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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1942, p. 4

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* - MAIL CHRISTMAS PARCELS NOW F0OR OVERSEAS Senta Clais musat -et off to an alystarit if cur arned forces over- ,sean are Vo get their Chiristiimas ,boxe on ine. 'Phougli that holiday sceems fer in tihe distance, TODAY is noV too socn ta start Ohristmes overseas mîng.The Postmasi-,ter Gene;_al,ý Ho0nour'abile William lP. Mulocik, ad - vises tihat gift s sliould2( be sent noi and during October - the - earliei thie better - Vo ensure timely de- iivery. Novemiber lOth is lthe very 1atest date that parcelis ma e li mil- tim-e for Ohristines. Horever, pa- trons are urg-ed ne'ot Vo defer mailing, until tihe ,7ery kates't poss-ýible date but Vo mail early eýnd prevýent con- gestion, and give the Postal autliho- itiesý opportunity Vo arrange for car- go-sýpace aboard ocean vessei& s t .SAVE..LEND Classified COMI1NG EVENTS K-endal Anndversary antd Thank Offerinrg- Servicels will be Ield on Sunday, O'ctubeff 18th. Service at 11.30 anm. and 7.30 ý Pastor, Rerv. Fred Jlui,<B.D., of Bowmnan- ville. b-39-4c. ANNOUNCEMUENT Orono Womien's Inastitiite reg-,lar meeting Friday7, Oetober 16. A treat gi'ven to those in 91d tinie costumîe. Please bIring atiques rfor dis'play and cI4-pings of hi-4oricq1 interest for Vu'e seroap b ok. Roll Calil, "Thie firýtsrt chool 1I tended." Demion- straton, makinrg ol:d asliioned- pan- caLkes ilhii wifl be served1. a-38-p. FOR SALE Qitohec Kitrchen Stove1 injgood con- dition (croal or wbd. pp yat the Tiiies oflice. ~a-38-p. FOR SALE Wealtliy and Sil 'ow Aplesgood cuaîity. App,-,ly to Neil Rainey. Phone 17 r 8, Oiro. a-38-ce. SHIOOTING MATCH1 IFor geese, a tlS.D.Socl',rno ocr asii Day, 0Ocýyber 12L'1, at 1.00 o'clock. Aimrmiuni1tion1 wilïl be furnihed.a-38-p NOTICE AMl those having books out 1lo)nger t'hanll cesay1fo-0110 roÇopub- lic Libmiry, are, qslkpclt& bing them in ~as soon as posisible. so fflat tihe of- ficers nia'y straiglateti up their books. FAReM FOR SALE, RENT OR FOR PASTURE Que hundred and eventeen acres, at Lot 32, Conýession 8, Clarke, Ploughinwg possession k»edIir l and fu possessiion April 1kit, 194'). For fuither pairticulars phone or write 'to John Gary, Albert St, Bcow- manivîllie. AUCTIOf"N SALE 11fr. Roliand Si-nitlh will hold a sale of 1Ikusehold Furniture SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942 Sale will bce held at his resîdence, Nortlh Ward, Orono. Sale V o commi-ïence et 100 p..ri TIERNIS CASHI See lbilis foi, fuli particulars AUCTION SALE 0f, farm stock and iniplemnents, bhay and grain, proypert~y of W. J. Gdh-een, Lot 9, o~ 3, -rý,avers Twp., 1mile north wcest oft Pontypool on Wedunesday, cor 14, at 1 o'clock sharp. Ternis Ca s\. Pitively ino reýserve as Mr. Goheen hlas sold his fain hars. Larb, Auctioneer, Lindsay. Sce large ' posters for par- ticulars. a-38-c. Au.1ction Sale Plie undersig-ned auctioneer las re- ce!-vKdInsruton rùm THOMAS TWEDDLE Lot 11, Concession 7, Clarke Twp. 114 miles iiorlih of Kendal, on WED'NESDAY, OCTOBERZ 14, 1942 the folowing Live Stock and linpemets : 1 Blacik Horse, 5 years old; 17 choice Durham Stoeers; 1 Massey- Harris Býïinder; i Massey-H-arris Manrure $preade-r. 1 Steel Whpeeed ,agon with eomibhned StVock and Hay IRacks, Massey-Harris; 1 set Bclbsloigifis; 1 Steel Roller; 1 Deer- ing Mower; 1 Deering Rake; 1 Spring-tooth Culti'vator; 1 set Chain Haos;1 set cf Diam-onrd Har- rw;1Single Plow; 1 Side Hill Plow;- 1 Weed Scuffier; 1 Demiocret Wagon.; 1 Ueavy Spring Wagon; i four-xuheel Treler; Old Ford 'Coupe; 2Hay Forks; 1se of Slings, dbain; 1 Dîrt, Scrarpper; 1 Pole TrucI for! Binder; 1 Fannîng Mill; 1 Grain Orusher; 1- Wagon Jack; 1 Sleighi Cu'ýtter; 1. Seperator; 1 siarli Incu- bator; 1 Eoney Extractor; 1 But- ter Set (W#ood Bcowl, Pats); and other articles. Sale at 1.30 P.. TERMS CASH R. L. Hoy, Auctioneer. Pro fessional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PIJYýSICIAN and SUR GEON office [Tours : 2.00) tO1.00; 6.30 tO 8.00 p.ia PHONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phono 56 r 7, Orono, Ont, John J. Gilfiliat P, QUALIFIED OPTOMETRSI, Licentiate of the (3oilege of Optow. etry of ontario Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 21&- 4.30 p.m and 1by appointment Office- in 0. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stro Phone 68rQ, J. C. GIAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casulalty, Automous bile and Liabilîty Orono - - Ontéarîe AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Va1uator Conducta Auction Sales of al sime ani a-t reasonable rates. Co-nmmicate with him ai P.oeî, Perry, On3terio, or see hie (Jlerk, A. EA. Moton, at Orono, fo, date. F. .F. orris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phories: Bowmranville, Day 480 Night, '?â4 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most inomlete ,F,,nture Store 3n, jModern Furieral Service in j Durham Our Servicc-THE BEST Our Good-THE N WS fOur Prices-THE L-OWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO ONTAIO EGISLA,ýTURE TO -ASSEMBLE IN NOVEMBER Unie Ontaiio legisiature will mueet inreua session this fail, r.obably so->me tiîme in, Novemiber, instea of Fdbruary next year, Premier Hep- burn enounrced on Tuesýday. The reason, lie said, wes the in- trod'ucJtion of the new labor bill and legislation wý,hidh will 'validate an ag-reement ibetween Uhe Ontario and Quebec elegisiatures reg-arding de- velopmnent of? power -on the Ott-a-wa river, a.nd tihe necessity of expedit- ing tfhe construction oit a po-wer plant to suppI(y more poeto Ontario's wer indÜstries. ~Premier Heîilyurn seid that H1on. St. Clair Gordon, liquor controller of Ontario, -was at Ottawa discuss'ing- wi;th the Doiniion goverament re- strictions Vo be placed on, the sale of liquor. The prem ier said lie lad nio comment to make umtil thie re-. turi- of -Mr. Gordon. Win. Patrirck Hitler, a nephe-w of, Adoif, lias been rejected by Tihe Unit- ed Stetes arn--iiy. Ileis uovrw going t'O try Vo enlist in the R.C.A.F. as a bombhardier, The distilleries are to stop maaking- whiskey, and ,norw turrnitheir atten- tion Vo tihe make of industriel alce- hli. Itl îse]leimed tliere is enoug'h on lhand Vo last for aibout five years. Let us piït your weddlng erationery

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