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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1942, p. 7

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Faced ith iL-thé ,poesibility ai a sbarftagïé af futel ta power thé ex ýýenï4ve opérati(ons Oail, nav b)y Ctir ni fsix unontirs, Japan lawark-ing strenuau-,-sly tb speedk tho produetian aofuin tlHecap-~ ture ai fildain Du,ch aad B-i tish Bari-eo, accordin1g bto)aiÈt- Aitougr treJapene.1se seized( îmmn-e oai-he world's richeat ail fields Ila the Duteb 1East baies and Burima, hier consumption ai ail is stil! belied ta excéed lier Productionr by a conideraiblu mais ,gin. Fifty per cent ai Japeniese oJ',réservés, éstimatedl at between 55,000,000 and 75,000,000 bai-mêla, befome lest December, are bcilievedl ta baFveý been tuséd up by jlast July, T'ins réserve was evenly divided beýtween gasoline ai-d crude ail. Unless Japaii is able ta develapc aew sources ai ail aad imprave lier facilities fort tiansprting ail, fthe axtremely irenvy fuel deninds of thé Japenese fleét will( exhaust ail résrvs in anotirer six montirs, ani Hier 1home(cproduction ai ail, iinostly il) synthetie plants, is ,be- lieved ta éet nly about oae- third ai Japans preseat wer ré- quiremieats. The Japs are believed ta be operetinig eight syntiretic oil plants, fhree la Man-,chokuao, one la Korèn and four in Japan -pro- per, witir a total output estimiated at saméi 1,500,000 barrels a yeem. She ;also bas seven low tempera- ture cemb)onzation plants for the naufacture ai fuel ail and benizol out aiofcoal. Thle Jepanese arereatdt bé conentraýtiag ,their efforts îta dievelopné production in twa particulamly ri-jeucaptured ail fields: the Serina il field in B- tisir Borneo and thé Tarakan ailj fields la Dutch Bornea. Thé f irsf had a pence time production a 5,000,00f0 barrels, thé second pro- ducèed 2,400,000 barrels in 1939 Th-e shortage ai ofskilled tLech- niýcianis is an obstacle, lirwever, it eigestimiated fbat Japan would require 40,000 mare or les skilled workèrs ta cailize-al!ilher cap tured ail fieldas in tlice Dutch Elaf lad]ies. A considerieble number ai 1Dtch týeehn-iciaasii were captlumed by tfh, Jpanese ai-ic it la probable tirat -théeJpaare fuigtireinta Btins"Scorchéd éarthi"oer tislaBu1r1iawilll maké it, ne- esayfor thée apneetai-e- équip mî1osat ail fields ta> make the1211 lprodctiive ngain. Tiréir pi-e- sent policy iu Burina séa abe taO exti-net just enloli geoinefo herafmd re s am1 itePfont, witirout ttîn tIngtaprodîucé i for- eXPoýrt. WrWork ers Face Problem 0f Ti'res bigcarvile ttrsir C-1,jobs in auto. mo iesiavinig tires tiret will hé wýor1n ouf hélai-e nexf wiato-r isý over. earl"'Il the ref, ue face tr eéconditon bêlai-e trée end of tirholoawing infèr. Thèýýse cnlsosare derived L fi-onumasurvéy héing cnufdi ditionis fouad thèee but firèy haivé murmore firannoeyrgna sigilcaneThé survey le sf111 uné aend le being con--ducfèýd by tieoseéPlanning Board, Prbbyifs finidinge ai-ehrdy applicable ta irundreds oa!muni- tions centere tirougirout tire roua- fi-. Tire pomcénegs oftire sr acir wer rer ireat ai-e expéctýed ta romain !lla service eaclir mon ir arýje as lollows: If lseéstinunfd tbie oýno qurera tenwill hé worin ouf and unusulée by thé end af this inonfta, ireat biaIofflirn Will ire one'îyMieci, tirt etaste 20 Ofcnta tirein i -let tirougir nexf yer, and tirafiry June af 1948 Only two or tires, perenta(lire tr~wlsili s ur- Vive la. service. Thèse igre r bsdon decveianly seven SleltoÏs, bu ior s tpuire sîmierit la iré figures frtr dilîèrent plnte tirt ifeeme lLke-ie ly tit tiey'iay hé fairly rèpré- sentativé aIofsir hconditions esise- 1,Prirap e rémoèt ipratcn cluio e w aib ueader arriveýs affér studyiag tiré situationl , istba gasainie rafiOning e au iavd ol '1n inadéequate aadIej clv ou flanfor thèse tire problèes. Ite- tréade are needed and promptiy, Tiré data fareceet a 1aepidly ap- prairn wa arè taspra A Weekly Column About This- and Tliài in Our Canadian Army Ut is quite a féw wè'veke aow siacé bthetiréprîvaté sokiiers rfrie E. waS urgéntly chldýd by Pan édiLt- ta ai-eJeWs, for gttîng to personai about thé Yau can't help beiag percanal Itessi-ve Amrnuybua t ifcn't have about a Réserve Amwy wlih iS eefahabeusirpblsed laokd uponjeasosapèsonal an fia- Che artice anýyWay stitut ion asý is illuistrated Ibu tiré If yau gciv acouniet u aich mto casés Iavmméntiaaed, Bath te always takes the proverbial èll, of thèse mnen are of catégories tiret sa hère goes at llittie more about, do nat fitbthén for activé service, thre moin viro n-eriin àg then- bath own tieur wa b)uinsss- selves for home çýdefence. they traitn la heir own timnean Wirat bm1ought tlhe wirole 'th-ing nao genrouls employer hlakes thenu up was a suggestion made bêLai-e a présenit wa weèks' hallay in te paradé was dismliSséd tire ther wiricir tago t tcmp, uight hy tire colonel tirettire béat Thèse niea are not unique, in way fa bring tire regiment up tA feet if is prètty salé ta say tire tfi-engtir wofflid héfoi èvery n- thfey are represèntcative o! thé- ber ta bring lan one rècruit, The calibre af tliré soidiérs raI tiréRé- uggestion appealed sa etrongly ta serve Army as it pa now cansti- it private soldjevin la ans of tire tut éd capmnis that lire tumnéld over te TU otirèr worde, ta thé réserve; heý battalion foirerérutinig pur- soldiér aoftoday irs unit ïls a par- Doses 500 age unes a! spacé wflîeh canalthing, i ià sMething to amWoud otirésshave been dévatéd wiricirhé dévotes nof just tire tu adveitisig lhsown businmes tr-ok iours twa iits a lumring thé mloatir afSepto'ebr. wüeék, 10 fulli sunldays in tÉiré yeai- Athrincident Warthr mentionl- and 14 days at camp), but a god .ng la tire casýeofa i rivate sal'dier 7maay nminuites a! fun fumie dnring wrio spènt 14 days wifir us ai cavmptire day, For, this ire drew pay af thé rate Ha rnay naf consciauely thmak ft $120 par day and whén iris if but tiréMeback of tie nd a! .irequé was iranded ta hlm irabar- »évér'y man w ciothaugir r u .owed a Pen frein irs Comnpaay ha working bard af a ,waur job, puts ommander and éndorsed if aver laintires, extra hÎours in tann tu tire colonel with théamessage for t'ire eveatue,ýlity ai, attack upan irat tireawors fia trinigs attacr- iris iroelnd, t i e e rérealliza- ed. la due comrse tireLadies' Aux- fla tiret dif naf béén j.-trai- liai-y afaur active servce unit edcitze soldiers, tire story la cknowledged taOiré soldiér a con- Ygelv and PRussliawuld hv ihbutlan e! $161080 taits waal fund. hceén very diffèrent. IfLa iateresting ta notée irt Hietmy bears ouftiret a cauaty F NOBEL PRIZE WINNER I j 1 I I I HORIZONTAL Answer 1(p Previauis Puzzle 1 CpanadienWha discove(red OLE JUt- L OLIN O diabetes SNF pzfEODA 3 Imbecilit les 1 E TIA T .4North Africa NE9ULA 5T M iiNA (ab'br.). G iýA T EP 16 virgiria ER ýN ID ONE EEP willow. iCEA .LE--SS E- 1 S)T ogiv ,e. t5AL E, AiEl TED 9 Genus ai cOLi L F rafflé, kIfRÂAN AII 20Siwy 2-1 Scatters. 22 Fewer. 23 Iat 24, Sautirne 25 Animral. 27 Bleisb, 291ft je (co)nti.). 30Sounid ai ,12 Hauledup 4Corf(ab ) .35 Sun cdeity. 16 Pins fruit (pi.). 338Yeelr(ir ) 39 I I~l~ ~~r2L~2 r9'.2i 43To hband1eý, 45 Skia, 47 Titledl 48 reusd gra ses 49 Callege, 51. Kite ead, 3 Yellowbrd 5M Deprtet 56 Frozen watýýer., 57 He rcie for: dis Cover ing 53 Hé wes professai- attiré- Univemsity aif - VERtTIïCAL 1 Loved excessivelP-y, 2 llot closeýd. 8 Inscts' eggs, 9 Golf device. 10Exse il Sirrewd. 12 He wonaa -- cross ma France. 15 Dr. Beef - him in hie discaxTeizy. 17" Préposition, 19 To throb. 22 Behold. 25 To embattUe. 26 To restrict. 28 Acidity. 31lEerhed. speaî, 33 Station. 37 Sti-nin. 40 -Kindl ai pier. 42 Decré-e. 44 Note in scele, 45 Branches. 46 Not0er, 48 Foad. 49 Wý'ood applé-. 50 Card geme. 52 Lion. 5-1Dutch (ahi-.) 55 Railrond. (aib.). IRADIO REPORTER ByX FROST .possessed of a trainedctie-sI dler-y inpecetmelain less dan- g- of attacki than the Co un try mw'i' iihas flot taken ithis prcau- tion. Thiere miust bave bceen some- thiag wrong with Hit4ler's inutelli- gence Servie. It obiviausly fell down badfly so f ar as Rusa wS co)ncernied--and bis own initelfli- genice should have told Iimii what to expect from the Yg~as A few years before tire outb)reâk of wa n1914 a mldaawas produced la England unmdeýr the itie "An lEnigllshiani's Home.",' This play demonstrated witb ter- rifie stage effects' and blooad and death whiat happens whbea n itraini- ed citizenis attempt to defenld teir homes againist full'y trainied invad- ers. If the lesson o!t is play hbcd beent le2inaed and peaceful P1peaples lhadbeen prepared undoubtedly the 1914-191.9 war wuldr ha-ve been, shorter adthsone mighrt lot hv occurred. It is flot 011!Y for the warlike arts that we shotuld prepare ouij- selves lainpeacetim, th lere are many peaceful arts thiat become flot 01n1Y virtues but Stera iiecessities ia time of war. Thre first of these, beyond doub3tlis defence aginïst infintion. If can themoe rpily become successful if, like mîlitary training, it has been carried oni durinig the, softer years 0f peace We were unprepared on bathb cntand on batoh counts the IniiulCitizen's Army vwaïs e- spousibLe. We found that we, had mnore pennies ia aur pockets for luixuriies, if wxe elected, or allowed ta remain lan office, poiticians who pared clown thic budget by failing to provide funds for mniliti-ýy train- ing. Haviag saved those necessaxy ta-x penni,s w e wasted them an nnnilecess'ary fvlsrd o e find if hard to fGorego those friiS. So hard, li acmt, haý-ve we fouad il. that we e welcomed théi set- inlg up of govemamrental boai-ds and commissiois ;to compel uis to dfis- continue oui- wasteýfuî ractices. Tire Wart1ime Fies ,anid Trade -Board, oof.aflithe many wnrtime bodies iwe have ci-ented, iz s very uir in thé iieposition of tile 1la- stIructors of thre Reserve Arny. We h1ave pae ourselves under it just as voluniteei-s place tLheiselv-es under thleir. sergeants an id offficers, andf we are leamning from if just asý privates la the Reserve Aimy learil frain their isrctrhaw ta discipline orele- Tothat we mray bcaefit togmeet tire rigours of campaigning. SUNDAYi LESSON 43 STEPS TOWARD SOLUTION 0F THE ALCOHOL PROBLEM- w'11 no', irear ire mlelodiyco!iéthy vl,.24. But let justice rail down as wes, ad rigirteucesas a miigiferai, Thé Lord said 1He sinuply dsi~ their feinst day, end w Youffldnet ecivé théreef smelling savo f i tei Sacrifices fiai-bavée ny regard for tiroir pence afferinga. Tires sacrifices 'we al] rigldinlatierir placé, but théy wer wotiréssif tirosé alfering tniin chose ta-,li-vela constant disirdiéceta tiré laws o! hall- nés. f s' t!ýo éac'y fa substifate rituel foi-iirtéonasne, Tire ritual is sour iniiè,but igiteousascaé la sométiig tiet eIroldmark, évéry asp)ect o! aur lire, every dlay of autr life. Absé of Liberty 19u ay)rénpeu t us folow afer filage wiichir aklai-%péacé, and tiring wherey wé may edfy ane, enotier. 20. Ovrthrow not for ine' ake tirs work of God. AMl trgeindéeed are deulani; irwbelt if is evil for filat aiea wh'Io énftirü ;Wir onte.. 21. If lmgood not te, eat flesù,ir om-t dikwine, om ta do )anytiringwireytryboh er stupubletil"lire Aat ia béen tl in a ins c1ir)per about, tire love wIiiicitiensouighffai h1avaý for, one anathenr andC thé fr-uts ai sur1ir a lave, eamèiy anavoid- ance ai judgmen f aCathers, ami e"pelly a sfmong dèeminaton not ta do aaything, evwnlaluinaG mnater A ai tig aW dmiain,, whici would causé t1iroir irst hiéu-nta tmbe A use ar Cirrietî'inliherty Mwhir dieegerds tire daaigeifiet "t ma- pro duré upon a weak brotheGr is a bcd usé. HOW surir eatLieg ,meay prveaStumnblinig-hlork le nofDO saidbutwé crtenly en Urt otirers Iny wiaf we drinkç,amey intoxiatingbevémges. e have ilihery for doing fils but we Hes back again, . «. thatpid of the youthfnl generation that daring,trul shooting, dare devil aviator of the airwave-, . , Jimmiiy Alle-n! sa, ladfies, if those yaungsters of yonrs haet'n unfortunate hî-abit oý-f getting Ïin your w, ,,ay araund theý kitchen jusi when yo're p)rep)aring the upr take thein over te thél radio at f6 o'clock any day Mvonday through Fi-idy and yoIu can just about h% dollars to doughauts thLlat frani the-n on it w-ýill be ,part -,f the regular routin-e of the household. Jimýiniy Allen bi-ings hie thriilinig and ispiring adventure storieýs ta young Ontaria through CRBTo- ronto. There L- just cone thhing, If Junior suddJenly starts pesteýr-- ing you ta get a9 certain brad oe 1breakfast food, yon'll1 quite ne-. derstand tiet lhe bas visons b-- caming aunother husky, evn~r ous additin of Jimmxy Alehi- self. Anotirer old frien'd firas jncst ré. turaied to the exaetiret per- enfnial star aof vaudevîil e cen and radioAI JoîSon.Assised by comedian Pai-ynkai-kus, vêlaian AI started a- new séries of -veriety- shows over thé Colunubia Broad- casting Systein last week. Tué- daýy-is the ngh,10 o'clak flu tinie, OFRD iS includied Iinthe hook-up. HèTre is a, show the ex- freine versaîliy af whîch wil surely appeal ta every mèmber of fMe houseirold. It irs good muele, apeniu sprinkling of tire ab- snrdities and langlis a of kakr kq Awhie AI Jolson lulef with bis inimitable style nnd in dividual interpretian of the sangs îmosf. of us know sa Wel rounds ouf aÀ -presentatian wirich as a spnrkling ilighitcap 'shoul'd prépare yon for happy dreains. Theatre iirst went an the air, Mon'day evening ha-s always becen regerded as 'ahg oigrta radio enthusiasts ,of tiré diamna. Inlact this top)-raýtinig danetebroaden3t aow 'boaste tao have an aver-age listenniag audience of firry lmil- lions. Monday evenings 9 taID' aý'clocklbas sceén a eerires sOIrauid not usetu ibrybens ia so doiong, we arelibéteea a weekr broter, wh lookaup ta uis for guidance,fito bandage lai thèse tiinge. %ados Asurano 1'. "i~~oécame yve ont fr"0111angtbien, Land hé yé e se- aisé,-id thé Lord, and tauch jneý unclean thng; and 1 inllrecel-e you." Tis séparation irom i ÉW world wae not bta h iycijamlan lo-cal tandlSOci, bt 7orln spirtual, TieéCointhieun «Oé îlot ita, migate ta otirer -eisbe ta keep ire fonthnimce and illwirp wrchmgbt aLIy: tlléln witir idoalatmy; and tadey Oirrietiýiian, areta live la tire :vrie, wfirîý le èy are inot ai firaWorM., Tirey Iveé amonig tirlpxvll ,jk lA close rélatîasp: yet anl tie w1hie tirey blong ta anoflrér sphre ife. But the séprto doaes Pf not ean lonélinessorlas f réesullteinla divine omaa- amp wirmr ic s more tien cmpen saion for ai lte iéwonl aferm SuCIr wslire promise ta Gads'- peoplé aofidon"d sur i tieas sr ncemade aoirissera t fa day, L."Fmamu iien asCh-f Suni-d laithéflonharrn ye or sèIvés aieayith tire saine ild, fer ire thit Iatir sufierl tire,1, flèsh heiathceéaced fi-rn cia." L us refuse tirhewl striplvinge 0f sei. if will neéd iresolution ana And thouigirthèewl ocs sationl tiré,empiiltatio, thème wil hél csa inlatiréyiédiu taif, hir le ia. la InIne thé boly d2erslong firwartéd, wiulgive l"se and lèse trouire. iag laumber aifi-adia sets-, inapr!'à tlan the, continenit widé, tuned te flue 114 Columtbin stationsi whix Carry thpapular prograli. Frùoit flow al, Mon day évwening -Will pro- oide an evngi-enter oportnity flan befo-re for lavera ai daramiatie art ta idulge théir peeec. Imméndiately following thé Li Radio Theatre will fallaw a ser- les ai pînys by fthe Sereen Guili& ýPlayers,-, bathi programmnes arýigi-.. ating in HollywC*d. Thýý Sjaasar, Lady Esther, * * Pereonality oftheii Weejk If hec been- said thatt, samo people succeed by whaf they kaow, othéres by wheft they do, and a fevi by what they are, Thé pe- saatality béhmnid tint fi-ieadly fm inline voice you héar Mfonday tirrough Fridlay mamrningeý 10.30 to 10,45 aver CFVRB, Mr. Afke succeeds on aIll tirée casliSp"% slender, sparkliag. , vvacions, ai-. waYssmiig and awa ha. somiethiiîng p inusing ta teIl, For mnany years Mme. Atken ha.b broul.glt ta irer mamrniag lisfence inesting items ai homie news, international affaire, e u r r e n t books, and happeinigs nraund taw-n and couaitry. But Mrîs, Ait- ken iras nuany inteesuoude o! radio. Curreaty ehe i nchai-ge ofall aen'activities associ- ated with tie Victory Loin Cqrn- paia, If was Mrs. Aitken wvh,* ro-odinaed, rgan-ized and super- vised thé Womiens' Section i aï the CaniiadcienriNationalExiton Mostf housewives ýkao-w ai he-e cOoing I2:sehools, imany have a-4t- tenýded thiei. Oase thing you prab- ably doai'tknaw le that M-.Ait- ken lhas longistructed a cooking sehool for boys, yes, 'boys! Just youing lads getiered iroin theý haine in a certan secibuofa downtown Toronto. Evsir Wed- aeedflny eveaing thèse, youangsters lee,<ra iro-w taprépare and caok a dlinner, and nof aaly tiret. Whetj tire diner iasbeen cookèd, they ai st down and enjay if, and carry away witi tirem not only tied emmy ai a fruL nJoyable in1eeýl but tire recipes and inefrue- iens ta psa adong. fa inothèr

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