Reich Has Farmi Lahbor Troubles Shortage 0,f Farm- Workers re onfnled To 'Canalda If Otarlo and Canada have pneulcmit je farinlaor po tir s somie conisolation ttHterand Mssoliiprobabî -ve even greatirtobesy îbie Wooedsteck Senrtinel-Reviw A.;Jirat class giimpse into t~ Jrpensituation iS 0frdl lie August issue 0f, the Ecouemnic .Ain iWtpulied by the Dumfini- Yfea De"partkient of Agriculture. pi Gemany e meU'-lize labýor e farm wrk.Ali armierýsare re- qùiredtýe work îlonger bhouirsla - ~ ~ludln Sundayeand hldy.f January, the nuber cf boys and gwls, 14 years i--ýdmi der, js 'ýIeemade subject te compulsory faïrmYËlabor, w aie to290,000. l'armons l ,triny were ie 'rioughbs te May i'te werkGo Tams afer, al vliied omen und girljs, ilcling dmsfcser- 'm',ats, la urban centresý, were îmob- iflzed lt trnlabon bttalionis. 3iprsindicate tha;ýt a l1arge in- Êer oA foreiga vounee" orký- qrs and prisoners were aIse sent fo wrk o n farms. !Pessiblyths jambered ulrwards of 2,000,060 Tbhey werergrddas erat, a poor êsubstitute, Despite ailth, lise <lrmn hotage of farin help mas lu excess of 600,00. Labor ShOrtagje Widespread An order rqiigail amns 1Iratibve officiais andm National So- siaiatParty officinluAlsace- LoGïrraine during tlic piantiug sea- off 0 wspen)d thrPcw csounam la lieu of annual leave, ludicates a fain labor eobtgc la that re- <Ion aise Reports frein Norway indicate,ý tisat ai emiploye-ns had te ured ew 'e-hidof their empl1oyes eor at least three(eks foragi etrlservice. Soaiarprs a abor shOrtage.Fa %M'sFarn etuffere,,d mucli becauise ,some 7010,- 000 French barmers are pisoners et Mar la Germauy. In Mardi, ltaly began a genercal ivilian oouizfe f men he- IRee 18and 55 te werk on tarais. arnlabor conscription was sub- Seqently exteuded te iluclude men frein 14 te 70 and wousen frein.14 tu 61. Ia April, trQeps werecde- -s aldte tinnwrk. lanungary, Buuday work 1ýreuieTiToops k0eped liea ase Rmailn arin- ep,-a were reqired te work tir II s- nally lon.g hers" pparenitly they tiadtble asi ong f 12,000 pi- eners 0fwar. The Etropean fari ntation is gummned u!p by tbe Unjlted States lmpartinetfe Agricltue as fol- iWH 0 "Parming operatieus l ~ag Erqpan coufies jhav A c riously hamperod fhls ya bvs lirtnges cf labor, qipnn ami dra.ftanms" This fuime if was Rommiiielwh idalittle under-estimatting. Th rning of Septemnber 2 vwissa tho cAxis cmadrsforcesý peuîetrated [tie BiiaiEl lae mine fields a couple cf Gel-mau effîcers caýýrryiuig a white flag approachied the Britisb hulie. TiseBnitsis ommaderiisfened in amazint whle tSe Nazi's tuld Min Alid rmer lad been as- cd, thazt heiwa- vitually ,enieireleci, tés positin opele-_ss There. was a m1omenît or two of ebar sse ilence, trien peals cf Biîs aughiter«. llýo1ýmmels men ddntneed auy more ef a Weapon In Ho"lland Hmris apoefl epo M Tïa Hola-znd tody.Ifis perha1ups tUe beat idicatin that the àva-1 crs caunctFsu!lidue the, people that tfey hv retainied theiCr sns fe bumor. Hfumorous anecdotes tînt -leakh Out c Hollnd arelginSme ITYS A COME-DOWN FOR THE AXIS Germian and Iainairmieni, guarded by ,ÎTo)mmies, walk through ax-cveedMata as pisoners after beinlg shot dwnover heavlly bombed Med ite2r rnean l island. A Weely Colunn About This and That in Our Canadian Army Thnc weks ugo I leveted flua space ,,te i ujeet 0 f drill. Here coues the saine subjeeýt aga!in lie- cause we have beca gvenauan b- jeccfleaýsea biy ooý,r-wn soldiers i Dieppe -;lu ifs value. Feor flic past fiwo ycsrs iisltue- fos ave nefennedti tean-,ini(ciet ut Dun.kerque as a illustration cf fli vainc 0f dm11 as a disilinac baUider. if iras fMle evacuafion of flic beacnhby TheGUnai-da. Newpapn dspatchàes saitI: Vuih fse=n" That was ail! Bt it was quite enengli. Nuonee wouit have cri- ticized thein iffuiey iatleoff their, oquipmieu behiuid on fiat shlh- swept becb-nely eeryonedid leave lis equipmneut behid nd u the(-re were neoenmntoa But, "the Guards broaghrliteir .rites witlithein". iflias long beea fashionabie for Line Regi- moniýts e aergeafly autheflic Bi- gade et Guards for thehinmeticu- lousa adlierence te pan-ade giîound sotinnThe suces irre geeti- usfned 0fcourse, aýs al bieker- ingibefwýeen ngimets ,is, sud ne- eereally believeti what lie sait Nt atrLe Cafesu IlathflcLs man, Or tr u ieqelu filua! Norwe have a uewtradition, a uow exaple'et ow el-nllt sodesaütfilu s figlift piace-the Heela aï quett,'ý1Ino' eue 0et tac early cbls rin fleChane frot iritenby Reas ;MAonde 0 ticCaadan2nssiriewen a shore withfle Cndas 'Une group A ficWJe nnn %wasslasncb go frin fMat even affer sfive-bur bafle by amas-t- ly lopeti ams ant 1 imarchIý, abead fi boat thaf pice thein up." ThIe 'akr"ha-ve cre a p'lace lu'-it, hsortee! Oespafel sid O'nes t flc Clgr Tanik Regiieu, ihiei ld fic way iii- f0 Diepýpe eseniadrove fic Thosetireexsml or thefli- telligent dieîie tuai gnows Ont et dm11 mi lie ueted ln msy a dnllsegau, y y anolcer icn iutenerufs l fli nxf tew yaî s nti Li, f ope, lie borne iin d iy fis of us -wbo, are apfteücnjiticize wjfhof tîn- iug. Sonie et yen anc beundtotebe asking, ua about new, "wbsf's lie fryng te gof af? Suely lie tees nef suiggesf fliaf flie raid on, DIieppe was put ou jusf f0 demon- str'ate ibe vaU fpanade greutI-( No, i donf sLigeet that for, i-e Ilaiac, aycolumuuisirlie otries te Say wly he Dieppe raid mas matIie mut be a f001! There are miany reaýsoIns wbvy a milifary higli cemnidecities te stage a raidT -espýeciallywItl licerncondi- tiens fiaf onretis 5 pesuf Andtflcheigli commiauticannef taÀke even fl ic pbe info ifs eCa'- fideue. We'îi bave te lie kept gaesslujg aotit-ant se il fhe Pcrliaps ifa intention as te f ifld ont-lc, eenesy-sfoiem mloyed by flie enemy-,- Pýer-iaFpe i-,ift-as te dram atten- tion frin omIe ofiormiove. Penhape Jle itea was te fiat ouf flic male oftfcenemny now lu Fra-nce.ý Penlips if mas deaiguet te dis- rupt cmuictosbycasg a rush trcaeneet f0fli Place atacketi. Peba f a arealisfic tan ug achmme lufc ceperaftien 0f1 NvAml;y ati ArForce. lPhapa if was noue oet flose reason, bof, wiafeven flic mca- sion iras we slubes oet fice tivi;tnsi C iens Onmy mIay b7e Sure tfb" uiy"McNanlgbteuiri voui naf ïilier expenld tmaehinery tuHanlvs, bat flicbeat eailuPoss- ible eassanifit f*ic lessens earnot sud flic ksiewletige gain- et wll lc ust teprsecute the mar ntihason lic lletVicton'y. Ina1the meanitime rew rcof whle jtu alp bre as veluinteens for, serivice anywhere will stant ouf ,wifli aquatfIiilI ifliut armai, flic maeauýl et amauskefr'ytantiail the, oien "iuem-aren"wek that feaci, es icnunit y, coliesion nt Inelie t ýdicpine se fiat fliey tee irienthen pperfity cms mil l!e rsI e clpeai-m1, asud mari aboanti.' ie,,ýie nt Dieppe antiplayeti theinpartiiu deasohising flictwuhave fot ouf afmen weary nmuls and yearsý of waliiug iriaf irnàa lke. Thar la something me have sf111 teujtiout. REG'LAR FELLERS-Almost a Hero Sa far we flve only bougnit avnsÉsamýpa, _given te 'othe Re"l Crossand he 1Buckshee Fnd WVe baven't sacrified anything. WeP dent sweat for the war. PublIcmen rap us on Mhe kuc- kis f we sy hat Canlada leno dong a fil job 0)f war wr.Thet' raie smkcscreen 0of cemgty loenetùoîest 0f w-bat is'c" be- My. doue They promie tuat soins daythogovrumntwill plaîce thep whel wa efOrt on a wartim bSasi, ut nu the meantime to pý'ian ïy of us crr0n11 h u nol oth ýe raions of tea an coffee ndgaolne andsneak nt01 ail-out service tea nd offe larestauranits n hetI~,by sin taica~ste take par own tanks are empty. Wýe aelong o lk 2,11and or on d5niscpne. Wbhat we neeed Cs dimpleuandots of t, thrown an us by o eghsrants MMtha îs Celwe wmrch abroad wiou rIfes at thce sipe?, Fewe strkesfewer atmi to e.vade 1the ra-ýtioaing dcddup- onfe aeu situdy by 'lie VWar Indugenc lupetty lxres thts h-iud 0f dOrill we aed !to fit us t play aproperpat he tu e gong gels tougli. 0àF TH E PRESS SHOULO BESUE HE Some ope seem tfo spendi tertime ccotigfriends ami VotherC witliSuci(4-, a reniark as hear-;d", aPnd if the iýeener doca not knlow our bas not heard tbey proeedtonnladthe most nn senica atnesabout t"ee conduet 0f the war (usualy atonies 0f then tlcre that tbey secured thisIfrainfi-r ilimoatre- &ýble soauces. Pe-ople ike this ïre a mence. itentionially cor oth erwise, they do1mucli to damage public moral, dthey sh ulde ATE HitS OWN POTATOES Wnen a frbIer ila East rus was sehungy he ate somee ft Je potates eu of bs own )gardon,ýî liemaeofslentuteprsn. Thcuespot ntesba ben rdeedket for ing bo the tGermasaredig arnd fer fond-Wndsorl Star One f tb laeat xcues fori dtioî u a ý.i ud uear6 df e tbout cý t t himelL-ict l -o- newspapeOrC l bn isb lu uniCterNpT publiati fr 1,000 ýocnrs. 1a avu asb cieriei n: "T istepo- tionyouteokla 066aad ailt that!"rEdmoton Journal TUE WAR - WEEK -oom tr, onCurrent vnt GermnanylHus Transpocrt Polm Air Strenigth Deciuive FactLorinEt Since Germany han already eut, f,,leR inrail lina uoïmrtjIfrn Stalingrad and lias reacee the Volga, fliccarrnt batie for te clty itelfOS regarded Lby Some miiaryauhnfesaso wlt tiaud Rssin neiafncethereC Nazieeaiuso teI-rfrn. Thuý.s, caýpturIe w0f StslaI-ný,gr-,ad e permit Hitier te cencenfrate his forýes all ake an ni ail-etefr bas become flic ey issue la the 1)r1obýLem21 ,0 jý tjf, J,7lyas atecfP pats sageP;e, -J il sud) Alýied upis Caspia n route , er, a b A glimpse at fia mpshw pan lyenougs heflctvst distances lu- vovdin upligRusafrein flic SOufh.She must be reinforcedý frem insieNort ,assituation lh devofien t to engtlienuoet thir favon licconvoy routes lunthe Have Transýport Offïkulties The nrillijaucy'7 ý 0flC (Germn, ongieerssud ransortservice cýaunuotcouceai Oe eusadg fuect, wicb is fithfi eaklu iu fje Gemman armeris transpot, oro s!shippinjg preblein tinta thc bae pobaI o Ive n- .wifi aïbad rail sstisd if ia defrioatei ather ta mrvd His faf eby air lasbeen n e- mankblysucesaulbutif is a lîmtei fafi udlane olto cfbspreblein, whic i ifmry ameiorates, Haîçized' !fli oi iug equipineuf 0f France uud fils titi net eet b'is rqie m )ia Mybt bombinga do cipple ralMevemet sud may cippe aëlmanine costuctio, Tliy thus The Libyari Pesii buff, aigfterbad Igbigsu e, ,k as a s stifcryopen Canada To Send Whleast 1To Russia Resa fla"myda, p eapei maiy ,C(00000 busisei et art sping e nt on, aleu: las becu signt atCanda Huseby rpe mreut mere nef nanucuncetbuta etatemint te fisc press sidise Bnitiis Mnisfy eoflc oimcmu- dertaen Yte efas agent for tie Donimnad at ntsome dli apprexiate$ 10,000,000entias lieeveqti te lcir ohe nature of au tcimbanwi'cirmylil- send (1reintonlcieeufs la-flic air and do net blive f0 meet blU ta aphe e icvcry bnesm nb lemoin 0fanspont by sen. if l a(u thing te psy ti-bufetehe ieno- mens' enusfereiguzfosd w,vGl but ifla qu oit e gut lier1 te take icfton grauted ,-thafGema gmeeas wvol aways be more bru- liant f ilinthei ir pponna fliaf the Germaus know hliefe t1lisn ly othen-s 10w teplan a ana~ ~~~~~w nftleganadbulili 'as nef yet preved hlinseif a Nape- boýn. Aiso>e, fi mafstningGe- r s sccesses lu this wanhave nef been te se mucste3uner strafo-gy sud factes ,as te on"g and aeu rprto.Tiybt ail fi thels, but filic Alies no aise have soma. RuSSian - omB0Ings of Germauýy Ruasin bobinget nat Prua-f scia, altugi ri iy Luteudet opfel)ng gun lu atw-rtai efesvh wich, le oî e veloped, couit have far-neachiug efenca.Rfpos.sibly stens Ifronim Churebîistalin faka, Jap Government In Buma Burnais csenl ploint fo thesc, indlians who 1ook te Jpa Emirpire new. A joint Jpns u B urmleseamnsrto ne n Ba Ma, Buma's instprime min isten enter fie 1937cosiuon lias bean set tp. Thc goverument lapuly an aidministrative bo,),, Picladeteminiet seely by flic Japanese ilifaryadistain Finane an Defense PoniolisarEý hid by fIe Japanese. Tte Brn Pan-liamLieut f, tceunrsp, sansis- aýolve, and supremle pw' oer flic Goverumeut speeiticaly l-3 couferet on Japuneeceani- emnm-Cef Jita. Thýe War Week Through Amrert;,an Eyes Thelre ns inow reiltalolulna- afion tatRomime.nel do u I- eut (effort te")breakire i l Egypt and that lic suffened scli ilse s teuise tuli;t as te hjis capncify te renew the aftack, la- d"edWashigf ousuti-tesar "Ile j yli le it. Sxtydays ao Wasingeuwasetrmya x ionýs as te byIlle se rut t Auistr>ý]as, flie abilify oethflic Rus- fIe possIility of a l-Jer l-c tie~iTtnkey. -Ah ieesiu atiins bave turnled fer:heii ter aileul onditionlsre inct ical l icn a cstuaesheia tee, ilan lu ucl libenshp, i Japs bave prefendeti te sunneuden luC enilrte tickILmnouesi te trapa and "i(ir1-ouadei Ja; bav creaset !interif Rssa a n:le te teeti is e01- eopl,7 itif oma spplie or wfi iede lentugAemethe istiscnie Geuacto, f wspons eut I, ve ve lnua omeo ts bs Britàh Warships Bi tis sbpbile rs ïImi dot n'oOethan 00 fgtIù ships il 30 muthsan aerag of bot ByGEEYNE