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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1942, p. 1

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EE "Vol. 6. No. 39. Park St. United Chui Geo. W. McLaughlin, Past Vice-President of General Motors Passes In Oshawa L ~< Was Born In ErrniskilIeI, fI $ and Educated At Ennis- j killen and Oshawa t On Sauda veninýg-, O0toberi 10. wice-ýProsi(dent 'sf0 Gen'Ieral Motors or 'Canlada, Limîitedi, oie of 'Canada'> foremnost inIdustiaýlists a ndL finan]- ciers, passed a'way at his home. The late Mr. M!Ltugiin -was borti F ehrui-ary 17, 18369, at Eniniskillen, iri Durhami Countyr, the son of the late ~~Mr -s an M- oet MeLanigiblin, ie -was edlucateýd a t Enniskillen anc Osflhawa and ibegan his careor as ar I upyprentice -with th e 'McLaughliri 'Carrnage 'Comipany in 1885 lu the trirrming shop when there wiere but 25 eniplo'yees of tihe flrmn, and then -worked :for a tue at bis trade in the TntdStates -wherever opportunity offered. He came to il-o a leadin-, ~factor in the grocwbli of the organi- 'zation andl won bis way to the top ln the sales department. Whien the -company iwas solal to General Motors lie econtinued as vice-president- and --,aloi manager and before ho retired -aw 4,00)0 employees on the payrolli anKi a yoarEy shiiment of $40,00ý0,000 -worth of automobicaý. In the earliy 192,0's he visited Spain, Italy, Týurkcy, Palestine and lEgypt where fiis ohief interest con- tred lu their 'history and agnionitural xntheds andl espec'ially wsh itr e-zste(I la the Valley csf tihe Ni le wheve 'three crops are grownanal.l >1931 he -visitod various countries in Soutili Amierica iîwhere hoe nttended ~the British Tradie Pair la the Argeni- tine as a Canadian dolQgate. While there hoe hacian ititerestiing talkI with ithe Prince of Wyales, later King- Eci iward VIII andl Prince Géorge, with rspecial reenee to the automobji e industry. Ho also) macle several trilp. to the British Isles where 'ho pur- ,ohased shecp, cattle andl heavy ýhor- ses, 'which were brouglit 'home for the iinprovernent osf Canadian l-vu. aýtocIk breeding. After hi.s retirement fromi Genera] Motors, Mr. M'dLaughlin retaýined &oe f ihis other business connec- 'tions, Ho vu-s a director of Moore Corporation, Limited; a director of Massejy4H2Harris Limited, cwf Nationaý -Trust Co., 'Limiiteci, andl Dupiate Canada, Lhnited. For many yea-rs- 'Mr. Laughlîi' test servwices wore devoteci to mn ichIpa office. At the request of his friencis heo ffered him'selX, in th-"ý dark depression perio-d of 19313, as a candidate for aldermanj and heade( the poil. For three ye:ars; he wa, cihaimian of' the Finanice Commrittce cDf the counc-il at a tiýnie ,whn thi, 'fscal situaition 'caI<ed for the ie 'q-ualîtiesý csf leaderlslhipl a11d judg-Ient. The fuot tlbat the ýcity escapeci bauk- vvtc as in no small mesrdcu- c 'due to his sage ndirvice and leader- "i. A privâte funoral rwas held at the 0BOTH MEMBERS BEHINU,1 CAINADA'S WAR LOAN Tilhe following- are letters from thie DurhaumCo)uii'L, Mr. Cecil -Merer, M.P.P. of the Proviial lbuse, and M1r. W. F. RiUcha-r, M .P, of tlhe Do- iiiiion Ibouse. The fo ilo'wng lutter from 'Mr. Mr cer reads as, follows ' I appeal to flhe pepl'e of D'uilhiami ýO uippor-t the Thirdl Victory Loan. Ou mnoney is not as hiLperative as the liies of The ïmen anid womerini t.he servicels who are ýprotÏecting it. "Nothin.g iatters now but Vie- Stors." 'Ccu Moroor, M.P.P. W. F. Ri'kard's letter: To the Cîtizens of the'Couuty of Dur-hamn: Ladies and Gentlemen,-I have beon asked by the Commrittee in charge of the Vic-tory Loan Cam- 'paign to say à few wýords throughi the press in regard to this our Third Vitory Loan. l'mi sure it is not necessary for mie to urge 'upon each one of you the importance and the nocessity of rais- ing this mouey to carýry on the war. We are, today fighting a life and death trge i order to proserve De(mocracýy an'd to make this world ai btter platce in which to live. We 'nul hob pedn by the end of this yeair about seven ai a half billion 'dolars on 'war- alone, and in a couni- try of eleven 'sud a hall million peo- pie, c'hat is a trenliendous amount. Your goverment is tryiug as far as possible to pay for this war as w\e go, by taxation cf various kin'ds, but it is impossible to tax the people sufficiently to cover ail the expen- 1itures, thence the necessity of bor- rowing. This VictorY Loan not only heIpsi Che Goverient to finance the war, t)ut is an investmnent for you as weîî. Pýy yu'ying Victory Bonds you are helping to preser-ve your own homne and love.d one4s, andl at the samie turne save money for yourselves. As your reprdesentative at Ottawa, 1 an 'particularly anxious; that Dur- ham County go the top. Yours ýfor a successful camripaign W. F. Riehar-d ffamiy resîdence, 261 Smcoe Street North, at, 2.30 p.m., Tuesdayý, 0Otober 13. A p>uIUc service Was held inr St. Adrews Unied Ourch I.at3 p.m, fllcwe4by intermnt in Vie mïausolpieu at the Osha1-wa Unio)n 'CemeterIy. A Masoic, ser2vice Iwasý hePld at the the muoom Ho1, is surjjvivedI by his wdw An- nie Hoýdgson MLughi;twýo sons, C. Ewart and R. Ra,ýy ofOsaaan o Toronito-, and Mrs. Gi. Normanir l- win1 sfWhithy. Orono Masons Welcome D.D.G.M. Thursdlay Last Orono Lodge, A.F. & A.M., o Thursday evoing lnst elmd R. Wor. Bro. E. Hl. iow s Dis- b-tiet Dqtputy Grand 'Master Of On- tarlo District on l-is offlii visit. Ho- wxas accompanied by 'hie Disbrirlt Secretary, Wor. Bro. S. Ferguson, and byhy'is District Chaplain, Wor. Bro. ýM. Comstoelk. Alter the worlc cf tihe ovening- had ibeen coniebed bey Wor. Breo. R. C. ,~ odoxouh nabi officers, assist- ,Pd by a 'unier of Past Masters, the meses o f the Loalge, together -with thec rmany visiîtor-,s fronim other Loalges 'iu the district, retireal o the base- ment cftîh Town Hall fora an quet, butfly andl decoratively ,prepared ai-d served by the wives ocf a oute f the Orono niembers. Speakers at thie banmquet includeal R.Wor. Bro. E. H. Browvn, Wr B ro. Perguson, cf Bowmanville; Wo r. Bro. D. Gibehlon, Newcastle; Wo4cr. Bro. J. Fbnerson, of Bowarnan- ville, ,ind Bro. Richardison, of Ponty- -pool. ORONO, ONT., THUIRSDAY, OCT. lSth, 1942. Subscription, $ 1.25 Per Year rch Anniversary S.*ervices, Sunday , Oct 18 BRIZITISH PREMIER RZETURNS TO PARLIAMENTA;RY TRIUMýPH- AFTER FLYING VI SIT TO THIE U.S. .Shortly after Mr. Churchilis arrivai in Lion don frol 'his flying visit to the United States a 'vote of censure on ýthe Govoramoà(-nt for the Libiyan reverse- was decided]ty deiefated. TheBritis.h Prime l1inster informed the bouse ol Gommons that ho had had very sýatisdaetory diseussions on shi~p~png and hinling with Piros ident Roosevelt. Pioture shows: Mr. Churchill with Mrs. Churchill and his daulghter tMary rh met him at the station on his arrivalinl London Canada's W r Effort A 'weekly review of do2velopmients Civil Air Raid Pneecauftions says he on the home front from October will ho -eirprised iï, some Canadiaen 1 to October 8, 19412. tiiies - inland as welll as on tihe 1. MVilitary honors acorded 178 coast - are n'ot atliacked from tihe Canadlan uýoldieî's for tirir exploits air ibefore the war eds. at Dieppe, includ'iug firsit award of 6. Announicimoent cf Conservative thi-e Vitoria Cross to a CanaLdiain in national convention to ho e id l at thLs war to Lieut. Col.,Gliarles Cecil Wnipegonu~eIe 9, 10 a'nd 11.1 Ing-ersol Mrii of Vanceouver. 7. Major Genola.l Leo R. La-1 2, Production of beeae y 1tiheErnest EeÈtrad, 1M.P., and' Canadfian 'distilleries tio be halte'd on Alphronse Fournier,, M.P., sworn in NovonTher 1 and entirce oubput dli- as Ministeýrs 'of War Services, Firi-j verted to war purp'ose.s, the Muni- enries and Puibulic Works respective- tioins and Suippy Depariitiment an-; Hon. J. ýE. Michaud, former ýMin-'ter of Fiheries, becornes M.ýinister 3. Primne in'te ing1 in radio of Transport; Hon. Joseoph 'hrin biiadas apels to Canacldians', former -Minister of War Servicces, ap- "1civ,-ilians on the hiomie front," to sup- 'poinùüed President 'of theEchue port voitih al their po-wer Canada's Court of Canada; Thomias Vien, M. fghigmon and woniiun wvherever P., appoin'ted to the Senate. tlhey serLve. 8. Coimîn-Ëi-istparty scrtl 4. Canada to shiip 67M,0".000 Tîm Bucek and his eomirades 'Sconidi-J pl-Ouillds oef bacon and pork produetsi tionaily' released fromi custody. io Britain. durin'g the yoear at a1 9. Wtariii=ee Prices 'and Traid e pri-e of 10 per, cent higiher tihan the1 Board announces up-ward revision price paid incder tîhe expiing 600,-1cof wholesale ceiling prices of 'beef 000000 .Pound cotrac, Agrcultur andstnicter control of retail priýes aIl iise Gardineùr a-nnounces. w'hiclh alco will increase porrespond- 5. Hon. R J. IV1anîon, Director of îngly. Johin Weinzweýig, wbse utsandngUP O LNEY OAD ablcy s araneran cmpse hi On Mna vurglast -shle -go0- bas~~ ~~ 'Ànreonie the ÇC, w 1, ite hehom-ý.e fro owavil write thespiamui for -an i-b h northl road, MAiss Helen Stt, p ortn nn pramesties, da ie, of -Mr. and 'Mrs. H. N. 'O'ur Cnd" The broadc-ast av tot adqie n ex ig1îo been writte'n anci pr _)pard -bythe 2 ut ! --C;igfne CBC entresDeprtmet t tol Wen Miss Slot ws about one- the ztory cf 'aaasgotr>e --ihalfmieàaas tic he anivers nd sp)onsjibiiit)y 'aid aheeen s atwo mon l th àa car v-lwh re park- pate ndmcy oi 5 ro en- en the roadiside, boooifor het sîve, report to the -)pI f Cnd to corne teL a hult. Upon doing se, on the eaio f nnationhl-oo-d wti eleigtlat the mon had enmglue the boundaries of the gre-at 'Doini- t sulise sdd n1y otea that ion., The whole stor'y oF thil-p the tiwo moin wore miaskis on tho ibot- thie land andl the spirit wh-ich gvstom- part of their fcsanal demauci- the heuart-4beat to 'Canada wiffVb told ed 1 er to pet out cf her car. ag-ainst ai'backg-round of original mu- Sdol elzn htI a sicJAi wrîtt nz tei 'CanadiienaoxPOs;holdui rp, MiIss Secott isamedliatoly 'or Jon Winzeig "Or . threw the car it gear and4 steppeal wil1 'mo heaid weeklykcoiinncing Sundy, ovethe 1 t ~0.1 pn onthe gas, cutting shnrply to one EDT, 11.15 ADT, overý a coas- side, mnkiling- the mouý, jump for sale- to-coattiwrkef Cihe CBC. ty. She thon wenit home unniolesteci i No

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