THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Subseription, $1.2à Subscriptions to the United States, $2.00 b Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher ýanada Pays Tribute to Russian Woman naý?dag is now payig homnage to Lieut. Lyudiia Pvihno ent Russýian womian siper, who alane has aceounted for 30 i sodiers. On Monday nighülst Lieut. Plavii-eeko was of honor at a larg-e ually at, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, ver 18,000 were present te greet this great Rusian vwoman, as donned the uniform and is fizhting alon'g with the mien country in an effort to stem the onrushing Germian hordes thlat lerrulining their country. (Labor, cabinet iriînisters, and ai! aniking officials 'were present on ýthis special occasion. is is a niarvelous reýcord for a glu, to have to ber credit. She one cf a large nu-ber of Russian womien who are risking- ;ves in an effort t.o save thair country frin utter ruin. Wliat rast she would isec beýttiwýeen Canada and Russia. In Canada ,Eýives pe<ýe and quiet, and \hen she îwias in Russia she -would thing but the crash of camnons, the rumible of the tanks, the - cf thousands of plane's in the air, ail -rýixing destruction and ion lier beloveid country, and soon she wiffl be hack agiain ini taking her placein 'the firing line. Bring Themn Together ne sections of the cýuirent ceo Air Force. IT ýpariai donnecýi, cmn the Britis'h d senci aur who spon cf Oui ai licusandsa t ote cf hystaria sems te hava ver Canadianization of the Royal o Globe and 'Mail se a threaat tof unden-cover schemce to wean This is only confusin:g the issue. cf a separate couiimancd; cf set- I whiclh would decide wohara or ers and bomibais on any m-iission. Canadiianzatxion, explains it suin- overseas i to soLid Ganadian s tteied through tha R.A.F. figlit- g -would eid a lot cfmo£ -usti' little ýanadian lads atta'ehed !to the R.A.F..-such onances, ladck cf fanuiliar reciesclenal equip- ics cf conversation witb their coi-iades and, ess. "Tliey rwfil," as Air Marsshali Ed'wards haîppier if tliay dan talk ta atýher boys from- Partage or Chi)libwadk. Nut only happier, but erfori-iiance af thaýir high tasies. lateIy mre'ug The 'Tin i'ficationi for inixing Canadian aIr ,laids Iacked the inacassaîyexe- ýa or more of figuitig over Gei- no difficulty about flis frei this ýp ri. Grouped solidly together tteam s--pirit whicl is a se ssentiai more reaso-. ri far attering tlem is iargely lest, than ther,.e wauld ýnization andmi nuiing oui men and nýt M d the BritialiArmiy. s~ End s sets, -boys and graniophones are the latest itemîs te -the notice of Caiada's Centiciier of Suppi'y. He bas it freni now on no gramoplianes of auy kindi are to be -ed, that the produeltion of wireless sets mwiii ceasa wlien -stocks have hbeen disposad cf by the radio nianufactur- at noa toyscîaing more ihan 10 par cent of meaarae adc. Pacific.Yniindad parents wii note that this elimiinates Idiers. rng tbcse cuts the Controllier doas not mieîely maka the llase it at that: ha adds balpfui advilce bo tLiosa lbkeiy -d by the eider. Thus li arans wiieless set ownais to ,st possible cure cf theïr equipnient sud suggastsmes ey mîiglt ha imade te ast longýer. "Keep) youi radio at -h aJway -fion the - waii,"' he said. "'Clec'k the plugs and See that yo(u have a giood groý,unaicnnc1o-aga- not ba usad. Clean the dust £rem p11 our saet as cften as çon to say a wtord orit'wc about the rapalir parts. "If you ýssary te, eniploy a rapair-nan i ialke certain ha knows ialpai-nman witli a sens a of public raspousiility wvili mot d parts. The set ean tusuually ha rapaired in pour ewn bis should ba d'ana to avoid unacessary expense and iuatarials. If the ralpa,-ir-Jauan insiîsbs on cairying pour hop, ask bhlm te let you iion' beforaband walat ha sti- Ste ha done, su-d insïst that ha ratura- the od parts'. If emust ratura thesa plartts ho iii ha iesslkely 'Ioniake replacements." Meat Without Bones y ye-ars -we have beau so ignorant of the Chinase people, ,ami custaois that we ne-w iulb er epes and bl'nk with at ýtheir human enduruanceansd fortitude. Witb al oui swa are oly ieaaning things they bave k-nown for ceni- instance, the Chirese people have us'ad the soybeaan in anothIler for generations, oie beiag a curd from scyhean they cail '%he lmeat viithout homes." d resamias beaýf la las cherniical compiosition and the vhich it la amade lias been suacesesfully used as a inillk 11hJ no ioss in tha protain value, 'Wheîe the scybean d in China, pelagr-a aidrlickets, defiiency disease-sos ln the wesýtern wrlara pirad(ti4,a'lîp uiinoawn. The ple hva copiad tha Chîiesa and Jaupanase la the use cf d sy fleur is uow cradited ivilli beingi the maiastsy ta aiuy and the civillian popultion, in the face cf ser- ,s cf apnimal proteins, fats and othar protective food. SStates armm is saîd to have realized thea benefits ta ha but as food las useS ara adi pcýst-'war pariod. As vitaiiis and whaa usedi ifound la bîead, passtry, uduct froin muakirg aop- tcck with a very sabla-. n ba uLsed inhthe manu- g sardines. Other bp- garirnd ami ayonnase. Sbhanply gid ha large inniers In Al Live Stock Classesi Orono1, Ont Rates on request Lunchleon set, 1 centre, 2 pflace mats, 2 serviettes, Mis. L. E, Bry- anit, Mis. Ira Lowe; g-loves, crochet, coûton, Ms Ira Lowe, MUrs. L. E. Bryaint; loves, wool, knit, M rs. Frarnk ýStinson, Mis. M-. J. Bogart; pya as, lies', sîlk, Mis. L. E. Brylant, _Mis. _M. J. Bolgarit; ut work, Mis. Ira Lowe, Mis. Roy Putnam; sOf a piliow, mnoden, Mis. L. E. Bry- ai t, Mis. Frank Stinsun; sofa pli- low, any othier kind, Mis-. M. J. Bo- g-ant, Mils. Art ieihaids; fancy work, 5 dlifferent kinids, 'Mrs. M. J. Bogait, Mis. W. J. Ruttie; tea cloth aidnf 4 serviettes, white, Mrs. M. J. Bogart, Mis. L. E. Bryasnt; tea 'cith andÎ 4 serviettes, coioiad, iNs. Ira Loe, Mis. Roy 'Putnasii; set hand- made underweai, Mis. M. J. Bogart, Mrls. W. J. Ruttle; croc!het 'iorký, carton, Mrs. (Roy Putnamn, Mis. L. E. Bryant; breakfast set, a cloth and 2 serviettes, Mis. L. E. Biyant, Mis. M. J. Bogart; handkemchiefs, dif-I ferent triji, Mis. M. J. Rultte, I. Ira Lotie; piilow cases, enthr oiders- ed, _Mm. Ira Lowe, Eyeiyn Lang- maid;plan cases, eut work, Mis. Ira Lowe, Mis. Roy Putas; fancyl bed sheet and pillow cases to machi, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mis. L. E. Bryant; neadiopoint, ýMis. W. J. Rulitie, Mrs. Franik Stinson, petite point, iMis. M. J. Bogart; tattiurg, Agnes Wad- deil, ýMis. W. J. Rubtlte; bridge set, enibroiderad, new desigin, Mis. Ira Lowe, Mrs. L. E. Bryant; guest towels, taie different kinds, Mis. M. J. Bogart, Mis. I. E. Bryant; dress- er sete eJibroideied, Mis. W. J. Rut- tla, Mis. L. E. Bryant; fanqy bath towels, Mis. W. J. Ruttie, _Mis. 1M. J. Bogat; emhbroîdered tea toweis, Mrs. ;M. J. Bogart, ýMis. Art Ric- ards; fancy haudmrade apron, Mis. L. E. Bryant, ýMis. W. J. Ruttie; handmade iprint dîess, ad(ult's, no maichinae worlk, ýMis. Ira Lowie, ýMrs. L. E. Bryant; handiniade print dress, chl',nomchn work, Mis. M. J. Bogairt; chuld's prit playsuit, Mis. . J. Bogaît, Mis. Roy Put- nain; dard taible cover, ,Mrs. M. J. Bogat, is. Fîank 'Stinson; knit- ting hag, knittad or any othier 'kînd, Mis. M. J. Bogart, Mis. Roy Put- iaami; collection cf fancy 31r,2Ms. Roy Putnani, Is. M. J. Bogart. Old Ladies' work (70 yéars sud over) - Aproni, serv7iceable, Mis. M. J. Bogart; knitting bag, wooi, Mis. M. J. Bogait; caver for hot water bottia, Mrs. :M. J. Bogart. Junior Section (Girls under 20 years) - Dress, priaI, Evelyn Lanig- maid, Caro, Staplas; wýork ap)ron, print, Carol Stapes, Dawii Moffat; blouse, Carol Staples, Betty Os- borne; collai rand cuf set, Carol Stapiaés; boudoir pil'ýow, Evýelyn Lan'gmaid; tes tontel, enibroidied, Dsawn Mofaît, 'Carai Staples. FINE ART 011 paiuting, portrait, Agies Wad- dali, E. Waddail; oul painting, figure, AnsWaddall, E. Waddail; ail, p>ainitiag, animal, E. Waddall, Mis. Rap Putniati; oul painting, -marina, Mi's. L. E. Biplanlt, Agies 'Waddeli; oil painting, landascape, Agies Wad- dal E. Waddell; ail painting, fruit, E. WaddaIl, Agnats Waddeil; cil painting-, fientera, Agies Wnddall, E. Waddall; niatai ýcolora, figura, Agies Waddaill, E. Waddll; wataî colora, paîtrait, Mis, Ml. J. Bogart, E. Wad- daell; watar colora, animal, Mia. L. E. Bryant, E, 'Waddell; watar colcra, imarine, lVIrs. Roy l'auni, Mrs. L. 'E. Bryant; watar colora, landsclape, Agies Waddail, Mis. M. J. Bagaîrt; wý,atar codais, flonters, Mus. M. J. Bogiart, Ag-nes Wfaddall; water colora, fruit, Agnas Waddall, E.I Waddell; saipia, amy subjee(t, Agies Waddell, Mis. M. J. Bogart; crayonJ dnnswhitr. ,-v suM*w1' ALme .Wad . Il suliject, Agines Wladdcil, E. Waddeil; pencil drawimg, figure, E, Waddcil, .Ajgnes Waddeli; peaicil drawinig, ani- mal, E. Waddell, iMrs. L. E. Bryant; pemeil drwig, idscape, Agtnes Wadldell, ýE. -Waddell pein and jnik s2ketch), Mis. L. E. BynAgnus Wfaddiell; collection cf China piaint- img, E. Waddell; best niew cr-aft, E. Waddeil, Agnes Waddell. Stients -- Cllection cf art, chli- dren, 12 years and undler, Zrid, Jean 'Purnier; collectlion cf art, ciildren 16 years and under, Carol Stapies, Dawni Moffat; collection cf eight siapshots w ith agricultural sub- jects, Anna Staples, Carol Stapies. Timnes Office On Thusdn aglit cf last week, Sajptaauler l7th, a fatal clar accident hapîpeuied an the Kingston Road, 2 mniles west of Courtica, wheri Mrs. Edward Code, 63 pears of aga, n'as- killed, 'ban busband ls inluhe lospital sudc her daug-litar sustainied sevare cuits anld abaso when the car- iii nthbclh theyp aiare ridiug skidded about 75 feet donta a faiirly steep grade ami overturnad. The Coides live a,-R. R. No. 3, Bo-wi-nuanviiie, and niera an tlheir way to a binugoe gaina ln Oshana .when the accident 'hap- pened. Classified FOR SALE $1,90.00 -- Thlicteen acres; coln-1 fortable six-roomed liouse, bjarn, hen- house. AppIy to W. A. Reid, RR. 2, Newieastle; Phone Clarke 3930. a-36-p. COMING EVENTS Theý W. C. T. U. arc holdhig a 'Fire Side" Cincle meeting on Fiicay eengSeptemnber 25th, ýat 8 'lc1oc1 ini the Sunduy S&ho.oll jýoani ar St. Un,ýted Chuich. A collection will ix- tken. (Gontinued from paýge one) ton or wool, lady's, _Mrs. Frank Stinison, . Ira Lo-we; sports shirt, collai attachied, Ars. Roy Pulttanm, Mis. L. E. Bryant; chid's outdloor play suit , knitted, -wool, Mis. L. E. Play dress and bloom-iers, Cotton, Mrs. W. J. Ruttie, Mis. M. J. Bo- gart; kitchen eniseiie, dress and apron', Mis. J. R. Cooýper, Mrs. Roy Putnami; housework apren, MUrs. 'M. J. Bol-ait, Mrs. W. J. Ru-ttie; cov7er for, hot waterî bottie, knitted, 3Miss Evelyn Lag Aîd is. Ira Lowe; afhawool, kiteMrs. PRoy Ptiinaii; a1fghan, wool, crocheted, Mrs. Ira ýLowe, ýMrs. Frank Stinson; socfa piilow, wooi, crochet, or knit, Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Mis. Frank Stin- son; sofa pillow,, wool, any other kind, Mrs. M. J. Bogait, Mrs. Ira Lowe; tata cosy, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mr-s. ýW. J. Ruttie; sociks, knitted, fine, Mis. L. E. Bryant, Mrs. Ira Lowe: socks, knitted, coarse, Mis. Roy Put- namn-, Mrs. Frank Stinsoii. Junlur Section (girls under 20 years'), pull- aver, short sleeves, Carol Staples; so'dkees and skating socks, Evelyn Langiaid; cýardigan'or sweater ýcoat, Garai Sia.picts;bwina, set, 4ria aidf pulloveî, Carol Staples. LADIES' WORK PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS Girls, samnpie cf needl,ecraft, Jean Turner, WildaIa Hooey, Jean Moffat;, boys', sample of manual training, George Shaw, Bily Moffat; handwrit- mng, poetry, Donna West, Jean Tur- ner, Betty Chapian. DOMESTIC SCIENCE One loaf liamemiade bread, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mis. Art Richards; oee loaf whole wheat bread, homreniade, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mi1s. Art Rich- ards; raisin loaf, Mis, Art Richards. Mis. Reg. Sutton; date inoaf, Mrs.D~ G. Hooper; one dezen huas, Ms Reg. Sutton, ýMrs. Bd. Dean; oneý dozen tean biscuits, Mis. D. G. Hoep-1 er, Mrs. Ed. Dean; orange cake, dark (net iced), -Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. D. G. Ilo-oper; kemon spnge cake (net iced), Mary Bowen, tMrs. Art Ricli- ards; braad rolîs, Mis. Art Richaurds, Mis. Reg. Sutton; whola wbeat niuif- fins, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs. Ed. Dean; date 'bars, Mrs. Art Richards, Mirs. J. E-aglason; layer cake, dark (chocolatec) Mis. Ed. Dean, _Mis. Reg. Sutton,; layercae light, Mis. Re.Sutton; one egg cake, iced with differant ingi than sugar, Anna S ta.- pies; 1jappie Pie, -Mis. Rcg. Sutton, Mary Bowen; puilphin pie, Ms Reg. Sutton, _Mary Bowen; iemon pie, Mis. D. G. ileie; raisin pie, Mrs. Reg. SutIton, Mis. Art Rich- ards; butter taits, Mis. D. G. Hoop- er, Mis. Retg. Sutton; creani pufs, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mia. D. G. Hooper; six varieties sandwiches, R. K. Squaiî; foui practieal ways of ser- ig apples, Da'wn Moffait, Mis. Rd.] Dean; four ways of serving toma- tocs, Mrs. Ed. Dean, ýR. K. Suairs; cbiili sauce, Mis. Art Richards,' is J. Ebaglesuvn; cucunÈber pickles, Ms Art Richards, Mis. Reg. Suttor; imixed :pickles, Mia. Reg. Sutton, M)_s. Art Richards; niustard pick- les, Mrs. Reg-. Sutton, Mis. Art Richards; piciled pears, Mis. Reg. Sutlton, Mas. Art Richards; inieat reldsh, Mrs. Fred Blackb>urn, Mrs. Frank Stinson; collection ef canned fruit, 4 varieties, Mis. Re,-. Sutten, Mrs. Art Richards; five fpounda MýY butter in blocks, Mis. Reg. Sutton, Mis. D. G. Rooper; roast chiekien, Mary Bowen. SPECIALS Best Wlite Orange Layer Cake, Mis. H. C. Allun. \Raisin Loaf anmd one dozen Raisin Buns, Mis. D. G. Hiooper, Mis. Art, Richards. Jelily Roll., Fart Pie, Salmon Loaf, Mis. Art Richards. Collection of Cainned Vegetabies, six varieties, asparagus, 1beans, car- rots, beets, coin and pans, Mirs, Art RcadMis. Reg. Sutton. ONE KILLED IN ACCIDENT ON KINGSTON HI1GIIWAY Oats; Buck- acres1 HARNESS 2 Set cf Douible Ilaress; 6 Herse collais. IMPLEMENTS 1 Massep-4larris Bindor, 7-foot eut; neaily nw 1 15-disc Drill; 2 MaOoinlckMowers; 1 Interaional Cultiator; i M1 CriikSulkýy Rake; 1 Bolier; 2 set Steel Trucks; 1 Bain Wagon; 2 Fiat lHay Racks; 1 Scufflai, new; 1 3-hose Set liai- rows; 2 Single Plougl-is; 1 set Siaiglis; 1 Cockshutt Riding Plough; 1 Faaning 'Mill; Set Scalas; 1 Buggy; i1'cutter; i Grinder; 1 Ponter Engina; 1Sntn Machine; 1 Cut Box; 1i Emary; 2 Pulpers; 1 wheibaiiont; 1 Vagis Saparator; i Barrai; Apple Spîsyer witli ambo and Hase; 1i Tn Turnip Senter. Sale to con-mnance at ana o'ciock TERMNS CASH Ted Jackçson, Auctioneeri A. E. Morton, Clerk. F. C. BUTTl APPOINTED AS SUPERINTENDENT OF RATIONING FOR C. ONT. 'Mis. Code n'as iidinig iu the back Toronito, Sept. 22.- Appointient seat %vitli her daughtei while Mi. o~f F. C. Butt as supeintendent of ra- Code n'as lu the front seat nwithl tioniug for Central OntaniI laoil an- Cliffond Raid, tia drivai. Mis. Codae ona by G. H. Rannie, Central died almost instautly fri a broken Outiario Pucýes, aid Supply Ripresea- neck. Edward Code, 62, ls, suiffeing 'tetÀve of the WartImie Evices aqId froni a saivare, mach iîjury aid Miss Trade Board. Mi. Butt's office la b0- ElizqJ]lbethi Code froîi cuits aid, abra- cated lu the Nlortharu Ontario Rusildi1- sbons ta hber face, liands and aeck. ing, 330 Bay Street, Toronto. Rmdriver ofE the baxi, wbcse Born lu Torioii-to, Air. Buts n'as homne is lanrOshlawa, n'as arrested by educaltd in Te-rente isclicols after PoLce Oficai Williami Thc>riipsen, of -whheli he enterKd thle glaiss manufac- Beiwinianville. As driver cf the ciar tringbuileas. For the past fean i l h the trio wera ridlng, ha ils peais he bas beau Toronto branc-h onl c-la charge M niainslaughitai. manager foi the ÇRabbs Glass Coin- - -0 plany Llmultad. For niina peiars hae Port Hope~s only Feaîian Raid vet- played rugiby witth the Toronto Ar- erai, -DuLinca n MclMillan, obsarvad gonaus.Ha la a anember ofE the His 94th birtliday at the home of hic Cire Club. son racenîtly. Ho la a retired super- 'Mr. Butt n'hli saperi-te-nd the itendent off Port, Hope watar-works, Wartne Prices and Trade Board's siffera ha nias lunpil'oed for neariy ration proggrain la the Centrai On- fifty yaars. Among bila memlories cf tariio Raglion whîich euatends froni the past is the shbLipiig that -mas Noithumlibeliand ccuity on the. eat cainied 'on at Part Hope where cargo to a 1adiand on the wast, north te oj)Dats made Vtips te O!s-icigo londad Gacilgilan B.ay, and. north east fromi Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYS1CL4N aind SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6,30 to 8.00 pmL PHION.E 47rl ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office . Main St. Oronc Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. j7 John J. Gilfillan QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licentiate of the College of Optm- etry of Office Heours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2*te .4.30 p.m and I>y appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrells- Drug Stoe Phoneofflr J. C. CAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- 1 bile and Liability lorono . Ontario LESKARD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Lesikard Churceh will hold its An- niriesary Services on Suuday, Sept. 27th, at 3.00 and 7.30 pm. Rev. Mr. Gardiner, of Tyrone, will preach at both services. Oronio choir wiil sing at the cvening service. b-36-c. AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer litas rec-eitved instructions fromi the Esate of the late EBER W. LUXON te seil by puiblic, auction at Lot 4, Con. 6, Clarke Township one mile cast cf Kendal MIONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 1942, the following valuable Live Stock, Isuplerrents, etc.: HORSES 1 Black i: iare, 12 years aid; 1. Bay H-orse, 7 years; 1 Blaclk Horse, 5 years; 1 Bay Filly, 2 ycars; 1 Geld- ing, 2 years; 1 lIon Grey Filly, 1 yeai' past. CATTLE 1 Grey Cw 5 years, due about Febi'uary 4th; 1 White 'Cow, 5 years, due about tMarch 23rd; 1 White Co,-,,, 6 years, dlue about April 2lst; 1 Red Cow, due about December 3rd; 1 Grey Cow, 6 years, due aibout ?ebîuary 4th; 1i Spotted Cow, due about May 24th; 3 Heifers, due Jan. aiid Feb.; 6 year-oidss; 4 Calves, ail good breedy tShorthorn stock. PIGS 17,pigs, about 100 pounds; 2 young- Yorkshire Se'ws, due. FOWL 15 or 20 Younig Geese. SHEEP IOur Service-THE BEST Our Goods-Ti-E NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST JM ORRIS & SON iBOWMANVILLE - RN OFFICER WHO LED THE CANADIANS AT DIEPPE AWARPýIYED MILITARY CROSS Ma Grfeneral Johncm Hamlkton Roatthe- 51-paar-old courageaus and raslur-eaful ýofica-r droein Kiigi- ston, OntL., niho lid Cainadilan troops in the daihg conimando raid un Dieppe, -wras awardad the Military Crossisfox ral irybuaction diring the last war and iwas garz'ttad la January, 1917. le. n'as wounded in Marab 1918. Maljor General Roberts is tàie fathei cf a fi'gbhtfng fsînlly. Ha lias thrce sons nlbtb Caiuada'h forces. HeIl 23-year-old tiýviii sons are both over- se:asi. Thay are Lieut. Richard Rob- aits, cf the Roynal Canadien Horse artiilery, aid CaptalinWilliam. Hamn- iltan Robeitsý, Royal Csinediair Ar- tlllenp. Seigelaut John G. R. Rab- erts, 19, ofE Kingston, anDother son, is aise n'itlh the aenmed -forces. Tlie figtiÀng genaralisl a k1een sportsmnan, and bila f amriita gaies arc polo, rugQby, tennis, cricket and badmuintont. Shooting and. fishimg aira alse lsted amcong the sports h. enicoys. Wlien pLans, nt pies ent under dis.. cussion, are comipleted, the King- ston iarea will have a fiast cas5 rugbfy Ibague Iun hic¶i tbree tanins from the Gasiaiain Arsuy anties aid oie froiin Queen's Unllvrsty AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Miction Sales of ail a"so aud at reasonable ratea. Coenuuicate witb him &t Pu, Ferry, Ontario, or see his (Ylerk, i. E. Metrton, nt Orono, for dats. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirecýtorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowms.nville - Oreno Phones: Bowrnanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 Te Odc t Lrest n!M Complote Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham 10 good Ewves. GRAIN AND FEED About 1500 bushais of good quantity cf good Hay; somie wlieat; 2 acres of Coin; i½2 cf turnips.