Vol, 6. No. 41, 0OP 0N0, 0NT., TH U SDAY, OCT. Attend 'Thie Victoiy Loan Concert ii1 iHall Th ree Prisoners Wounded During Disturbance At Bowmanville Prison Camp Comsiderable Damage Doue ln Effort to Remnove Priconers ,Serions dsrirb Oont in Bo)w- nIanmville p0o1cn 1 o cobr1 ,over tise a.kigof Germ-an isn ers of war held theire. and botis qrisoners inti ad were injured, HUon. J. L. Ralston, minister of na',- -tional defence aninounceti on Fiday 'of laýst wee2k. The ordier for 'the shaekling- of the prisoners was 'given at-ounti Thanks- g~iving day but th(e news ha'd beenl NwithheJd from publication in th(, Canadian paperis. This -was done, ývvith tise aimi of prcventing a ny possibility that garied repor-ts nighllt reacli Gerniany, whichcol bie useti as an excuse foi. reprisais nigain-t Canadlian soldiers and air- ioý-n hekdinl Gernian cuistody. Thse flrst -n&ling- was received fromn the Tinies -tragazine, a United States news puilieation, earried an a.ccount of th,' incident, and Mr. RaI- stoni's statement was iatendeti to presont an officiai andi eounteracting The p)risoners larricadeud thcmi- selves ia their bairmaciksanad ,efuse-d to oibey orders. One prisonler wvas wvouilded in thse leg by a rifle ble and two suffered "lighltbaoe -wo und Js. " F urtn i ýtur o wansmaishcd inti windows brokeni-. Canada's Victory Loan i Has Reached $4 14,583,900 Followî,-ng is theit latestinoatn on] tlise Vitoryv Loan l orloigto pl1 53,9'0in !gt dl'sof cn \asig.Canada'ls Thbirld Victor y Loan ycster day pIst the 11halfw-ýayi, mar twaids its mnmmgoal of Repneto -c-1-1] ey e es (can1îv-as conltains oridible (andilagesiub- Iliunicia te nd inl,ýtitutions. Can- vas ()f tise -general public shows a failliilg bac!k In dollars; atlhotegh numnibers ofsueries issues com- paeto tisose of ast year. Sivi(ned W. A. Shieltis, Dominion Plic Relations Secretary, War Fi- iance Committee. Cotiterfeit $2.00 Bill Taken ln At Bankç A $2.00 cutnetbill bastrni up in ih Oronio brancis of the Ban.k of Commecrce. The bill seem-s like ai gen111u bil upon inspection, that is ato coloring aidesgbut -when inpceidoser, th-e fron.t and 'back ftise b"ih whicIs ie glaito- Facts and Figures About Public School Inspectorate of the United Counti VICTORY LOAN CONCERT Nuniber of Schools li 1 Beeri Improved Duri A Victos y Loan Concert wihl b.theY 1tjise townl lhall, O0 ,>,t -fth nigst(Tsusdy) at 8.00 oclck 'is fllwig resoe acý Týismea ssetsý of 16 M M films rwith ts npc of oriui sontiasa about sixt vminlute, del- adDran sud b pic gtise paopl's w ar aadil1 totaIlalton ubli c Schoo>lu i bv .Insc war effrt, flot 'only 0 ou ow on 1-1 CONVOYING A WAR CAR( 0 Pic.tur'e sho(ws. A faýmiiiar s'iý Br-itisil Cruiser of the"Fui safely to its d1estinationi. CIRUISER on' - t inite sens : A h(a ass n oyîril ail n imortant Inenilt. si penses. irds pacl ,cailorms '055. C"or secret c(-e foi 1wal Canada 's A weekly revi('w of develcpmlu' on the home ,fr-ont front Octobier to Oct,,1rie 22, 1942. 1, Deparintent of Munitions Supply announcadth ant at the el of !business Sattsrday niight, Octo 17, the value of the gasoline rit unit in Quelbec, Ontario, Brit Columibia and the thriee Prairie Pi ,incas was cut fromn four to) th galn.The inewriýnig places nine rovincs on tisa same bais. 2Toipado'aýd on Ocýtober 14, as 15 1 6. Asil *being UV'- I - n rsq ue other amup to the shac!klingo ler, but no fuither rubehtibe cncunerd at a'ny of tlise othier 15 prisoner of warý camps, ýCol. Raîlston saiti., "lise sisackling order was is-sued as ~<a reprisal m-ensure after the Ger- rnns announceti they had placecl in chains 107 Bnitisis officers anti 1,268 'ion.-contmiisi oned ersantd men ecaptured ait Dieppe. As Canadians matie up five-sixths of thse armny force which attaeket D i ep'p)e last Aurgust, ît bas boeenI assumned that most cif those chaineti iby thse Ger- mnans were ICanadians. It has siot beera found out just hcw tise Tiînes mag-azine g-ot holti of the story, but a full investigation of the whole matter ntay be gone into. Tho uews eertainly leakerd eut raome wary or other'. Col. Ralston's statemen4t saiti four ifile shots were fied in rar-ningý. One airhohetteti off the 1roun 1an) woundeti a ~prisoner in thse Ikg. Th ï- took plc, he atideti, "at a tinte when the prisoners seizecd andi bru- tally assaulteti ani ofrîcer of the g-ua rd." There were no fatalities andti te niajority of tise injuries were -,o f a nîinor character, the miýnister ani- norunceti. At one point a hole waýs cop success intv to IT -Is -0 u ive H ni a gooti look over 1befoire ecejpt- ing them., This parýticular $2.00 bil felt kintid cf hlard Ihn uh andierti dp it, Owinig to somne kintI. of -gLue be-ing uSedc to stický the býak andi front partt of the .HI tongether, and at one end one part of the bill sliltly overlaprpeti'the ther portion, and the iiil can be tomr apart. tbhroug-h the rioof and a fire hose used to hlp quel' tise trouble. miachine g-un fire was useti nor there tear gas or any other form, ga'tS resorted to th-roisout troUble. Normal camp life rwas rs af tair tise guard was reinforcecd detchmnents fromi a neai-by milii la 1-éeason why tise agetýc causerd at th tcernment Cam.-p 'Wan ,h Ger-man prisoners e, anti thaýy would beF in l a Vin1-- to(-) le Has Now Reached $ 74,000 Marký Tisa(-,W District1 ut there area ocan, ai !sisoulti -£j aIre grvig. Eoiaion of Cnd onmon tof uxi What mnore cou doan't staîl, kS on- yo, glivel yrou cart spare mli Clake Torwn -ving- overseas eir- homieýs, tisai ;echnic 1. y bys5ssigV, 4. I Virgin tinla iithi tlie Goenctsto holdings ýrepreserit 1 vigntin *in cons"umIII 85 per cent hel id 1,, is reatily available conitrolad, accordingý troller Batemian. 5, rFilnts requireti hanti liebhters of the s note theron It -th boarld w muLn:ieilpa.l na da tBirt, Fariners Asked to Keep Up-to-date Accounts! Ottawa h P-ntrbyres !e- tatises ofot' eeato f Agi- tina avrnestate'dti tat whliie es werric rqir by la'w to sae h bora instrtto Aive tuslu some ceaway andi au posspie assistanc n Mr. Gisnapan t! t tth-e I ain c the 1iwnoe Tax bsetoi $660 for signgi snand $1200 for1 Ioariet iwmc, cominard witis bett r Prices anti gratr-rouction, woruld 1)r l" qringm laienume r o amr ,in the I1ncarna eTax -navir,2 aýveins Sc venty-fivea Popfle's Unionl fancy trsw cin comic. chT aces-"; senor rMs.Jont with Hhoea arlound. 'A goo voton ltgi roain he ýLoi, tativeas o sin T-ax fornis an, reconimmer(a t ii as possible nature cf frFa ngup nat Mi or hm led. î'T. PRag-u, t"cI rc Ne W- ith a antrabut seman eacrur a a n t isehilW t ,ar was ibadIly -ii did flotnotic id Midland ~~~~~~W1 0 ig $2,00 wr T'i now , mLit-n I a 11(l rS-av.- Spa ,, al Countiy, Mar les groilp, J. S. rt Ho t Sub~ «M«MM- "ORO, No