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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1942, p. 1

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EE Vol. 6. No. 40. OIPONO, ONT., THURSDAVýi, OCT. 22nd, 1942. 'Subscription, $1.: Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn Resigns Office of Premiership at S. Meet -IeId On Friday Last 0Senior, Donad Staiples, Bob Cooper, cwide aTom 'Lhou. LY to Running broad jump - Junior, Murray Pattersonl, Ross Carltonl, Mont. Richardson. Scnior, Donald Sfaples, Jamies Lowery, Bob C'oo-)- ni Moffat er and ig np- Jun1ior,. Mont. Rich- aridson, Peter Chmiara, MrrvPa- ern.Sen1ior, Bob Cooper, James ,n School Lowerv, 'Donald Staples. st Fiday, .pole Výault - Juniior., Ross Carl- -pî iee on, Bill utefod Peter Chbmara. theil 1il Senlior, Dan Qhmara, oadSa he filipic, ,Bol)'Cooper'. .DiadS major- .irl,;' Events We, also 75 yard dash -Juniorý, Betty Lini- ber whichi ton, Pauline Robbins. Mlde Rich-t sur. ards. 'senior, 'Carol ýStaples, Anna hard therStaples, iMargaret Mackinnon. ling. We ieu Tr -Dawn M off at, th ai or Anna Stapies, Carol Staples, mîne of 'us Joýyle Lowcery. orký donc1) Bas'cbal thow -- Junior, Doreen w'ith he Cornish, Joyce 'Tennanit, Betty Lin- Ech heon. Senior, 'Carol Staples, Joyce ,W. Lowery, Anna ýStaples. 'bs vet Volciall Thrcw - Junior,' Mil- 0 ~ but ex- dIred Ricehards, Betty Linton, Dawn t lcad 'kept M\'offat. Senior, 'Carol Staples,,, Anna er ahead- Stapls cd harder le, Jn ceLowry cd îess in R gningbroad jump - Junior, r Pauline Robbins, Btty Linton, Dor-C cen ýCornish. -Senior, 'Carol Stapies, tj 11 target Ann Sais Marigaret Mackinnon. ad three ;hrow the Io'w 'bicycle race (open), Joyce, w oran ~Loweily, 'Donald Staples, Bob Coop-il ool. This cd. d a level The chiaiiipionis for the day %vere: e n" stoodl Boys, Junior, Murray Patterson;B Cheir op- Senîior, Donald Staples. Girls, Jua- is their or Betty Linton; Senior, Carol k» J~TY' v ~ I.O.O. No. 436 Instal SEQUIEL TO BA',TTLE 0F BRITAIN. R. Li the Battie of Britain, i)'gnnngon the R.A.F. 1hurledi ba'ck the fuil mighit of the the Englisýh country,ýside( with wr-ecks oft' Gu Now fighter and' bomber 'Comiirinani are car 'Channel d'eep into industrial Ger manv Canada' vwj re.view of devclopmients 7. Nï efront fromu Ootober S8irtacdo>î 5, 1942- 4ian nb tireatens to manacie eoopera 'osers 'unless Germians forces s placed on the hands of in 'the d British prisoners cap- 8. Ca ýppc. ýces it Board annonees the Up- diate 'a, n of the wholesa'le ccii- prisone j.bee atnd stricter control the flci ~cs which also will in- of war pondigly.9. Po 0 Prices and Trade :,4I1oc k iucesa that 'persons re- *4brcc 'v : ort Their Off icers At Open Installation Wednesday Last Chas. Stapleton, Retiring Noble Grand, Pres'entedi With Jewel The AnintialIsalainof 'Officers of Orono Lodge No. -436, 1 '0 *O 'F., Look place ini the To'wn hall, Orono, on WednesdayV eveninig, October 14, awt a verýv large attendance. Ru's.- Greg-hton's cnterbainers 'of Toronito rcndered lan] excellenýit prograni of about one hiour's 'duration t ù the deliziht of the audience. ~Foliowing *te programme waiste installation of officers iby Bro. Gor- don V. Scott, D.D.GJM. of Durhamn 'Dsrc No. 42, and his staff. The ,w,0rk was vcny efficicntly perfornd and the charges to the officers Was impressive of their, dioties and obli- gations to the work of the order throughout their 'tcrm of office. A presentation 'of a Past Grandi 'Large Congregations Attend Park St. Church Anniversary S'nay ctober 18 was a gr-eat dayv at Park St. Uniited,. Chur-ch. Na- tur-e blended,( with the occasion with. its Auitumniial garib, a cloýudiess sky, a warm igh sun). Within the chxhthe decorations were such, seesof grai», the fruits of field, ofte, and Of Vinle, the beautif ut color of chry'santhemnums, and fol- lag-e to create a mood of thainkIsgv- ing and worship. The congregiations, both norning and evening, wlerc splendid, and veryv representative Of the community for iles around. This contributcd much to the 1happincss and ins1ýpration of the day. The miusi'c for the aniniver- sary occasion was rendcrcd by the 'Orono United 'Church choir, with Mrs. 'R. H. rBrown officiating- at the loi Lo .flvc as tl Rex. wmn.Ste i, csteemed,< ning çserm-ioni R gp ng4hig tpv returns ekvisit reports o.rm-y ove -nu W. I. 1MEETIN6lo egular mieeting (f the Wo- ira' astitutc, Orono, was held on ta aftcra-oan, October 16, wîth cf yven present, icuingsv tors. cris wer'e askcd to brin'g ta an ýprint blodkls for- the war arn '±Â~r mon 12. contingent raine vinice ~ad1qnart~rs for V TT..,,1~ 10 tu s'eil tickets on ýnging to the Insti- to be drawn. at the to hoid? a home hlc council chaniber eniber 14, when the ithe booth At the )sale. $25.00 was to the Mil'k for Bni- the Kinsmnen ar(ý herwin reported Oa ce held in Ke-ndal ý#hich fixe of the idileged ta heur s.peak on 'the famn- or g,,ood- nutrition." ormin charge of arch 'comm,-itteýe ini- vad frm an aHi consisted of inter- al aid poeesof t that timne, and itý Lanyanle with in- yical interest hanid utc ta be plnIaeed ina ýing comilcd. pancakes awere 1 Wth soyrun or %d with bered 'grapes with bever- ior Cold water. Book2'Now Ready For Saleý 11in,110n stîca, ap- ava. Beok vus a e neral mnt "mde 4v th ave, là, 'l (enadlian, Unit"< Selective other aecount bhas 500,00N0,000 mark. il".. RED CROSS TEA The time- is drawing nearer whein wc mnust sliýp our Ghn-isý'bna.sboe for tihe:boy's overseasý. A-c3ording to letteyrs 'received froni aniy wh-o are s0 fan away fnom ime, a parcel or- 'gif t of any kind means so nmccli ta thcmn, and irpresses' on )themn the ,fact that we are 'bcýhird them 1 A p Pr cent lan the sacýrifice they arce makin forus. 'fe lcal Bralldi is g'ivin'g evenyaý-ne -an oDpportunli'ty ta hcilap with the 'boxes by holing ,-a Vlctory Tea niext Th7,1ursdny after- lnon, Octoiber '29, in thle Oange Hall,1 Each ld a Ska1 ta bring her oü'wn 'tea (a tela bag or -1 taponof tea) adenijay a social timle. Donationsý of mooetiy or aricfiles for the boxes will be acecepted at thýis tima. 'Pue olongare smuegested rice hooaebar's, gumr, ratz or Lads playiing cars, igar 1eS, cannedl raisins, dlied soups or..veP getbs, 1ar, cnd" ruit cake. W.C.T.J. MEETING John Garrod, Newcastle, Passes Away on Sunday M4r. John -iG'rrod, Newcastle, a- cd away -at Oshaw'a hospital on Sun- day, Oictober 18, ageýd 59 tycars. The lake.Mr. Garrod was opcra3te-d an for herniia at Ojshawa hospital and was allow.ed ta go taoiris hoime, on Tuesday of iast week. Darly priday mioring he becamie serio'u'sIy JE and was again taken to Oshawa wýhe1ne another ciperation was per- fomdfroin which he fldto aly Mr, Garrod was boera in England and( came taL-,'Canada arounld 1910, h'e has sinice rsdd For the pastý niumbilen 0f years he bs been chief constabie of Lthat villag-e and caire- bakr f t'ho commýnunîty hall. 11c2is, suurvv'od by bis wife, thr-ec sos an Tie funieral ser-vice -was hield att St. GeLoige's Agia Cuc nWcd- nesayOtcber21, xirâh Rev. D. R. Dewdn;eyofcitng Ino et a made ira'ecateeeeey The Octo1'ocr meeý,tin, af thie Wo- 1B'uy Vietoiry Bonds' - 'Notli mnan's Christian TcnemlrilCe Unilion1- mlatrers now but VictorIy. was hehd on Tuesdav, Octoben 221, _____________ wli'ti the- President, Mn's. Walsh, pre- -________ sidin. oldngthe Medal Gonitest oniiMfter the oeîghyma ntire deo-20(, and the differeat cmi tional 'was taken ibyv Mas'.Liteod were apitd A "Plan of wa Fo'llowin£y are the oLffiers. 1bo'n"I' r -ýa -cuIýuui"tJý -decti've and oi~itd f 0P013<>voifih the sirIîn~g of an oaid Lodýfîr- for th.-~rrn term: familiar hymn, "Peace, Perf'1 N.G., Bro. H. D-aveiy. Ipeace". V.G.. Bro. G. Waitson. Rec.Sc. Bro. W. J. Riddý,ell.- - Fin. Sec., Bro. J. H. Walsh. people and are -àving this timne fri Treas., Bro. E. R. Rainey. l. 'Th".y are re'questi-ng you to ha Warden, Bro). H. 4'ChaIis. your salvaze sor-ted( and placed oi Convenor. Bro. G. Hancouk. s(de. Kindly have papers and m' Ghapdlain, Bro. R, ch-at-rs. zines securely tied i undies-, ra R.~.S. ~Bro.Jac & biags, metal and rubber in contaý LiS .. ro.H. Hooe.y. RSN.,Bro. Fred Yeo. Cins if p 0o;si 1e. AnI Pastâboi LJNGBro. Evrt sliouid h4e flattened down P RISV.G., Bm. 'veetBrw tied securely too. PI.V4. ro. E. Fo-wlerc. he Scouts will appreciate y< I.G..' Bro. D.MyI5.o-prio as in the past~, and, O.G., Bro. L. loe.adn that V'ou malk( a speeial effi SALVAGE COLLECýTIONIthe ncw go rp vermen ' reguav s PIcase have yr aaegteedcerning the sse ftrci~ b~gotc4r '~r .ti'iy, O'nh~v94. ffect our disposai ()f iaeh Beau e ecletr aevr uyafter. May Purchase Extra Sugar For TIi i ý - up a lnt of timi-e the'y 'llieih pccsal[amoçunit os suiigar sold, 'p Adn sig-natui.e to inidicate he to i'ber the vouchiers the me.(r- sug-ar for Bi uesLTri*umh Over The ,%Va

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