ORONO WEEKLY T. Liu.T. C.Mcai raive te budge off Vh irýd a1 paLt ofit tihis ý y, uareety asion a k basis. u ca, thie base aher aonnaiesance eudo and wit;Iiin five minu(tesý i it wililie ýýborne homeo a poounced cdegree 0f Aiewar -whielh ias ai- -ti neet of tfie cartLisj On tire Nnti iAmnc-icanl le being fought tuwenty-f oui' s a dlay by lade" from Your awn c town. Tirey live ai r'emote es!te along our coaste, do !tiri ;qulietly a--nsefetvlyasisc 1in lieýpirg Vo 1maint(ahin ire life- sfrom thc Ne w Wom'ldte t the aey misseut in ture gory"cta -ues te their brothers oere. ue are f ew comniques about r -wock. BuLt yoa'il find],morIale ,pirtS aie uigli as anyýWhere in worid. TImse chapa krew tirai ïbre ding a mar-Ized job andl g it rwel. ry'chittinig Ao re'c it burû-be hlmthu 1.rst-spoil- the carofuIlly laid plans of the tenI yeaIs te d1esti'ey Bitaýin andi Emipire by cutmrg bler supply Iic s Bomber Rcnaetac adron is just one cf tire Royal ýaian Air Force -miite cngagedl tire vital task of ýsearcimg out maiera and protecting ipr Sre scurie of submarine uolf- x. its planes - hugie, bwin-e-1,0 d( craft -ragefar et over tire tir Atiartie (-ecay ansi night. weablirer, poor visibility, e2xtýemi-ei ,g' condlitions îecan littie to tirese, When tire seagnîls are Viumb-i rides, the planes of tAis Squad-j are tillinjr tirsair lookingi for 'hey find lhemi, too. Seuvity sruit permiit reveiation 0f detauls attaickse and ftire reuie hievedl, w'7,herhs record c0f tbis war je tten, srepages wAl Ibe devoted lire exýplO',oit f hs group. qsit thre squadron at heir base 1youaIi ie strucuk vay forcibly by fart. A bombfer ei'ois je ri ection cf indiviuls but rather wdlicoodintedteami. lt ie in y respecte like a football team. pilote are,2tire ,1ls who carry bail.Tirey getV nsot of thre Mal- ~'saplaseand slrhare- ir ail tacý 'tacular îplays, blut lhey arc tac. t te adimoit tirt nwithout tirebet ts olufthe other imenhersof the W, Veir ownJ work would be use- lezsa. There is "Tail'-end Cliarlie," Pth w ie' operator-air gunner or- plain air gunner. 1..e docs tle bloc!k- lngfor Gthe teamn, figlts off the op- postio, .utguesesbis opponelnt' and s geeraly idispnsa)le.Anl thei la the ir naiviatorwlo cals" the sigais, nts ais bosIs a goodI pari "f ùIhe time and steps modcstly aside wiete ikudos le being lianded a ro "1d. In a bouftbe, r rconnaqissance squad- ion rnihworks liundreds of nmiles at sea ýanm, fa r frosn itis base, the nýavigator ile pro)laly nuitaber one m-ari, if any uan in the outit canribe eosdrdmore iàl4otanit than the re St. ILere 4s w'hy: In the ïirst place, tAie ainraft niust reaich its objective whlîch ia this case mlight lie a hundred square mile aýrea of ocean over ' which a ".sweep" ile to be e! ,arried out. Tihis particular reglion maqy be three hundred miles off thie coast. It is the navigator's job to see bhat tAie planie gets there bl)y provîding the pilot with a course Olih rwll take into aeccou nt the (constantly ehiangiig speed andi di- rection oýf wind as w"ll as ams p)herie coitionis 'which mg tbuîld UP iîciný,g ontIhle winigs. Asuigthat 'Cle patrol area le rechd llout difficuLWh and tliat the "sweep" isecar-ried ont, the next taSAi of rthe InavigatIor je toeget thie a'Iierrft bacli to ts base safely. A goor plortýion of bbMpan'sfuel su1-p- ply; baus a aybeen used sand the ehbances arýe tihat th e tanJsý do not pvdefor. a ghein junket te Greenllarcd or Cape Cod. WlIat the navigator hlais to cde is Vo set a course w\ýhidb iwilI fbrin., the bomilber rili,t pan- ever its berne aeredrom-e. Pro- bably igf,-ht ha- fallen in the mnean- timie anq there is a fine drýizz?Àe of rain It is still up to the navigator te finçi exltà,L]y rhere he îe and how to -et froin there te where hie wants te b e, quidkly anid acearately. Be- twe,(en its prýesent position and the base The plane may run threuglh fog or heavy its vhich, usider win- ter icoaditions, will lýoad inclhes of ice on it-, wings in a mnatter of minutes. And a heavily loeaded plane will re- quir-e nore fuel. Or, arriving back over the neredromie, the pilot may findtA Aat the weather bias c'osedI in -aýs it frequently ýdoes on coast bases - andi it le impossible te Corne down. So the navigator bas to help select an alternativue fied, perhaps C'00 ils waand providle a course whIicbf wil1 get the craft there before tsgasI taýnks run dry. Little wonder, then, that the ranvi- gatcor rates veiry hig'hly in the Air Focesbock, lii a pineýli lie niuist beL abe o mann tlhe guns, and or os casioýn te hellpwithtlire a cocn- tri.Fer ailý this lie qbas Ztfihe un- mtniadpaise of bis felow erew ~KIRBY Mrs. LouiseChma is on the sick liet. W~e wisir lier a eppecdy re- everY. Mvise MAiidrcd Allen, P iekerîng, wa hoewith ber parents, Mr. andi Mis. Miss Pearl iMorrow epent the week-end witli relaliveýs and friends! in Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Ern- Hanmmç penit Satur-day evening with Mr. and Airs. J. Tho-nipsen. Mr,. and WiMs.Bre Themipson, of Port Hope, spent Monday with Mi. lard Mis. Brysor. .Mr. and Mrs. Pacs Pattersor and £111, eof Toronto, spent tlie week-end wit i is sister, Mrs. Win. Wannan. Mr. Wl ýiani Littile waa ont te Churcir on ýSuniday and every eue was ga toe(ec ini looking se wdll. ,is. Wilfred BigeIowv andi Teddy, 6f Sharity Bay, are sperdirig a feýw wýeeks 'witir Mr. and iMrs. A. J. ie low. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bryszon and M ioandM. Allen Clenk, Harii- ilie, epenIt the wek-end aIt Mr. A. Morrow's. Mrs. Adamn Henry and Mis. Searle, Mise Sadie îBrown iiand Mrs. Adoipli Henry, Oro)no, visýited Mondlay with Mis. J. Thompeý,-oni. Mies Jeanne MaieKinnion andi Mies Chistinie MaeKinnon, of Toronto, spenit Sundayv wtb Vieir parents, Mr'. andi Mrs. D. A. MvacKînnon. Msis, 1. E. Chapmnan and Mr. and Mme>. Percy 'Chapmar, aise Mi. and Mis. Oral Cbapman spent Sunday evenirgl with Mr. rd îMr-s. J. Thomrp- son. Rev. Mr. Morton, of Newcastle, kondctedi tlie anniversauly seri-ces ir Kiirby United Ghurci or Sunday last and g-ave two wonderful dis- couirses. ENTERPRISE Mr. Lloydr Rareberry ie digging a neW well. Mise Mary HÏ11ton is. visiting Mme. Earl Gilbark. Mr. Bowditch, of Pickering, wa.s hoeon Sîurdlýy. Mr. andi Mrs. John Moffatt visitcd in Peterboro on Sunday. Ies. A.Tropinn and 'bùyr apent the wvee-endI in the city. Mastur Ernieet Ransbcrr y le able to go for, short drives, wc are pleascd Mr.Russe! au~rr ii dri ~ Mncrel, as 'been visitingý in tire neigirborhiood. Misses Elcanmor Ransberry and Rthl Lunn w'ýerce at their respective homnes aver tire holiday wevfek-end. hom n1e te eeroo after tliree wksvisit wý;lh Mc. and lMis. Joýhn Moffat't. '1r, AdyLunn le domlg ,,very ell i Toronto Ocrerai lojsi:tai after an. opuraIon, WTe -wiseh Im a speedy rec,.ýv r CLARKE UNION Mr. Sua1s Soi bld La shooting matchfor-geese or. Tiankeigivingi Say. MIr. Harvry Pattersor liead iris ton- elle remcved last week in Bowmnan- '.111eirospital. Mrs. Hienry SwavineLott anld Mr's, Perý_y Patton bave acceptesi posi- iens at Pickering. vîitd ith MAr. ansi Mis. Jiarry Biiey oertire rckc Mr idMis. Joe" Bates a.11d son ber pacîntS, Mleand Mis.. George Mis. HeierSouci, wh ,]o under- uintan per-atin in Bownnvi le li ita, le ding nJlceiy aniîd bas lllowe'enprgram WMibc hid 'in ticscrol oueon Thiureday-, Oct. 222, 8.30>pIn.Those rot ini cos- tunm~ 1'bx Al are asked te attend wena pogi'airwilire arranfgesi fori t!ire avntienthe, Biîng sarçi- wvices or cake. CLARKE TWP., NEWCAýSTLE OBJECTIVE $160,000.0 The ob1cjective set for 'Clarke Towvn- chLpandNewastl isS16POOin ,le o icunpinNtiol comences larose Canada on iGh oraOcer FoRowing are the objectives fo,)r tire different districts ir Uuihamn Ccunty. Tire first figure is tire ob- jActive for Dtle present driveMN SI tire figure in brackets is tire objective aimieiat in Vire fast victery loan STARK VILLE Mise Gwen Gilmer spent thie weeki- end at homne. Mrs. SlPickýer>iug, spent Suni- day at hiome. Pte. Gordon Lacey, Peterlioro, called en friends recentlly. Mrs. Frankc Stone with lier daugh- ter, Mre. Hoit, of Toronto. Miss Marion Bruce, Clarke, with M r. and Mrs. Percy Fair»w. MNr. and ' Mrs. Arthum J)uiin witli Mr. and i 's. Warren Chrson. 'Pte. -Reg-. Boterl, of Peterbore. with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Simithi. 11fr. andi Mrs. Roses Halloweil with iMr. ai îýMrs. J. E. White, Fizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Hul Staipletonl, of Oshawa, wtl i r. arnsIMrs. W. Hal- Mr. and lMrs. Clouglihcliff, od Tor- oýnto,, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordion Trim. M1iss, Alilce Hallowell, Toronrt, with Mr. ani Mys. Richiard 1iallo- well. Mr. Laverre Sto'e, of Br-onte, wvith hie paretsMi. and Mrs. Frank Store. M r. anld Mris. Carlos Tamhblyr aild young ýsoni, of Oonwith Mrs. hi Stark. frma holidayv with lier paIrenlts t.lie Siioh W. A. at their meeting asii a Redi Cross qiltinrg on Friday. last. Mr. and -Mre. J. Wark andbaeof w toand Mics,ý;Beiir halôe Toronto with Mr. andi Mr.'Suas Hai'iowell. 3rd Victor-y ZnJ Victoryý, Loan Objeýctive Loan Objlective Hope ......... $35,0ft0.00 $310,000.00 Darlingtor .. 300;000.00o 260,L100.00 Cartwrighlt .5,5,00(.00 55,000.00 Cavan ....,.. 95,00 0 15,000.00 Ciarke.....100,0D0.00 175,00ý0.00, -Manvers .... 55,000.00 45.000.00 '100 000.00 $ 90,0000 Spec'l raines 1,,000.00 10000 ~1,10,00.00$1,100,000.00 I Eallowe'en Hats, Faces, Mqasks, Costumes and Favours. Ouled Silk Bandanas, new assorted colors .... 29e. Ladies' Colored Flannellette Nightgowns, Long Sleeves, each ....... ........ ........... 98c. Children's Cream Colored Vests, Short Sleeves, priced ..... . .......... ........... 29c. to 37c. Children's Bloom-ers to match, band knee 35c to 45e Children's Navy Bloomers, sizes 22 to 28, pair. 25c. New Faîl Feathers and Flowers ......15c. and 25c. Ouled Silk Bandanas (new-), assorted colors ... 29c. Padded Chair Seats, in colorful oilcloth, each. . 29c. Children's Cardigans and Sweaters, sizes 2,. 4 and 6 years, priced.......98c. and $1.00 Swinging Closet Door Loops saves space, each 10c. ~Thermômeters, wooden back, each.......... 20c. Hu-Mar Plant Food, 4-lb. pkg............ 25c. Coppered Metal Chore Balis, each........... 10e. Plastic Kitchen Scoops, each ......... ...... 20c. Mazda Bulbs, sizes 40 and 60 watt, each ...... 15c. Bicycle Reflectors, IRed, each ............20c. Two-in-One Black Shoe Dye, bottle.......... 15c. Dyetint for dyeing or Tiýting, ail shades, in- cluding Curtain Ecru, Obye White, color Re- mover, etc., etc., pkg.. ...... ...... ...... 10c. Boys' Pocket Combs with Clip, each .......... 5c. Ladfies' Full-fashioned Lisle Ilose, pair ..... .89c. Ladies' Ra-,yon Chiiff"on Crepe Hose, pair ..... 63c. YOUR\ POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE 0URO0NOu'%5c.TO $ 1.OO "S TOeR E Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Furieral Directors andi Furniiture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the mnost re5asonable charge as wvell as the largest and moet exactin.g Telephone: Office 668- Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Collecut Bowmanville, Ont. Il. -. s Sergt. Air Gurner Roger Clement of ths RýCA.F., îoebuurg, lias'ee Officialiy iisted as usin after -air operations over Europe. Sergit. Cle- mient wae borr la St. Hyacinthe, Que., and rae o Ooheurg xt0hen a yeudir, and in 141 enlistes in tire RC.A.F. Hie iwife je tire fermer Violet Baxter, andi they have one daugirter. He is '28 years of agie. r ILE ~Sufferers cf bleeti- PILES 0Piles should know Biuutier'e HlerbiFiPlle treats the cause at ls s'ouice. Money ibri(3ckif noV satisfactory. 'PyreU'e Drug Store, Orono; and Melllow's Drug Store, Newcastlle. Try us with your priiiting nieeds. I I I