleenor, RasbrY wrhom-1e 0ver thre wee- Mr. nd rs.cm'l Ri'chio visited Mr. ad Mis. MognOVer thne woek- end. Mr. eaId Mrs-. Lor-ne Wanan, Doc-y anîdCal visitesi Mir. nnld Mrs. Will. Ccreeandi oth1er friende. Cc'.-me te Kilby on ', S ,ptem n1ber 2ý3î'd. Thoeneit Groeup cf the- W. A. ar haiig ora. rout arnsi baquet. A very quiý-t but îpretty we1ding wssobemniz'es in Kihy United ChIurcli on SaLtrdey afterac-on les, whn iss Lillien sklywas uiii,- ein ma ,igeteMt-, Fred Whi- bakecr. The bride wns g-waned in houeir, 3Mrs. Ro-se Whittaker, wcre wttffeba, with Mrs. Rosi' Whit- bIker acbiig- as metron cf honor. Th(, groomememn 'as Mr. Athur Fcwler, 'while Rev. S. Littlewocd cf-j flhcuiatesi. After the ceremnony a re- cpinwnas ?nld at the homne cf Mre. Fotibes. ThVIe Irappy couple loft i showers c onfetion n honoiyen-oon i. tuthe bri!de travelling la a nevy szerge suit. Te-ntentsts in front of the townhall a. a have hee,- ro-1 peairesi with Mr. Frank Hell ding Il w k WORM ICAPSULES FOR CHICKENS AND TURKEYS Easy To Give A Parke-Davis Product For idtflts birds, box of 12.......40. Box of 50 -.....$... I25 Fwr vouag birds, box of 12 ..35 C. Box of 50 .............90C. Thes Capulesare for chiickens and turkeys only. Moýre time is list in meir Indus try, due to ruu downcondition and com o 1ds than he otaltiine stin woýrinig Ihours due tW strkes A un-ownconitin ill reduce YOUR income. Start rimw te ortf yyousel fo th cuingwinter by taking Extra itamnin.s every14ay. els ubro rv Vtmnpr-e-parations below: Scot's. .u..o. 9..9. c Wampale's Extract ........$1.00 Cetiie EtrctofMat ndCod Liver O, i lb.for ......... 69C. 2 b.fr........ 19 4l bs. for... ...............$1 . (9 CriidA iB D Cpue,50............ 2-.........12 0 ....... $2.25 Keper xta f Malt andCod Liver OiL, 10 Ozs., 75c. '20 ozs. $1.25 The moet you cant lend is the least you cenado! Buiy WAR SAVING STVAMps ,RegnUlarly Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrrel Agent for Phone 68 Jaekmnan Flowers Orono1 ITS THlE Everyday Savings that makes the Orono 5e. to $1.00 Store, the Popular Shioplping Centre WethrStr'ipping, 2 feet for ..........5e. ClthesSpinlesfis lmstay bottie .'. 9e. Feit Insoles, edumticelss, pair.......lIOc. Red RubDber Jaringspkg.........7c. 4l pkýgs. for..............25e . M'ietal. Chore Balis, large size........ .... 10e. PatePans for Tart-Ïs, etc, 2 for ....... ...... 5c. Jnfilant's Chamnbers, colors Pink or blue, eachl.. 25c. Men's Leather Soles, pair . ......... 25e. and 135ec. Gr-ey Granite D)ishý Pans, can be used for preser- in'g keite, limitedi quantity, each.......... 39c. Ben Hlur Perfumte, bottie ......... ........lO0c. Cuticura) Medical Soap Cake .......... ..... 10e. Jergen's Floating Carbolic S o ap. Week-end Speejal, 3 for ... ..........1e l eanut Butter, lar 'ge 2'0 ounice "ar.......... 24e. Rinso, giant pkg. for.......... .......... 50e. ,amipbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 tins for....-.. 23e. Clean Pittedl Dates, ready for use, 1-2 lb. pkg. . 18c. Bilham iP antees, new formli fit Baby Pants . ... 49c. YOUVR POPULAR SHOPPING CEINTRE URPONO 5c. TO $1.00O STORE Motor Equipmient Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith ID N. Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers ES"s COURTESY SE ER1VICE E(,iuippod te take care of the modest funeral at the Most reýasonable charge ns well as the inrgest and Telephne: ( ost exacting I Telephone : ACORRECTION Ian1-st on-' is e ofeXthose(- unaicounablemistkes appenesi:ia ouir wrVitou:p cl the pre-senittin gi on t iMr. and -'Mlres, Ritchie at Kirby Unîtes Chu icis. The pa-rt il, question was 'were wesaisi, M nd Mrs. Ritchie (nu2e Ruby- Allen), heli have rend lIl r. andi Ms.Ritchie (nee Eiben cMorga). MisR~yAllen mede the presente- ion wlssns ,,mitted in lest weck'sIv 'riteup. Thilese mistaeos will etby, but we e1 bhey hppenl in thse Residence 523 and 726 Bowmanville, Ont. -. 4 WATCHI YOUR CATTLE Fermeýs want to keep e close wa-tch on thoir cettle niow. Owing te- the ment shortege rusrfiinig of cattie ilson tihe inc(ýreese. Large nunt- bens cf dcetle are on pasture land fer rermoves f rom farnserýs homîes whiîcli makes lb easy for cattie steal- Presjidenb -Roosevelb, cf the U.S.A, gUesses tir-etDire -wes wouid lest an- othis-rthree andi e half yeens, This ie onldy a guesis ansi we are very grabetici that it is. We oudlike te seilend this yens-t,hut-istis out cf tIre question. Plac. Office 668 to1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY er 2nd and 3rd, 1942