Martineýli was home ýave and \vas aamofg ledl Rosenaeath Faji and 31r. and Mrs. id Miss; Thiompson, isited( with 11f. and tock. sý had the nmîsfor- Lr and mas so deeply m glass that somie t Hope hospital was M'oxon, Miss Norma Jack Irwin and Mr. l cf Toronto, spent th the latter's par- ,and Thank,-Offering were held on Sunday in charge of Bey. JOlin cf Bowmianville Tv'iity Ghurch. Hle is, a young mnan cf pleasing personality and gave- two ver-y interesting dfis- courses. In the nmorning h, bouh out how God is seen ininature 'and ini theevng deait wvith Cristian op- timism. iia the morning thie young foiks' cloir rendlere'd special mse assistcd b [MisesA. Biling2s ad M. Teýnnant. of Orono. Ia the even- img the older, folks' tihoir- very cap- aiiblv suppiied the anlthenis. Thýe weather was, ideal andl a larg-e crowd was ountot eaich service. The W, . iteld their rieg-ularmneelt- ing in the SunJay Sc-hooli roomi on 'Octother 14, tgte with the Insti- tutes frýom 'Orono and Newývtonville;ý The president, Mrs. Reg. Eiliott, was in the chair. Mss Wallace was Our guest speaker from the Delpartmnent on tihis occasion, and spoke on niutri- tion, sti-eIssinz the importance cf mikin the daily diet, both for chil-. di-en and adults, being a sour7ce cf calcium and aiseoaonecf the best sources cf protein. Slides were shown of the effects of experim'nnts on animais -wvhere milk and otiher foods cf nutritive value were omit-I ted fromn their diet. ;Much uiseful in- formnation on the nutritive value cf foods for the family ýdiet was de- rived from our speaker. A lunch was servedci f sandwiches and tarts. For ai beverage mulk and watcr was ser- ved, due to wartm sitiions cf tes and sug-ar. ýMrs. Rolph extended a vote of thanks to the speaker on behif cf the three- IistiLutes, re- marking hoar sad it was that there wais "s muIVch starvalion in a la-nd of plenty; seconded hby IMrs. M__arti of Newtonivi11le. A verv pleasant, so- ciable and instructive af-ternoon was enjoyed bv an attendance of fortv- five miembers oif the three Institutes. Sunday Visitors- Mr. and _Mrs. Jack, Glover were with her mother, Mrs. Dailingtoni. iMr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden were pýuests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rob- inson. MUiss Anaie Wright spent Suaday with ber mother, Mi-S. Floreuce Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Kirb y. visited ber !parexns, Mr. and _Mrs.i Wm. Patterson. lUr. and Mrs. Ernie White. How- Mr. Croft and ;Mr. N. W. Fee, of Port Hùo, spent the week-end with Mr.Fee and family. 'lre 'will be a service in the churchj on Sunday evening I-at 7.,30 p..Mr% Mellor i- l occuipy the pu!- Me(,ssris.ý L. S. Rob[bins, Georgeië B3ail, Robert 'Chater, Raym-ond Mac- Donald and E. Syer attended Rose- nieath Fair on Friday. Messrs. Jack Bairstow and Jacýk Sycr have gone on the farmers' ex- cursion to the West. They will be assistinig wilth the wheat crop in Saskatchewan, There will be a dance in the Club Room on Friday, Oe obr 23rd, in ard. .and 1Mes. olan, 6-f, ak1hil, were guests of :Mr. and [Mrs. M. Soper. Mr. ]and IMrs. Manson Comstock visiteid with Mr. and sMrs. Chas. A. Cooper and met numerous friends at the anniiversary services. WE'RE COING TO NEED $0 MANY THINGS WHEN 111E WAR ENOS,,..thiungs that core hard to get o Evý,ery day, almost, we find that something eOse is getting scarce. So often, we are told "they're flot making it any more". Factories are making guns instead of ploughs, tanks instead of tractors, planes and shelis instead of stoves and beds. We'll have to replace so many things wvhen the war ends ... things we can't buy now. wiII VIC ýRY leMe cshit -wkithCash in one lump sum, with money we have saved. There is no safer invesment ... no better way ta pfotect our savings. Or-we can buy bonds and pay for them .thirough aur banks in monthly instalments. As the instalments camne due the bank %vilI charge them ta aur accaunts. IESTED IN BOUNDS Po buy them - witâ Preduce Farm folk can pay for Vlctory Bonds in another, convenient way--by using the "PRODUÇ-;P FOR VICTORY" TICKET. By simply signing a "Victory Ticket" you can authorize those who buy produce from you ta send aIl or part of the proceeds ta the War Finance Conimittee to buy Victory Bonds for you. (Ask your local War Finance worker for dctails.) W-HAT A VICTORY BOND US Look at a dollar bill A dollar bill is like a bond. It's a promise to pay to the man who has it. You get bis when you sel things and pay them out when you buy things. A Victory Bond is "a bill" intended to be saved. When you keep a $100.00 Victory Bond for a year you receîve an additianal $3.00. (3% interest). Buy ail the Victory Bonds you can- lend 12money to Canada to help ta win the war. Save your bonds to'have money for things you'I need when the war ends. Natinal War Finiance Committee urnish the musie. Classified FARM FOR SALE The Estate of the late Wni. F. Patterson, Lot 16, Con1. 8, Clarke Torwns;ihp, 125 neres (more or less).* For partieulars apply to Joseph J. Melior, Orono. -1. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The celeibra.tion of the GSOth Anni- versary of Clarke Chureh will be held on ýSunday, October 25, 1942. Ser-vices at 2.30 p.m, and 7.30 p.m. TYhe specia1 speaker for the occasion wi1be Rev. I. Wilson, of Oshawa. Special musie- at bothsric. FARIM FOR SALE, RENT OR FOR PASTURE One hundrýed and serveiiiteen acres, at Lot 32, Co-noiession 8, Clarke. Ploughliiig poýsses-si'on nm4ut a1nd full paesesion April1st, 1943. For further parvticulars phone or write to, John Gay, Ajlbe-et St., Bow- mianville, HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE I The Anniu Hnrvest Tha sgiving Ser-viýces wil be held in S Saviour's OlTurch on, nfday, Octol r 25. Holy 9.3 0 a ., ceIebrated 'by the Re or, Rev.. R. Deýwd(ney. Evenring s v at ýp.m. at which +he Rer. erranc Crosthwait, Rec- tor of St. Mai Parish, Port Hope, will be aii. ,cial'Ipreacher. AUCTION "liiSALE I1OO Ontario Cattie Including a number of Springers, Pasture Bred Co>ws ai-d Young Stock Cows, Durham Stockers, will be held at Werry's Farm ENNISKILLEN at 1.30 o'clo-ek Wednesday, Oct 28 Elmer Wilhur, Auctiopeer Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer 'has re- ceived instructions fromi R. J. 1ANCOCK to sel! Iby pu~blic ancti1on at Lot 26, Con. 3, Clarke Townvrship *i of a mile ûast of Dean-'s corner on) ýTUtESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1942 The f ollowing valuathie Faim Stckl, I-niplements, etc.: HORSES 1 Ba4y Geliljng, 3 yjearts old; 1 Broýwn Gelding, 7 years; 1 Bay~ Mare, 17 years; 1 Bav GelIdiing, 12 years. CATTLE 1 Red Cow, 8 years, freshened Aug. 16~; 1 iRed jCowv, S years, bred June 19; .1 Gray jCow, 7 years, bred June 17; 1 Red ýCo.w, 7 years, due Jan. 1: 1 Red Heifer, bred June 15; 1 Red Heifer, ibred April 15; 1 Gray ,Heifer, ibred Aug. 12; 2 year-old !Steers. 2 year-old 'Heifers. SWINE 1 Yorkshire iSow and 6 Pig-s, bora Sept. 16; 1 Yorkshire Sow and 8 Pigs, bora Oct. 15. FEED 30 Ioad of Hay; 1200 lihels 'of 0Oats. HIARNESS 1 set orf Backpad Team Harness; 1 set ISingle Ilarness; 3rd Horse Harness and 'Collars. IMPLEMENTS :Binder, M..-H., 6 foot eut; M.-H. Seed Drill, 13-hoe; Deering Mower, 5 f oot eut; 'MdCorii-tik-Deering- 'Rake; International Cultivator; M.- H. No. 3 Dise ýPloýw; Diamnond Hiar- rows, 4-section; Crown Ganýg Plow; Oliver Single Walking PlowN; Perrin Sigefurw Rid]ing . plow; '-Cor Clerlk Ted Jackson Auctiozicer rrofessional uirectory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICI4N and SUR GEON Officee Hours: 2.00 to 4.0<) par.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.. PHONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VÊTERINARY SURGEON Qfflce; Main St. Oro Phone 66 r 7, Orono, Out. John J. Gilfillan QUALIFIED OPTOMETRI8T Litentiate of the College of OptoM- etry of Ontario Office Heours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 ta, 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office ini O. B. Tyrrell's Drug Slow. Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automno- bile and Liability Orono - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator londuets Auetion Sules of ail sues and at reasonable rates. Comniunicate with him at P.oe Perry, Ontario, or se. 'his Olerk, A. E. Mcoton, at Orono, for dati9. F. F. Mlorris & Son Funeral Direct orsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnaaville -- Orono Phones: Bowmanvitle, Day 4M0 Nighit. 74end 573 Orono, 27-.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durhami O)urService-T'fHE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THl-E LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE -&SONO KIRBY Mrs. Angus Wats'oi spent Sunday evening with Mrs. George -Fo1ý0es. Mrs. Oral dhapmnan visited with-- her sister, Mrs. Frcd Wood, recently. IMr. and IMrs. Roy Cochrane, of Pontyrpool, spent :Sùnday withIl Mr. A. Morrow. LMr. and Mrs. E. Whi.e spent Mon- day evening -with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomipson. ýMiss Mildred Cochrane, I'ontypool, spent Sunday with M-r. and Mrs. Raymond Chapman. Rev. S. 'Littlewood conducted the chuicih service onSuanday and ýevery- one present enjoyed his sermt-on. Mr. and tMrs. ýLe'w Willîan1ltcn, cf kPontypool, and Miss Williamison, of ' Lindsay, visited wth Mr. and Mrs. J. Thon'ipson. Mrs. Wilfred Biigeiow and Teddy of Shanty Bay h-ave returaied homne after spendin'g several wks vwith MýJr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. IMr. and Mrs. R. Shackleton and Ken, and ,Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton 1 attended Gordon Shacddketon's wedddng in Toronto. MHr. and Mrs. William -iWannan sperit Sunday with M'r. and Mrs-. Wmi. 1atterson, iledal, anid also atten'ded the anniversary services. Mrs. William Green1wood and Lawvrence and Mrs. John Gree-nwood, Bridgeport, Gojin., spent Monday eveaing at Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp- son 's. fluy Victoyry Bond' - Nothing Matters Now But Wctory.