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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1942, p. 6

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To Check Inseets Butrn PatRmas n KeepWed UdeCoro »'uriug the sme .14 euàwauy pecie'S ofinetha be in saat l utreak form lu wld_ :b'seýpa1ated districts of enstru var adEa,, A large per etaeo! 6li1ýýeawEee Inacte whiCh liîber- #M e bmeeafi asb iln thegardmn,, qr n- -,weede o r cultivated nat ybiýeh are frequently xlloweýd rf0 e1and al inter either -.,th ga- s _gor luinarby wSte l'ý'ad e 05te insecrts whiceh were Fpv cil fo'r îimportaýnt Cropfý ýSssthis year are tlhe taunished( ylant buguom, the liafporteciý lbbage wvorm, thea squash bug, th on fliri lte cuumbe et!p, uriancoru boreran br caterpillars ofoee peces or ~cte.These lasect coii Iha-ve geauraly redluced i ii orecutre adbeenpii uýCtîseci bygowr ~atautua lu cle uin ppln »neans as soon as t heC'rop bc peen removed, lu digging np endc *.foigweed growt1h are, lu ýbi-Aruiîg ovýer wuste l'anci u thbe ~i'i~nor earlyspng Garder) Sanfitation Mayinsecta beave the plan'î-tsý e4pon whicl' they are felga ýjoon as the plante losae ir jsuc- qùulen4ce, and ither migrte te *thPer cropa) or go luito hibýernation,, ýaerath uývailable traah or ebi 31ag uearby. Accordingiy, the jýy tier!ng up and buruinig o! plants sË oorias barvestiug -*o! the crp >2a!s b'eau 3,compioted, i la mprtant &âl i hould not be aegl-cted.i Do i4allow them te lie abn he 1 der-,uatll freeze-iup, ,ý by that ule zuan)y ofthe Inecte i 1>avl escao 0some safe 'place .1 hibernation, isw a Me fbpe te plan wa Wllï ha doue !lu.the gardentis doing tis, !'esur 9ùataple timie la set aiefor èarr'yiag out thatL most îimpor.tant ýîf-P, gardon saifation. Do no.t for- et to cean Urp audciiru ah planuta. k(aeP waeds undcer conitrol rigbt uap *Yit!l the saow flies, aveu thoughi ibeha "st erop bas beeu eoe -weeks bpfore. Burai over u-cerby Wate lancia whèu grasseýs asudc waeds are stili dry. Chqaiug -Up 'lie garden will contribuite mrore tlhan uuy other single fato vl braigabouit ardcnl a n- Met population, whlc-L il, tu-ru wlll 3)8 raftected in lu crescico yiaidanext yeur. Hens Hlave Every Comfort 0f Home Te keep ha chickeasceerful, iuereuse bis busines~s, andi do il lie eau in the "Food for Freedom" mampaiga, farmer Eurl Giger lu- IoýW h il, SbuLIilt, a fi ve-storýey pn ry "hotel." If lias insulateci walls, elevuitor mservice, runiniug water, cafeteLria, anýd otiher uccoutermrents clu lated fo bring cheer to M.Gai- ger's 1,200 laying legliorna, auc taenlist their ail-ont effort h Wel ing ithe -war, There are fouýr ups1aairs"prt mesuts" for the chickeus. Theu grounci floor Mr. Geiger piane tec use as lambiug quarr for hie ,ý,O0 westerni ewes. Twový of thbe aparfmnents are aboya the caves wïihdormer inidow"s cut it oeacxh -ide of tha hpf roof, Nativeý lnbrwauaed for dimnsion, peslubu7ildling thýe thrceefor aa"d Ceilînga. WVateýr is piped ro e pressure aýysfem, Wile cern je usuallyrerrc te lu 10iowaias the Statte's numrber, enc busine(ss, the poultry iudustry î;3 fowua cle h mrgg liffer," ntis 1Haxkeye State inadalu te production of iens aud eggs. U. S. Has Sent 500-,,000 Overseas lis speec hflestweei thïtut fîme Pýrnes as manysoldiam bvr ba Pei-t brain luite firet ineMi acheo! tisaiaras wera is acei lu tha compara,ýt",Ible parvioc lUt the h1 a st Oaa i ndicatlec(IL t2at a&,ut 500,000 me have beau senti évuti o! thle Uniite(i Stuties. Ofiiirecords lu the Wnr E- ý7 ilaLtani ex act comparj1op, - z Amy auowed that ou Dec.81, 1917, Olc IlieiStatas antli-suce lu fhe su pas 129,9 un bi ld bp ~tbis totl'bncirisen te 176,000 thon 150ood mli hucibeeuneitt j ae ry ipbyJan. 6, 1918,. which sari o - at war. IOW WE RECOMM END0 ALL-BIAN TO ALL OUR FRUENN Baya Mrs. Josephi Pare, Montreal1, harsh praietry ALBA Quebec: "I find KLOG' ALL- "Better Way" to correct ihe cause %3RAN, much mocre satisfactory than of constipation due to the lack 0£ pils or powder-s.' Nearly ail ourvi the riglit kind of ink l thedet I'amily ufered .from consitio.Eat it dailyand dri0kplntyco Our friendasuggest(,d PIla ud 1 W,-tere but rmmeALL-BlAri podrbut relief was only tem- doeýsn't -w.ork like a cathartic; -it poýrary. Nowweet LLBA take-s timeý. AL-R s sold at your reguiarly sui emnd it to u grocer'.s- in two convenient sx friend s. " packages; at restaurants in mndi- Instead of wiiguntil vyou vidual sýer-vîng pcaeMade by suicfer and then dosýng your'If with Keog' in London, Cana,-da. *SERIAL STORY BY CECIL CARNES "A reecue party o!fu? la ýarci af Es3cobu nbeiainîy "Ealy"The clne !ru- resbowed, "Goocimn! ow ci yn d of thle ebb tide te foat down bore la P.,il )fast Iauniche t i nle stiL 1 Iguided Hitatothe eosteiný sihore of this iladth ide opoiefrom the gad'quart- ers-aud drw s noce up1on the beh nuseen and unh&Peard. I yoa'llI go to your rom anad get2 the feweSt thiings you ne- They were okt e! the ro)om be- fore bee had firished. lu1 a inuite, Kay and Allan were abach. Tiie Frncimnwas flot. Escobar looked at lis atch and fidgetedl. 'Mie moon i l ming Up Jriglt Io,"lie sa id1 wlta fr'owr. "Devil taIýe the fo, is nie Paci- Ing a tlýrn? Weef ie? The auswer camue Wh aw!ul elar,ýIit (, amne iiiu aseries o!ý, stcaoexplosions i'rom thleeat eru ashore as a gasolie engilue uas oraied mb lto ife. Ecbrsd denly explodedI, too, as if in ym Ile Cdashed from thre ousýeead ipitdli the idirection of t ehore, leavirlg a trail of siPhlur- oýus spanlisli in hus waie. AllanI] adKa, speeclil1ess from dsp Eseotuar w'ýhen l"Iey overtiooi hilm wîas standIing on the ,shore lookinig nt a- malunaluci D otn el]le had shult Off thre egu n %waas drîfting , lu a patcuoamon liglit 50 yard(s out i, e waVfýdto' -'sorryU", lie ca-,'lled'. "1t-la ms dut , - you ceto jeeu n pri-sOnere from ecpn! ysm Jlie put hs boat ilu mot,'ionl ,(,ca- ln'g fo-rithe main iini oa rceecI ehic 'poise w l" n ffort thle others coul alino't feel . Say, we nowv have M de Fonta- ne'cnumerýal! Not a 'eygo freu,'sneitbut ammbrof the Japanese compaay plced on tis ild to epy onyu. seemeci so nice!" 'Neodyla hat lie em c nghcfavorite hm."hc Illnc e, Senlor btee ave newieh to pr'y into your far to dpl, utwere y yOI îýany get you -toutr hser-dlm canuot aay more" If Is enlougili, sno.1atht, 1 have bad' news for you. Sua ýsuý'< liotel was burned tu the ground, two ighjtaafter you l eîtppr enty by a gang of bandis who have ýcsince vnse.Sun Su hÈïl sel wa cot ad iledwhlefie lng the building." "Holy c !"Ala elececi a smooth iliboulder anc sut onif, h Iic in(ees a tri le shaky. Bnis Who w ýer.,e they, Eacober?" "Ah, who shaH say? At al a- entsL'i miss Sun Su. He waa a distinctive personiahit[Y, for these timïes. Hie was just a) plain, old(- fahine t roi andciictroat, lie wâs chief cf a ýsïlu-gglijug ring- dope andi aiens into your coun-. try, sei)o-! -and lui my official re- port on the afafir I suggest he was probably hulLed by eùnfÉA-erutea wvho"ni lie doubIe-cr'osseç,I>luil thIe payroll 0of thIs J>'apan- ISSUE 39-'42 e fchn-cmpn, njus-, ha capaciy I dont know." "Ifwas is jOb!ectc ui Ecr-s,"sid Aia, wincing. Sýeverni in î_ga were lear te hlm no. Sua lSuhncitippeioff thle Jaaas te whecre the-y coulcitm hlm (on a ,, ille-topped 1bih. Sun su baciisiilarly betrayaci Harry Bci op ïte the enemly. Sua Su hfb ad mae no iffculyuaturullIy, whan h-ie gooc friand Asla haci asie i hm f or Alau's belonginga. Sua Su hand sold ibimsýelt to certainpariesl auDiego as a trustworthy ageaf -sud wuidutlll't the chie! lie wild whien lie learnci the truth! Suni Su, fashorI ad beeu a coueum- mata arfulcreok. Yorliale e! Communication tû itthe rea)r would app)ear te be cnt" - musci Escobar. "Let us hope aothiug bas huppenuddte mine!" "You have one?" damandec Ai- lau engerly. "N w, wat wold ou thinil? I hae kown fer seme time Iý am, n ericane say, a moni- ke iha huzz-saw! You ecl a, cetjouigh-loeiin1g fellIow yFou onc obervci t m ny heels ?" "lie wa felowing nme, net te mlaie troule, .but te lp mne if I got ilute anyý. Wal,Vim uitou le nos% and Diago inows if, se I arn >uïre lie-,is crri o ut c- 1 vsIgave lm ta meet i justic "Thani goodnucs!"miuttereci Ai- li, and O()did Kuýy "Clone, I'v a cofeso emae aan pel- ogy, Unitil' now-, l'e eeu li!,I swqueting oue-!paigbl wifh Ad aud heseJapa.!Sry" mat fhem, sener, thet day you ar- riveciinluSan Sab1n !ee misiec; into e hiejvj!in e nater te m 0 ,y parifi uty te ilhi me, if ps fhemquitiy asli'il Iow ulighiten yen ani thi ~ounglady.Ilmay epeai in ucondene?" the ghilas Oea If latrc u ae~ h to," cutereci Allait. arueiby tis ipaee auay Weu arci sema infrcon e!ofUr Iy SeeritaAdýa fer' miy p to ai vcim o! her chiu-i-us." fareci Kay otte voce'. Muas, ineeci! I wu her con- mnsfrom our(mi.itary -ý-fls- olci oneus auivalualesa, but SheF hanet lfouncithat e ut yet. Ie- taýblishacditiySeýl! Secnr'ýUiely lu he r trs htfiniahly, onfly todnay, i waTýS inviteci te visit flic cIlry Tiu a fe cys ImLore I thini My misson wuld ave eausucces- fuiîJ.y completedf. ThieaIi olecc ever bvsaw anether Icbiariujg lady ding trich witl a ,viiffow sb-adc-ýiend hoe, aan, 1I am! lu L!Vý;seup, as, you say it." "Tougli," commiiiseratLeciAl1Îi. Oiowjuat bo-w yeni feel, beiuig lu, t f mySai!.Say-Just who puil what la Ouariaend Mis alMinr?" As for itni've learuieci abe is 3n internlaionlsp, aSworun, re- h(neisa euem-1y o! Englanld, andc as big a crookiri luierown lina aie tel sa Suwua la bis, "Ob! ' aaedKay. "A s y y WIh yQU--wlll yeu shoot ber" "I suppose we will h5ave Cto e estuallyMWhy not?" The officer oar ie ss ed(lbis nmuctach1e gusl. "After ail, You kinow, she'*sun do'btedCly arraniging t o shoot il,!"~ 'y 1 * "Uts slmpyetroruay,"SAnCi CoelEscebar. It vas flie dys later, ilu'the afternon, -aLd(le was C'talking wihlÀAi a auci Ka sar'gent lu Ilhe livinig r001m. Kay had Steele's fhIdglasees in lier baud. "Letmie reen:Youaw De onle walkiing th,-esor of the mai sand; yo-u sawa bo give hilm whafL looked [lie a 'ale- gram; Fou sawDe Fontanelle orpea Mt, r Hdi, and-display eai WM yla ou said elatio?" "Yea, I could see bis face qult plainly throuigh 1these glasses, lue wý"Ts smnii" ngdnuilie trewa ides So heaven. Juat wy are You ar prised, Colouei? lie recEivecism goocinews, Isppose." "Senlorta, I havoe atrnaript of that cabeienla y peeket at tUN, m-omeult, It ila aimessaige to jPierre de Fontanelle telling hlm hie rUotùher iecicudni ast we lu Paris. %Would You aay, aiher 0f you, thut such newa coulù le z cuefor elation?", They couldn't euy it, either o! theni. Tliey coula affly stre heir wonudermuentÈ. Acwhen MiUna iaj- alily spoke, it was or, ano thLer pb;ase -0f the subjeet. (Continuedi Next Week), SADIE S. CHAMIBERS Conserves And ReIishes This weei ns I was akig ïa final resumiié of mny gardenI-1 founci soea ovely fresli mntfreeker aud crisper flan muu-iy fimes àin the spriug, ne doubtf un uccount of thle racent ruina. I decideci te maka thlese fic thrinigsa uu thouglit nmayba yen- woý,uld like tham f00. Mont Jelly 1 cup fresi mOnt lauves and stama firmly puelca 1 Cup c ider or maltvier 1 ciip wufer 5,2 cupa sugar (fwo cupa of cr syrup or Ils cupa honey) i cup commiercial lpectini Gren oloring Wash uint. Do net reucýove laves fromi stems.Plc in kettie and press dowu wifb potato mashar, a woodan ouae if younae if. Add the v!naegar, thae t- cning and the wa-ter ac rn te n boil over a hot fire. Acdic1 auloughl green color te, giva ticl desireci shade. A--s ceeuinsmx ture is boihing add petnstirring conisfantly und bring te a ,fuiM rolling boil and bbel bard for ?1/ý minute. RemjIove fromn fire. Sim and pour firougli the saete ge- move aidtrceof init leaves. Poýur into sterilizeci lasesnci seul Mint Fruit Relish ieieon rinci 7cups ,,uga-I / cupvngr 21/e (cupe Vnter. onyor corn eympTr t Ce upfuls. 'l'ste if1 nef sweat enough for lu- / cpfiueiy chopecluimInt fauves i malII cao ncrushecipnepl Remeove greýn skinard ,ail pini flash frem rinc of finm but nef ovaripewatrmeon. Putric tire ugh fotod chopperý, cusing1 cors kivs.Drain and weigli or mesure. Coverwih atr acIc ý-It aitad let standov-ruiht Dranacrlioranges cnt nt eigths; renve seeds and Oai course 1meùpiranie. Ctcosws inovery thi sUCes. Covar w r mlnrind and oranges wWIt fresh wnaBring te n bell and sm nier. Coei for -45 natsor until Ztend(er., Drain; nmix wet euIing, vinagar andi wutcr iu large kettla; bring to na belsirn ra,7pidly tuntîl syrup l fii.Acc fruit mixture and imisnMatienlun chesclfibug. Bring sIowhy te bel or 40 nmts or unsil rui adrnidare cleur. Ic-ReA mnt bug and skim. Minted Pear Pre4serve& S dupa pr-eparaci peurs i up wuter 2 tubleapoons finely choppcd miaf leaves firmiy puekeci Wusb and preare about 4'2 Sb, nim ipe esa , Cntit quatea, rmve crsaCi ct cow ise itto thin sce. ig or mesureinto large peevu Satify toseactive appetitesýdý godneainig-liot soup and a generus pLateful of Chisti'Preniium Soda Cracklere! Thiey're a y depenlý(dably fresh aind so crisp and tasy. At Your r(.,- i7c, ïaalied( or plain, Ge,-t the econ- ~umcal2-oun pckae.Serve c t cup,'Ald®e, pread SIa oMdorheerge keîttIe. Aidd vater, bring te a, tgoc, auci-, simmner coveraci about 20 nutes or until tenderatir- ring coastanty, Acicisugar, sait sud lMon juine. M4à cnrefully, cook iowlyor unIlmixt-ure bouls, stlrrug ntil ugaris diasolvei. minutas or unfil fuhi l cleair andi a-yrup las som-ewhiat thici', stirriug fraquenfy to preva-ut ecorching. Sk-imà. AcIci mint aucid relient just f0 Iboîliung.Pouir into boct etarile jars or glassas anci a tonce. Grape Ccnserve 5 b.grppas v lys. sugar 3 ranges Searat sinus and puispAo grapea. Cook pulp and run frogicolIandJer5, t rmoeeccia Out rinci of oranges into emahl plces, Cook together until tiiicIr, then add a cup of nuis. ou toplea foir ler coluinu, and lu vu i-eaSy troltea te your ::peq >beevea."Reigueata foir reeJApes or rveeillmenuN are In oe.. ddires yeur leptera e1 "Ml.4s I $adfi# B. ciiiIe- beim-a 73 Wet Adlelalde Strewt, To- rntor " eS aamped- aelt-ddraae eiavelope gr yuwauarnz Son of Heaven IPlays (t01fif lonie Empaer Hh1sips ogolfs iloue; uobody cýIs worthJy e!pof gwith lm, ni nyone wQ0 happeueci telit lm ouldlie ilu-duty thle Naýw Yr ie.For Jlue rensona te Sou o!ftce Sun neyer, mixe luihamunidanle affaire o! supr"cee.Prem-Iier Tojo ois a!- fer everyfbing for Lme, ac idail Yha HîsM l ac f0 d Iletosigu2 ou c the dotcMln, FamllinLg Machine Gun Wvrecks Jap plane Amercan ombe slerd off the propehler of a Japanese Zero plane cnu ingis destruiction ut Mime ay, Meiburnelieralc wrcorrespondent reports. FC.okad the writer, saici the soy asvoucheci for by Gunuer'ySg.J P.Ppud ofth-rc inutthebo er Papp saici te bomer caine se close teAnothar plane tînt ha faard tfeie achines wonld coi- ide. Fie made a suddcu motion to, uat bs hfe resrve, c- cidenCJtly, giîn is m Ullqgn nwecThere waa ncollision, bu sre cholinig thc gua roe sece gun fe-CnIlane followedut i yefr ecv "iLook, i1doC, pi wa errti t daee a Zero;, 20fetblo n te, g putu Y. t aiea ndtrils tor "Ialc'l figr or s nads aplu 1 a fsloiRiwy ars h al wasepoeiafa o e 'r iug the hast 'va,?t e 'c upon i."uu ol euîe e i la in tf-,m n utb 'hg t work unci av fitehiec do agodob"dcccIE of mepoas an1Cr Ewi fmom uct rmeycomiatc co - cars Atsecet weeno Yameoe sployaci at Toronto, M"ntreal oftefarllyill 7jjejey. Postum ~conînins necafeu oir tannin 0 pst ereoo ctemach. Made ilisfaDtly l'an the cap, ctiher wiîh bLoiihn g, water or hot imilk,. Very, ecenomical. 4 oz. sIZEJmAk(ES50 cUPrS Delýýèp clous

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