produetioin since the Jpns n tered tbce %war cam-fe.s from Quons land. When the Japanese luee à-eir ttack ag-aînet Peaml Harbor-, the bigg-est uitinfactory in Qupensland Mwae lu couerst o!frc Vion. By the -end of auuyif liad ba-gua the productio-n o!maîl mni.nnition on aemnal scale. Troday the factor-y is produecing al classes of amm11unitian in enar- molcus qulantifies, and i is going qiret toe) fieIino. Cart- ýidges o! ail kinde and ig shels are being tuned out a fbils fac- ' tory inan ever-grUOwin Seream - UTand output wil contIinue fa lu- ecrease, day hy day and wek y wek ntil axmu prdCtion ýM atfulnied by the 2enl do! fils jear. la four monf i iestaff has gorow fourfold, froin 1-undreds 14iusns and bofore fe end ,f the year fie p)resent mber ,wili ho doubied ag-aini. Hundreds of machines are being perte j'y girls ýwiO a few m-ontis agoï wee typistse, clerks, factry 'han(de , wuîiresses, daugiters o 'arers and graziere, and tIhe lik-e. Few Off teiem d cever handled macIinery be-forec but, nffer a few weekrs training, tiey are niow doing a Job wichibfe fareary executives cannat p.ý ý-raise 1,oo highly. Somne of tiem are- on work tia ashuenver been doua oef are by vomIeII, lumunitions 1ire greatesf precision is necessary a.and ad early produictioni at fils F- ewfacfory heen below fihe rigid rtandard demanded, if could haIVe beau excused. This was flot fiet cas e. Oni the ontrarýiy, from fie beginuing of production in] Quîeensland, fie amiuiftion has k been paîssed by inepectore o!f fiae -O. iireafiglifing --senrices. This is only one mpe o! whiat hiae been happening tirougi- ouf Australia since war bpegan., TIhe hageovrfrom d cviltaCe- f4once,- production by Auistrian9i imdustries hues been described as qeue of the miracles oX fie age. Wh ith noprevions epeiecef guiîde fhem, Australianl industrial- ~- esare today tumning onteey type a o mf mntand de!onece Qulpment lisn gerng qtaiti- lisfor n country tintï a lew jjears u go was eonsidered purely fyomn a prmm-ary production poinit o! view in fie world econ-JOmry. odyAustrulian industries aire muîg thinge iihevený as lýate as 119410, could n;ot be made ,tiere. lIaly Risiný,g AganstFascisam The Sociaie,,t Party In Itaiy, -ei hBeita MusoiuýOi'Ysfol- ors la early Cdayýs f!anCilydisaud ed wae rapvetd t)(aaytGhoae- Ing ifsiadauutacs. A ipatch fram Zurich qae lg iat the ItaLian So-ciailt Par- Iy ni rocone ot h hudbeaue- orgunized ifh lea nite fml- ttlying in ut l teget orr -ýt ,of ui ioy Iu a striko utthfe riat', rs weethey sdenyquittei jobs and demanidod -. an increae lm pa.Six Ihaursltrncdiga this ucant omanfficiais ae,- lr2eed fa fie deand j)nfth etrikers vwent buck fo tcd laIýtaly, te ewpaersad Ije oiea o oda hw W, omenLiky To Stay On, FaÀrm, àe (irectod into itherccuaton becatucee w k tiey now vare doýîig inshue aigi pn.ioritýy ratiug, M, Rex EtoaSssafnt drec- zer o!f uiniSletv evc yoars of ago, iclusive, are e- quired fa rogister ,with otier Wmen lu fie sanie uge group. ýis lcreistatOlien e om)plsory, postmulsters hvebepauhor zd Atadacfas regibstrasnlvrual doutics. Wonunow working eau farmeu wiii h registered as "f'arin wmn"But tfile dace not nmean Qbat fiey vwill ho be"frozen" in Uiir present job)s, MrE.aton rnys. Purm work tisuaîl)!y !tapars off duming fie wi*nterl, adMme. Enton urgod fiat young wvomeni vira are freeA teturn ta ofier work in mlack ceonms do SO. Thiis Amieriecan boy anzirl inhd that puniting as donle on the Thaimes bas nothing t,> do ithot ball.The boy liiHeac gon is doing the pnn-rpadin-fthe boat wle Pc vt. lEdward-l Corril f Radig, P., nd leaor- Shaw,ý of San Francisco rlx Bothi are automoile drivers foýr 1U. S. forces in Britin.i A Weekly Colunin About This and That in Our Canadian Army Svalyounig gentlemen a! my sightif.lalocalcircios. Na -morear they -sena t the eqane dacetat have receufly bocome very papa- ian ut a dance pavilion flot fa mala. The local "hot doggry", wione boys and glirls whoner hatve amy appofite aut meaL]fumejs etuff themelelvos ut odd heurs ta tuehefr ofnta!packet monoy fiat eani't sfay ilu pchkets, w have fa SfmuIggie a lo n g wItiout- hm.No lnewilil these an ficulanr young geuitlemanz-tim-e o them Englsh - fiee Ffrnc spaakiug - eM"u uin er guitar and otharn musical instrmntsu my living-room. Ne longer, fliaf le, uil tei fj-ief "leaeves" rmil aoud nd h tirup 1) nlu uaifornm, heavier, morre el'eut audi bronizad, faean-n dleseve-fh airaiiý.tioni o!'ii dancig panturs, Tiay have gone off la several dietontein fantny, theAir Far-ce, and ta wn on the cn stmuctin o!f rtaie highway. The girls, wIo lhave swum uImd; hi- cýycled uudndiiked anddacdwh thoein ail summaiir sacfnme rigit wionI made coma rtueruci commaente upon th'lioe iwio ara-v iapt 'tal'lepaid aimost ïas mInn-!parý hour la highwvaycueutina fie soIliars and rmngat parC d ay . Thay've heen turue down for tue Amy", was cianoseed ut:me, "an, uuyayby tha fumiie tltoy pu,)y for ouard and r-oom înd clates thmeewMOn'bo mucs M! fýpeoce lainthaîr pay."' Anotiar PAin uebY the yaung ladies in pufting Wtoidsoiar, te ic wac 0Ifiatlierodm- -ese, wili probnhýly jha la amiIost a greatdaýnger as teir pale la ucni- f on. If goas ta prove wahtg -f-iat aven an", d oCIdirheno rgtta jump t cncusineau fiatithora is nmore tien onle wa f 0a hofa!service ota fe Domlinion 17u fils iq gitfor self-preservafiou. Pobabtiy tf i mst ilmntn featuro o!ftils suciden exodu- amf i si yunig mon foim a mial comiuntfy leuves %a noticeable gap --le fetrauUiiy thut hue me- scened upon fPose whelay fie efelar raies. 1%caider people oWda't ealizo- ticph ee wifh whlich we have facod aur juniiors,. Frona Our set Ideas and poitcally uecle-hound! banwpe olve a seiee a! iy tifying -ýregulatione uand coitionsF. Thon we oxpeet youngstems juet cnouf a!echool te underetand what weA huvon't courage eniouigita f011 thlein wioen thaîir nmmds are bmsy trying foaudjîet thiemsecves ta a 'Ilfo fat hme ilnýoue o!the pro- teCtion with which we eurroud tiar echoolduys. Puit yoursefifnluthe position Cf a 'foon ugo boy. Ho suddenly be- cames coneclous a! a wobMd fiat is peopýicld mostlý by coenoporar- las in unfom, Ho lauthut a kiaki iuniforin mjinus the mword! iCanda"le he adge o!ifthe "dmaf- teeM' Othnslakiaki but waainlg "Cnd"are volunfoors. Tho y w1ii'bePac IpLod t tho go o!, e ihaenc but wilil not go overeceas unfil foyara nineteen, But if hey do no, voluntieor they wllnef hc-calied until lthey mma fwafY, -Whaf shah ha h do? We can't fell hlmn, We siould ho aile taof11 him whaf we wanit. Wa are fie people, aran'f Ctwa? W govemn the c- caunuy, don'f we? WASve g o 0wake up. Mfwo are going fo ask aur y-oungg elema fa enif fasave lus fmom a ai namly wewill spure un mue, tfia basf we eaui d"o is ifa make quit e clear whviafwe expee(t of tin. Tiaýt'e why i sny tathe nmoskt llluinuingfeature o! wýhAf a beaue ape in aoun ilaeis the descant o! fnaiqiilifty iupanl the yeong gentlemen. There are ~e perpiexite et for thei., NoTew the'y are ila uniforlin the PeL v( )rinel1 Selec i onit rcort wf11 see toit tht tey kare em- ployed wh e he-y fitla in t which meran- they wil have great- Or pprutifor advancemient ani prrooion than was the lot, of the prvate solier efore this a maJvcaa te f ake, They are doing thi duty and are hlu tCe hans of meu traineci to an- ploy thoem to the et -4advantage, mon Who know tmat thewr ow future, thoir uwui safety, their own lives will be lC te hands of ttese te theiy arc, training. WhIýat abut s? We ar-e older. Dy w the perpiexites e!4life, s3holdt il£t, be afs trouiesomie ta us aseya)reto then'teena-ge We rca't îely upaIn aa IllAdmîin- Istrative aa Training Staff ta di- reet aur ctivties luto channel whore vue caa he of Ithe greatest servie taaur oiuntr andr-, theore- fore, tw usevs Whieh makes aur duty ai the Mme plainr! "FORETTNG"ABOUT THE WAR Thore are some people who sayý they do not want ta sec a film abot te wrread a book about ià, or do anythîng etse that re- minds the of it. Te say they want to forget about the wvar. Thýey even sa hey are tired (if reading about it in tCe aews- Papere. These are the people Who are eelfish, self-centred and indul- gent; wbo hate ta be remÉinded of Anythiug that disturbe their peace of mmnd. Thnt is nat the mecinalty that will in the war. Woeau onl iaif by meas"urinlg up taoOr responsiblitCes ta tJe tMost of eur capacify, in the iaterest aof athers as well as of cursilves. -a-- COULD LIFT BOOKS ,Ottawa hints that the gas ration fo' plea'sure 11-otorintg may b. re- dulced soon. A gaod s'tart imighit Yibê aie 4tthe ratin board if îif wudlift, for a, few weeks -the coupon booke o f m-otorýI'sts <co'vict- ed of exeeedinig fedIera'l speed limYit o n4 iles an hour. That woiud cmpl tese individuals ta snve gas aind rubber by not using eithe-r at alfor a whlile. ANYGEMNAGO TARGETC Ideas ofïfargets have changed vatysince the wnýr'be-gain. At the f rst t".ie Brifisi imnwr not ptmt e abol&,certain military targets, bcause they were aocoetucvla cent MH M resof po- pulatio'n, a inmber of civil-ias might bc killed, But, sinceHîtr started lu- discimiate ombngthle British jdea etint any era is na -Windýsor Star COMMANDO .rMA ýTEI1A L ild disoder continues ta mark loialwresling mathes, with sectators battig eua o-theer re ndtire adstor-1- ing thering, whule the odd con- tesýtanît claea old on tlie ref- ereI ee )Iseemis ta be penty of Comnaterial thiîere. -MohUrolGazette FOR DOG-OWNERS No nomal persan ishappy about hittinaog Wouh hs auto- mobie, ad srnetmesif is very diffiuit ta avoiçi same of the owners flnnk of the feelings af ataritstooc t - - REG'LAR FELLERS-Slow Collections BRIEF WAR SU sjtuqaItin, epigN-azi naMy buey on ¶atenfý-rnt. om-binge o! Gemmanlly ae loin[dwnth Nazi war production, The Naie have a big reorv a!finished war eýquip)ment, »btathe air raids on vechares and communkiios will delay ,,tho eplcm nts Onthe her supplylios They ar vuiner- able, and Ja.paupo e faing hadly. Theso facfprs add up ta9a plus fethe Allies on the long pull, but fie outlookin the next frw enhele robalynof Sc gaad AxiS Campaign Irn IUýsRa Hitier appears about ta hring hïs campIaiga l sothe ilRssia Safisfacary ta lm feor the pro- sent.lie bhu efot annDiuaed the do u aIhue immobiied011,thei in the sutïor the t,-îme beîng ut aLout.And. since Rusian terri- tori , material anitýIi mnp lo wer- lasson othe-r fons av ade large-scýaleW scce tulRssianof fenlsives -improbablel ,tho u t stroug Allied support, Hitir en- eibl miht b execte tao ffer the Russians peace u2ese thut h cauIld ýonso'lidate ndcaptaiz on 'his etniogain wul ter ls yat timai. A Naipeaso e utt- r lyuacetbet SîaIn, howw- overe,und iier lprparng i- lei aterstor- a hligarmy la Russia prior ta tuIrn!lAg elSe- where in nk--szmeffort ta finish the war quiekly hy en- irencighîmel afrmyo h Cotinenit ta utirfgt lieslywol e mrcca.I facue oi ,ctivJty m epe tedt Shif ta the Midde Enet, whee he prlesumlilably antiiafe-s a Numlad attempt ta lerhlm ont 0ifNrt Africa, opeanfIe Mdiaaen andiunh n offewsive ugaint hie eltiey npotcadfln Courtship Ends Up In court Aoraha proise suif re- cuit ing froi utei wii ctartod 86Uyanr go mayInow be hourd by a jury as a resuit o! a) dacicion handod dawn la the On- fbria Appallat WCtrecenfly. The cuit was brMMuht by Ethel Trott of 011 City, Ont., and the uppeul we gm ta judCgmeuf af Mi% Justi2e J. , UMutkinis who dis- MaottEnie[ja twuhp bao. keeper, wifh Ut owing fihe casa f0, go itaia jIury hremn or mmueh erd by a jury, The actonave rms ofmarriage made 86 Years ugo fan, MisTot cuaddwac me- nawed la 1919 Judginmut waS msrvd later !,- lu ia dayjugefwei- eýn that the cae ue b har by a jury, EXPAJNNGTHE LAC Tic miosf o-ptiinstie aytaput; it ià ta Say fiat wum production lemoin co f astfi'at îtic up o!ra ata-iais cau't keep up in Europehee re îincrea singl-y definite 'aildl detaiied ln1dicationd, IlOweeCr, Iatn'the Iiîtiafite Le"1 about te o ctaýken aayfreiin hlm, AIIied Na"val Power If mlay now be stated :author- ttieythat BrifiSh ýnaval power le greatar lthan Vwhen th-e war hoe- gan, and that Amoîlcan naval pa-wer l1cenideahl geafer thani ifwu Dcemabor 6 mt.Adirai King bas itmte htheticAn- eriC'an tw'ýo-aceun uvywill !ho Soame Iprtn eafîdevelop- mente are wisely kp secret. As ta fuilure ta revea L. fulyceti lesses, tey are hrl'ylainexcese of vhe expe.cdCort of Br afions. Hlowever, aEs somhody hue put it, "whichever &dopulls the fewer %honre'AI]l Win the war." Cenisorship v il the ctua itu ation ila Iia, The , Nazis puýit an conivoys lu aid a!, Ruýssia. -Talk o! anAlidGeaismacn tneThe Brtisi nltinr threut e arelychckd y strict rmtinigin c"onntaAwmria relane ainfly on tercntas Excse urcaeig-pwerbecoînes focdsavings" we loal pu1rchase's areciil esrce.L ehauldiià be roqpeated that theAin- en-can raitonfavors ffnsean if May ho assumod fiat the high Alijod decisiens ta weLhciPs- det Rooseveit recenty eferrd Cainada1 At Dieýppe Canjada's comipIaiint tt is part lf, the Dieppe raid and 0,ether f,,it- ing bas been undemmted, PartC-ý- larly lan13..nwseosl o tot ho inimized, Canada is nat a, lrecautrû1y, but its cotr'ibu-ý tion te the war te a large a ad ifs troop %idshouler he aG o hude t Dieppe. Tif waulci ho wise for Caniada, England , e1.S. aail e11 f 11he otier-United Na- tions -ta remember t-- -hat fËhay are fihigthe war collýecftvoly, that separately they nmight notchoble ta fight if t ail« Flowers Forecast Mild Autumn The vweoran Johnny homas wvell-k)lo wn ,Fart EBrio eproghoisti- " ctor doos notagmea wlài seer other oald-fimewahrfoestr hoe-thuf folk in tfia NiýaaaDis- trct arelu!Or a arly ali "P le my hello! Pht wo mihave ja mnild Octobeprad oemer oa," Mr. Thomas commenintecd, "Oaa reason is fiarthfe itdi asters are Gjuet comm11)eIecing fa bloom and as therse flore sare sensitive ta fr0 et, if le my boe!t thfiaid0(1Dame Natllu I nows af fer fian tic average Cmmun daos." Listed In Britain Most ne e cothng lu Greant Bitain icue olswevcater, Indeeefsndmatoects pajamas, se, stchige and baye' shor.ts, f ages fr si5x fa sixtLeen. Theue l rotr o baye thn frgirs, More tlin 50,00Cabe hv homne for maticre esfa.ý-blisIed uinder Britaýinp' eV"cato, po LIST71EN TO ITES 0 ITERSTFRO ATROWEL By G ED EE BY R NE S &