THE ORONO BIRTIIS LOWEPY - li Bý mainvillie Hjospi- ta1, ui n eslaS epct1 eml1 20l,1942, ,0e!Ur. and v1V1s. Johrn Lowery, O-rono, a daugb",ter. GOODS THAT YOU SIIOULD BUY NOW FOR NEXT YEAR. WE HIAVE A GOOD STOCK 0F THE FOLLOWING Nails, Binder Twine., Coiled Wire, Mitts and Gloves, Ileaters, Stove Pipes and iElbows; Roofing (35 lbs, 45 lbs., 55 lbs. and 90 lbs, Siate Surf aced, in stock) Paints and Ois, Aluminuin Paint, Alad- dlin Mantdes, Wicks and CI-mneys. Horse Collars and Pads. ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 Oronlo, Ont. IRED& WHJTE STORES Sheriff's Lushus Jellies, 3 pkgs. 25c Tea Bisk, 22' lb. size 33c Large pkg. Quick Quaker Qats 23c Green Marrowfat Peas, lb. 15C Chipso, reg. size pkg. 25c Finest OId Nippy Cheese, lb. 37c Salted Sodas, 2 1-lb. bags 29c Lifebuoy Soap, 3 cakes 19C Kellogg Corn Flakes, 2 ige pkg. 23c Cranberries, lb. 29c Monarch Dog Cubes, pkg. 20C Orono Star Pastry Flour, 24 lbs 69c Fresh Salmon Steaks,- lb. 25c Fresh Fillet of Cod, lb. 25c White Fish, lb. 2Oc Round Steak, lb. 35e Shoulder Roasts of Beef, lb. 27c We will have dressed chickens and ducks for the week-end. Leave your order early. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 [Phone For It Prcn FaEfldIx (1 OTTAWA-15 S -T-UDYING Donald Cordon, clîminofth lvarîme piices nd tade board, speakig at the egioyCu ini QLb(Iec, on Tàiiursday, Octobier lsýt, Vold a coniference of chamber, of comm111ler emesthat meiat ru- iongis now being conjsidered. Mr. Gordon said that thiere wa s still a'aii>able for dumestic utse pork, jwihwas' "not fit for eflport?" This id led Vo circulation of a report Àhaýt there ýwas lots oif perk aai aOde. Ex4portable pork mas needed te fill uni'ted KingKlom coillmlitm-ents asd uhen it was found there mighi 6e a s'horitage ina tels category peo- ple mere ask;ed te buying the podlut for a skhort period. Manycomnuniiesin Ontarlo ai, fanding iV difficullt to supýply ime(at te their eioes n a ny butdhe-,i 2hops are nearly comipelld te close thieir doors for the dumation, or, open for. a few heurs daily, whI-ile other' plcsseem te have nro sfiorta-,ge of beet ait mah. Wth 'te raNining o' heýef te situlation woulkl be tee same- aIl over the province, aInd bbhen everyone would be able te secure a certin amourt. The Orono Hydv(re Comimission me2t on Moinjdaïy of last week, with 'ail thee mesnbers present. A baffleba.laýnce Cf 2,8.9was rpte y 31r.1 ereChase.1 Mr. N. J. Mcriuo a~u ver, paid a flylvg 'visit te frîen S i Oonrio e(ently, having visited his brother and sister i Durbhmu. It is soefifty yassnehe, taught seelat Lesiaard. Mr. ai Mrs. Fred G bsoýn, wlinl h'ave rsde ust west of R".ITi. Bimewn's f alnmfer a nmbrof yas have left teown and are n", living1: juat wýeSt 6,f Osjihama. They a-re b6e working aýt Pickering, and are now, cleser te their eorli. Owing te tlie ram eof Suroay liast the ýpower was fnt shut off as 7x-as q,àvvertîsed Jin the Timres. Repairsý hiad t e be made te oreconnections xlidh required dr-y wahe so the necessarly repah-rs were mad)(1e on MenJay and Wednesd-ay noon. MJr. and Mrs. Carscadden, Orono, received a letter Lfrm Ueiir son, Qpl. G. L. Cars,.cadden., of thie Canadian Engineers Corîps, at Gbraltar -wherýe 1hli has been gtatioened for lite past i'two years. Hie reporlts tihat 6e is in the ihest of health ami expects tG be in England la- the near future. flIr. Orme Gamalby made a call at oui.,local sechool renenLltly and sup- pied tihe studen±s a both 11gh aim! ?ulblic divisions witf, eriim.plimeilary tickets for the Roseneatlh Fair on Fri-day 1lih.These tickets came from MWr. Fred >Siade, Reýgistrar of Deeds ýfor Nertfhunterianld 'ounty who is a'liso presidlent Of the above Sociaty. We than~k Mi-. Sade thiougih 1the medium c f Ormre foi, bis kind- nsalthoungih he den't antieipate Vte students wil be privile-ged te ac- KLEEREX HEALS SKIN AIL- MENTIS. PRO VED BY HUN- DRIEDS from Coatst te Goast.te be- unequalle! for E c zem'ia, Peeiasis, limpetigo, Boils, Piimlples, Erythemrra, etc. 50C.. $.0 2M0, (Medium and Streng) Rcm!ede nd sold by Tyrrell's Drug Store., Oroneo. RADIO REPAIRING New, mcdern test equipment en- ables oea t make fast, deýpendable repeirs toaney make of radio. Chas. & Kn, 42r %Orono, .. I Local News Mms. Ha r-1y Lycett is stngwh ber. couIsin, rs Ma-'sfi inMore. Mr, M. Walker, lVtrs. Lowtfier and Gaýle moeto Long Brancitlestl wee(2k. Mr. and 'Mrs. Matt arrison vare leaving Orono and miii mreside in Newcastle. <Mur'W. D. Jones and son Mcl- Greigor, visited MmI . ami Mris. G. Joncs on Sunday. AMm. Frank EHall has -repaired the steips in front of che te-ma hlall with a coatin~g of ceanent. Granid Vicitory Loan Concert in the toma hall, Orono, on Wednesday, OcterLO)l 28. Particillame later. Mr. EI-gin White' of Bowinenville, eoffered lelos of two fingers lit te oodyear Plant lion a'vle Mm. and MArs. G. Jones, CliffordL andl Eileeni, visitedI Mr. and M rs. Lawvrence Allen in OsIhawa S5aturday evening. Mm. P. J. Chapman and daugolter> ,Jili are wvstngmâh te or rs dnuglhiter, fn.R oss Broomie, in Toronto. Monday, Octher , is Thanks- givingp Day. Be sure te order yoý,ur fowl early and! not leave it te Vite cast day. Clîýffordl P. Jonies, of Stirýlinig, Radio Range, amdiCEleen Jones, Rf Pick- eing, visited at their homne heme over te week-end, Miss Hilda Gamsfby, of Toronto, metumnred hIoile(oa) Thra, after spending in fovî days in tüomn with friends and relatives. There is s(tilI money coing, in for thie Salvation AmyDrive in t'hi'z district, and Vite amnounit realized to date is soli i Ig ovem $160.OO Aàthte Lindsay Faim, ln the EHl- stin class, M. J. Taniblyn won a firi-sit, 4 seconids, 5 thirls aii fouirtb. mitile J. D.Bo'nsiecured a flist and a third. END 0F THE FOWL SIJPPERS Up to tihe present tdme me have rot noticedi any advertisemenois 'ad- tes igte nold famihiar 'fowi sirp- po aaaf e'w years back. Thiewr lias ceýtanl oainged ,ihis. Now T'hat be adpork is ýst2ch a suc comm-iiodi i yme are of thie opinion tehat if 0one clarch la inthis dstic decided Ite hold a fomwI supper, there wudb, se mny presen(-t that fhre snqppIy of geese would r'uaet before huLfl teeatedinc as feed. This would be cone mieal that every one couldi catch uip eon meut tihat they hanve been denied at timies. ESCAPES WITH TROU,,ERS WHEN SHIP WRECKED Mr. and. Mrs>. C. H. Froste re- ceived a latter fummtheir son Wi-1 fred telis wee& who toid them of 6e- in,- torpedoed on the Atlantic on hie scand trip ove-' Vo En-glaud. Mtferi tite onpeclo struck thte bout mus-t have ge-ne, do-wn in a hutrry for ail -Wiifred savýed of his personal 6e-i longings mas hie trousers mhich he <oulIcd on ami mhatever -eise mas in the poch-ette. Evenyvthîng ciesc mas lest. i1e is nom in GlIasýgow, Scot- land, where be i.s being partly fitted ou% wlth ciothes. This is hie second trip ovér Vo England, nd bote times the hI e mas on lbas beeni torpedoe-d, bi u te first trne te boa t muas able te limpi laV port. He does runt say whetier lie mas take-n frcm te[e AatL-er or net. 11e le noniethee morse fo- his exýperlea;e. Do't bleetheeVown dock mhe5in it -strik, .far ii you d, you miiibe- two boui's 'beilnd ti fe.i it strikes ttv o'loc, hen it le four ocbk The handeres, o right but tqie sik 1 sowngup. Local News SUSAN -VIRTUE MeCULLOCil 111 MondaLy's GlouaI]gnd mail IAve notniCed Vite 4deate no1tice Or ua Virtue MCloh dcarly beloved wvife of t he 1la te-j ohn McC 11- loh, and motefer o)f Dm. W. H. _Mc- Gullch of Orono, in her K),th yearl. Slhe ims,,ed amaa-it her h omne in D)arllnigtan Toenshi,,o-n Suniday, Oc-tober 4th, 19,42. The funiei-al vas heldi from hem hInte reSide'nýe 0on- Wedinesday, Oectubler 7tfh, at 2 p.m., wvith intermiiient in the Uion Cemne- tery, Oshaàiwa. IOzana Complete Hoistein Dispersal 21 llead-Fuily Accredited andListed at the farmi, 2 miles east anld 2 m1iles north Of Ba-wvmanvîIle, Ont., Sat., October 17, at 2 p-m. A dIisastrous fire makes this sale necessary . .. 10 bigp, rooiny f ouaýda1 ien cowýýs that are geod prodIucersý, eue a. gandaghter of Sir WaLker Cauary Fayne selîs with 3 daughters aud a granddiýaughiter . . 6 fresh2-arls by Poseh Rag- Apple Tree, frein 3.97%,c damr 5 daughters njf full brother te World's 3X butterfat chaîàpion. Aise sellipg le a Feb., 1942, son of Mý.ontvic R.A. Triune, re- cently purchased from Elmereft Fairm. HORSES - Bay 'Mare, 1 year old; Black Geldling, 2 years; Bay Gelding, 5 years; Bay Gelding, 9 years;, Bay Gelding, 8 years; Bay Mare, S years; Black Geldinig, 17 years. L. B. Franklin,A Estate IRWIN R. BRAGG R. 4 BOWI ýARM ST RDNG'S- IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 DRESSES Wools, Sîlk and Wool, and Spun Rayon $3.95 and $12.00 COATS _______________ *Ladies' Tweed Coats, Oron ThAIl Wool, Velours, vro oflSqnOJ 1,Vo91Boucle b.zes 14 to 44 rurnaces $15.00 to $45.00 AND Furnaco Wov should be on Ordier Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIE¶'OR Centre St. Orono phone SC PARK ST. UN4ITED GIIURCI ~ Rev.S. Littlewood 6 lb. 25e. Aylmer Ketchup bottle 15e Serviettes TRÂA ha.m.-Let us womrship Ve 2.30 P'nm. - ýS Graded foro 7., .m. - Seï I la f av cary s 7.30 p Puff ed Wheat 16 qt. size ervice Kirby at ler Orono Airnaiversar-y, CHILDRENS'CON] With Leggings-and M to match sizes 4 to 10 years HOSIERY Ladies' Full Fashion- Slk and Lisle Lb: piair.-ý.......$1 Ladfies' Lisle 1llù, 39c., 49c. and 77 Children's 3-4 Lengt ail shades .... ...3 c Large Prunes lb. Clothes Pins 3 doz. IOc. Rose Baking Powder 15e. Shortenig 2 lb. Wrapped Bread loaf Black Pepper 1-4 lb. Sc. SPENCER - -MITCHELL JM\,iss GaeElizabeth tVleeI daoLïghter of Mmr. am'd [Ms. Reber-t LUndsay MMhi% of Bowimnvile, masu united in marriage t o Liet. Chas,. H. A. Spenirer, son of Canon and Mms. ýC. R. Spencer, also of Bow- manvîlle, la St. Joýhn An -gtican..: Churcit on Satumdlay, October 3! 1942, mite Rev. Canon C. R. Spenueri officiatig. MisMitchell Wma s a oebe f Btheflai f Cmec stýaff here iast ye-ar, and fromn here lef t for- Toronito whlere she accepted anethferpoion For details write for catalogue tô: I' I , i Jl Thé Th'ank-Sfferin metin-.g o ent'ertained and some YOw h Baby -Womnan's Msioay soceyw asW: Band Imeioers ii be1po, ed t held in Parik St1. Sornday Sohool reo te Miasion Band1. The theme Of on uesay titrnonOtober 0. taee meeting was "hIniflene f Thie ruoom waS 1beaLutiFully d'cratd ome Trainirg" ie scitr with anumn n levir and flowersMan re aun ' d onmentswere gie as Ncawcastle and Kirby auxiliaries hy Mur. LtlWOOdt. hlad beeninvkdthe atadnewas A sweetly renideýred vocal solo waS large. csung iM3IS. Wawite fNowwcsCle The mneeting opened with the usualal%, tr vhiOh M1s. littlwomdintro)- ,Wening exercises widh the presîderMt, td he gaes sPeaker, Miss 'ýpale - Mi-s. Littlewood, in tihe chair. Theho*p, LaIeturd1m. siomry forn presideont anniounced thlat the East,- K orte , wio gave a very intterstng eirn Sen'-tionia ll meetinýg would 'beQ held adelgheigakaottewo- ait 'hymne on Novemhier 5, nien or Koreaa %idtlhe c t~c here. It was requested that the jars of She showed thpeme ipreen frit andi lotlhing to lie sent te the in the Cle of tihe Korean- wmn Fr'ed Vitor NMis;sion be Jbrýou-ht intatedlucatiolin hd brýoiig't, 11(ala- byTusdyOcdhr 2.An imvita- ûhoiigh al Vhe issi(oraries, have tion was given Oronýo aux]liary byIeft Krctihe wolk is going on. the Kirby ihdies to attend their Mm.Drniiond favoilred Cth . mnee ing on WVeinesday meeng, Oct. we0l renderd voca solo.FRevr R. 7, ard wats aeý(ýpted ýitihpeau. E. MortLon of Newcasle closed the Sicl, enfes ee ndy emm meeting with the beeitin fter beried and a card of sym-pathy tIn ~ ichiinchwas se'rved and a tSOCiLý sunt te a bereacdd nmbmer time enjoyed.