whly a mari, hearingl of his nwtth-. W1s deaith, muay show elation! 1--" '4Escobar !" broke ln Allani fra- tically; whike- isteniang, he haï,d been watchiag the rurales retlurn- liag tO action on the Peni-n5sula. I'They've got a battery of fîield p iece s! Stop) themýi, mar. - fo- God's sake, stop th-em! The vvhole island is a mgzn fhg x Hle spoke t ooç late. Sd did theL coloniel of ruilrl e s; whoha0 i î,d promiptly bellowed a ihy "HJola !" at his distant mien, Four small Cannon let go wi»th a roxar, their well-aiimed projectiles burst- mng agailista squat, concrete tur- ret in thie centre of the -niai is- land. So mucli Allani glimpsed before the world cmetexniporarîly to anu end. It was like alilthle earth.. quakeýs be' had ever feit roiled into ûIle. A terrifie concussion fiunIg hlmi to the ground, vwhere his body brokýe Kay' faîl anshe was trw or top of hlmii. The earth, the1c wavter and the~ skies we-re al gzy- rating lan a maud circle. The centre .0f the big island sceemed iVo split open; throw itacîf up in the ar thea, crash slowly down uponi its own ruins. A pillar of fire roýse from- the debris like, flamles f-rm, the crater of a- volcano.. "Ohi, God! a! Allan! My father.-myfthr' "Stead-y, de-ar! .11e may ha un- hiurt la that deep ccli whiere theyý kecpt hlm l'Il go right oer-" 11e scramibled Vo his feetan rail across Vo whiere their guards, -Who hiad gonle over ln a body, to the defense of the islanid, had left. one launch. 1He was gtig-la- wheni Escobar landed beside tm 'mn with you senlor! You'Il take care of the old gentlemnan while I go after the lady! Asia too, had underg-round quarters."; "Mvinpl. Idaa near forgot. tenl Asia. Hold fast!' "Forgotten Asia? Tult, tut, s'hce wntidn't Mie that' And the col onel added signifîcantly as the boat shot away from the dock: "I îhink she'd mruch ratlher I'd for'- geV her." up a short iron ,ba)r as he weat. Most of the rurales were over on the, f captured island; the few he met mnerely smîled politely and seemed Vo take el am-iericano, for gran ted.1,NO;»dy sawv him as he thrust the bar- into the pa-dlo(ck, snapped ir, and lckted openaIthe door. (Concluded NextWek Safety First! Jii a certain achool ila-New York, notes The Christian Science Monitor, there was a teacher, an eneIrgetie adrocate of "SaIfety First," who lpie er claýss each rfmrig by r'.isinig anid askinig: " ChUldren, what would you do iff fére were to break out la this buildinig?" The eidrnwouild reply la chorus: "W8 would rise lar on place, step inito the aisie ard march quietly out of the building." Oaaexaorning when the children arrived at seh-ool thcjy found themeelves hoaored by the pres- ence cf the well-knowl3 and be.. '0ve Dr. Henry van Dyke. Thle teacher stepped before the class and, instead of the usual fire drill question, ýsaid, "Childiren, what vwould yoa say if 1 werc Vo tel you that Dr. van Dykie is to speak to you this mnorning?" Isatyfromi the casas camei the resouading chorus: "We, would risc il, ont places, step inti the aMse and imarch quietly ont of the building." 11n£Praise of potatopes Noco cmpliment is row too high for the potto-, WhCicis Vo be ont stapfle aadO support of the Wîinter. ihe familiar spd"began its English Mie xwith abundant bou- q uetLs. ",These potatoes," wrote Hawv- kins ila 55 "be the most Ct- caVe rootes that may be catead doe far exceede Our passeneps or carets." Now thle mnaof science a--rc busýy clearing thie reputation of the. potato of its supposed Ianut. 1Vl oV, WC are told, a btdylump of starch: it is Inot 4at ig ï1 s, instead, a iuest of ~.tmis, a, calorifie jewel. Aiotypraise(d 1V for nits fla\ r; 11-10),oe gaelfor, hcnM~. Wichever way you take i, theptaoapasadain thing," 'asenOCsysJne pefUect be-havior, an t t Cigarette Soe As agsue0f!od i u o courvagýeent, ...hes L - pýackages o-Ver thieNteuad e agto£ sept. 1, adyatL h 62nd birthday 0 fQueW-e- m - , 1Ane taf, tVIle ele News Agcy, r por dld FINECUT !D the early S'0S, we .H Walcd(rove a herd fcatti up inbteAiberta from ao n started the now far.nious \ai. lace Ranchi, the 'Hat' n was b ins i dentification!. The, braoid is aVill in use h Ross Ranches, at Aden, Abra "HAT" Brafnd of tii, WALLACE RANCH ISSUE 41-'ý42 TRoYPostum " Troblst, satisfying flavor PSU is dlelîio us, andl it saves on %u gar, too. You cani prepare Postumi right i thec cup, either wihbiigwter or hoct iilk. It is quick, easy and onica. IPotumcontalns 110 caffeinle tannn. veronecan dri nk it saf ely. 4 O.SEMKS5 P OZ. SIZE MAKES 50 0 SIZE MAKFIS 100