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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1942, p. 5

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wy Hamburg Steak, IL Fresh Pork Liver, lb. Bologna Sausage, lb. Weiners, IL New Cheese, IL Champion Dog Food, pkg. Red Bird Brooms, eaeh 25c 15C 24c 27c 29c 10Oc 39c I~ J PJ.E CORNDelver PHONE 12r2 Phione For It Prorpt Dlvr Local News âtiiX vIAAAAAj L/fIVZILJUU Extra special Canadian Cooking Qnions, 7 lbs25 Wax Turnips, IL. 3c Sterro Boullon Cubes, pkg. 15C Vi-tone, 3 ins 25c Spanish Onioris, 3 lbs. 25C Green Celery Hearts, pkg. 1lOc S weet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25c Toko large Grapes, 2 lbs. 29c Hard head of Cabbage, 2 for I17c Iceburg Lettuce, 2 heads 25c The supply of Beel? is now coming regularly. We are flot cutting any- thing but Government inspected meat, prices right Canadiaàn Farmers:e you have done weII I. WARTIME PRODUCTION IS STILL GROWINGI HOGS During the last ... 904 fouryears(Sept.1 - LBS. PORK 1LBSý PORK - LBS. PORK LBS. POR K 396 551 759 838t You produced* MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS of this amount.. 1 Exports to our Allies 170 300 485, 556 <mainly to Britain.) MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 2 Reing fors 13-94~ 9 1 - 914 cosupto 50262 5412 254 61 Canaoda.*MILIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS M1LLiO0N'S or sm magor 40 40 4 8 Incltzding army camps. ship stores, and eneral retail distribution. Th Tpope o 4unidSttwu ll lakem orsrpin use n t tele andhtsto he taiethe samettimed Cfntdean rnn umers ant more/a mre cangedthse ar.Avrgepics193hg8-d ati ur19t4 oin ea wi-41ige DOIIO ES.ARIM ES.0FAGRICLTU E, OTTAWAEE ofnoraWhJaes N o. 40 9 haýve ,s - maslp 1 _Mr. and MArs. Ben Baldwin, Tor- onlto, s pent 'Sunday withl Mrs. Do)nald! Rolbb. 3Mrs. Moon, w h la S been very jick, i S gradually im-iproving u n health. Mrus. Wi. Sact of Pr-ovid(en.ce is now living. with Miss Taylor of the North Werd. Mr. Mervynl Keane, who hias been in tho Osha'wa bospital, was home over tlie week-end. Miss Evelyn Jones of the teaehing: staff, Toronto, visited -with Miss Basnett over the weok-end. Carnien Patton, of Nova Scotia, -ýpent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patton. Clifford Cowan, of the R.C.A.F., Quebec, bas been visiting with his narents, .Mr. an~d Mr-S. J. !Cowani.,] Mrs. Wm Hendrson and 0n Marden, of Mrih spent Sun- -daly with -Ali. and Mrs. W. C. Cross- bey. Nursing Sister Drysdale of the Mann Pool 11osital, spent the wekedwith Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mr. and Mârs. George Anderson and famnily, of Ne'wtonville, spent Sunday -with lMr. and Mrs. W. C. Crossley. Mrs. J. R. Cooper was in Rose- ne(ath on Thursday an'd Friday of last week and was one of -the judgoes in the domestie Class. 'Mr. Chas. WVood has accepted Ja position at Pickering, and bias been. doing car-pentry work there -for the past 'coutle of weeks. IMrs. Erneat- Bowtn, Bet4any, v'isited Mr. and Mrs. HUector Bowen for a f ew days' last weeik before leav- Ing for Truro, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Donald Graham has returnred to her home in Orono ater spending a co4uple of mionths with hier hûsbanid un Nova Sicotiia, a'nd who lias been re- 'cently transferred tü Nefunded New, modern test eqjuipment en- ables one to make fast, dependable repaira to any malte of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf.1il Orono TinsQhop F una ce& 'AND Frurnace Work should be on Order Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oreo Phenu PARK ST. UNITED CHI Rev. S. Littlewood SUNDAY, OCT. 25t 11.00 am-euOur Priest. 7.00 P.m1.- nin liI I [~ aliver. rruvtoi O Buy VictorýY 'Bonds -notbing ml-at- ters n ow but victory. Mr. Walter Shýerwin has ,retre homie after spni~ a few weeks in, the R'osenlea'th dishtr't, bs 0oJ !homo. and attendfed the fair whiileý there. Miss Gray spent the %veeký-end inr Toronto visiting, her cousin fromu Glasgow, 'who is in Canada on the British 'Commonwealth Trai'ning Plan. As the party is known who stoLe the urnips from 'George Butter's gar-den, wvill he plc-ase ýcal and settle for tihe turnips and 'save fu'rther trouble. A nunvber of the meMýbers of St. Saviour's Anglican 'Chur-ch attended the fowl supper at 'St. Georg-e'sý Church, New'castle, on Tliursday of lest week. Quite a nuihfer £rom oui.vilag attended Roseneathi Fair on Friday last, reporting a good fair and a tremiendotis crowd, estimated at 12,000O people. The sale held i the agýricuflturalï building on1 Saturday last, the boulse- hold effects of 'Ur. Roland Smithi, also of the estate of the late Mrs. A. A. Rol'ph, was very suce'ssful. Mir. R. H. Brown brought into this office on 'Wedniesday last two brýan- ches fromn a rastplbrry bush, one of whiîh had' between tirity and forty rasipbeiei(s in ail stages of m-aturity. Douglas Lyicett, young soni of Major and Mrs. Fred Lycýett, -as slightly injured wvh'(,i lie -was str-u4cký by a ýar driven by James Lowery. 11e1 ree'ived a sli'ght cut on his head and one of his legs was scratched. Mr. and Mrs. EImer Alton and son Russel, Mr. and 'Mrs, Wmi. Alton and lMrs. Walter AIton and son Fr -ko Lucknow, spent the week- end' with their sisters, .Mi-s. Reid and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin and Dr. Sher- Win. Free Liver and hearts. When Geo. Buttera wesit to Armnstronig's abat- t:o4r for a, couple cf pigs that where slautghtered, it was founid that theý two hearts an'd liver were mîissing. Luckily the t'wo pî'gs wcre left so people will lie able to huy s'orne pork. Mr. J. J. Mlo took the Suniday morning service »at Port Perry, the afternoon serviice at Princý(e Albert, then conidueted anniversary services at Zion Cliurch 'on the Welcorne cir- cýuit in tihe evening. Mr. Mellor is now; a bus'y man. Onl Wednesday lie addressed a meetung at the -Bowman- 'ville Fou.ndry, also four shifts at the Goodlyear, the Neiwcastle Box Fac- tory, and attended a salesmin's conimittee mee(ting in- the Goaody4ar plant, i the interest of the Third VictorV 'Loan Cafipaign. RADIO REPAIRING ýo arE oesa.Mail youI irel ear-ly. PURCHASES FARM e now Christ- Mlr. Cornish, who has rented LVlrs J. R. 'Cooper'S farm àion the S xt-1h Lineofr'Claike for, the past twcnty' five- yuar-s, has purchased the, fain 4f -Air. 'Rich-ard Uglow, Lot -22, Con.i '2, Hiope Townsip,) cloin,g the dcaý< on .Saturday hist. H1e takes posses- sion the first of Aipil. Mrs. Cre hias now rente-dlher farmi to Mr. John Gordon. ,9H0'WERED ,WITH LEAFLETS On iMonday the citizens of the vil- laige had a good gliimpse of an air- plane .tlat was flying over cour vil- lage. The plane zoom'ed down, draý,wing- the attention of the r>esi- dents, then leaflets were dropped from the plane, telling. the people t, get hbehindc the -victor-y lan. Most of Lhe pamphlets fell far outside t,ýhie corporation due to the strong wind.1 ONLY $11,600 IN TIIREE DAYS lJp to Wednesday eveniimg the can- vassers for the 'first thIe-e daysý hiave tuirn.ed in the sum of $460 No part of this s um p represents amiounits that have beeý taken' in at the banks, The ob)jetirve for this 'district is $160,000,, which mneans; that the mion.y will have to corne in a great deal faster from 110jW on. The coIleeting of money for the Ia.-n is more easily secured at the hegî,ýniiing than- later on througho'ut the drive. For a ice long, enjoyable Christ- mnas present, sendi the Orono Timies to that district friend or r-elativýe. RJTNDiREDiS OF UNSOLIOGITED TfEiSTIMOMA 'SRiEIGOMME ND- I'NG KLEEIEX - "A Quiek 11eal- ing Sal've" ifor ECzema, Psoriasis, Erytheina, ÇIrnljpetigo, Itch, BOUS, Chaýps, Etce. 5QOc.; S1OO 2ý0O. (Mie- dium and Strong). Recommrrendedc and sold b& Tyrell's Drugg Store, 0Orono, BOYS' BREECHES 0f Heavy Quality Cloth, sizes 26 to 34, at...3.25 and $3.50 KNICKER PANTS Wîth Knitted Cuif, sizes 26 to 34 ...$2.45 SOX Ali Wool Penman's Work Sox. Special, per pair ...... ...... 50c. Army Iimited skein . __j- THTIS BEEF IS No. 1 STEER BEEF Fresh Pork Shoulder IL. 28c. Prime Rib Roast 33c. Rolled Pot Roasts lb. 28e. Round Steak lb. 35e» Trimmed rPork Chops lb. 35c Sirlnon Steak 3 1 îARMSTRON G'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1. and 70 r 1i Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 3ff5c. Porterhouse Steak lb. 40Oc. Fresh 1IIam 33e.ý O Iî4s eK1 LieLeal plriier iVlai alliliTe large dailies in Onia, 0w- i'ng to hsrsîongoîtî'ce u 0 W ý,d. o'Ver. the radio Wetdne'sday 'eng Pu1'*. xr'-n). unn ,Aion- Lake over -the ruIcrshn (2tf, timie being1- at least. àacketo- W orlhington IMr. and Mrs. F'. Worýthingtoni, of roioîmo, 'wîn o announLii,,e he mer- rage of their 2dphtr iss Lucy.ý Wonthington, on Frklay, October 16, 1942, Io- Private Gordon' Perey Shackleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaikîcton, of onoo. GiîVenI in marriage 'kv ber fbt;her, the ibridfE twoe a ose dress with iblack aýccessories andf carried vellow 'mumns and ized roses. MssRuby Allen cf Oronlo attended, waiga ros.'e dress and lrown acýcesýsoieS, carry.ingpink and nelw'rms. The groon-1mfa was X enenthiShac-kletoni ocf Or-ono, and the cereniony was per- fornied bv the Rev. A. E. Baker of DaverDport United ChIur-ch. The reý-cepýtion was at' the honje of th( ý,zIoonms uncle, MAr. and ,IMrs. A. ~1Lriwhenr a turkey dinnier was seprved, tattended'yfrnd and re- 'la,tives 'of the bride and grom. T- miediately -,fter the ee ptonthe -Proom1leftÉ to join his unit et AMan- nin'g lPool, Toronto. BIRTIIS i~JR~SlR~G - In' Timmiins, o n WKdnes'day, October 14, 191-9, t o Mr ' sd Mrs. George Armstrong, , ab hai b*ov 'ha John)> mother and son doingl nicely. DEATHIS HARLiISON -In Sexsmlith, Aliber- t a, on ilodiy, Octolier l9th, 1942, William WVesley Harrison, in his Slst ye'ar. A inotorist travelling szouth on the 'highway on SuLnd(aY, ran into tuhe dutch mtt sou-th of Mr'. Ivan ,Far- ro-w's 'home andi escaped with a few light scratchles. À-),oou was the cauise f the accidenit. MITTS I-larvest Mitts of the Better Quality Cloth, for.......35c. PYJAMAS 0f Good Quality Flette SPECLAL .>.... $2.25 SHIRTS 0f lleavy Quality Ta- dousac; no more of this quality can be bouglit, for .... .... .... $1.95 BATS Large bed size, pure white bats, 72x90.,.39c.

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