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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Oct 1942, p. 2

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TO TELL intuedlathe battie efthtieSoo imens revente tchat tira Japanese glier ise equlpped jýwltis Visa bcd aýrase ssirn for h ,is canipaga isýe lateast impl]ementa e! 'fdets bhave br3en given the J,panese ,figlis- lng mats bwy a nation tisat isas sai- 5icd avery possible Iuxulry la ordler te' Create an arriflry oqual te -r bottCer tha tiai ef tise United Mations. The recuit Of tiesnesaCri fleo#was mw u aevdence l inse ,ise Japanese tecisnVcai euip- mfent l nb, iyevery caee wasý otsas a uqui-ity te tiusad bjy tise Uniie Nations and !Bn many caseýýsIsuperier. l l(-,ne nstaIce was gsy Of tise aptured nmater aond tc e bee!f Ëms desgnor operaion ï r d i n gnd w r k m a n s i s i p Air'Gcooed McieGn Ncyr has tis'e Risinýg sun Eire îeigk-htisealigsteet invaion wile mgsiai tDearias lu lis41 cisine guns oaptured la tise batie mmeamwe anniislatd wron!tise 15latntai-oeeddsi-gl and ether e! Essropeaî,ýn constiliinor ams Tise Japanase troops wisofou-gisi i tisebatile e! Tenaruwere armCd iteifi 'te etct odael 1flm tsr gl wislei tsrow a 40-foot fame. On-a ig'is imachine guns ware- cxmndby pgunneira wisý-oprîd tlsir onsrucionanjd por-lormr- eisCe ad eaid )iseywere equtal teo tseý béast now ilaluse by ou'r forceS. Ant eXans1pItif o!tisa iigis grade eýqÈpment amDpleyedby(tise Japa- isee was a m, iiaiso'anýy box used 'te pac.kage extra irdio tubes. Tira bjox ite!was ia miastei'piee o! ceabin)etma-ing. and cacistubie was uradled In spngrubbier mle te fit tMe conusOf tegae Foreign Devices Cpe Tise 2qiipLnitshows teat lp lfonose mni!itiry obserers attaclDed te~~~ tievrosobss istiroug n. ou't I( tie feilid tisir jobs weill lsseorp)orated lis ecsWah >naa le. besi devices ebtainable frons %hp- i! eraîitnt odels neW basg vaed by tise 'arîous cousiries 0! tise wo so,~inc of trmalles et Japanj, seorne of ilfam ber eniazs, Anuaxmbatin ofwreekad Zwe fgiosdestroyedat i avuin ra- vealo tisi-tireplanes were e! exprt oanruCionfrem propeler isb e taul skidwere drabe, buit e! tise best umaierls obtainabie and assmled wTisgeat care and Tise cm hrcirsi were tound te bNe trua 0of eeyotier ese ila ise Solomlons, weisrit was nafâ%hiteepiseaor a four cugied bomber. GermanyMaUs A spoksman or tie Norme- ibertei strvetise peepfles of ecuidEurope iin an] attemIpi te0 force tis Unitcd N tons teen tsuir hiocadc Tisa pokesmansuid otattis Wialy au food stuf teinNorway frNaim rar n ccpto tvaropp enving soe 800,0 persons la isaiCeu-ntry loete "Tt lacotiimpossibleI," )hC- anid, tnnai tise GeranIsdeIïIbratAly la te e starve isepo'ple la order0 t'Ofoc Norw-vay te sigi? a separl- tapneor te force tJisa Alies; teo end thi blkade. They pos ably lo oradte a'.staiteetf a'ffairs \wher-c tisa Alies il hv te send food or sec tie peopie Be declared tisitise Nazi star- raton acIs ay beextn1ded ite etiser ocpidcouniries sucis asý The Ntelneand Blim Tise lworst i laNorwaty, h eaid, wa t(ise siueOf sztcks et AL L-B Rab.-"S ALî7L-BRAN is ýdeÈlicus we reguýlasry uni drinkc plenty of walrr hav tem imetevery dýay. n kGt ALL-BRAN at yur grocers ALL-BRAN ia.a grand cereal for la tivo convenient size pckge, o brekfat."asIc for the individual servi-ng Why cicm't - vou -try ALL-BRZANý'S package at rsarns Macle by BeerWay" te correct the caýuse Kellog-g's ir, Lonidonr, Canada. Adapted by Lebbe us Mthelfpr the Metr-Gol(,dwyn-Mayer Picture Starrng Mickey Rooney Tim32olhy Dni ihsho football chamnpioin, and hiq Jas. known as e the Runt, are sent Wo by their mther ho has mar- ried an Englishmnain, Roger Carl- ton, Tim .eepecially is very bitter about it, Ha had expected to go t& Notre Damoe whe-re bis father had bLeen a cham-pion football player. IHaving tea, th1eir firat diay aX Redfern, their new home, Jane asksL her new f ather fromn whom h. borrowed thle large and beautiful aid English E.Slate, for, in his Ibitter.nesa at leaving Amer- ica, Tim h ad indirated hisý belief that Roger Crtn a a fortune' lsnting Englishmian and had bor. s'owed Redferii to make aýn impres' iOa oistheir mother. The lattery leisdK Janýe out witl' har hushband; ah. wants private talk wthTimx. CHAPTER TWO "First," sasd Timn':e mother. I want te apjologize te --ou." "Gosh," he replied, mïiserabiýy. «Vaudn' need to do ta. "Yes, 1 do. I've been iceil selfish, 1 was se xnhappy eewh Roger týhat 1 took, it for grlanted yo' oehisu n -d this plac a Ic do,IsheuldhavegoeeA ou and toid you aou Roge, and 111eV ya e dud whether you wanted to core hre." "ItV8 aU ripht sMôm," he SaVd unhappl)iily, "It doesi't miatter 9I thought of you as rmuh younger thani you are --flot yet capable of minig decisionýs. I wa w-rng -- you'rc noV my bay any mr. You're net agywt mne? "Geais, no. Sure not.1il nýeer waýs. 1I, was],ki---- suddcnl." "Tha.ýnks, Tim, for tL.kîng it thiis way. kowwh you maibe feelin.g - as if I'd startcd a life aIl mny own ad expecte"d ycou te fit laVe it as besýt you eeuld. But I w'ant 3you to helie've hi-can be happy onljy ýo long a ui and It's jus- that - 'x-i wegtta get to things AI know, I was iterribyi afraidat first - e1eal we e Peter. abGouthm.You se, o 'sfi. wife dicd 'a, "lngLiegan Peter is bis son'" "Whmedoes he hang eut "IIe's t Eo.Ye'liehm Hesa fine boy, a y-eair eor twe eieîhanu ar. ogcr'1týin yen donthere temorrow" "Whant for?"> "To met yur ncwbote, n --wll Ate2sec Et U. ts the bLut scil la n ladTindny 30m1S fomhre W anb to<geiheVSunday-san vctis and -" ý "Hey, wait, a minute! Are you planin onsending me tliere?"ý CWEl, 1V isn't really def"inîte aýs yet. It'sý terribly dfittuto gai yn.Mos of tise boys are register- cd~ ~~c oeoete r "W hatiaigoï;t t o ih going there ? "Eerthag I's ts hsioo Ro'ger weait Ète-- ald fis î tthr anid bis grandlitatber a new Pet- or. It's sibeen rpt Oet tisir lia.That's wb Iw an1 t Vo h a part et yours." ",Weiiý,zmybe i's ail r-ight for' Vbm h potste d, "ut 6de't wýýant Voý go te sebool witb a3 lot et 'oa~ges ' Whiat would t11ise Noirýe Dameý football concis say if haise me playig ejcrIke! "But youj're rnet ready for coi- iege yet, Tîm, oul have te goc te somte ec;hLol... If Ro-ger cat.n gai yen il, onVoyen ileasi give Eton ae trial'? Yo'il love *t. I knewý, yen wil." "And if f don't?" "4Yenniee(in't tay, I promiseý yen." At; ber uirgig ho agreed te give tisat faens oid achol a ix-moe tistra Rýoger Carlton tati Tim intise deserted eishool -yard as Ire wat lu tea tsehedmasr ai Eton, p--romisig t be isack in1 i3. Lefi alonec, Timn wandered about tise ya-rd an tisei n laVeone oeth&b buildings, flie sopped on -tii. ,stairs leaini-g Vo tV iseupPcr a andlokedaiVie wal!htbikl- o' ered J witb carv-ed naacs,~s then ie h optted "R. CarltcdfsY- Tise Tme-er ock struelk and ai once tiserac ama Vise sound cet maY feet abya is bond. A oor opened, abisaioetvoices camne P, bis enreAnd then a roup et boys af ail agcs and sizesdresscd la tise poerilEtoi n fsisio, igisi jacketsisisbats. At tie aumaig Reciin tseyaî,d halieook ,ýte Iris- heels and ranlte tise spot isr MrJrltonw.isto e cci lm. Tim ah butCollidcd witb bis ne-w boy sCouted: "HcgeV me enVa 1bers!GeV mte outta bier qjuiýk!" "Geýt ,yOu eV"snid URog er, amuseý iD Lbut pu zzled.î "I ý'1jusi geV ya yen n. Tbey'vve acceptes yen But Tim \aMCfrnes "Ohne, yen den't! Net fOr a1 iltiemny "Wisi's ise atter? Wliat5s bappened, Tim?" in titehm uiadssCos- tecnk I'm ng ~teuscisol tisa lot oî Little Lo-rd anleos- 1 yen geV anetiser guese ceming. lin e recbered Ibis pr-omiseý te bis motber te!ogîve ic pace a Tbu ickc tsegrou1d vcos ly. "Iv teiVrpe. Sl tenhie ri\ eýfferaplgbtac GOOD Eis IATING NEWS Slegh-o-hndwen't1produemeat when it'sneededfor the beys; in tlle serviceC. But itle ktitce agewl srtha poundc cf sausage teAnern "y TAsesecrt liemi haisd recAfr Sausag Shorteke, Sausage ShortCake 1 cup whie corameal Y/2 cp AIlBrn %'up fleur 1l/s cups miik 1 tablespoon uar g M teaspeons bkn pe1wdCiUr 1 cup mielted sh-ortenring i speen sait 2 tablspoos btter Paprika CreamecdSasg i pound hblk asg tbapesfleurl 2 tablespoons fat1/tesonai 21é cups lk!" Sift conmeal, fleur, sugarý, baking powder andsa'it tgeth-er. Add Ail-Bran, milk beaten egg and shortezsng. -Mix unitil fleur disappears. Peur laie greeed pan and bake 'n bot ovenl (45c"F.) a,-bou)t tbirty minutes.ý, Remove frm pan, spread ith butter while hot and serve with creamed sausage or ham eover th'e top. S pr inle w'ith paprika. ronsausage ia, frying pan, brý:eaking it up mo ie emaîl plaes.ç Pour off fat, exeepting 2 tablespeons. Str li fleur a---d sea,-son-iings; ta'd ikand cook, stirrinig coInStLy,II until thici aend eootis. Yieid: H servngeÎ9 x 9-Iis pan. a shove 4aiied c1. elIpro- mlise'd Mom i' d st-ick forsix menthe.But I wanyou, when ta's over nabndy's gneV get mne back heTe." "Nobody',s going tetrc" sad Carlton bas s haledby 1hif son, Peter, anistcrtifine- lookig boy et 17 or M8He ie hd -an iniherent dgi~wibhie Cos- tumne, moe etrem3e than tisat ofý the majerity of pplfiled te extin1guish.1 Beinig a miembner of Pop, the hontorarly sciety vai t'n Peter haýd a wdr ltitude in is choice of csuethian th-e otherc boys; his trousers wreof -a dit- ferent style, teewas a red Car- nation in hi-sbuto co - he oreý a, wing coll-i, a dos.ble-br-easted, colored witcawite l;ra- ing on bis coat and sealing wax- on bis hat- the laer a signife- ant -mark of tsePop ebes Carltýonitodedtise two bo-ys, been adm-itted te0 "lie scjhoo. ýPeter appeared delighted and whsen his father said thjat Tim-j was going,ý te Justus 'sliuse .- usin wa- peter's tutor, -- is face lihted 'q eay, we'ill1be togeth"-er then, Yoju'll like Justin. lle'sjour bue master - the beet theure is.An yeu'l. lie M'Dame - Oater yen get used te ber. She's a sort oi housekeeper," he explaned."Sis takes cmae of tne house wèii Jus- Whien Tbim was asgndte i qu.arteres - a fa-îily emaIl, white- w'asboed room, with a foldIýing bcd, a bureau, a couple of Chairs, n, firepace and an ottoman -- he proceeded te dopn the Eton cos- tumie that Roger Carton had had made for hlmn. The Rutcaet ÈIMin l goodbye and stopped i tedoorway te (ýst-are ee-ots 'd, "Yoiu nt edte Say i.M knowv what I look like -- an un, dertaker! Go abead and laugh. Dori't mind me, muiglis!" "Ohi Tiirry! Take it off! Take iV off!' wailed theRnbrtn 3to tears, Roger, seated at the ofele bis car,watg for bis wit ýean Julie wa8 alkiing te Peter,wb lkad une foot on tise running board, la"Change costume," a squash acet a ir. band ;If, aseans a lot, Tîim's getting on hera at Eton. ffie iother J'~dd ayn o Or bis bnp- -pres-even te o ri h1et- "Iion't you wrry11'illook eut for hl," aid Peter- When Timr, summony(,red Vo thle headastr'sofficeà, enitered ble bebeld a large, good-nauredn ef about 50 lo)lqting some11(tb-ing like a shaggy dog, admoniutbing a' emîl m iischievous-lookuing bo y with fiak-stained Iban1ds and large, "Ah, yes," said Justin-, now te Crown Brand Syrup ;n additon le ifs ther uses, le beig ýse generally sed Yasplmnsuo~hth demoand ho s increosed tremendously - 5e sometimnes your grocer mo,:y nof be ahi. go -upply you. But yeu'Il understand whly.' be Tim's inter .aidbos-atr "Yen weuld ba oýur awAmnerican friand. Spl-endid KnJ o w you r step-fntber wili. A trifle shnk an1 h)ielatin verbe, but nafine ais- laie. siu down, M,, boy.. Tbie, Dennis, le Weldo-tbasiti Er etf WedI(on-a .discredjI'tute islia egag, a perveriar et Lain p rôse, A carry fcilow, aren'twa Wel- "If yen sny se,gi, id e- don, tmlalykoaasIkl aýr serfetkidcing but affection- ate voica. "I cdo say se, Wlo!Id a deed. Now, Denis(I oi enp- pose yen knew yourNway a bourt Tiin adniitted th'at ha e l' m'ad Juetin. appýoiïited InIky Vo h hie gu:ide. "Im sorry, ay boy, thon with hlm ti Vl netselny affect yonr future."ý Outtlantise corridlor, Ti aid: "Sy fyou1irealyan Býari, wsido tiey eau yen arIound ere -Lord or Dýuke--, or whait ?" "tT-isey jusi cal tm-eIny"ts boy rcpflied andi spoke te o ae Vis isuseeepra large uide age wmnn woappeaired 1r- euad a ,,corner. lWodnirkai yeuir celarC!" ehe exclaimed. "'Ail covercd witb in1k again. Te tisat tlisme one yen bad <oniye-sterday?" "No, m'a. esterday iV was red iaik. Rýemember?ý" "R-eaily, yeni are a disgrace Vo ise biouSe. 1Look ati bisby, hew cdean ha e" 4'A.Bt ha e, t got r, ma'am," sai%1 Inky, twinkling. Wiy, en muet be Denais. I isad sncb a plaan aik vwii yolur mother. How are yeni feel- ing, De)nnis ?" Sise looked at ibim cxpýpectaily. "'Wby, why, imn a, ",Weldonlwiii tel yen , mnt a fues-isudgct, but wisea I kalow a. boy lseas fragile as yenar- "Me?Fagle" rasped Tim. Tiscrecamefrom tIse-'up)er fieor a sien)toria eh ionit et"Boy" At, »nensiedoors lojng tise corrid or opaedc(. AÀso eLwer Form bey-s piled eut and strtedi ojn a rua for tise sar.Amionge teni wsIk.Tii oloked aIe hlmr aimazed, mn anid cugsihm; demrandiiag: "Wisas hItisesihoet- j'eaIlme go! let me go!lts K vi!"said Inky srggîgte frec blîseit froni Tîm'igrsp fCnilned Nexi Weeàk) Ceprigt 142by Lw' c Thi jetis peples wr -it s or wr.EachianId 0everyoae ,of usj m.1usi cotrlbute our uimeet te hielp ýSPeed- tise dayv of YictosSd!ý' ,we foil in our duty te ledeildi lim it, we help maklVs ,car lasi longer. Let us resolve te back th"e 10W Victory Loan to ficVise mst ofi our abiliiy. We, on;, the homefrot, met train everyfir that Our Efihting mnmyhaeo'Sh~ma uperiorily ini arme and equiÎpinoint tô ruioui- euhpowerfleemies. The dolarswe lend sNOW wIlmake ibi pwosbe soner. I0aycVictOTY jP SA C E D NA T E DB Y F RY-CADBL'U RY L TD., MC)N TR E A L] i 51,i 'eul'eip 7'l Al

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