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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TlrvEb . ;r i News IA CONTROLS E ls"rkctNewsI!W SoURICEDEPTS. uk. cf Ohwa oteI a ~i1Sevc hv a Fuir on Tus-weeealy in 14,2 indians and Mhen heu horse =3 mrluschInLahe gen ri adccn- a the daugher itntivsrics hre re eiýght and Ala!ýte M'.Inda'n taervry one Bntih; la and w*s 39quahiedanks lu diii medWal d- ettndngsiho~ pr.ensthity Iiast evry rým'1rfintale fiis;l hleu rds fa- aIcame n air w 'ig rimet, f a~rc"taet ieavsis a mouin na. Tano f aVer.Iy eevnjud- wd, hm r mntar.gues in India are lualans. bourg, "131 So * o tr* )v1ý. îrg City Daiîy, diA sud- tý town anst week il] his le va zs bai-r nla ad- nhiîp niiGr-a'f-on. Fer, yrolars hahas in-rldilh Ute1r worýkin1g in the la- !,ed the daýiîy bre;s11 Elity-nine peon f 'the popu- laio f jildia lfiv-es anii etirely EuilIfie. 1911I as mne of th-e fudesof'Coa- ýu,,g City Diiy. Huilesrvad foi- a timie an the Gounleil ai'd absoa ws ohara f the Paxks Coumittea. 11e took agetireetin Sports, Is unfiv) y his sCConId -wife and STAL DEIENC'ESý LIFE ABOARD A SEA FORT ta sen "aaOmewn'ae te ,Naitha in Gommnd"laan nei by batteres af alILR.eA.oo'st Rueimnt, wha re- taing.Thair acea mmodý,atian jqýis iasneswat limiteti, but A1I houg1h the lue15iah, oicîoouiawugh sn tha farýi ofcmthenainlan, eaî effort ia de ta ieiful antai cocets ae otain airiangaed. A seýntry on of bha guns duning ýhe iight watýib is seen luhisp:jc- 0a Year. ON REQUES1 HOPE FAIR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY er 2nd and 3rd, 1942 0F SPEED ANDI RUNNTNG RACES [ubs, Swine Club and School Exhibits ,tock, Agriculture and Ladies' Work ers M.UlMr's. fil. Muigan Spen2t tha Miss'MalonWnihtof T(oront, is î1lSibing _Mi. Foibes. Mi'ss esaSîeott, ai of Oshîawa, visijtati with frieads anl Saturda-y. Mr. aad Mfs. Cadci Pow(ai siat Smnlay aut Mr. and Mis. A. J. Bige- Mr1s. Carl fHiteýhia, af Os1lliawa, has been spending a faw days 'with her paraents. M.and MiS. Oral chapmail'n spant Sonday -with Mr, and Mis. Fred W'ood. Mr. Angus Watson has ibean on tha siAk list f Tolowng extraction of soma 'taath. Miss Bessia Scatýt, fîamO 's0.hawa, spntSlaturd(ay with Mi. and Mis. E. Rn. Bi-ysin. Mi. and Mis. lemanelce, aIOf ah- avisitad sv",th iMi. and Mis. Win. Littia on Sunday. The RJ'ly Day Service niaus well atceaded1'on Sunday with ail taking patand doing it s'uecassfflly. Mr. anidMs Leonard Rainey, of Unonilespenit Mnd witb Mr. Aforiow and Paar1 and other friands. MissiMiliad Allen and gr wee1k-enid witli Mi. ant iïYIs. Wm. Allen. Mis. Wilkinsoni, af To>ronito, -and Mi.Walter and _Mn anid Ms.Jnek CoaOronlo, sîeat Tuesday w itb Mi, antiMis J. Thonipsoai. I. and Mis Chas. Ruther-fard and Mi. an'd Mr.s. Wil. Wannan ni Mi. andiMi.Wml. PRutharford, Mi. ant -s.J. Thom-pson anm M.(n1 Mi1,S. Bigaelaw anti Ele'aia Wriight aittenided1 the EaÂr at Liisay a n Sat- CLARKE UNION. Several from- this section attandad Lindsay Fair lasit week. Mi-. and Mi.Jim Patterson, Mr. ,and Mis. Bîuce, Drummnci-id, of Tai- acta, visitcd wlith IMr. and Mis. John Pat o ver the week-end. Mi.M. E. Swanicott, vwbo bas b)ean iving atProvidenýe for-'a numy,- bai of yeaîrs and 'who bas been coni- fltdwith blindnaess for someti timae, bas gona ta Oronc o tanmaka han homne wiith Miss Taylor. noith isvard1. Mrs. IsobeLl Pattlersan], flom Cal- niy, std with har s'on, Mi. Johni Pttsoovi the week-enid. Mrsc. Pattaison is lu iiheýr S2nd yaar an alan int iiilis 1 gang an ta 0'ttawa. Mi. and MiUs. John Rorwe and son, Hlilli-ard, MstrJohn ULawranca and Ms.Wi]Elam nnn gscd Toronto. visiited 'with MiNl. anti Mrs. Fred B]na!kb"u t'i. Mi -s. Jannings is ra- ina.,ining r for a f 0w weeks' visit. FORTY-SEVEN PE RSONS ACROSS CAýNAýDA FINED FOR INFRACTIONS BY PRICES & TRADE BD. VGiations aiofprice antirentaIs cellèuanci iratlarxiagrego ati ana predoiniatinlapraýs'aaition o;f 471 persans aross Cai-ada by the en- friicamanet 'adumtnlstra.tio, Wantlma Poice.s anti Toiade Buýard li tnse wek ci Spt'nbei7 ta 121 inilusive. Of -hotoal,33wera ifor contravent;Ions viliions afo,',rder-s af the 'il cn tlnolleîai onrla i rpis A To!ýanto whDlesale gioe r im Cof the hof-ard's reg'ulationsý and 14 fo'r pas c c vn W Ctti (M t h-rea saparate chargesfse ng foods antigod r las at prims aboya the cailng lual and asfinati $231-ai J o) itfs. AI chialasitorefillîmin Montl wacl :s filned ,10'uanti costs for ilîal ncrea<nýl-g tha .Lprce oai ment, whle a Moins.u aI retali as auqultted an a change afi illgally iniaesig ta p&u l ce ei ca emns.A Toronto and cr~ta oi Mand selling2 contîîuîy to the cansiyei craditre- Hedig hecarivltcÀoins flai in- Zilacofaithe raning regula- thons 'bathaitciia Tioano wa-,r plnte woker w-ho was finad $100 ilti coýsts -foi makirgi- ses te niants la an applton fai sugar .4io couons.In addiýtion ta apy inlg foi dad anti his ssifa ha ap- pLihd fior "WViSli aga 6," William- tunngout ta ha the faý,uy (log. There ýwere tbîaa a,,ilerpras(c!utiions For natiniglat'niircinone in iGln-la BIy, -N.S. an-,d ana la Que- acCity fa iilgtean ilogally anti ana x ayn rle N.B. for a simnilar offese xi. 1> r'q neaW d-o .c 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. HalIowell and Mr, aind Mrs. Huagh ~Saploton with Mi% and I-Mrs. Gea. Knfiof Port, Graniby. COWAPINVILL E Miâlss atheen Sipson as gne ta Petedboro ntapadend vNormal. Mr. adMis. Cameiian and He'len,5 aF Soucia, vsde wlt iad Mrs. ilullard Simipson on Sundiay. MissDorthySiinipscan and Joan RaId have ad Vh'ir tansis removed1 t'his pa-ît îek awlsh them bath Mr,. Earl GIb e ighth line, Mr. aniil Ms C. B. Ssa' of Orona. nlae sortvisýits w Mr. ancd Mis. Wes. St oga n Sumday. A 'BricîvllOntariolainaior(ýid drew au total oaf $225 and coentanfve se- anîaéîîgts, tlnrea of which re- Iate eoleoing+enals inexcesa- tha niiaainxasm iiand twa ta falsa ~atrnaîti maiein an a,ipiilation to tie raiI s adinftýýsti-ania. A Hum- 'ton uelaadsxiaa inad $100 and two ethers intheseanimaCoty 'rei fiud$0anticol s -,rders a the il or aitSraitford, $ 200 an caista i iallagai puni lases 1urther $200 andi us ci ai r'aed g tinolleir tarto, S-URSING BOTTLES "Coýmfort" Boites, 8 oz., eachi..... . ...... ................. 5e. Stork and ffigo Rottias, each ..... . . l Pyrex Bopttles, mwlll stand any kind of boiling or chilling, each ..............29c. NE WTON VILLE Mn1 . FI(ydM il Isan011 has Lreturreed MUi s. A. T. Janiies hais re tur n ed fLinma frti'l' ii P,,)Port 31r. W. D. Ba rke r, af Blanay, *Mîich., called onis causin, Mis. Gai> Stap)letýon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Miarnîis, of Oa vlad t Mr. W'11-. Siaplton's an Monxlay. Mlisis Sytbil îlsin has bean risit. ixýg ber 'aunt, 'Mis. Erie Flood, of Pont Hcpe. iMr. andi Mrs. Chas. Belbee, Orono. ware Sundaiy gusts of Mr. anid Mrs. L. E. lilsn Joan Reid, littla daugitaî of Mr. end Mrs. W. E. Raid, underwani'tai t6nsil opanation suxcssfully on Mon- day. Mrs. J. WaIde ba-s returned fromi a fouir weks' Ii-it wi'b lher'dfaughi- ter Joani, and witlih bercousin, Mrs. WV. G. fialastat Linds'aýýy. ML% Aiî rs. Cai Burle a nd f aiil& 'yan'd MsesM grtDeisit and] Muiaion Tufford, Yvited Rona1d Burley at St. Thiaqs'aver the waeek- J MlIýen wlioeeieda lovaly r'ing -a' jarnadfor wniga tennis tour- manent while in LondoILn this sumÏ-ý Bud JOneUs sqxent. a11faw days last week wltb EElgin and Jim Si er, c Oslaavnv. Orn SsnvdaLy 'Mr. and Ms Wîllîs Jonieend Fae mowtorýed up and brouight BcId homne. bSTARK VILLE Mr. Eaart Rbn sonsienit Sunday Mi.Silver, uf Pieleeîiing, at her homne here. lVIls. W. Jllaliowel'l speint Thurs- etay ila ÇMsltîwfa. Mtis. S'.tilleýtoni, ofClaîle, with Mr. aniMis. 'Cao. îSimith. Mrs;.Clugif, of Tononito, witlh liar dagt r s. Gardýon Triim. Mr. andi Mis. Laine Todd enter- tafiinad Manvers fiands on SLIudayý. Mrs. Sîi. HlalLbwell and chidren speit Fridîay with _Mis. Ross Ilallo- esi.Ross, Sud., Lloydl andtin. Haf!lowell tadI Lindsay Fair on Mr. and 3Mis. Percey Farrow -with Mr. and Mis,. Willfis 1Farroýýv, Part Graniby. Mr.Beitha Raid and Miss Hazel] afClîk, ith Miv. andi Mrs. S, G. HaLlliawell. ,Mr. Jack Banison, of Port H-ope, with his brother Wes., ait Mi. Raýs Hllaowell's. Miss Ratbi Save.îy has raturnati fieomi a pleipasanit visii*t with haer sis- tais la Oshawa. ConginatuUat ions ta Mi. anid Mis. Li~~~ oiCyîil pn the arîival of a baby caughtaî. iMr. and Mis. Russell Lowry andi farily, of Toironto, with Mi. and Mrs. AIT. Dohsson. Mli. MalaoLmIRae, of Toronto, spant a few days calling- on aId friands and neigblbors. Baby's Own Tablets, box. 23e Castoria ......... .....33e and 63e Steedmiaa's Teethiaig I-ow- ders .......-........... ............25C. Pablum, box ................ ........45c. Mlilk of Magnesia.25ce & 39C. Laicto-gen, large tin ., $1.89 Mýead's Cereal, 1 lb. box.25C. Prescriptions a Specialty Charles 1Tylrrel Agent f or Phone 68 Jackçman Flowers Orono Campbell's Tomato Soup (New Pack). Week-end Special, tin........ 10e. I tins for........ 35e. 1 doz. tins ...... $1.00 Ladies' Snuggy Vests and Bloomiers, tea rose or whiite, sizes medium or large, each........ 25c. Ladies' Gloves, silk faced w\,ith kid back, black oly, sizes 6 to 8, pair .... .........$1.00 Ladies' Silk Lined Gloves, assorted colors, choose early for best selection, pair .............. 55c. Misses' Campus Socks, assorted colors, priced at......... ........... ...... 29c. and 49e Fresh Salted Peaniuts, direct from the roasting ovens, 1-2 lb. for ..... ..... ............ 10c. Crisco, large 3 lb. tins. Week-end Special .... 75e. Dr., Jackson's Kofy Sub, ne coupons neecled, enough for 100 cups, pkg ....... ......... 31c. Beehive or Crown Brand Corn Syrup, large 10-lb. pail .ý........ .......... ........ $1.08 Aunt Jemima Ready Mix Bean or Green Bea Soup (new), 1 pkg. makes 6 delicious servings, 2 pkgs. f or ......... .......... ........ ý23c. fKraft Ready Dinner, centains special macaroni and grated cheese, requires ne baking, pkg. .19c. Saladla Tea Bags of the finest Orange Pekee Tea, box ef 15 fer 1 coupon and ..,...... .... ý. .20c. Queen Char-lotte B3rand British Columbia Her- rings in Tomato Sauce, 15 1-2 ez. tin ... .. .17c. Large Gem Jars, ideal f or tematos, etc., doz. . . $1.50 Empty Tea Boxes, ideal fer packing apples, etc., or for shipping, limited quantity, complete 1 with lids, each............ ............. 10e. Pure Black Pepper, 1-2 lb. pkg. f or.......... 13c. Kreemy Puiffs (puff ed wheat), bushel bag . ...50c. The above prices effective until Wednesday Noon, September 30th YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URO#NO# 5c. TO $1.00 STORE jMotor Equipnent Nort, IKINDNESS 1 i - Telepho-ne Colleet slýý!ine couipons, anc an>h e cuos nElmno toti reù Caach ftned $15 anti c ingp the filteen it Private Ambulance thcutt anid Smith 'ai Ybirectors and Furniture Dealers COURTESY si ERVICE Bowmanville, Ont. fiaigaso- Fred Lawers, a farmer ablout 2ý4 miles roi-th of Millbrook, bst his aiownis 1bain and season'a crop, ýas 'well as iolsfor. ax- - le dsac wben flue f romniem .se, totally desticoyeti Johinson'*s Baby Baby Needs Tale, small.28e You wvant the best Large ......... 55e,) for Baby's Hlealth Baby Scales or eomfort. But to Fo et 1C Z. B. T Baby miake sure you getl o et*... 1e Talc- 19c., the most for your1 per wýeek. Deposit 28c. and 55c. money, shop at of $2,50 required at your Rexal Store. bgnigo etl Tiny Tot Talcum Here you will find benn.oriu of e-I for............. 30c. everythlig ne«led, Ayoralo de of the highest quai- posit lu returnable. Merek's Zinc ljty and at Lowest Stearate .... 29c. Prices. Empire Cotton, long libre, Gifts for the New Baby i lb). rol. ............ .. ......43e iMennen'*s Antiseptic Oil.59c. Baby's Own Gift Sets, 60c. Johnson's Baby 011......... 60eý. and .................$......i......... Infant Syringes.15e. and 25e Baby Bot Water Bottles, Nipples, Santro, Davol, Rfigo, blue or pink, eaeh . 75c. and Sterk.10e 3 for. 25e Baby Brush aï-d Comb Sets, Infant's Delight Soap...... 5e. eaeh .....................$.....i . 00 5 for ...............................'24e1 . Baby's Own Story, a com- Baby's Own oa10cU. 3 for- 25c plete record weIl buund, Johnson Blaby Soap ........15c. a most appreeiated glft 2 for .. ..............5..... . in bMue o-r pink binding ....75c. Euuipped to, take care of the modest funeral at tbe most reasonable charge as well as the largest and most exacting Telephoae: Office 668 Residence 523 and 726 -M The most you can lend lu the least yO-u Cali do! Buy WAR S-AVING STAMNPS jZegularly l

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