wasted 1n you, Ca(ae-y 111nY wanted te shloot brbtsh-e çan be veny usefulta me, VUlget aur border officiais on tMe phoe laag beIfore she reachies Mxcaiand C'alexico." HIe went oen atri sententiausy: -The American eagle has eyeS, Colonel Escobar. Those eyes willbu an ber fmnm tbe marnent sleeeets foot lan tbe States ili shje o s u oa ci Baron Kazuii Saoya an they wîjllbe on Sgaa ili b)e laus toa acranGra gn h wars ilii o tiapan-ese cucaru flage; and they'll be on the Nazi agent luntil he incni eel the location of the secret Nazi base ini tbe Pacijefrorn which that bombeCr muet hvecern i,2ýs miorn-ing, surnnon.ed y aan beor abalput hlm ut. "Splendid! Iltnew tbat would be your p Forram tanitlj eac the clever strategy 1 wauld bave dotdin your lace," said te colonelaresl. AdnwCp taýin Steeleý, aur maquna eober is e1ded. You i l be gain'-g home Iond a thefntber i.pursuit ca, whenthi rnd ~nldis san"e again, youwil cerne ta sLe men. Meic Cty IhoeWe wllak ,over t1hese strargeiunes. An oui wviii rngSnnaSe le? S'he, toa, willbave mmre. "Senona telo!" Allan laughed sortiy. "You'ne wrong there, Col- onel. FJ'm mlore like,,iy ta lead b ler taeui tan ta thle altari! mnea the equaliycbrmngyounig lady wha is waiting for yout with heÏ ateoe here"The offi- cen jerlted bis bead toward the Penînsula. You wlu! foid ber veny penlitenit, very il'Xiis ta malte a mend(s rhan hav\ing imisjudged " What!" Alia came tA bis feet Mile a jacla4n-he-Jox, bis heant beating wil,"Do yola man ta say yayu? "Wby bat? Aiter ail, çdiat are, yaar gt-ov1e1nuIment negulatians ta, me*?" Escobar's while teetlih were tkhhin a suminash held autl bis hand. "T, lnew yaucaki' tel her, muy irienld, sa-I dýid!", THE END 'A Yank £At Eton Adapted hy Lebbeus Mâctchefl fromi the M.G..M. Picture starring Mickey Rocney STARTS NEXT WEEK To Trans fer French Plants To Germiany Ge(rmany ls 110W trYilng te m1ove whoie factonies, mrachinesad worlters, froein (Ccupied Franlce te cermany. Negoatins are naw la pro- gress, accardiag ta relable sourc- es, for the transfer oi approximuate- iy twýenty French lplanjts ta G-er- mnany, mýostJyiy lte eecticai, op- ttia, ceia ndmchnota These; dem-ands thiat theNai are calilanFranece, la bath a- Cnpied anîd ualoccupied zaes re la additon ta the 350,000wrles that Hitler has demranded fro Pierre Lavai as tbe price for iree- lng somie French[ prisaonetis ai war. The Germnans have beguni byr- qu.isitioniLlag a1i machinpry l France aif erm nmanujfacture. This is regarded lai ýlandon anly as thec entenlnig wedIge for the 'eqstianng aof il auncinery bat igbit prove useful ta the3 NaI war effot. Last August the Germans aslted aval ta funnish) 200 Frencb bem As wha were Eisteds It is nom, nderstaod that Lavai bas been Iven a second arder for 200 mr 'chical experts that t-,e Gemn neager ta use. tYour Question Ifyou cannot get Cro adSyrup from yoýur fajvourïite grocer now and cep ,here is thie reason, ecue Fro Band" in ad tio its other usýes is being- very gnrlyue ahl tupplement the QDuppIy of sugar in roda Homes, Jthe demrand bacs increased tre«,men-dcusl,-' New Blouses Show Variety lIn Style Bllouses lbave trul1y (came in3to theIir Own this year. Their variety la style miakles it passible t chnetbe lookt ai that basic suit tafit- almast any Occasion, An extra slint or twa tates away te The niew fali blouses offer ,qit adeparture fam t hýe clas s sirt theIme, altbecugh that fs ta stil th h volume (ýseller. Two pr aceti c a'l cusidenatioans have been taken itoacceunibis eaeOnie is thie ý-reunoh thle ave-blusefor thle woman wmi desin-es the efiect ofai w-i dreas. The athien jsis te e qcof walrm ifabnics la aid tls Wartime jersey, 65 pretwo and 05 Percent cotton, is ans af th-, newly developed fabnles wbich is extensively uaedj. Laaped weai fninige, lace,nee lingerie ltinirnlng nd png! add ditntivel toulches, ROLL %1UT THE APPLE BARREL Recies-f-te-MnthCali for the "King of Frtiits" in Late Fali Desserts By BARBARA M. BROOKS 8ping bas ots younig larn and tender greens, summner lis bernîes, buIt atilimIncal' Cauli e Apple, king aofrula, ts wn. A ya-a favouirite, the appie is at its juiciest tai the late fali wbeni rehes the markte4 trLaigh-t frarn t(he ripelinug rchards. once Ina the klticen, the apple etar1:s on a. ,britaïýnt crer itasty, pungent-smeillng dishes. Tlaree new apple recipes that wllli win laurels at. aay table areý Apple Falte Betty- a crispy combinatin ! orf altsadalee In at simple yet saîislybg pudding; Apple Cruncb, another app)le4-in spired dessert and the last word in pies-- Apple PbieMderne, Belowý are the redises. Apple sace Betty 5 eups cern flawks viu) sugar, granlulated orn" brownýt Scups siiced apples cinamonl Put layer ai cernflakes la buttered casýserole. Cover wth ayer o! apples. Add bh the sugar; sprinkle witb cinamon and (,dot wt a hird af i thebutter. Ad.d :another layer or cora faltes, remaiiiilg itpples and sugar. Sprlnltle with cJinnmn andl dot wlth mr utr Put layer crn ilals on top; fdot witb emiagbutter and aprialti with a Mlte sugar. caver casserole an'd balte I oeaeae (375%j'. about 85 miniutes or until applesn arsot. Sueehot or cl Witn cream. yield: 6 servings Notû'e: Add aboujlt 2 tablespoon1s water ta strudel before baking 1h a'PPIPs are flot Pic%.SpribMe a 15ew drop1s lemlon juice ovler apples Uf theyareflot tart. Apple Cnh 6 caps sliced tant appîles 1 teaspeen grated lemon rind Y, Cups 1iglht brown s"mga 4 cups cornflaltes 1teaspean ntqtmeg Mý cup melted, butter, Arrange apples ia baking disb. Caver wjth one cup o2 brown, sugar, nutmneg and lemon rini. pRail corn ilaltes into fin crurnbsad c biewith remainliag sugar a1d butter. spalte an top aifapple, Balte la moderate aven (350-375WF.)abouit l'oy-ive nutes or util appiesar-e fdone. Serve with rem Yie!d: 6) senvinigi (9 x 9-inch disjh). Apple PJe6 Moderne 6 ups corn flakes §y cup butter (U%/2caps fine crumbs) 14 cup sugar1 1 quart pared, slced apples 1. teaspoan .cinnamnon Scpsaigar 2 tablespoons otter Rail exnil akves inito finre crumbe. Meit butter, add sugar gau aily anld mix with crurinhs. REzserve 1/, this mixture; pesthe rs eveny aver battom and sies aifpie pan. Fipie sill th apples; eprinkie vWità :V2cup sugar mixed (jwith cinnmn. u Dot with 2 tablespoo~ns ibutter; spn1inlle rernnia-g crumb: over top and Ibaina mderatýe oveil ,30F)fr1burdc beat te 3000F. and balte 1 boiný loniger, uil a pples a ýre ,tender, Yleld: ne 9-inoiupie e tm lias a deliejouos satis Pf the famiy wiAUeey, postum contains no0 cafýe.ine PosTUM o annta Upset nerves ,ýor fhe cup. eilher with boiing * ratcer or hot miJk, Very t j