Action A ie r ina i Planes No:jt Asý GOoDd Foi, Job AFs pitfires; "Aeicnfghter p-ilots are ly 'plnes whchthey wero a trd expce efly, just wueot net oe enUgb fer the job",Saim liama H,. Stneman, coi-sespondont oet the Cicaige Diily Newis, ita-airefcent desatch fs-emsEnland. Th'at iamy s[tralanargumient, butwVie CdO net know why it ShIouidà. Amrcn bluoepriats, Ameicaýn construion f, American pertesrnr- -naco larpasMJy b)e the besýt ia the wvord, but thre slry over Eangland bas Ouen more 'plane la bat ie aýtcio than aaiy other- pa-t0fthe world, aidtire actuat test -ýis wrae net theury. Thre Spiffire bas provet i tsýelf taflie laboratory 0fwar. Re-,sources Should Be PcOoed la tire last war, ,we hmd ne hesitncy in-! akýing ov es- thIe Freniclr75-mmii. 1,1n, because it îwaS fa- sulperior te10cr thre inch gua', and w-deeve ialimost on- tirly o)n e-allies fer, aisplanees, alt1oilWe dlid coaýtribute thre Liborty 1mo(tor lateOtrire war. fal ous- seanrcb for perfePction we deaei psoucinig mnacin-guns, ai ied te berrpewinifrier imakes fs-ens our tientI(s; by aecessity, WC tok an in osles- ngltsh rifle because it could lho produled 1moref rýapidljy than jjouýr preveti Spri-- Rut wp e 0e oreason irythre atdNaItins shoult net 'pool their rsnscste get ïtre best wveapetlis in overy category,,, regard- less 01 who produces thons or, %vhos-e. Anid if thre Spitfire is tIre b)est ila sigilt, jet usluse it unti a btter iras beon touand-and psoved btter, Britain Ships Gun Fac-ý-tory To U. S. A gun factory whichi six IIao'nthIS ago stood la a boi- scarneti city in England haa been ismatiled and shippoti pieco by" pioce te the Unitedi States, Eci.. wý,asd R. Stettinjius, Jr-., Lend- Lease Atimniistraton, disclosed r- Mv.11 Stettiis, in an) article ia tire now issue of tho ,aturns-ay, Evoaiag Post, cited tche transfen te show ý,that lend-lease 18 now "1ne longer a ene-way stroot" dî- reetly aidig 0onlY U. S. aIllies. 'tIf waS ensier anti fastes- te s;hîp tie factory than te ship the guns," ho7 wrutle. "We paditinotir- ing for the ar-_senal, The BritisI consides-I.thirselvos ampiy repaid by tire damage these gunls will la- fiîlt on the Germanis and Japaýn- e laii the hanis of eus- sold-ion." The British have aise sent "Iseve-ali thousand"le basrage bal- bonls te "protect Vital spots aloag eus- coats" andi fso-n England. sati othes- atlieti nations the Gev- srnmiiient bas receiveti "guns andi ols, ilIitas-y and scient ifie ini- týOrmutIea - anlything wiih fhey c!111-,.spare andi We are lana jbtter spot te uise fVlanteyase"," the article saii. "Bring Your Scrap And Cook A Jap", The scwap heap, new begianig te torves- On mnny a village green, invites theanatiuas-iana toelnges- for a pensive mnoment, remna-is The New York Tisei(s. "Brîng yes caad cok a Ja,-p," says a sigr rising albove a huge olti mon enuidrea that remiads of the dopai-td dnys et beme-made soap. The herse-anti-buggy age is well re (sneI; One scecs bn"idie Iits, wagon wireel jacks andti ies, h'onseshoos shimy from being tossetiuat mon stakes, cannage I.lanps sf111 holding the(is- cntile sfub)s, and n mnetal cusrycomb. Tires- re dosstep mud-scs-apers, a fisce crano, the fs-aie of a bosr,,haker bicycle,, a rusty anvil anti a Civil War cisterai pumip. Numierous are heay on pets anti kett.ies witir legs te irolti tires eut f tie fiame, ant i fatisons tint iaeedeti streng anti devoteti bande te pusir thons. Treasuseti, or af basf SavetI, fergenonations, these possessons come now te ses-vo the countnys neeti. 'Rock' Refuelled Tire Nazî-cortnolled Vichy radlio repeqirted rilcently tllat many mes-- chn hips e sýaia-g inge fuel car- gees hat arrived at Gxibraitar. TF'ire anou>ncer said Bs-item nuw baýd an "mrsiefonce" asses- aId t Itihtsrnh M5,ODERN ETIQUETTE guejsts avesat ownfor a gamerv of bridge, and amifth fread dropaý 11n, what sol the ostess do?. ý2. Wheýn itouigtwo mn Js itpeprt say, M.Bkr .Inwhat pasition sheuLd aî at thc table?2 4. When eue has been invited te a party, or other affair, and nftor accopting ho contracts a Severe col k wht shOuld ho do? 5Is htprisil foi, a guost te open a conversation witb anl- other guest whn tere hfas be 6.wMat deesmit inat we at man cardes un a cnesto hi lips?' vite the guest to take her place, or uges somne other gamne such as hIearts oru yin which fivoL perso'ns can ' play. 2.-" N"o; tbis weuld imprly that Mr. Baker , i e ai" fred 3. TAre Nad should be held in an ereet position, wAithlout appoaiing stiff. The bodyca lean forward slightly, bu-t the head should nover be bent at a rhtangle. 41. Phone thehsts and express ho soy yuare that yen a onInet attend. Yeu a -re bigcenisiderate net niy of ye-ur ewa welfare, b1ut aise ef the therý peopfle if yen romnain athme 5. Yes, thi-s is a very nice hn te do. 6.Laziness, as wel as ili- it uLsless exe-rtion te lý ifhi hn and remeove the cigariette. HOW CAN 1I? QZ. HwCani 1polish e "utsml srthson glassý? A. They mnay ho partiaiy pot- îshed eDut by r-u-bbing withI rouge '-et w-ithl wat'er upon a piceý of sef't later 0Hwever, if thes scratches are djeep, it will be n-ecessary te gnind theni eut ir 'îtb the finest fleur emiery, such as th'at used by epticians, and thie spot polishied with rouge and -ater in a iece of sOifI leather. Q. 1w Cani I remeOve calimline? A. Ordinoary caicimline m-a.y bo washled lOff with waýIter. Hwvr if necessary, ndd soinie aikln substance such as soap picer amnnn ia, trisodium phosphae,Iu or0 borax, te the watr. Q. 1Helw can I loosea thle irt wbhen souingcuais A. AÀ haif-cup of sait ndded te4 the w'ater la) whicb cuitains are being soakedlosn the dirt mwore napidly. and atids miateriaily la the iauadering. Q. How ca norpair a luak la tberbbrhot wator bottie? A. By applyîni"g sevenal pieces of liquid court plaster, lettng eachpic dry bef--ore applying: the next, nnd miaIg oach piece a Mite langer than the precediag une. Q. Whlat is the 'besýt metbed cef cleaaing oye gass A. By firstmiteigthe tip of th]e fingers, rubbing >:thiem eve a cake of saP, and ton rubbing themi over the sýides of the ions, PoIiish as usuaýl. Cold cr-eami or vaseline are aise v-ery godc clea ns- orls. iRUb woVllafendswt tisueQpapes-. 8,000 Reindeer Hlon. T.,A. Cnesar, LDoniioni mninister of miines and reseurces Said on bis retura froni a 10-day trip thieugli the Nonthwest Ter- rhieries that the n, eindeer herd le- cted at Aklnvik lias now anbout 8,000 head. H-1a Ve yo0uvHea2r'd ? A now systom of mensoy trai- iag was beingtaught lana vilage, sohool, and the teacher was be- COng enitbusiastic. "For instance," ho said, sp po)siagyou waattornebrte nneof apetBbb urs inl your miad's oye a picture of a polien lin fnns.See0- Bby Bnas?" MYe,1 se<'"saud a bnit ppi, "But 11ow is eie te kowifuo net roresentRobent, ronig? He was teeo fat Ta get bis own Pajamwýao. A man eatfered a joweier's shoep te buy a cock. The jeweler Onei, anparticulan, ho tolti hlmr, was anmigh-dy ock. Wntdo you men?" akoti. the custonses-. The je eie e- plaiaed it wOuld rua ightay withoûut winding. "For tire ove et'.Mike!" e. -eclaimled the man. 1Row alon wouid it rua if you id pundi à?" Dad-t'll teacts you te miaise love la îy daugiter, young man. 1 don'% seen ta bu doing se weIt, WI is edd how n'scote renectoon one'smntiy. Nw whjea i'mwoaring n buiness ui I'm alilbusiness; whea VI'm l eveing drsssocial niattersOc cn,1py m1y attention, ainti wh Im la golf to-gsý, Idoa'tt hink of aany- ting ,-buit th'e gamlye."- "Yus, AtiIsuppose whea you takIce n bath youirn md is an utter "Mha youmb ntit'Jimmy s-e ptied, "is ta wa.Js imy moth- us-'s face. Dli you kCap fountin pas?" ask'ed te iidlokn mn "oe" replied flue ,smiar- aleky losk,"we so!] 'cmn." "Wei, nyw y yu aecoing te Ceep tire one yen POIhtlave suid teme."' Secod dtto- Y,)'r thatvas euoufed me had been a dedtown Cfnmgn ainte tien bas jutisvopped if. She-What, do you mnean by telling yous- bey frindj 'haï 1t was deýaf and di-ji? Second Seldd' a d eaf. Goes To RlungryItiashv wacd tliiri gicutAuraI prodnuctsbing sýhippýeti te Geirmany, yot, acces-d- dng to e hMWidsr Stan, they have net had Ienlouirl for thensseives. Sfnnwbeýr-ies, p uitpes, cherries and orainges wjeeiah saen-e fins yean. Tieh, tolýnafo cnop was gooti, but pofatos were sîsuIf. The clergy has been urgîn'g the famrinssto preduce imole fot, Wifhbungon thneafening severe reporcussions ia Ifaiy, the neeti for greater foodi production is ap- parent toeveryone, But, Italians caa-not see mccli bgoot inlagrew- ing fodte sead te Gonmany. This bunger lias helpod bring thre Italian hope for sumle sort oit negotiateti pence before inf r. The Italiens ine longer t1hink e t Wéha-t Science IsDog BLOOD DRYIN'ýG Btshscientists are ;pend1in1g a lgc of noarly $100,000 on a bloodi freezing and drying plant whijch wlll carry dlevoiopm)Ient Of lisamvng pls ma stoi anothe getstride forward. Every dOl lar spent may roprosent a tif enor more saved. Buildig of the machse, Maret yet oroctd for te freezing and dryTing of plasmna, wvill put Britain ahoad ini a field of Science which is being diligntly studied, for, feace as well as war, by A fight- ing nations. It was madve possible through a gift te the Modical 1Re- search Council by trustees of the late miillioire F(2chemisýt, Sir Honry Wellcomie. Retains Quahity lnzleý,filitelY The maýchijne resemibles a giant refigraorcouplod te a group of tai cylinders. Tbrough a new; process discove-red by British sci- entists, it will frceeze and dr'y eanchwekthec blood gifts of M0- 000 dïoners. Noxt wek-or even eight years fromi now-the frozen &%idppam AHwllghve hf e tosick and wounded in any climlate, ho- cause it reta-ýins its quality in1def- Driedplasa tasavinig lives un Egypt toda!,'y, and B'itisbl war- shpfightinig their way te Rus- sia, or Malta, carry7 the flakce-like subIIstaniep-te save lives in dhe middle of intense actions or rýag-1 inig gales. British blood aise flows linthe voinis of manjy Chineseý soldiers,1 wvoundled i hL ee-es fight againstJapan. Aoreach the Chinese the biood gifts frýom Britain are sent thousands Of mniles by air and sea and pass through ail kinds of temlperatur-Ces. Yet thie plasma rom-ains, perfect. The new,, plasmua plaInt wil pro- duce 3,C0 urtiS, froen dried and rýeadjy foi use, weekly. The freýez- ing and dyigprocess is-;knewn as spin-freezing. sA bottie Con- tainig liqud plama is fited on, a shaft wbich rotasnt high speedý. Thýe content.s, wlirling in a bottie, foriis a colne, giving tLhe low temra.,-ture a g-reater eýx- panse of liquid te freze. Sud djenlyý the plasmàa feeesand tue lqi di rwn eout, undev -,a high vacuumn process, le-avinig oniy th12 thie bottie lasoaed uradly for mýan of NritwPal., bieo ho ha just seenl about th1e short- esýt v-lîl on ecr. he ein- hardZ. Nce ied hoLeft hi, $16,000 estate te bis cousin,,co Z. Nie. Ris wîll, udaedan u-'o winseand \writte1n on a smai piece oftaie ppe, ens: CJake everything is yeurs RUB OUT TIRED A1CHIES Releves MONTHLY Woçmen who sufer pain of irregular ploswith cnankyy nerveusness due te miontbiy funnetilal dlsturb- anices-should fia4 LySOa E. Pinkc- hani's vegetable Compounid Tabiets (with aCdeC lma} tîery e0fect ' v e relieve sncb idlstres-s. Plnlcbami' Tab- lets madc especiellty for iwemen belp build Upii) rsistance against sucb 5nneyling sytbptomns. Foilow libei diretIos, MdelnCna. Surplus 0fRiceC Japan Loses Large 'Market 0f ice-lmnporting Countries Ric, agreat dent te mu e i(, otters tire "akng"eta eoo ie eaacire te Japan, asa î'esutt et the contquest& t thr arens in nd-Cin, urma and Thlailanti, Scienue Service points eut. Tirese countrios togCti!r gs-ow aline billion pounis orf f100 a year; tire impontreq enet 0f ahl the landis new cates-Jp ose dominaion arelos than four, The bLggst nc-osmn lheavily tr-om the gro'at rc-rde iag region wreIndta niCeylonl (450,00,00peunds), Europe (Y, 50000,00),tlle lret of thle werld altogethersomethiag oven 1,000,- 000',000 pouais a year. Ah tinsý mlas-ket Is lnow lss aslg as tire Japsý hot i ,te regionl, expflainis F. JResitos-in Ta'FrseaiSUn- v,"New Yrkl, nue pupsusus îe -Pf ip peaisulaaregeing te ba as badlyv up atgainsLt i te wh1,eatfa- en01 e ,ti coatientwer du-i thy oudne si their cro-g fer moeytubu verails aLi -ice caa'it "be-,stored wîth any gatsuiccess la!thbot,. humid v e gio n' re b b h e g re a te r p a rt ef the, crop Nli rot lai the binsi; Thewestrnbemisphare long larLge pat ' f Sits ic! sppl, in beucme55 )eIce2nÉ efsfiia fla riceprouto iîethe pt breaqk eoof dWa l Hiks 1,00 MDi les Durng enYerTS ýstarted nawligtu 10 years aigo, wa bak nRaia mt wveek. Holesaid eho trve-ileti12,-. 700 miles siice Sepi t. 1,192 Ro sadLie C ceedCnaafs-enu coas e eit ho raele dewn te the Mxcnbnete Flonîda, thieNe Engtand Statues aLnd bnck CLASSIFIE ADVE TISEME S FOOT BALM ACCORDIONS WANTED Betprîces3 paid forpan acrintwelve to, huit- dr'ed an)d twenty bass'. THEI T. EATON CO. LTD. MuscalInsrumntDepaî'tment USE0 C(_ARS ,ýWITR GO TIRES. Setis tjrst. Mounit Pleasanit Mo- tosLmie.UsedCar1,Lots at 650Dal ortLh -A)venue and 240YogeStreet; 0ed f fice. 682 Mount P IaatL oaTo- ORESFOR BRIAY 7 IKSFor delivey Sepemberor Otbi shoud beplaý .Cd n(."etthe breed y ýou want, onithe dntL ieye at.Price aoesonable, con- siegqiuality. Cet your1copy of t Bray ýFaIl Serice Blletiin. Bray atchery.10Johin St. N., WE A RýE ()FrERINO1 A PlFEW ,cheùice Gu(àernseyý-' bulis of go od blood linos , trom 8 <'ýt., 12 ot Adam av der1HO.Galaferd, Ot. 1MCKMT1 IIPF01e SA LE sho, euipeutandstoitabout three thusand yarly titioer 1E-pG, 'T. Foit T FIEtES 91E D;IEN P ELTI1N G 1FORTII1I>,E S FIMEN, 1Endles'ýs threshel r, belishese, feedei r anvaspleysatig hagasberingLs, mel(tors. Spec- ialBelingforire, 2 inich 5- ply, lic foot. Al tyvpes ef trans- mission uppiesini stloc k for smmediatecshiet ,at attractive l-ow prnces. Meýrchandise guaran"- teed andsip'ped subject to, your inspctin. Snd ourordlers to UAKELRS' OVENS ANI) MACHIN. ery, aise 1rebu)lit equipmnet a]- wayýs ont hanid. e PotbeOven C..103, Ua thurLlsi dye( ing ore1canming iL t eto u s forin lformation Wear lad te ment i-)t. ake' y e \XVrks Limied,701 ong Stret.To- 1ond,1On., for, sale; uldn 48arsfilre Flax ýCrop la 52acesoatsý. taebouse. En- qulire:L uintanFlx roues, icmdOnit. saleý. Sevra go Twn Dwell- iosrorial. rspctve yers" evoul do wl to ook ovethese propobtiis efoie iuyig. The Lorgan Roal1Estate & insu1aCeL A ien ,, nuiertn, Ont.r rc resdece ndlare etof rou tr om Chrles oboisilecond WONDERFUL 30-DAY OFFER eri 1 ess tlSave s Itimenand lahorSeud ame'ad tdress. NOp ACTroto 1ortn 1ethod. infort-ion on requ ,tearin class. 1Robjert- souis Eaidrossîg Acdemyi18 AvnulocSTort y1io. FOR SALE SCABOOtGH 'TOWNS1P -'15 miles femToronito-liO creM 1fluss and 2_" rnsf $1.00,00 M\u>tst lI to close esatelPblic FIIEE CATALOGUE FERRPE!CA TALO)GUE ý'0F 1RARE aniýd Exit in1gbokRvTyes Cret orlio Mrriage ea ti(ons, $2,49SIPRMAIL 0O1- 1 R, , 57QuenS tree Wst BAUMEKAFOOT BAL-M destroys of.nie odor inistan)itly, 45e bottie. Otw agen<t, Deiau Drug Store,Ota. Patent SOlicitors. E st i à.e 1890;il 14 j _flg WsTorowot Bcookietl ofIntormation on r... quest. EGERLTON R. ASEREGýISTEED tinited Statéýs, Caniudai, Bitisk lPatent A,ýttorniey. Bookle-t gratis, Estalis~ed ver for ty years82 ilalsm Avnue.Torconto. TiME Chnismas ardslu bea'utîful gift boxe at 5 cents ,te $1,00 par box. You iakýe1up te hait0f 0 slngprice'. SenS for price IPst anS fr (ee Personi Album of cx- quiste esinssomle witb miii- tar crstsat 18 'or a d1olOns an1d rip, or sýend 2,0for s lx ers Godwil, uit 77U, 60 Front WsTorernto. LARG1,E DAll, ElEAV Ly Ptf- red tproven breeds anS ithis yiïi kýids forial at barg"_ain iics Omr Mink :areprolific hajvion a h1igh asý' 8 and 9 in someliters Lac', oo blp or U1) el e te(o duce my heýardl. This is yOUr chncIo get goýod minik choapj Thom sOnt i ATTENTION I OVERCOME NERVOUS DI SORDERS Anaemia l anS nervouils d1îýsor d er sueem to 1be rather closelyalid Se wekblood nmeans weak nýeîves anS wha't nmakas thle lo, d ricr'Â buiii1lda up 'and1' strenlg th enil th nevS. 1Don'1t delay snSfor a 1box of, Morrissy's ereRemedyïmi- meitlU7c box of 100 pis, 2% days reten.Pestpaid1. OrfonS B. Morissy, rugist 57 Main St., St.' John, N. s1oîts aýfler taing ixon's Rom- edy for1 1,1jheum rat1ic P Jains and Neuiti. Mnros rug Store, 3n Elgin Otta-a. ostpaid $1.,00. iRES-erseLiniment No.- 1, 18 ounes,81.5;Ringworm emn- brcto 1 ounces, 60c; Stock an \arYire Liniment 6 ounces cic. G:,l is aS IIaling Ointmnent iilb., $,5 Four remnedies (one et each) posýtpaid for $3.50. Jobolson Drr omipany, 7,7 A Y'onge Street, Tor'ontio. rO VTY ORM KILLAeR A TýLtIED ANDIR) E EMD thatthebirdis SikEwr Worm 1011 ntetiu ina oniditioný- er-coss onlyeue cet abird, obtaiable rom y ufed denier or owad CemialCe.,>229 DONq'T TRUDGE THROUGH Thv H, Calan.aok Hail HUAVE YOUR SNAPS îf4elived by Ntail Aoy 6fi or 8 epuefilm pertlecL;ý d1eve loped and pr-inted for only 25c. Supr)eme qualily u!nS fast servicle IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE PEOPLE ,ARE T-ALKTINO ABOUT the1 good results from takzing Dîxons Reed.v for Rheumatie Pain anS Neuritis. SolS ýiý 31unr1os Driun Store, 335 'Igin, 01A) RUCS EIElWOViN NEW eld. Doiminon lluVWavinjg Cor. pan,- y. 964 Qeen S t. Wý., Trne Write frbol MEN AND OOýYS. DVLPYOURI mcls anSi nrese y o u T stegbwitb an lorigýinalsyte! Instru'ction in msl ulig couse onytw dllrstt. ISSU4E 39--42 bM PATENTS & TRADÉ, MARKS