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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1942, p. 3

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tincle sain is culling -.or 1,1re' hiand therel r sial for isoldieras. Tbe Japsdopetwl, But expansion of rice cropa will We be easy, uor it l arwa in Only toýu states, rcial.wihhv oa'ly aboult ,5000acres of ln sutbefor it. TheII quota sýet for this ycar is ,2000acres. Produce- tion in !41 totaled 54,000,00 bush- ia, wb-ichý ataP aeag rieo »1.86 'l bulshel br il tr a corJne off mor tan $6,0,0.This year's goal at o an i*ra~o 5,00,000hushls, t 1least. Growtg rice requtes- an irriga- tinsystem by hi t gj-rnd .a keýpt ovedwthfromr four to, eix lacfhes 0fwtrfromr ýseeding wMarm ueiae and a log growsng ,,sea-n eavy, andj cojStly mlachjinl- era s used, an'd a large amrount of labor. Thie four, sýtatesprdcn moa't'Of o-ur c ar'e, laorer0 i;as andCaion. Tire roh rice s soýnt to bihe ri,! here tMe out hall and the mer,. "branD" are remontved aurd the liera- ela axe polishl' e in most cases the ik)G.olia:hed r-iet givenl a coilt of luoeand tacfo u lstrous appnrace.There were 74 milîs oraiglast year, located am tri i lith riee-growinlg sec- î.ion;s. By-proctuicts eonsisting ojf poualh, bran, poufltr-y feedi, rice 11e-a, and hallS wer worth $2,749p, 000 atL ysar. Cîilren Require Good Breakfast The Cbild Hyglene Division of teDepartiment of H-ealth revýeals thiact trai mjanby Cblildrlen: go te school withjout breakfast auid pointstl ont thiat. this abiorniali c.on- ffition impaýirs thleir blealtb and JéiýopaïdizeS their schloolwrk A d4 wbto Pats a gond br-eak. 'Ss tie esa quciy and sttdiesG wltib more enthiusiasai; nie takes WMorfe intèe l play and Mgs dl- Setv ystem is prprdfor, the baller nonr me (al. Thxe growin,-g ehild rqie oenuilin thanan aaîtdoes and ýSkipping- a tH rion. d,ý moTan arilec clid 411t FQOre, avrere egs frJuit I C rst Stocking on C be very heavilyý, rationued. B3BC said that restrict, ions, in; ralw nmat"erials anid shortage os 1a- bor meani that this ye-ar- only 01,-,e child out of evry 16 wil be able te ge-t a anufactured Ch1riSU!atma stoekig; and the lucy o"es wil just have A be content with word.- o"n toya and paertys omea e-au ho used]. -And thlerewo be theusaswes TH E EBOOK SHE tL F SADL EEAÂGS FO0Rý SIUT-c-AýSS By Mary Boanq;1et daughter of an Engîlh lpomt sadaydeed she wvanted týo rideacroa Caadaon hor;ýe back ~ -and she dd Whi ltte capital and enough, Cqupmlent Ao fCH her saddIeags nhe eft Vacue,rode, to on treai and then on ty New Yomk, yseekng and find"iug mnau-y adýve- tares in- the wiecouutriy spa,ýces. This toyis aiso an lntimateC stud'y of Canladiaýn peopfle anld hope that befor I die E may have eu cha-nce to give bnck to. some e-n lho needs it a ltte of the WMeat ~-4f fiends i wich has so fýreC-ly WFOR AS BUEE U says Mr. Chayles Belain, Anvida, Quebec: "KELLLOGG'S ALL-BRAN b1as longIbeen a fav.oite lu ourhoe Mothel uscd ta serve it to as vhea 'Ale vere yong ... and since niy viýjfe statcd ma-king ALL-BIRAIN infiatbrec or four timecs a eek aud serving ALýL-BRAN as a, break- fast creýal, ve bave biad no more use for pilla or poviders. ALL-BRAN keeps us regular. . , naturally." Wh-,, don't j'on try ALL-BRAN'S "Bet ter way ,to correc OeCcause if you are. troubled by constipation due to, lack of tire igiri kind of 'bulk'ia y our di-t ? But rememiber, ALL-BRAN doeýs't work like barsir catharëties. ht takVs lime. Esit it rc,ýu alysu nin lc inty of water. Gct ALL-BRAN ai your grcer's, in twa canveincit size pa-ckag-es, or ask for tire indivýdaaîl serving package atretrp. Made by Kellog&gs in London, Canada. rHE WAR .WEK- Commnenary on Current Eventsj Conifidence InProgres 0 f War Tire same ,note of cnfdecei tire groviag streugtb of tire Un- ited Ntonstruci!,,rc Mr. Cuc li in biis speech aI Edtiabur1gir, visa ecboed a fevi bolurýs ltor lby Proesideu,,t Roevi l israi addross, sstie NewcYork Timea. Jýcindling bis iltenors tIia t i l rot iis habit "to ecuaeliglir- ly3fud xpcttina"Mr., Ci1rn- hi1 coldnevertlieles acai sncb "501141asd romaible tats as tire galiansd suocosafut (de- fease made by tire Rusiant armiiesý, tire miracle o0f prodluction tintliras given tire UniJted Nations detinite iaupeiarity lu tireartire buildiing o -f enouglirnelv iiata offset aur' lassos on tieN e S. on bispart, tire Prosideut couldreport, au1irle s i7 of evideuce eenl cqio ai irt auld, htiri"tireAoia pepear'e uniteýd as -ney"er beflore lu roirndetermina t tado a job anld t10do10veli As veie mve forward witliriblis job vie fiud onevsfaced by vtire- prablem ai a goigsiortag ofa msuippver, sud it -visa a ins ,býproir- lcm tiraitirhe Presideut gave niaSi of h irilme and emlpirasls. )Hleis certain, sud vuir good reasan, tirai, tlire couuitry v iii accepi cm pulsor'y draft of apveif tiar is tfire beat vay or tire onlywa ta salve tire problim; butis preterene ta ioiy1 for ataoui triai o Ire valuutary mtirý'oci be- fore tristage - i la eced; sd oxc"pi or birmrif lahire noecs Sity of iovierlug tire draft aýge for ade-tua niTaryse-ivie - a ctel long 1aor -,y 1tir8 Army iri recommendations point 1la, ti direcion. "W hhtaieStligac, o mXay Cdopeuldon tira." S s(i AdoIir Hitineua1=ag agan. alu grad stiliMtads Ou Juae ,26 ire Gormanslauncir- et" framt Kursi the- ,greai fesv banis of tire Volga. 1,Tirai vas,108 dais aga. But UfÉit tyofaItirese Vital fiirtug dnsahave been awd -ap lu tire siege of Stalngrad. Rua- stntroapa atili 1i1o1d'ire mc ctIf it cont[inues ta; stand, tire May pa,,sa ia iatoý'[ry as agigan-i taclar g L>aina, bfut o ismi wobjctvs. Tiagrit la to.eaiy taso dfitytirere .are rcetindi- c.ations irlai tr eua ii sucir a failue sudis pro'partiug ta m--aie tire beatas t.e T,'Jirefgitn luitn. ga iras die(idodavia, Tire f-iuana el-man in fauutry andtýankl assaultt bavýe cesed Treyma hoe renlewed, buit for anûme days uirre ave been aujy surah stree bave !talio iac o hav a011ey TireRssaSapyt1irey ae-iggiiig muta vucirmayor may no ir trule, cone bhol tram Bor!>lin sud aboutfta suceeci tire van;1,oftlmve- meututir]Ile Tmsia frUont If tirai is truc je Germiansar bneakiu, off iri fesv v manir onlortrlan beý(y did!lasi- year my iean au anc0f these iliringur smecaumnto tf 11em. 'lma m.eýnuii tire vOisir ta avoid mt ea' mstk ar lettiniir r ibd ri I j2ca gel enugii lumid-Wuie É h my sig- jniy Gralxiasin.f a tirir cmagul ir eCacs, toiJerale(, virile they manierey elier ta stnie lin t(ireest or doteaci tiemacîvestirere, Mloacovimaya tire Grmaus iA Rui revworu out. Tirer-e isla -doubitirhat exiraustoion a i a, a in thein pans Lss.,es lu lire aiege 0f StLalilugraci b ave eiren buge. Au i iruitup aenalong hue a i detelnrilia ralway, ias beeni burt'dupin atts.We 4e ilot inov i the tuli ettceiof Britiiair bambing on ('ePiman tirnsporýt sud arproduction. Il may woell be 'h at su (h11desýt ruc(ýt ive raids a s those on CologneoasudEssen are only now begilnui atoire futoa the fRuasian front. Wbatevelr tire actuai facts mjay be', Sta!liagrad,( rmistire siaps 1onthe bti ino Ittill rends "Stop." At tire twa ends af the 7,000- mxile Pacific ean irouI Japan m!at veeci biad retrented froni ber nmosl advancedpostion , iilatire Sol- ornons Amonica stilil beid tire ad- vaniae, In tce fog-sraued Ai;- tians JapaneSe forces e vnaCua-ý1 t tire islands of Attu aud Agattu. On the amounitainùtrails 0ofNo Gainesa, Japa-nese junglefgits bad retiredl nortirward after- a pushi toward Port Moresby. in the Sol- onons ares an Ameica tîa s L fresllpped l-oJaseewaters, ar hio ard at Japanese sbip pug foundtroeiben made fils getamiay vithout ba,,s. Tire f ull neaning aftire Japanese with- clrawalsvans not ucr. Thiey maighti be strategi e neetato coasoldate positions eleihrr to prepare nov blws. Tey imiglit 'be-a igu tiraitire attrition Wankadeliver- cd by United Natlin fces Nvcr having offecttiaithreiiaive ,vas sijOwly slipplag from ireNipi- poee grsp. I 0F T H.E SOUGHT REVENGE ÂI'ei-beic;idesW*I'('([by a de- crptjalopi, and crawded ýinto the dltch'by a truci kou b1is Isst trip as a tavein saeaian a oug man on aour bloci, enilistinig as a tanlk drier, expressed the e that thîey w vould allav ii hlm to driive the tiixg oe is oldt terr itary beforo WHEN WE COMPLAIN A aijo rationiag of milk 1bas beeneufoced gain iai Britai. LWficir persan m ay have up-to tirree plats week.Canad arae still ablo t ave al tbey wisbi, a fact whjý0- icbsouild not be forgotten he vee ïeîdspose(ïd to compîsîn -about rsrcinaad l imitations. ADVICE TO PARENTS bot arets efraýin fro1,11under.- miig tie ath)o1ty af tire selbool techr le ninlci ai the ecbildl, by nlicufling ia attitudes, bis viay lfating or. by op)enJy oriticizin1g him. Tire higher tire tauly balds tire teaher ila ,esteemtire more the cbildrspets hm. And oducation la~~o a-lllc 4stir(arity and re- spet-a Parole IN SECOND PLACE A Nnter ntario tanurmerias kile91 skunks this y ear . That sbadgive lhm second place ta tieRus sian g,!ilsniper, Lyuidmiila Pavleheko, irapickod off somne '09 -,hile serving witli thf, e(te --port Airhur Nwscbronlicle HITLER HJNCH- A year a-go Hdtlej bld bJ is coun- trymna tiat bo eied ibe( inga by intanitiopn.l ter vaords "buncir,"> ut -soan the oafly bunichi 1tier viii' hvwilbetire one in bis sirol dostirougir brooding over W13Y iris ituition 'went vronlg. --St. Thomias Tiniies-Jaurnal BACK TO THE FOLD Duio gas ralnnmany a fnmily cir-cie bas been onrgJred by stanes io Itam aut to holireh War Against Rats Thirty membera of tDe W- mcni's Land Army, whù o ompleted a forltni;ýIt's inltenîsive traýining in rat destruction, h1ave beýgun wor agaiinst rats *in, the West Riding, Thero vii hadlybe a païrirsli in the WstRiding ,-which vili not ho covered by these girls vwhoýwi-ll work in pairs A fotngh crier thesegil Mmee hdrsar, clerks~hopas sstnts, and such lko, and th thought of handling a rat viould fil! them wt orr They have had exte-nsive t'ramn- ing in rat destrucetiony by trapping paoning of baits and every oher methods, but the poisonfingnetd is tCe one they Wi) use MOStlY: 44One Man Defense Plant" Given Awakvercd T'he ""production lag of tho mrchant marine wasnpesen., Ad recently toWilliam iT. Morris o-f Oceanside, N'Y, the ne maxiý deeeuwplant," at a eremony atc- tdebya rear-adiral and an assntpostmi-aster-genieral. Mrsa postiman, worý-ks eigit hours a day deliveing mail and at night he makes steering wheel Tpke or shlips in he bsmn the Son ouf lHaven ,is q~t iln to go iinoeclipse when Ç!iss divine prsneis mncd A r, eiiI- 0 [S your appetite jaded duringo these temipestuous times -do your mecals seemr duil and uninteresting? Tempt your family's appetite with desserts thatý are delïious anid nutritio)us-blanrc manges and puddings that can be made easily and at littIe cost, wt Canada Corn Starch, The fine quality of Caniada Corn Starchi gives- the best possible ýresui ts -a smooth texture that ma3kes corn starch desserts delightful, ibei irom ny ii,,Canada starch jiproduet Addïire,, iept. R2CaaaStarcli Home Service 49 Well- ing,,ton 'tr et ECtToo t n (A ADA AR ii CANADA STARCII COMPANY STiýemA>el fRCHt

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