Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1942, p. 2

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PLYWOOD Plywood ham been on the manet nie ,iiime but oly nwl ed teo go0 plaes, LueneStera wrts Intl eMagazine ef Wall Street. Its just two sheets et wuoiOdgued together, wiàth h ganof onle runrning opposite te the grain of te OthanUp tec that poýin, it was just moIf lumben. Chimert: it wud' puill or warp anSd mdnuch ret sr structuralstrenigth than lumiber cudbe uised only for itmes athe glue would net stand up undr he weathier. T aysplywood vWf"ty pt lu uy enterbecause a synthectic einhsre'placed gluie as the inn.But ,what wVl,1a1y1 ar J'y ths"me snwch etown.,- isSvlopm ient et a veiry recenit procees b hcunor steani l at pressure lmp ,plywoed "coe"into ý1 an urc ormf esedand at the camene itsý stegthi and durability are huge- ly incrneasd. Thlus tasoreits psil pcica ses-many et ofthei di- rectly com.peitive with m-etas- arenaOmt liimitless. 1It's lit- eihactually streniger thant ioetals oetimiilatr thickncss, so densrýe thait youwod duilithe, edge of au axe trying to crack Rt, non-corrosivewterpoot, a.-'1 noat fieproof, non-conductive et heat and ColS, it won't spîuter, it Socs not "fatigue" under Coni- stat vbraionas idees metal, and it we-n't softten or anineail in igh ranges et temperature. lii short, lier, le a braai,(ilewVI f or anlytilg fromi a bathitub ite a bus body, trom a sedboat to a tycrîe ramle, frorn a refnig- erator cabinet te thie fuselage and wings of an airpine. DUNKED BOBBY týiae et i police sw nantie, just aGuil b1,Obby lhavin.gtu lie boreugi's an nig -meet. Màodor, tiqe 1, Sh)ouid a personl aveid using Ylnginconverat ion ? 2. s't it ail rgto telseadOut hadIlwitteni wedinlg invitations ? 3,When a single nman is in- vtdfer dininer te the home ef iaridfriends, shlould he taïk fihe hostess a box of candy' or flowsI -L When a woman is sadn =ang with a nman and drops moine article, should Shi- say, 11111 get it? .Whna lhostess wishe t give a cocktail party and hsn mwaid, how should shie proc esd0 6. When passing a sait or ,a p)eppjer Shaker should one place it on the table or hand it dlîectly te0 the person who asked for t Anrwers 1.Yes. One should use as good Engiieli as he is capable. The Eonglish language centains a large)' voeabulary than any other language in existence, and it le rea-lly unnecessary te initersperse every sentence witb sonie Slang expression. 2.0 Yes. InformaI notes, wvritUen on one's personal 3tatioier-Y, are al rîght, but en- graved invtations and annnc- lenIts are la better forni. 3. This is a thouglttul thing te do, par- ticularlyv if the man is net in a position te returli the initation.ý x~Â exl HOW CÀNI? Q.How can ,I f "aeiýi ta th'--h beating of egg Wtes? A. Add a pin'ch of cream cý:f taýrtar before starting to boeat -dhe whites. The egg-, wilI froth qiuick- ly and wHilhold their shape longer. Q. Hlow Can 1 aveid waste whenl a cake of soap lm se thia tat it l1 about te break? A. Place U on a new cae, pt themn in warni wvater an press ogte.Lay aside, and when cold there wvili be one cake ef soap ùnstead of two, and ne waste. Q. How can I impreve the ap- pearance Of a gilt picture tramne? A. Atter -washing thi giLt framie, paint it wvith the wvhite ef an egg, using a seft cam)el's hair 'brush, and applying the ceoat even- I. -yand smeoothly. Q. How can 1I kep, the cer-ks la, the bottems, of sait shiakers A. If the icorks cornle eut oet the bettomis of the sait and pepper shakers, ffl the shakers anld then plae a soripot adhvet4te ver the cerlk. Th-e forks, will be kept firma untîl tOme te refil. Q. IIlow can I get relief friu burns and scaids? A. CemmIon baking seda, eitherý wt ror dry, beundi on a bum ior- scald imdatlWill USually give istmatre1inf.Tuîs p caesd by excludîng the air from tho wound. Capt. GlooyTells 0f Irish IC-alm Th ollowing story wvas brought back from vrsa by Captain Joseph P. Gilheoly, well-knlown Ottawa niemnber et' the Royal Canadian Army Mdedical Corps. The locale of the story, which Captain Gilhooly swvore was true, was the living room eof a com- tortalble Belfast hm weetheý Ottawa oco ws visiting friend's. The raid had rveached a peak of fury . .. onllbs were crumIIping down on ail sides > and thel Liottwaffe with ne opposition wasý miachine-guaning the iis-ps The hostes ef the lieuse had miore ta a usual ameiunt of tea hanldy ana "was psigarouind th& R. C. Vaughi'an Is Ch irma-n 0f Can. Nat. Rafilway'sBar S~ . Iunerfmd omi A C'hrma-n of Nat.inal Railways MntosLtd. R., C. VAUiG HANý S. J. HUNGERFORD auanNationial Riwyhsbe appointed ch1airman et the rail-> wasboard ofdictrsce- i-'17 S. J. Hnefrwoetn as, sil etrepie etme 30, Munitions Miiser Hotre au- ncunced 1List -week ïin hi,s capa)-cîty er acting m Ase t ,acot 70 Vears 015 W -nMr. Va us beaeC N. R. peside'1 n lJly, 194rM. Hunerfrdcontinueýd aas ch!iiîmani of thle boarLd. 11e reacbed the a ýgeý ,of 70 last July 16, anti sith hiîs irn- ppnuding retiremient from the board Mi. Vaughian becomes a boardo muember and charman, Althengh eundinig bis acive cen nectioni with the C. N. I.LMu. Hua- gerfrd will connue esactas president et National PRaîlwa ysý- DMniioe LMd, s gnorment owned company engageS iii anu- Ceilin-g Prices Put On Honey MýaximnumI wholesale and retaîl selling prices fer extracted honeyj and Jfor parsteurized anid granu- lated honey haveen cufixed lnaia order issue! by the Watli Pri!ces anS Trada Bar'sFoods Admuinisttation. As la the case of the rcn order setting maximium pres n eggs, the primary objeet of th% ordeýr is te maintain uiomt of supplies in aIl11sections of the Dominion, the beoard said la a Tt eImphasized that mnaxinm prices have been establisýhed s7ud that norimal fluctuations belo this level are expected te con- tinue. The o ýrdjer .provîdjestatth price of pasteuirized granulae honey mnay exceed that seife for extr-acted henley, by 1½ et a pound. Theretairs maximum mnark- up is liimted te 20 per cent.m> bis SeHOWnprie or threuetsa 1p0111d whlichever is lewer. The production of light hony was dowa in Basteml a Canada hi ye-ar but -in Western Cana-da thet r-educ,,tion was Ie-ss ' nucd The uase of lighit honey for lai- dustrial purposes bas been e- stricted by a previeorder, HARNESS & COLLARS yeur nearestIlne Sp about Stace Harness Suppies. We SeHI our goodIs only threugh your local Stace Leather Goods dealer. The goeds are rîght, and se are our prics. We manufacture in our, jac- tories -- Harness, ýHerse Col- ians, Sweat Pads, Herse Bia- ke-t, anSl Leather Travelling Goo 0deS. Insiet 0on Stace rn ~Trade Mre Goods, anSc you get satisfaction. yadje Lon1y Lby SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD, WRITE FOR CATALOýGUE 4Z Wellingtons St. E., To:roiito SAFE S Îrotee oVon, RUIS and] cAî3R £J.6J.IATLMUMIur 'TORONTO SAFE wopI yi5r, ronmi st l, Trot facture o ntons ferthe Se- partmlent of muitin udspp etasboril in 18,anS beýgas ralwyseviein ta i a 1898. After seruvng as secreily anSà chief clrk to the vîe-presideut et' the CndinNortber Rilay lie wss appointeS in 1910 as as- datant to the vice-pesieut, and in1918 as assistant te the presi- Set ewas appointeS in 1924 vicepresdent (puchasssores4 anS teamebIips) jforthe Canadian Nationial awysstm Wheni July, 1939, the Govera- menu dedced te set up a doence putrnhasing boardc, Mn. Vsughiaa wus reuested te gîvebids sarvies as chiman, anS he remained in Ottawa uni heM Depsrtment ot munitions anS Supply was e:et up. Safe Over Germany Flyer 'ond In New ,, York Patriclk Murph,, 26-year-Oid bomarderwith the RZoyal Air Force, was beLiten and r mbdl thu- heart eo£ New York Cityr. cently and remarked ruefuly: "For two years I flew over Ger- many and eccupied France,wer heewas plenty et excitement, but 1 have te be vwallçng don Fifth avenue te get my br-ame knocked eut." Murphy was attacked, hie told police, by four Negroes, ho rob- bied im et of-L.18 .and bis identi. tiation tag. si total of 35,000 net tons er Govermen-ownd scrap and ma- tenýlais waës disposed oet lu a six- înonth pelriod by the D epartment, of Munitions and supply. are R' EQU'IRED to meettoa' Mecndizngprbime eliminatled bv sn RAMýýeSAY SYSTEMI Wà If yonu' cCros, estiese. NElWOUS- suïfer bhot flashes, dizzines-caused by this period iin s womnan's lie- try tLyd4ia E. Pliiýnka's eeal Compiounid. Maaie epc(Zyfer roea unidrede of thousandcs re- ,larkabiy he.lped. Fl]ow label clrec- tIens. tadla nCïaaa A ctin Judgcfate fr his dlown tlhe stir. e feI froni the -veny top te heveryý boton- bouning n cah sair-and (Ifin- Mofeunhcorvnts heanIg the "Ihoe yenr Hnorinthr? "No, reliedtheJudge, wt a wry emie, Wt4snetmy ho=e t'hat", hut. Wiife (atbrafs) wamt to desmesop gt- day, George, if the weatber isfavoýr-able. Watdoes 1t1e paper forecast Say ? Husbad (cnsulingais pa- er)- am, bilscent, ithui- wdes. n The mesinjg et tie Word "Col- the eachr e theclasoetsmlall boyboanS girls. et pand sasd: "Plese teacher, we've had a collisio at Our "Weil ïmether ,juat hlad Utins." "At 20 you lef t thme coun- try aýond camre te the city. An' for tet-ieyears you've been ,vci;king very bard. CLASSIFIED VER SE ENTS U>SD CARSV'WIIH GýOOD TIRES. Sýee us fre. ount P'clsant Mo- tor Lmitd.IJedCar Lots at u1,,0Avaeforth LAvenueand 2040 Vonge Sret;Head Office, m o (oun t Pletisa;nt 1,oar, tTo- ront.TlponlY 11 Ch, ks4 rî ee r avac t ur elivery Of Quantt and breeds ad date reF rd vic Bulein ead'.Bry lath- ery,130 ohn t. N, Ialiltoni, BOOKS BT MAIL, SE NDF)FOR Î OUR C A rEFULT copidlist Mf books, of tile best fiction and non-fitinby world [famouý- s auithors lt ow prices. The !)- ieLjrrls 74 tien t.W., Toronto, .h11)(q)upe(jjnt Land stock,aou thre e thliousanild yeaiyturui-oiv er, DY1SING .~C ENG dyeji9g or cleatning? Write to US for informatilon'. We aDre glad to your quilestions. Depart- mlen7)t 1-1, 1Par:k er'sP vye Works l'imited. 7!11 VneStreet. To- rolito. EARN EXTRA ASH11 INSPAI? Christnas lCardeinbauiflgift, boent 35>centsto p .00 pr box, ou m!ake np to haî f of sei- ingprce Sndfor r îl'ce liSt adfree Pe llrsona iAbum ofex qisïte deign, soe wth iii tay res at 18 fora dollar andupII, .or sn 20fo>r six samlpieoe s conaýinling 901 fold- lrs. GowlSuite 717, GilFront 100 ACRES FRM NEAR~H rnnOnt., for sl;in1cidItg 48 acres Fibre FaxCrp nd 52 , acre0 ons. ramne house. En- SE,vERAL GODF- ARM>1_1S FOR, sal. eerlgodTown Dweil- inge for sale, Pr-osrpective bouyers "I',d well te iook over, the se rop e rtieos efore b uyijnmg. 1ý MrorganIe sat,1ý ý1:-, ,e & insura nce AeyPalimereton, Ont. M~lote CeamSiearators, new Preier ilSe parator at; eul er i'Syvsteml;1 Coal and Wood tve;rebuit letz1MlleGrindi- erFamHmmier Mille, Liste r one foly 'Nýew Ida Mnur Spreadeî; one 5onl yprciay Mie;Tnrnip Pulper; Hay BakeI; Specil-Orcs and rwsa $l.2 pe galon.S. A. Listeýr, and smallaceag i il parts 9f 0Ontarbo; gaate sale in a few aysif picerigit. ention tal, 624Mt. Pleasanit jRd., [çOO1,T i ALM offen lsive od]or lýnstao'tiy,.45ec bc)ti c. vtwe angent. Deunm ;)~~ t. -Ottawa. erteon methoclnfoma:o o SUPERFLLOUS HAIR Alte l -ter" faileil, we hav sue àeeedl emoeving ýafply, and e' meanlentlyth mststbbrnrae of 5)rlosie, ever mseen i.Z Teronto).1e NOT ELECTROLYSIS h i ale, se, rfrtife etîted fnl» g17aranteed permanent (luâ wrtig.Vrite 4or rai] DERMAT CLINIC 1r'ree Conisltation HEALH, VGORAND VITAITYV is wortb more than dollars.W- ma 8cip pied 1severalyer wit Arhriîs owenijoys healtliý alnd hppne s, thans Gdfor for tis womaný's Own staLtemnt.ý Tllousantis found csamle genuie( ti~, iles Bezma, emale ali- mens, unown ec-, fom using ie ature prýodutÈ. Acts on bl')ood stream., useS over tif ty yea)r s. Free inration,' Lang's Mhiner ai Remeies,946 Robsoa ME31CAL WANTED) - EVERY SUFFEREI4 of Rheumatio Pa:insý or Neuritia to try Dixon's RTemiedy. Munro'sq Drug Store. 335 E'lgiln, Ottawa. .Postpaid $1.00. SPECIAL October offer fîor users of MORISsET's NREREMEDY 2 boxes,, of Plîs for $1.00 (Regular Price 75e per box). Ton. will finS these puIs a rei Tcnic. Order today. 0. B. NMORISSEY DRUGIS,, 5>7 -MAIN STREET Saint John, N.B. OtLiiI) UGis'REWVOVEN NEW RUGIS. NIWRO tAEPO 015. Doj'qRup Weaivutng C PAT1VT &TRADPI MARKhý- EGERTN R. ASE.,REIT E) UnitLed stat-es, aaanBrts PaetAtto-rney-. Bookiet r l Eatblihedover forty yeaIrs ý2 BasmAvenlue, TrontLo. PPOULT-Y VWANTEB markt pices WrteCor p:uce iist. 'M'P., aln 3 avsS. A TRIEIý) ADPRO0VEN R JEMEDY Wor Ki] Itetna2ondition- er-cste nlyone cent a bird, obanbefrom yov(ur feed deaier, or HwardChemcalCo., 1220 Rumbrcret Bld.,Toronto. nIO'iiAPHiv1 l DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Thie licol, Ralm, i, orliai] HAVE YOUR JSNAPýS fllvrdby liaï2 Any G or 8 expZosure ,fiinh perfecuye deelopï,eu anS ;)r inted f or nl 2 ure ujlîl;ty anS faSi erviýe giàarnt,- IMPERIAL PHO0TO SERVICE ,Stationr J. Torontoi Q ulest1. ISSE 41-C '42 R e fuseýd T o Dh wistiuer1i The U nted tate Wi'so voters versea, Sclrni the j ?wud mnii ty ie~ee1Y iù. he war efort."e W Teaih Wer Balo Co m asicio e Stmo aSte pNiay Dpartmot ,)tth militay asthrviies.raspr k> What for?" MTogeome yue P) i the cut.. A person bac te bue scone- Fircet et1a7 e' gt to keep hie back te thewali l andhic cat the ground. H' xetdte put ic sshouider tth ile vheCï, bi% noce te the grindwtene, keep a level 'head anS beýth feet ,É th eAth.And at tbcsane tonM ",ee fer the cliiver lining wivtlh bis ha lnu'the clouds. "Yo'd better go me George; your Wife hlspre- sented you wt a rebateof your icoileta"

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