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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1942, p. 7

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Cook TeleOF Plucky Tar toaed u,ý,p together and boý,caîae tho e ta!frîns-h 1-year- aidscl p'sco--.and the 5yer -ldbowhol ad mn ui ivaayfroýM hm.Todlay they flieinhopt, one laMotraland the atýh- obahin Giasgow, botictim bal! teglobe apart. "T b'shm, al rigt! 1ere, coh oonly one Jimnmy Camp- bell sone that" chip cok, niviýe o!fam th Bnln.wbon ei rend thie story trmDsgw !young Jamines Campbll, 5, w ol,t his rght' foo t e 100of his betoot, four fingers an bis ýloft hand,ad aill hlý air -as the resuzit af four a ysna n Ar'ctic blizzarï £at- Muma lin anopen boat. Just ta add te it he also udretan aperatio for, appendicitis. Recaup- rnig l obpitalý , ho dclared ho was feeling fine "and 1 inend ta go ueltoaun. Runaway MAakes FrWen cI et JiMY in Glasgow bst M\arýcb" idleonSald. "lfeie b. qunrelied- with bis par-ents andt rMn ay from home. He w as dowa nd autn(and I took hlm r U ndo. r 1y wi Lig, We became gret !iehs. ut thien miy noney ran ont., We decided ta slip ta- goele but they wouldnt take iiiry becmue ho rwas tao smci. 'Sa I sniled alone, sbipping ne second coo("I -)l on aNorwegian tank- ertie Charles Raý,cijl. Jilmy 21ied e a baby wlben 1Ileft, and s aen een hlm iisince." Midleon' cipwnstrpde iul te Carrîean 350 miles a!! piurtoRca. Ilis leg ta by a"q wire cblle wa £arit 7orfour, dnys Ca an open boat befae h- ingpcld up by a,ïUnijted jStatos' destroyer. Ha'pitalizd in san Juan PnortaRira; Ne~w Yorkan Bos"ton. l e eventualy arrived jil Monliteni SôcalCalis 1,, 'etter writilng tuly a 1,"lOch nr ' uor will gasalinle mtioning and aller car1rent oearts rù,eve It hequýeîtiaa Camnes ta mmdýî cn noob)s er ves the igumb-Ier ery dpartsent. O!course, tle, mon 5n the Services lave rmli * plicd ar etter-wvriting at eat "a huni-ehiLd Bu there are t heC-r cass aki tward, rle cae end Ose o langer drives 150 mile(s ai s o nwelend ta ieil Couis- ina"(,ce-1aw tînt sud la tnp mleas givig )uptlee gas cu pan CusnfO"L gets a boter , in- Lon dsta'nce social uenlie are out o! tue question naw, for any- ane with al!nconiscienre, Even ocal eniemue1hl crla-e t the minimu la mae way for urgent Gaveramont and iilary busnes, S, ani, oe ecidles aL botter wui do Pts as well. But11ien pone dsoes cann oeltas greon bY Carres- poL)ndence. as in persan. Greener, There i-s smethjnlg biue atbout a -- ter.Aadin tînqt lei>sure one bas tifle ta put things bl he praper phrases, lime ta mention, hlow gIa4 aUnoe ta lave bard !roniafni le ta Say 10 are you and bow ar e ecbildrn qnd DoU write and 1eu1 me about a11 the fnmiby. pMayba lie somoewlat inartieu, balepblcwill m1aie a virtue o! l lancssity and become gaad bIter- writer-not~perb'ape as Mdm d e Sevîgn1ie was good or Lord( nan beoue. x.i ake Up Your Mmdnj! Vy far lie nmost imipotant ie- mient in air fighting is ta pick Yarupnnt lunthe 200h ofa second a va il1abbe' ï for the ýa ir fiighter ta miaie up bis nmi,ne cording la FiI.-Lieut. Karel K- telwvaschrer, notedj Czecb ace. ho said la know smt i bout hie subje C. Ho bans a record ai 22downed Germnan planes ince ho tred i:hing with the R.A.F. Ho downvied others whien filgbtngin Ihe Fench Auirmore. Ho has ,wicoiian ie D.F.C. i"Yoau'-muet decicie wieh plane agacnsîan enemy farmgaw, he suîd in a MMaO adeus rweenly "You mlut decidor at onice. There Jt le o timie ta wigfrom igi. t leit. Yon mueitiqknolw." RADIO REPU Do you ever litta'VaxPp' one of Columbilia's mnostpour ileCt7o0r, çfeatures Carrled over CYRB every Monday 8 ta .3 mMoo-t people do. They enajoy the show because o!fits remark- able versatility. Lasffonay, for instance, Va-x Pop featurijed thý"e U. S. Navy Bimnp Subriae pa- trot crewsanofirs cadets and enISdmen loarningtA fly ight- or thlan air craf t. The prý-ogrammean gav'e an inpjliing presentýation o! the mnsre ow in) effec tgt combat the enomily sub)maino en a1ce trouind t1ese 1North 'iAme-rican chores. incIdentally, mnany 0Y yau no0 doubt noticed the locomotive heard at- the(oenigcf Vax ,ýPop a couple of WeokSago. t was nat a recordod soiuld o-ffept,buth g-enuile article. A $140f,000 mofn- ster ofthu rails raced an eue along a stretch aoftbock paralld olth pltform wh"eohe broadast a hold. With a $110. a wVee engin- cor[at thethrottlo and a $70- a, week fireman, th eregine wbh Ca0sts $8 each time itstoz o starts, was probably îone of tLo nmost expensiv_!ýe sound e!- feets ever uedon aai hw Before vox Pop was off the air hloweover, thie locomiveii; had pický- edýC up a lheavy lino o! freight anld ssfar away iu te diutac L- lng ita war material. For- the lowdown on all phas_ýeso! life makre a point of tuing ini ta Vacx Pop ever1y Mndyevon-ing. By most radia fane ,S(undny le regarded as Containing the larg- est aggregtion of higbligbt pro- grammes of the ent-ire we.Sun- day eeinSeptembol)r 27th, saw, the irst of anew s'iosaf an adianpodued programmes, sty l- ed "These Preciaus JewelsS The initial programimes intoseries h-eaýrd aver a netwark 0f Canadianý esaios, inclding cFB, 9 ta 9.30 demlonstrato very Canivinceingly th,,t,,this "show o! thietines ned take no second place ta thebl,)g Productions arinating across the 1barder. "Thiese Precious Jewols wit.h How-,ard Mllsomi, Douglasý MaserKatrynYouing _ndthe Qua1rtet boasts a patriotie motif il By ITER REX FROST tann.Alrondy thle show has caued i'geac don of Comment. Add "Thieco Precia*us JTewelse" to your ersoa colectof o radia Not verboyba iLme ta lis-. tta,0tble rdi0o atrdymara- IMA but Îf you are araund th e bouse an! want ta getso thn unuualy nteestngand enter- tainting, you md botheter click (the swtlandgt a load of Red, Fosters nnwSnturday imrning progamme "Wb thte Ans- wer? 1.30taIl ba.m. CFRB, t fentres goad musie WIhethe nnd a!th week a n quiz for, the igl seboal hids. loere, you husy haueiveosceems a gaad wny o! ooigyaur an yaungste-r's o- totie n Saturdy maraig. Red Faster bias a vo-ry hpyInaci a! lnowing wal theflic îldenjoy. We are gigta, let you in an a 1 coule ! screts itus week, lho- h!àinteenos stuff!. Tînt Iinsist, ont Young Waoman yau hoaird tangling anduntnnglingquestions nround thePresr on CF-RBýs Ontarie Caravan show hast Thurs- d'ay evenling 9 ta O9.30 p.m". ý3le oe other than the weil ltnowni Town. Tonies Jane Malctl. There's nover a dli momlent for Janec. When she is nlot bighPteaýii,Éing heajirwaves wth came af ber radio characters, she Isý giving the b)oys inaile o! tbe- armiy cm scame hearty laubs ithber cleverly rnnered monoogue. Aithe ýProfessor she sr) blithely ontangles . . whe he ho? Wly none less than breadi- eating Licten ta Lessor, tînt lappy-go-lucmky !ellaw wha sand- wiches pathos adtasi lm ic thiree welbrodat eard MoladayWedne(-'sday anda Friday, immodcciatehy !allowing John Col- llngwood 1ReAde'c news inithe nooni houir. Wlhat you didn't bear them an Mie Ontarlo Caravan Show Jet Tbursdny? WVe are surpriced, ls Ontaro'c own broadcastl la the course o a tstrves the Onta Cara vani wil ilcel,,y visit youlr !8 '-E THIS CURIQUS WORLD By William J Ferguson MA~r CF 8~AZIL.. 15 11~E s/v~ALLE.s-r Ki~JOWN MON ST WEI~H~ 4 ~ OUNCE~ CR ABOUT AS A4UCH ASA ,i-ious«. HUDSON BA'>, TiH E ATLAN1 IcOC AND H GULF OF' VEI~ ANS WER: A rl dpe in Aý .33b heCucla ChriStian lChuXcs reads that "nstr shah be qrlethe rt Sun- day fallowin'Èg ce eal ul PMonp l h hars upan or next, afCer the 2ls;t a ac NEX: Watje 7,77we g o'r f Ca!ora<lo -- - - - - - - - - 1,1(a). "ndas ho asedby, ho caw Leývi thesoali ofAlphaeus sitting aI the! place ai hall. 141(b). And hoiecaiti unto hiim, Fobbow mie.And ho arase and folowred hies." Tbaugh M1atthew was an ou-tcast amaag bhis own iPeople and ntterhy despised by thlem, yet thie Lord saw in him the possibiHites, even of memnbersip in Hic awn apostolie Company, and knew that this man, naw dishanest "nd baw- becs beffore God, could ho trans- ifolrmed so ns ta ho given the privilege ai writinig the 'ietbook of the New Testamient. The Consequen.ceýs 15. "And it cmeta paiss, tint hie %VasccittinganI menat in) bs hauLse, and mrany jpubicans and Sinnere cnt don ith Jes-usan hic disciples: for Ihere uwere man,ïy, - nd they iollowied hlm.ý 16. And fliecribe faithe, ji'hrisees, when the1y saw tînt hoe was eatirtg with tho sinners and publicans, said unta hie disciples, Hlovw ýi i ths hoà eateth iandu drîinke.lh with pnb- hiasand sner?17. Adwoen Jesus heard il, hoe saith unto them, They thiat -are whae hbave no need ojf n physician, b'ut they it are SiCk: I came nlt ta eaullte right- cous, but sines," It was n- t ural1 that Matthiew should colo- bra'Pte the evenit of hic 'cahly a groat fenst in bis house ubonor ofJosus adthat ho sbliruj uld invit n aifhic cînsta r,.ejoice - wfi hies, Itlimigit inve semd dubt- fnfl wbetheor Joss wauld il down with sncb a comipan, f or, even with usil wauld seem a bohd stop for ay pubiSc eacer ta join a gatherîng oai persanis in bad e- pute. Buit 1nothing weighed ît Jesus against trutb and right; no narro0w excînsFiveness af tIle daýy coubd be iabhowod ta sýtanId i way. Ho a«Cept te invittio with cheerfuhness and spent~ the evening in the pleasures ai friend- by social intreurse SAithte strange assembly,,. Tiey WontBnI, discple wet bcIand wle no mnore Mibonlm" Atartd was maRny wex-e ta our Lor, they vwereý not sadvtdt Hmn ah wiiing ta rccive deeIas formig techi j'liTe phraýse 'went bncI' indientes thal Ihey nat oaly mih Chuis, but gave Up wbat they had gained witbi him, and, sa far as they conl, eac cupied theïr old places. SininPeteDr's oylt (j7, "Jesuîs saidteroeno t , e Iwbe ol oalsa o : I ONIT? I hRome tOwn. -R-ereý'sthe achedýule foir Octaber. Thursdlay, October 8thI, Orillia. Octriber 15thn, IMeafordi. October 22nd, Srtod October1 29th, S*intcoe. lan every case the5 show wîll feature locilitalent, the boys and girlfs around tevarious loaiiswho can ho coun,-ted u1pon Li entertain andenrtnwl, Roy Lack1sley andlhis Red JackietE a1dd the colourful as Weil Das thle musical touch tath ils sresa bhom3e ýtw uinesos LOYALTY TO CH-Ri-ST Miark 2:14-17; JoLn6:6.9 Phuippians 3:7-11 GOLDEN TEXT.ý-What thingu wiere gain to mne, thee ave 1 counted lo5s for Christ. Phlilip- plans 3:7. THE LESSON ITS SETTING Time. - The cal] ofMate took Place in thie smmrAD. 28. The crisîs among aur Lord's followers took place in Aýpril of the floigyeýar. The Apistie Paul vwrato his ,Epistie ta- the Philippi-ans abo)ý-Ut , A.D.4 Place.-BT-oth aif thevensOa thiis lesson taken from Gspesoc- curred in Cpram tthe northeir end oÎf the Sea of Gali-. lee. The Epistie- to thie Philip- pians wns ýwritten1 by Paul fra0m Rom e. The CaIIed 'One I BUFFALOBILL HOIZNTL Auner to Previous Puzzle 19 Ee ,wa Pa, 1, 7 Frontiers- FOXC71N1 V OP us Amei- rian mancaî,iled GE M P UE scouta.':nd Il!-uge body rY, NE\A/s 21 Alýwa)ys, of wakter, 2î.mntd 12 Perfume. PS D EP D24 Tolickrup,. 13O0vum, C)DEPE YE 25on î4hle UNAS S AL 27 Dev,1oure,, 15 Marsh, A 2 S APS28Sun gcC, 17 Bon1es. VTYE EH IL S29tpe 20 Slvs A Amtera, 23 Enthusiaýs,. y E s BA T E 30 DTwin starps 27 lleave7,n1y VU L.ý P Eý S P ýO 34 Counterpa ý%t. body. 37Stuidents' 30 Sumptuous. 50 God of. sky. 4 Shallow residence,. 31 Moist- 52 Not ioeeupied i_-h a n n el, Turtie. 32 Mernorable. 53 Ln esr,~Iwr. 4 aam~ 15 Tayao paste, dan nymh 36 M!steor ab.54 Bcles 6 Tablelnd.. 43 Ea la.w 37 To epct, car 7 Chest for 45 Killerwhls 38 Purpaoses. 56 Eternaities. money. 46i Shar, 40 NoTrth 58 Ho sýuppÈied 8 1oe1 7 Duiet. Airerieai buffalo mneat 9 To 0Put on1. 48 S moùt, <ab..ta western 10 Vear (ab1brz). ý51 To inclineý,, 41 Sakrg laborers. 14 Pack beast. t h e bnd. 42 Scottish kir t. 59 Par t of a stovel16 HP was also 53 Mauea 44In.nrig. VERTICAL a - or man area., d47 N.ýe ga ti ons, Grief. of the theater. 54 Therefore.,, 49 01,JwagoDn 2 Frozen dessert 18 Nàrrowving of 55 Pound <a,-bbr,> tracks. 3 Limb. a oennm 57 Senior iabbr.ý By J. IMILLAR WATT T~ITSLJqr WK-ARS .iKF -ir2oN-! a t POP-Pop Proba"bly Preýfer-s Priýessed Steel and know, that Thou art the Hohy One of God? Simon Peter uIterc what aIl but one foet, but Coule nat say so wçeL, It 'was a noble conlfession and must ave 'greatly comnforted the heart af Chit Siiron Peter's hoylty was flot aï- fected by the large numbers who boit t1hen, WinPeter said tint Christ had 't'he words ai eternal lufe' ho mneantthat the teachings ai Jesus cnendeternal !hîfo, The , expression tho 'HFohy One of God' canlveyýs a seilrelation t God, and a specia] participaion' int God'sboie; a characterý which is bohy. 7, "Hwbitwht tlhigawere gain ta mne, these hatve 1I ounted las for, Christ , 8. Yen verily, and I count 1,aIl thinigseta o las far the exceHbency oA te knolw- Ledge af Christ Jesu!s my Lord: forvwhlom Iï suLffered thelas o ahIl things, and îdo counit theml but refuse, that I1ny gain Chit"AIl these tbings, vey onie oaithemi, witbout exýception,' the LApostle coun-ted als ntig wben hoe gave b-is halta hit and was converltto ta Hu in the Damascus rond. Righeoune of î he Law 9. "And hobe found in hum, not having a righteaness af mine awn, eyon Ihat wich is ai tho law, but that which le ttrougi faith in Christ, the riglitpousness whichl is from G odi by fnitb." Righiteou.sness homeincludes bath a rigbt relatin ta God and o rigitcnt wich ýGod re-qUire. Bath are provided fin Christ and are received by faiti in him. This rigbteousness Paul mentions Jin con1trast wthany real or imagin- ary rgloseswbich hoonc maoy have possessed. That was a f 1 1 1 1 -- - - -- mmmmbv»wm6ma law,' It coamof -rom 1w oberv ane tcansisted .;Inl~dee legu rules sand Jwsierm iale. The righteousniess h now prize's and seeks to PosseSE nwmrà fully finds its Orighn in the graIeI ai God and le received b7 faith 104, «That I m-ay knaw bhim,an .the power of his resurrection, ean4 the foellwship of hbis suffereingg, becoming canformed unta hI; dah"Christ nmanifested pOwce imany ways, bu-t the ýpower herr spok1en o(f,'Ihlpe r of his resuir- rectin' as ta do whhat event in Christ's,- hf e eieHo broke tlie power o! deathi, whereia hý demoinstrated fýoreývrt1hat sir ha4 been atoned f aq, tht the grave was conquered, and that Satan'sl power over n was broken by one Man, Jesus Christ, IL, "If by anymesIma attin uta 'itresuirrectian frosà. the deadt" There is an apparea* uncertainy epressed in theS( woids. They are, homer an ex- prcssýion of humllility and self-i-. trust, net of doubt, wWeon the huaside, Lthe attainmet i t ftb goal maylbe rcrddasdutfl on the sde of the working nt ivine grace, it appears certain Jaanese soldiescaptured y the Aeinsat Sho-sad were ,surprised wentheýy r not instantïy put a deathTih belIief,caeuydelod by theirZ superiors, ta atr en death is 1no doubt oneuof thIm rea-- sonsMy tce japs ihtwith such ferociy. 'in essential îndIustry i nBrta their jobs or ho dismissed ",wîth. out the permission o)f t'negoen

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