Price ContrI Auong Same Lines As In Canada Arecent geres o0f quic1 mre feigei ahalt, ises luwa mao eotefl 'Coitm-fo andirenat -acth ie Unlted Sta',tes n l gýam7e pianeo 0f ec.Onmic Centralý tha)ft las elltti ýla Canada fer av eral montlis. redntRoosevelt, girn te "go-abead" signal by Cougress to Cstabilisýe tbe ea0fà?livIng Danti lonestail runaway inflatinon e h unli ,dStates, Issuet an rde rumcb clampeti colîga an wages, salaries, profitas, fail pic andi renta. Food and Rent The opie freeze, a 60-day emergency order ta bY follwed soon by perment ceillns for tce tiiato, is ow effective. Il en- Ioins ail netailers, wiolaaiers, iannufacturenrs and processors !to charge norefilan lte highesti price they chargeti belween Sep- tomrber 2S anti October 2, Onuy important foodaluffae7x- eeffPtd wre rfrosli fisb, mosl fresh f-ruits and vegetables, andi pea- muteprobably te be traettilaler oni a seasonal basis. AUl landlords 'wlo hava ra-isedl renta lite at savon mentpls wý7ill hoc-asked to redue em te.n tbe Mr1 ilevels. Effect On Caniada Thle Uùited States, by puttig ani-ti-Difltionle gisiationinto oper !t!i, bas easured the conitinuatIon af its effective enforcemient lanthis 0oinion, because, badtthro ,basaý i noý move t ecit inflation la late united states, ithe Inoritable ce- action uponCanada l would haveý boen disastrous. We May fnow lo orw t f atýion of aniti-fInflatioi nmens3ures asý ad thn te entine Nor.tI mn cau couinent. 'HOW CAI? Q. How ca I aIre a 3substituts !ÈobIftite original cameis off the !ici 0f a, ketîle or1,pani? A. lipa crew througb he lom, ýwliheh eati on theIsio 0f the bld, then scrnew a crk on trie pro- tr-uding endi.'T'bis ]knob ii o hecomie bl, and ilcan eneee jasi1y wvben il baýsbemopied Q. Iaw Yaai make a, dry shamj- AýA Mix to ounices o0f canuntealý -wfitl ount)lice eofpowý,dened amris 100Lot.SPniale Is powder luPlt% bair anti thon brsl horoughly. Q. How can 1 chop nuis qaickly A. tastead 0of chllong 1nuls ifor cakes or cookies, try palgte ~a adotts and l-uing the nvo- ngpin over thei. Q. How cail,1keep h soe zworan lugooti condition? "V,' k A. Af er takiag a shower, alwaps be sure ta draw Ghe s"iwer cur-ý Itain ot 11oG 9the n1od to dry. Til ai must gelta oil anti lot it dry onst, in Crtier ta preveut damage ta ite fnhric anti Possible mfl(iewl. Q. '110ow cen ! I maIre a dessert, wihlet-over nice? A. LefI-over cooketi rice <an be hnde m a deliciauis dessertb atii ait sainechpedapls dieipineapples,mas alos aniwpt rain. PUt injto Hlome guardsmen ia scores cf ta iebs speti out of London ta ý!pping Forest before dawni Oct4 sný,d sucýcessfullY foughtofan"t tack" on e coavoy of tncks It wes the first tnyeut of the taxieb armny enganizeti by Lon- danil's Hm Guards, and thedi- genit,patie soldiens acted wt tIse graeienergy, M-,iitany amipires ruled that he car-borne tr-oops succeeded in la ne 0,lig parachute altack on thec nolor co)nvoy., The ideca was an adaptation of thse French trn- Pot of troopa; frein Paris ta tIe ýMarn1e River iin 19141. A few hoans iter the tax-is anid their drivers wene back e t hi Setaqncî for thnftst time, fu himaail uzzlng ver th dllec of Wthuoel porter Takdig the mnan for a fareigner, lhe i ie bis nat!loaality. "Ibelong tQ Scottand, hoie Scatianti," repijýeti thoý porter proud- lY, Atifa d cam frasý "rmtegreatest výOuntary the wvorld bhasever kon"batt -what an aa "Kpoety 7ye'Ve lasIt your acn! Brown: "N'eu know, no mat- ter where î hide My money, Mm ie alWayS nde R- White: "my Wîfe nover finds ~nine. I keep it in ie 'basket -with mny undarnedj socks." The yong anata the socia gatherig boasting of bis Arctie exporation s. egazetiat lit beautiful gil howas tryiugta IM-. press, "Juaimain,"hasad raa tinaly, "an enormous ice-foe!" "Maes u I'd i iean e" said t girl. abseut-ly, "but my name jisn"t FIa0!" 'Visitor (IOoking oiver battIe- shiP) --"And What do you sýaiorS do Whýen the ship apringsa a eak7" Gob-,A-w, wve jivat put a p anr under it, mIa'aMY" The nwymridcoule w ?ere jua levin1te1rgisrars ffice" whbea the wife remembered se 'lad r 1egis;tered han age >as 'a yeoa "Oeh, nover MAI," replled her huIsband, "yq'll" get the aul age pensiJona î,year soe. teil me the difference btween perseverance andobtay? Juniior--"Onp lisýtronq wlll and the Other' a Str'onlg wont" featherditibton aspinster soigVîCima c, aYme across a yong iani milkîng acw "WhVLy aren't yOu ?aËt tho front?" she blurted eut. "Cos ter' one iilc aztbtat enyi" ho anewered wIt a grin. ---- Halle, cd nian, I haen't seen you Mor some lime.", "l've been Iýn bed for s even, weeks."' 0ýThat,'s too bad. Flu,1 sup- pose.? IUother: "'IltoUs me thý ÈýýN)ey toldl hilm lu scliool toCday as 10w Co- Fatber: "Go op, the boy didn' ouD"glit t ta belleVe ailthes'e motorLý Wife: 'It saY!s here that the a-verage person -,Speaýka G0000 words e day."I l-iSbnd: "'es, dear - but yoU're far aoeteaeae you know." Teinc-rease îla hCome-grown fd aBitain tIbis year will gv 5POOOAOO tons of Shpng in th eary 9's, hhen J. H. Wlailice draove a herd of cattie up inioAlberta fremindaho and started the naw famanus WaI. lace Ranch, the "at Band was his identification. The branti is still in use by Ra.saý Ranches, at Aden, Aberta. 5'HAT" Brand of the WALLACE RANCH WHAT SCIENCE IS -DOINqc TURPENTINE Sotenpins trees1,.ud hegll afAmerican cliemisîs aesapy !Dg thle Uniteti States will aver- saIlle prld-uct la which Japan onice beltia tigiiht mmoay, wits r. C. M. A. Stinle, vice-presitienWt ad vihsory on research an d àtievelop- mnotI ý ltidpanit Cde-,Nemours4 anti Company for Science Sericef. This la caniphor, anï impt)gant fingredlent OF th1ousand 0f p ýeace timi-e nd %wartîe protiucts fhnm linimuents, uguentis, siuat an ohoipa.maeuicls t scuffie-se plastic heel coverincg uon womie's shoes, martoie filmns hc ,,se hundretis aof thioasatis fc pountids), tililary dr afting Intr- meu(l a antimotocycle1winshila Stale ceniphor tesof the Or lent haro ý,for tasasof yea-,rs b'een iva off thoin fresh ant for rmlles. Many cealunes uo11 na'-tives learno1ed ta dligili tecamîi phor Wood, usýing cmulde hbooi"( tubes ta condcenjse the snowv--iteî cr-ysîalsý. Theýse le rseiit sinal amulets te ilmue lenlth ant ta serre ias symbals cf petgan ho 1101. It las -aîi thatîlheArba physicins of le]aer7etl cntr approciate"dt îe edcialvalue 0f campflior. Grnswiss ý;and tiItlienpat were l urnig synithetic cumlnpio r Out early ila île twenîiétIli et antci a saet was matie on this cn tine,,ntlar1,900. Sovrml thr f forts wenel')1soù mlatie d(uing le' t firl I hirti of tîle cenItury, a gin until the aduPant opn opened tiilcmphor plali nl192 Turnirig ont close ta 600,000 punti aI cermpor a monlil, thispln now protliScs most o)f tec phr anulfaclurei l iu te U Pinenle, the sterling mlna a wiatery fluiti bil ooks anti sieis peutinle is 95 percentpnewhb la distilieti off. TIse wrd' 1argest diamni tI e Culiînan, whi, h we, i ghe 3,106 carats when, foanid in South0- Aýfri, was cal into a,,inie prrincilpal s.taneis. Modern Eiquuffoe 1, Whan mna nti11 a womaa are engagedti ta himnnieti, ian' Ipermissible fer Ibem ta lssin public, anti othierwIseshowthe devotion? 2. Witat shouli oa do we d!ummiýy tiuning a bridge garine? Waîoh îl ýe gamneor baveîlhe tabîle anti welk about tho reaoin? 3. ylu whhbad shuldt" hsf n hoe latIdIwhen convying oot héaIl mou1th, an1dtihîe ka-ife la not ne- woat? 4. When a mauais accampany- fing, a wan wha tiaeS net s1inoko anti ite knows that sho doosa nl a)bject ta hie imolin-g, la Il usces- sary for Iiiiiitogask pernmissi.>a- cI lime le WhItes ta sinoe? 1. When. a persan hes flusheti ealing, till thaîpllUiho rWib stac tthe empty d1ihes? ANSWERS 1.N. Such demonstrae shid Y resevet fr ar pnr- aoy. M, showsq very poor laste fanr liem tadisplay ileir love lu pub bic-, anti pravokea unkinti commants,ý anti cilicianamong tIbm rasso- cae.2. Il is paon mlannrers ta leave the table dunig île pwgesa Lf î1le gaina, anti is 1munch nicer au shw nintereat l Ihe p ne in Wéhlyour par-ler la paylag the baend. 3. The rigî henti. 4. Noc t aal; if he lias already aI eipermlission nc o l i, i wo bcasmwhtmnlnu ta leep nepeatlg dele es . Hoe nmeycons;iidoril ip Lu, bt I os celabily not gooti brin ta do s.The dishes shouilti romain a lhey are untIl le witer rioe Jhei. Film Shoàws Workil 0 f Forestry Corps A film,ý "Wood for Wen,," mnade iu c--o-op)erationi wilh thse CanadUien- Ariiy Film U, nit, la on ils way frein London. Il Shows n e! ofîleý CaainFneslry Corps et wonhç iu Scotlendl('s foreats helpiug ta poietimýber essentiel te B- tangwneffort. AL Canadla i thiere, froinEast do West. nIe groat tres fail; Ihy fbat dwvn thse ScôtisIsrivons ta ber aaw-mi-ills; thecy ,ecoine pluks Tlhe finishad ftimben a-ppeejrs asg bs'idea, ponlons army hutinentc, T TSE days, no womnncau - affo11rd t e rkcake fiue.To - make sure their c-akies are lay . gloriouýsly light andtedr uwt wvhat cakeexeteU elty crunb"-so many wmnare usinig Calumet IDouh)le-Acting !Baking IKN tato fiish, Te irst actiontae paewhen you addlà.qu'd lto the dr1y iged t. ThoUsands of tin-y bubbes o sugin thrughthe Latter mkîgit -lighït actiin tak!es place in the oe;Vn. ?Releasedl . by Lhdat, thousanids nmore tîiny buhbles ~' slowly % ftyorcake hýigh-and h lold it ' zooL7l~ there. They make risiing even and steady i " and assure a cake ha'ssoL asires 'IIt costs very litîle. 10 by 2 Most recipesrifl for only 1 -leaspoon of CaýlumieLto 3 li <lubl-acion ltneable d te assure thse uinost hiinb king potcionadprfcin FrOR SURER RESQLTS IN BAKING BUY CALUMET FjROM- YOUIR GRO CER TODAlY' ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid forpin dd 1,(a'td twent ry ba ss. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. AGENTS WANTED) in ounryand townI- sPatrE time.We oprate sixhundred( acrenursry- sockthe best in fruit a n ramn ta! 1 tr ee2s hrrses. Write . , elhai Nursry o.,Toronto. DRWNG100K ýAND OUTFIT ARTISTS AND RT STUD)ENTS overe s hebckthtyo hv siMïLi FID) DRAWVIN G by Chrles arîsn. A completsI draing cursela llstratioon with ove1,T 000 drawins,(ol T 200 post draime pdpecisrue, esr waec clurpinsanihaca fo C40AUtaiAtStu001)Suppiy Cemenytr 15 Gt old t., Toronto- rlaig. enid. bi Crt-date ad centdB.C. tos imited. Used Ca rcIot ato 632 MountVeasant RoaWtýI, To roto epon uftemR. 2181.ju cOULTrYiieEEPERSof - PLAN FORh; big thingmos foa193.order your),, Bry Ccks for1Noembeir-Dec-f eber deliey inoan lmae sure !)f getting hat you waatr o when ou wat tIdfnrtch just offBr- Rachey, 30 ohn, St. N., Remi, ', EARN EXTRA 1CSH INSPAR Christins 1Cardsl eutfl gwfa bes t 35 cens to $.00 pe bo. o u mail kegp( upl t-olIhaîf of( selliag once. Sea dlfor 1lpricls TI" reel ersoal lbusmIof ex- îui Ite digosi ns witi, b1, li-. tary crest et13 fora dolla Idample boxe continmin0fo- lnty c, re, te ie s frin Guephon ml"m ton hghway tiful son ouelrg hm modmpigpe, hu jousad sheepilpeN, awl hdre qu'lipeti. 210ACRS.NICLYSIT.UT t uns, SinL, p i of c dio, ple, ]I u, wutr, excelent gAvei Woud m l4eIdý I e dairy ein.ý FARM 'EUPENT T;ndl rebuil li alotte , gnt nti Fruli anti Sem i-le Eglues bt12HPe. cktne 021HP H.FIrn s;Pumu ad et- Aftoseeier-t iled, we 'have nue. eeeded 1in remottlng,4u;elY. and per- imenàtlytise moit etubbora niez, oe miperfloue hair. overs' een gr NOT ELECTROLYSIS DERMAT CLINIC 11ORSES FOR AL lions. CativaorJ, Br ntCp HELTVIGOR AND VITALI is worth 1more th1an d(ollars. wo.. mn78 crippied severalÉ- years- with rIiii now eaJoys health and happiness, thans Gd for Lanîg's ,Min-erai ýRemedy. Write for this wom-aW.s owu statemeat. Tbusands l3found saine genuins relief from hemais Stomacb troble, IidnysNerves. Coli- tis PiesEczmaFemale ail- th1is nature p-rod1uit. Acta eon MinraiReiedis, 46Ro'bsonuY. MARE FOR SALE DO-NT WA-TT EVERY SUFRý- er ofRheuaticPalins orNer Munr'sDrug ,Store, 335 Elgin, REGULAR 75c BOX NOW 2 FOR $1.00 (OC TOBýER O()N L VY) C. HUDSON SpaSussex, NB. saiys "Appetite inrese, lpt letter, fround them :, good ton1ic for radowp codiin eid lf or:2 boxest- d1ay. Orford B. orsey, 5,27 Main% MEN WA-NTED FIl-EEN-MEN FOR ýTANNE-RI i labour, oeue Third laýs.s fireman,7 aadtw Furth Class iee Appy mp loyienit &Selective Sevie ffice, ."13,' thStreetL, aHA VE YCOU ANYTHING NEEDB dyieing or cleniug? W\rite te ua for inoratin.Weare 4gIad t10 mu EParker'sDy Wrk Lnimited, -7!31 YueSreTu- RUGS, NW 1-ILS MADEPROM 1auyi94 QuenStV W,.Toronto, Wrort for bookL ALTNT 1&90;14 ~ig Wes, Torn Booliel ! Inormaion n re l'uestBo "7 ET" &TAE AK EGERTUNR CS, EISEE Ilalein venu,1Toroto. ltch 1:rompty halu ii qik ly lieIticne o.,Box214 RETTER RECORDS ierha dzne arobeins RAÎMSAY SYSTEM RAMISAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 'M0 B-faY >St. - Timr ot e P oO =4- Uf you .sufer mnonthly cramps, back- aýche, distress of "lrirsgn1arltles," o ldsturbance-try Lydic !E. VnIa Vegtable Comipou-naý Tablets {wth added iroin). 'Made especiaily for uioiei.Theyialso heip, build up red bl,-oôd. Macli Canada. la- CLASSIFIED ADYERTISEMENTS