Suýnder1and Flying Boat Per- forma Fantaatio Gyration2 Oaa 0f C tireabangeaP "eiee-t r-Nt" tonesof fliewar la tbe air iras ealltold 'by tIra crew ée, an Austnallan Sundeoiud flylng bout o e hoCoaai Commuad atta ail oponationial flighit over tIre Bay etBscy ThmeueyOpeaedduingi anuo"ry mQraing patro l hn te 25-ton Sundarla.n io-lw eifto -a funnel of cumul-nimus cOUd aýt 4,500 feet. Maiy anrathave flow- n l uu jo-nmbus butfew ave eamorgad ls hey went hla. Vteran 1opilota doacnîbe ctie iolent air carrents ha thIatypaetflond fomation as fau taý,st1ieC. Somletimes thýy Ibreak Mie airurai no placs. When th -Ie Snd!an ew inte' thre clud, it begain te plunge around nlurmingly, Two pilta Iought with the dual-entrol col- uirn t stallle the flying boat, bUt itprfragrain ika doetdspitfira" 111d0alilthre la- trumjents went "nwr. The caýptain, 1PO. F. MIanige, et Victori, took ovrnsd se the- Coatrolq colma forward te il- feroase seed.Aad even tana tUings agnte ba"ppan. Thaeceok, who was preparingi breakfas on bis oh1 stor, was de- peiaitod ou, the rof lana partectly y1atull'I sttgpoition. Ho looked! upwards te, the liber and saw tne stoe stouiAsixWde h uIL.Butt breakfast pots sud pans had dis- appeared, Navigator tJpside CDown TIre vgtrand Ili's instru- menjta lef t thonaigtintable at precisaly the samne nmoment. Th e avgtrcamie te reat la the glarss asr-eein the roof - in l ti12)e teocevelismaýpsaladio ns au bsu p. Oa the bridge, aoaa of tha Ce- jPî1ets, F0,ý A. Sheýar's, of Bniïshane, wire bad ibeen staniding behindt he3 aPtain's seat, wroavrtcaliy Unt bus baud tbmped against tce roof. "I ftien fouind 'lhasaâ! latar, rtl puzo,"that I waasspsjend,- ed thoera. Yet, 1 C01114 raise eue dlanghing foot te tIra ibrottias, whoh wure t ila fro f My tee, and puh tem xide opeai." At tha!esamne time ,thecaptain e tire Sndradfu that bheh-ad, tee, vwas prceasecagintthearoof, aathong'h 1liaestili hald the cea3- droIs adaau inysmttogiposition bc. was no longer in hl sçeat, L!ghttad itseaf and. )sri on the declhi la Liens. Wea they cht adhapaed a e ;,the tiage tcy Gunner BanigeO Up 1n1tIe-t1i gun turre-t the guni- monla struk bbauhd on tIe rolewtr aighLtandi kneckedthee îsiglit off t brachotI, a tount whicb, hi rdnr crcmtnewould rour ebe performed wt bamme. Tir â114eharict oma off tie ammune n Pans, ad heltaet P=arcutesMbar"en forcerifrom, tirein baga. TIre lch n lte ad.oo iad haret opea, and tiroir contantfss atte-red .aveiy- tiore ut tIre pd e uah)ons on tie locher lids, wWi ae used as basc.ere ! foaýi nlside tihe locIr- ers- . Amniwrelesa neýcaîvar lrut been litted efrcm teedck -nî1 jammed 'laithe bomb racik on1the rot baiebomlbsamanaldepthl- abuges A eini iader plaila Position on the Ibil by etreni clips irad beun stuckbeiud tueecontrol! wiros ia the roof. NeAlyVuinteafood la the gally iud isppard.It was discove-red latr Undenneath the iber pintes. Teacup rMystery but a cnp baîfHf ofl e au wns Awtaun cathe deck, iwbere et ba lierapbned befera the trouble he- gan. It wssii hlaitfuli et tea. Thr nifruueyceatÈia- MAedCtefauton nermaly, ahengir Mater it was teundtibat Qeaen- niela oved a (quarter oet an imcli ueni thawing an aatbe mal lrad unitnetal soaing bnckled. any pipssadecoes were w=, ?sud ontutcf position, But la spite of it al the adr tad get me snfely ad landed wthent difilclt, natibmcte t il atot build amd workmanshiP. HafszdstumipS te lie issuod E A YURnk ni-Eton ezla Adapted by Lebbe0s PMlitchell Tr0n tire Meitro-Golýdwyn-Mayer Picture starring ickey Rooney CHUPTER ONE Cast of Characters Timothy Dennis.Mic&key Rooney Justin... .......Edmund Gwenn Roger Hunter- Peter'artn.F ed.Brtholomew WMinifred Demnis Carlton .....Maria Linden Jane e Runt).... Juanita Quigley Mr. DuneskAlan Mowbray Ronnpie Kenvil .--Peter, Lawford lnky Weeld ...Raymiond Seveýrn Flossie Sam-pteoni,. Tiina Thayer M'VDame..- ... ...... Minna Phîillips Restauantu . Alan Napier Hilseth......Terry Kilburn It wstt long rua et Timethy 'euls's, hiaîf wy crsste foot- bal l felt(int woa th.e gam.ýe for Rodwia HI.igli agnini Miîs Mil- tary by a spcehoe 14 te 7. The ofkie tbis ,remark, as Étire Iigir 5choo e oamhuddied, ý"Wel, tlawe took thle Armly, aow birr ea011the Nu,,vy,"Twa-s ecs On the way te te locker roemj the coudch alled T'a te nmet a YUL. rowa--"Speed" Brown, "Hii, M. .. .(10h! . ..Nt- ntthe Notre DamIle "Spead" "Pinm glnd somahbody stili r.em1em- boa"smlled Mn. Breown, "Gosh, a-ir, bow Could ua1ybeody fogtyen? YDad nised te talk abouti yen. for heulrs. Wiryen011and ha wene te --e gr7ieatot embinatien laý tli--w,, la iithe wiole ord. "Vou i gmab a pass somiethiagi like Fourtter usod te.", sGo ir, thIanlka. 1Ha tgi me ail 1 kaow about the gum.' "T ,suppose yeul ha endnfer -Nt(re Dame yeurrself la a 1cou]ple et yeans." "Wliy, sur11e, wbere else is thoýra te go?" "Wfolt, thorea arepa coup)le of other plaes," Yeah, btnet coeofthtbm gives ont teecaid Tim, pointingi te a gold football charm on Brýtow's wutch cAià n"t aast, net ith a te Ir-i lows la thlo er r when thora was a disturbunca at the dee, "Youen ant go ia thora!Serml"' aada 1boyisi voica. "I'vaý gotta ,get la! I've gotta see- my bohr"said the amsiailigirl whos'e way lie becked, "Can't yen read? 'Men's Leekerc Umom-Kenp Ot'."The speaker è-ntered, ýslammed thi le deor abut ami locked i t. "Can yen imagine the 1nerve et that dama?", BtJane; Deninis, Tim's youngier sister commloaly cnlled "The Runit," w.vas hrtniwith anews thuat cenlda't nt . She cibdinr throu)1gh a w-aw nd ijumped ln- aidle, talling on the floor aad saad- lng tha eyo;ýs in varions stageýs et ncadrasa te cever'. "Iley, TjimI Put yon*r istar oeut!" oaa protestinig voiqe sbslouted aboya tIre other-s. Tim advinced1 threat- elln-,!y 1upon bis sister. "What are yen doing ipbre? Go, "vI went! Net antil Iteiyn- "Oh, yen n'?"suid Tjim witLi a menuciaýig gaseqýc. "FUi bite mny inger tMl the end fausaoff!"C amlesi, staningup te "BIey, etatnt ot!" cnPiedi Timn ina a ui."o'lhurt yn i! The Ruat aodded agrnaeat witli that statemaunt. Tha yelliaig et tee boys te Tim te put lier ont con- tinuad. "Okýay - O)kay," hae said. "Take yoar flinger eut et your meuten. Now telm-a make it snappys" "Tîimmyw, Mmsgene and get marnied! " iancmpleeumiazemnent lie cid eaIy gas3p "Wflat?" Shte got mnarnied la Englud- te that Enigliýshmain -she's beon wit- la-g ns about -- and wa gotta go te Ealn rigîit awnïy . . ,ad wo're going te asai Medy on the Qneoa Mary . . . and wo "gg te live in Englan-d . . , and Aunt Ltianv at yen te coma hiomie nd pack-" TFimigrabbed thlic 2blegram eshe waswavngwjjile she coaitianad, dhaninig: "MWo'rgolag te Enigi. Land! We're going ta Engînadi" Ho rend the message and btter. non-senternd bisseul. 'Thiey can't do this te mie! Tieý-y a'tget nway with lt! imgeiaig te -Notre Dam1e! If tbey tbink J'mi geoiag te Eiland the(ýy'ne crnzýy . The Rua-t stood lasido the oe door eof Tim's caini on tIre Queean Mary andsifftled. Tim turn-ýed t Start thile dythebete way wt a goed hearty breakfast whlich ineludes a piateful o hotc swveet-sili11ng Ail-Bran Muffins.Add spes and miolasses for an- extrai-deliciousý muffin that pairs off beautifully wOihhotcoffee. Heres thU re : Ail-Bran Spice Mruf fin8 2 cups AilBran 1 tenspon soda si cup liglt molassea teaspýoons3 cininamn li/s ups imilk 54teaspoon ginger 1 e gg 15 thin sdces raW appie 1 cup flour, or othler fruit si ctaon on saitCininamiïon jand Jsugar mixture AiddAlBa to mioasses and mk and ailw te soak for 15 inuteslBeat egg and add to first mixture. Sift flour, sait, soda adpice ogether andMWCombine wih AilBran amr. Fui greased! muaffn pans two-tirds fuil. Dip apple sices icinnamon-sugar 'ratue nd pae lon top.Baka in ml-oderateiy hot oven (4000J. about 20 minutes. Yiei: 15 muffns (21/z nhes in diamter. *0 lir apllrelïensiwely, "lh-Iat'a Mh Patter? Yengeing Ate ry?" 'Tm iinet su1re," sabidthlesu,:1 peFrplexedl, and siîlagagain, "Weil, nmake up your mn-a ,~'t , . I th'ought ,yen. were se flappy abouit goïing toen3lgaiad." Pecause )yOu-'rcinot." "l'Il say imnet!" sald Tïimb- terny'. -l'Il bet he neyver went tej Eagland." Hanede twards th(" ptramit of their fathmr a bg huskcy, ssiling maii, hicb Iiha hd bli-un onlthwali fleura 1photo of thedir amoter, "No,sre" said tha Runt asa- "l'Il say halien, tDad wus to-, "Iwondolr vîat._that iman la lika" centnud hi ssiter To bis "Whait an?" she ,said, "ýom'1s hulsbund. OurI new ahr.Msa "Catons ta anme," Tim ex- plodled viciJouely. *'And bo's net -ur father . . y mistake was Ever ietinlg Mmg' o t Euope alone. Thiey'r adi lioekIiag for ichi wives eveùý(r there. I guess Carlto got the jumip on tbem i flngh. "But Mom wrote at ha has a big hruwse ainth c ouintry doga .an ail-, risç,s . .an-" "Yeabf. Ho' prebably* bow adpl thorai." Tfim stalktod over te He penthole and stared e(ut ut thle sea, His sister, atfter a mem):ent'e tili- ing, suid decisveiy: 'I want te get Off." "Wbat do yenl thinik this is? A st.reet car . . Basides, il wen't ha Sc, bad for yeu. You're younýg- yen got nethingtefose.But ,me- 'gcttinig deper.te-just bat ora th biggest gaiame 0f the se-ason I'm acnficnimylilfa. 'v c gotE nothînge te live for, Notbing m1at- tous-" H-e stepped speaking scday aaid stood looking eut througih th,, open (door of bis cabra. His oye liad beaul cauight by the Vision of a very prettyAmnia girl, about Ifteau yaars of FIgo à.1 very s0pbisticaýlJy dressod for bar- age. She pave Tim a flratieus look and atssed on, dropping ber liandkerchief. Timi's face ligbted up._ Haetsoek bis ftersNotre Damne footbaill harm ont of bis pockiet, tssdit up ilnt t()ile air fe-r iuck and caunght it with his lef t band bahind lihéack, 'Ple ARunt leoked( at hlm suspi,. Thie children's mother, now Ms Ro1.ger Carlton, steed îw-tth ler Eng- Cih husband onthe dock ut Smn- ailpton, wiigfor Tim aad iýîJane te comae dewn Jie gangplanu .Both, were narvon. "Thiey'll love Engl.iun, H.ger," she said. 'l know !bey wilL" "0Of colirse they wlll, darijng," "And they'l lolvaý you, tee. Yui See., "I hope so0, Wnfa baont e, Rter?" M0f curse, darling." "Netinrg . . .nt anybhing ila the world ena chiange thut, can it? Haro tliay comle! Darling ,den't h senavu" "cAnt i p it,"ha smiled. 'm about tohacmea tatlior!' JanetIew into baer imther's arma iaad was smnothored wvithkses Then Timl was given a 'big Jhugi. "Oh, Timmyni'm , Vise giad te see "Hello, Mm"lie raspon1dad au fectinatoly. "It'aso geed te have you bob lir.I've 3missed yo en rihy. WaILlRogauera leMy are" "So Ise," trirnew fathar silod. "Hello, Jane. HPello, Tlm." The Rnt ectsi*edmevng auto- miatically doser te Timr. Tha latter "Dlid yen hava a pleasant cos Tim funghlm aninffrn "Yea1h, Okny,a ceat-emiptuouis tilt Tir,"lis, inethuir sighed w1tli rle."Jane, darliag, weuld't yen like te; kis your new fathar,-?'i Rogeor Crto looked at liePr OnVEqRBUYING 0'bF COAL VT~f4TE$ I In peace or war, twe Nabisco Shiredded Wheat _1l M;lk is a favorite breakfast dish with inmen vvho ilike to "keep fit". Nabisco Shredded Wheat is 100, whole ivheaÉ, retainiing aIý lie brait and wheat germn For genieral fitness-keep weil nourishied. Eat taýsty, Scornvenient Nabisco ShireddedWha regularly THE CANAýAAN SHIIEDED WHEAT COM,'PAýNY, ITD. Nica,5ara Filis, Ca.nada Ioeuybut Thte-..Ruint wa%-s look- ing kut-,Tiir. Ris face wassowng Vory politoly shesid "No,tbn you very much -,. . ' Rofan ouse, RgrCaî-o'13s eid Geongia-n boseiuAscot,wu sotl a a oveiy estata surrounidad hy trees. The ýclidren did net par. czeivaý its qutie(t charmn becanuse etJ tiii3cenistr-ai1it thut had settled ever tlimaIl, Thut taefeeling et waiiag for smthaite bappeai peraisted as tea wns served la iithe dIruwiaig roem iwitb) its Gothie wïn- ews,ý, and its> gay itxs Wiaitred Carlton b)roka an emc- bDarras se-d pausa by obsqenvinii 'that a, ].itie ,latan they nmuet ail take a walk'. "Y.oui'll loea his place. Tlhere la a ,rtreil tgreaam, and a laka tîntt yen oaa nswim in la las1m)onu1 hersaes and doga and-" Tra uat turneiad bmaptly te Roger Calton uand asked With o-a dent ii nty:"WbVo did yen ber- ro t from 7"i Tim ntpMd the toina lis moutbt Iri face fluigi voy red. "erw"said thieir mothla a i i, question!" Jane, sur-pnised ualt teair reaction, sni& "But Tim sid- Tm coughed andsbis face got rodden Her Carlton, esoniig th tensi, steod np and said be'd ir dewa te the koneis and 1ook ut tMe new Itter ofpup>. Hoeused Janie D-if clIe'like te go ,aleaigi "Nanthanke," shie saidata a glancarit Tin. mehr Iwanit te tulk, witb i. The total aumber: of present day soknlanguniges, excýluive of miner diaeets, anys pathfiner, ie placed u t 2,769 by Prof. -Marie Pei of Columbia Uiverity' mance langunge departmleait. r Enjoy Its Robust Folavor P SUM is a granid Ieverage f.Lor mieabý çtim e o ed6hxw, Its flavor isdecon and satisfyi-ng. Postuxii c n enocaffein oùr tannirjn tù Upsef nerves or stomach, It's a sale; beverage for adults anid children lie 'And -there's xno waste or fuss becaitse yoiU prepare Posîum ri glt in ULe eI1p, qicd -id eus, Postumin s economrical ancl helAps Save on sugar. 4Z.SIZI MAKCS 50 cuJPs OZ. SIZE MAKIS OQ "M--