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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY Established January, 1937. Published- every Thursday morning at the Times Office 1 Orono, Ontario Advertisinig Rates on request Subscription, S$1.25 Subscriptioi-s to the United States, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Wil Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher BOOST IN PORK PRICES WIL HELP CANADIAN FAR-MER Canadian hog prýoducers will va- <eive tihe bttar part cf a cent-a- goloanld ncrease on the 675 mnillion pountis of bacon and pork produets 0-- go te Britain under the new ar-1 r!angement lias been anno-uncati by Him.-Mr. Gardiner, Minister of Agri- ___________________________________________ M culture. A juip of seventy-five million pounds on last year-'s quota is re- garded as "heavy". But it was the incrense of 98 cents a hundred- weight in the average price of fin- islied sides which attrýacted the at- tention of the trade. First reaction hera was in termis of beef and n-t bacon. The new TORY LOAN DRIVE FOR $75OgOOO, Y -~ WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER Ilmb f qkidiathins tkat you have ougbt $bd new V iamryBon&. price is regardied as sufficient as- surance of the supply. lt imeans mor0le. It can further deqipress the beef cattlee market (under prevail- inig beLf ceilings) fron-i the farmner's poin of Iewl. Especially is this so since te farmers w\Nho may be en- courag-ed te go inte the raising- of hogs, or the stall-feedin.g of cattie, do se frein a desire te capitalize on the grain they cannot market. 'To the trade there. is an estab- lished, long-tinme normal price rela- tion betiween hog prices and beef prices. The ratio is roughly 75 ,cents for bedf te 100 for hogs. Ac- eording te the food control author- ities ýcattie prices -wvere runniflg slightliy aboya the ratio till the pres- enat tum'e. They àconcede that the lev there iais been an increase in the acecepteti veights of e-nport bacon. Wiltshlire sies for tlie British mar- kpt new run to 123 peunds drcssed, which represents an increase of but- teýr than eig-ht pounds. From the prücJuecers' view this is f ound money, for the extra weig-ht is relatively cheap to add. The new quota is net beyond the range ef the Canadian produrers, if this year's produc4tion is the cri- te.ion, In al prâbai4ity there will continue te be short-terni restric- tions on home consumipti6ih if we are to inieet the quota on tinie. Officiai oiptimism lus borne out by the marketing 'igures-hGgs siaugli- tered - ýduÀing- the twelve months, October, 1941, to October, 1942. The pri ce of Wiltshire sides-whîch is total number of hogs slaughtered thie priece for the dressed- product - was 6,409,300, equal to rougbly 769,- wiill push live-weight hog prices a 116,000 pounds. Of iiat total, 3,826,- bit te ffie front. 700 hogs came from Western Can- In addition to the priee facter (Centinuet on page five) PERS MONDAY HIOW TO BUY Give yotir order te the Victory Loan salesman wlxo cals on you. Or place it in the bands of any-branch of ans' baak, or give it te an>3 trust Company. Or send it to your local Vittory Loua Headquartersl Or you cati authorize yonr employer te tart a regular payroll-sav- ings l a. for you. lon s mas' be bought in denomi. nationS of $50,'$100,-550, $1000 and lager. Salesman, bank, trust Comspany or yor local Victory LoanHeud quarters wil be glad to g ive pou evers' assistance in niai. nig ceut your order form. Will it be "No, 1 do flot choose to do my part"? Or will it be uYes! Yes!! Yes!I! 1 wliJ huy Victory Bonds! 1 wil/ lend ail my support to help make victory sure." Yos< wil/ be layinzg Up for yoursef the best of ail inivestmîents- VICTORY BON"*DS are backed by ail the resources of the Dominion of Canada; they yieid a fair rate- of iterest; you can borrow aiai nst îem; and they are readiiy sakabie when you neen/ the casb. tiow Àvr vce'. TI ir Vcron y Rowas NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMMITT Classified COMING EVENTS Kendal Aniniversary and ¶Llaiik Off ering Services 'will be 'held on Sunda4y, October îBth. Service at 11.3 a.m. and' 7.30 pm. Pastor, Rev. Fred Fojblin, B.D., of Bowman- ville. b-39-c. WOOD F RSA1L E Lig$ht )Stove ~W od, miostly cedar. $10.00 a cord e]ivered in foot 1engths. Apply o . Carscaddlen; Phone 25 r 9, Orno. a-39-P. FARM FOR SALE T h e _st. citTalai e Wm.F. patterson, Lot 'Con , /larke Towný§hîp, 125 m/r less). For particulars Japptpkjseph J. -Mellor, Oronio. ce41-4c. LOST One steer around 1000 andi 1100 cwt., froni ÎLot 23, ýlon. 7'Clýike. V eut in el, of righi feapn-d hole in loft ear. djkisappe4e/ last -week. Anyone kno i~he~*ereabouts o1 this animi(itiýnotifýy A. J. Bigelow, Phone 58 r 9, 'Orono. C-41-c. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Tlie celeb'ration of the 60th Anni- versary of Clarke Ciirch will be he]ld on &undlay, "ý'Qt uer 25, 1942. Services at 2.30 1 1 and 7.30 p.mýý. The spcalspak r the occasion rxill be Rev. 1. 11,lso of Oshawa. Special music at oh~r~cs HARVEST THIANKSGIVING SERVICES Annual £Iarest ThanksgiFvîng Services ¶will be held at. Saviouir's (~oo n Su ~ October 25 7-t p acr on- this occeasion i e t Rev Terrance Crosthwait Recter f St.lMar!k',s Parîslh1 Port Hope. FARM FOR SALE, RENT OR FOR PASTURE Ome hundred and speuenteen acres, at ýLot 32, Coneiessioii 8, Clarke. Piugihinig possession inmmedtilately and full pos,ýseîion April 1,9t, 1L943. For fuft-ther particulars phone or write bo John Gay, Altbert 9t., Bciw- manviilile. AUCTION 'SALE Mr. Roband Smiitih wili hold a sale cf Hoasehold Furnituýre- SATUIIDA-Y, OCTOBER 17, 1942 Sale wi-ll ha helti at his resiclence, Nortlh ward, Orono. &J.e to eoninience at 1.00 p.m. TERMS CASH See bills for fulîl particulars The Late Fraser Little Last -week we received a letter frni _Mr. H. Perey Long, of Ver- niflion, Alberta, along with a, clip- pinig fromr the Edmnonton Journal, with reference to the late Mr. Fraser Littie, a former Orone boy, who passed away at ;Calgary on Fri:day, Octoiber 2nd. Mr. Long gives us somec data on the early lif e of Mr. Little, while the Edmnnton Journal gives bis if e bistory while in tihe West. After 1qa-ving school Fraser'ls first venture -was to learn cheese- making at -Orono. 'Finding the 4am%,pness of this occupaýtion not con- dueive to good health, lie switched andi entered as a clerk in the store of the late G. 'M. Long, tantI after a -year or so he teck a position in a aïnuich larger store in Stay-ner, On- tarie, and then in 1903 le returned te Oronio and along with Percy Long took over ýMv. G. M. Long's business, -whicb they operatedl unt-il January, 1907, when they nioved West to Sintalluta, Sask. Iu the fal cf 1910 theiy sold out andI Mr. Little tok ,a position with the Regina Trading Co. at Regina and remaineti with this firitn until the early 1920's, at which time he went with the Hol- ~lngswortli LLI of Winnipeg, MLýan,, specalizing iu ladies' wear. Be cipeneti a brandi in Regina for this fi an'd follewed it up a few years lnter by openintg another branci ln Calgary. From here ha, becanie the sqperTintendent cf branches as well -as buyer. Last October lMr. Little was ap- polntecd provinei licensî-ng director, Prof essiona1 Directery MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHIYSICIAN and SURGEON Office fours: 2.00 to 4.00 pi.;. 6.30 to 8.00 pa. PHONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SUJRGEON Office: Main St. Orono Ptho-ne 56 r 7. Orono, 0"t John J. Gilfilian, QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIS17 Licentiate of the Ccollege of Optffl- Ofetry 'of Ontario Offc lours: 10 tO 19 a.m. and 2 to~ 4.30 p.m and by appointmeut Office in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stooe Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-. tbile and Liability Orono AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Silee of ail s"m and at reasouable rates. Oomnnuîicate with him atP.e Perry, Ontario, or uee hie Olerk, .1. E. Mocrten, at Orono, for date. F. F. Morris &,Son Funeral DirectorsJ Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Oreno Phoneu: Bowmanville, Day 430 Night, 754 and 573 Orono, 2 7-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Compflete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THIE BEST Our Gcod-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO for the Wartimie Prices and Trade board, -with headquarters in Edimi-on- ton. I March, he -was transferred ýte Calgary as the board's represen- tative ia that city. Former resident of Ca1gary,ý Mr. Little -was m-anager and eipervisor of the IHollingsworth conany's Cal- gary, Saskatoon and Regina branch- es for several years. In Decemnber, 1930, he was apipointed genieral manager of the lHudson's Bay comn- paniy's departmental store in Ed- nionton. He left the convpany's ser- vice in 1932 and becamne western director for Pollock International,-- Incorporation Ltd., withi offices ini England and Canade. iHe left that post in 1939 when he was appointed secretary-miiager of Kthe Edmion- ton Golf an-d Country club. Upon his appointment to the Wartime Prices and Trade board staff last October, he resligned bis golf ýclu.b post. Ie, was a. member olf the Ed- mnonton Kiwanis Clulb. M31. James Wallter, Manager of the- main branc-h C.B of C, Edmonton, made the follow-ing nomark in re- ference to Mr-. Little, "They don't corne any better"; while Mr. Perey Long said in his remarks, "He lived respected and died 7regretted." The batie for :Stalingrad, etili raged and it ilu believed that the Ger- nians are losinig 200,000 men a week. T~his seenis Do be a high fîg=te, s huUîetorqI WHEN FRANCE FELL, and Britain stood with her back to the wall, one strong jnw jutted out, and the grip of orne clenched fist shook the Empire. It was Churchill hurling Britain's decision across the channel. Qui?. .. Ne~i.r. -Figbt? ..Yes, through the be/J of adversity tili victory is won. Today Canadians face chlglenge after challenge with the saine unconquerable spirit. Today -we are asked to do without s- - ht our fighting men will have everything they need-when they smash straight into the lieart of enemy defences. Canada's ringing answer to tbis latest challenge will be: 'Yes, we'Il fighit with the Iast ounce o L ~euon strength, and the last dollar we can e arn and save." ICanada's Victory Loan drive opem o~Monday. Canada's Victory Loan repre- * sentative wilI ask for your answer soon. w 7_1 1 ý Ontario

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