îest Subscription, $125 SUnited States, $2.00 eive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher [EM TO DO IT lives. We are only asked toaiia The Garden 'HillI EoYs' and Girls' ýpotato CE(ub reached the elimax -of the year'-s voA, when the Achieve- nient Day -was held recentWy at Camnpbelilcroft with sixteen cf the twenty-two miebers exhibiting- their potatoes. For the exhiit of po'tatoes (the first frve pla;cing rwere. -Mary Lord, M1urrav Lord, ýGloria Oruse, îMrin Kinsýman and Beverley Gray. The total score, however, 'was 1flased on the field scoreý, cost records, e- bhbit, judging, questions on g-row- mng potatoes, and attendance at meeting. The ýfinal standing on the grand total wiýas : lst, 'larvin Kinsma-in, Campbell- croft R. R. 2. 2nd, M,ýurruyLord, CnIf>lcOt 3rd, Doreen Trew, Campbellcr.toft R. R. 2. 4th, Donaild iMorton, Cam~pbell- ýcroft R. R. 2. 5th, Many Lord, CGaniplellcrft. 6th, Beverlev Gray, Port icpe R. R. 1. '7th, Leo ýSpicer, Camnphelicroft. 8th, Montford Seymour-Tairlor, of Po4ýt Hope R. R. 1. 9th, G-oria 'ruse, Campb(-'llcroft R. R 2. lOti, -Mary Bristow, iOai-nipbellcr of t R. R. 2. llth, Jam-es ýCaswell, Port Hope. 12th, Carmnen Irwin, Port Hope R. R. 1. M3th, Eari Mer-rili, CanipIblicrof I R. R. 1. l4th. Gordon Dundas., Port H-ope R. R. 4. t5th, Maurice 'Cruse,. Camplbell- crefit R. R. 2. l6;th. Blwyn Dundas, Port (Hope R. R. No. 4. The bwe last boys, 'w,ýere unabie to aVitend the Achievement Daýy but sent their exhibits. S o me of the highlights, were a perfect score on the ten written questions by Mar- vin Kinsmnan and the excellent show- irgz made !liy the four girls who coin- plted the work. Two maembers of the club i wll represent Durlia-,r County in the Inter-'Gounty compeýtî tion at Guelph on 'Otcber 'Z3rd. The county team wýinning at CGuelph wil enter the Domtinion final againat thE other provinces. The excellent Potato ýClub waý raadc possible Iby the exc-ellent ccü -reraition cf the Port Hocpe Rotarý ry Loan speech. It was ut- e Second a_-nd tihe First Vic- e relieated in the Loan periodý rd tat those boys off er their bile decision toe 4ght the Ger. ta do the job. ,y steeled themselves te jumlp aches bc1-au se thev frît -we that Tact, lhow we Loan Bonds!i ! SHORT -e wr lie do-es net -go fiar .e should adId that Rny futur'e [ ancel euit thie value of Vic- isurauce policiesý worthiess. He ould bewlie Wipe out. He should r- bis, or any other kind of libe just sOre"tiIg te toss ýIu set aside as somnething separ-ate arîd cf this, our country, T'hey ar ju.st as the one dollar bis we ca rry lu our eu of Cannda. An-d the enly atKd would 5)e Pliy a decision -selves liack. anada, Thre assets and re- tbesc- bans fromn the peoi)e cess o)f the loýn totals. Ereen lie dorve since the start of Cauadhs total delit to this cf tIrt size. Fifty chiltirea ' willlikly ich we thlouglit was the Rotary Cîuu aguinc hy conding a truk from- Sorne readers will recal Porýt Hope Rotarv Club hweuty puremhrd wean shure sen, pig's teorgani Swiu-e Club in the sprir This Club is Stijl em-ig each boy retiumir a VPý ,ach spring ferOIa new CI At Port [Hope Fais, fi1C siteen rwine Club -mh ed their sowsowith one1 sow winining the ho-1nours Jhe grounds. The Boys' hlibit was eone-'cf the -Il Port Hop)e Fair nd mm commnts re eardol -11d sine b'y the mafnily si- Thýe 1eys andgilsnud luers, woergnnzed a: these clu-bs, are verv Sf] tihe supportfdontUne E OUR PERSONAL Wl Tbe -awYessire q11irît, in' of1 neuxt -weýEI<au airs.. A *i. rKe±c's Anniversary Visitors- Miss Dorothy HoIlingsworth with lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. ýIvan Farro-w, Orono, Mr. and lMrs. ïE. Stephens and fam- ily,, Port Hope, at Mr. Clarence Bur- ley's. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rabinson, of Bowman'ville, Mr. and Mrs. E. Far- r-ow and Arthur, Garden Hill, atMr T. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grahani, New- castie, Mr. and Mrs. ýH. Welsh, of Orono, Mr. and ýMrs. R. E. He'ndry, Lakr- Shore, at Mr- T. J. Siipsoyn's. Mrg. and Mrs. 0. Co'wan, Orono, Mr. and MIrs. iM. Oçibor.ne, Morrish, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowvan, Oshawa, Rev. and Mrs. Wilson, !Oshawa, at Mr. B. Cowan's. iMr and lMrs. Allan ýMoffatt and family, iMrs. V. Milîson and son ýd ward, who is in, the IR.C.AF. at Win- nipe'g, of Bo>wma-nrvlle.. tMiss Meda Couch and 'M. and Mrs. Her(b. Han- coclk, of Necwcastle, at iMrs. B. Mill- son. Mr. and IMrs. 'Roy 'Burley, Port Granby, IMr. and Mr.s. 'Brown y- Stringer, granddaughter Jouir, of Toronto, Mrs. J. J. 'W. Stringer, Mr. Wilson and sister, son and dJaug-hter, tRev. Wilson and Rev. R. E. Morton at 'Mr. Wes. Srrgrs e There-was a good crowd at oui 6fth anniversary at Clarke church. -Rev. Wilson of Osharwa, 'who is' the granlson :of Rev. S. 'Wilson who, preached at Clarke church sixty Syears ago. Music was suppliýd in Sthe afternoon by our junior choir e and i l- te evening an old timie echoir.i a Mr. Logan of Orotno suppl;ed spe- - cal music. 'On ýMonday evenirtg there was a social gathieri.ng,. Reci- tations liy Mrs. Brown of Newcas- ftle were enjoyed, and tMr. Morton rn had a reccord of the hi.story of the lchurch dow,7n through the sixty ie Il years. We had a birthday cake thal e was made and deýcorated ýby Mrs. R. HTolling-sworth and MI\r. Morton bad stwo older membersof the church, >Mr. T. Kinsman and Mr. H. Welsh, ,y cut the cake. SandIwicIhes and cake t along with thre liirthday cake were S- served. Letters to the Editorj \Xrlpn radin a rcen oe's dec- Ut used te lie an oid amny adage that tenmake a good soldier you had to teach ihlm te hate. But %we are thanlIdul te be living lu a -more en- lighlteiie age, where we arýe learn- irug teu discard darir age imetheds of the loweir emiotienai ma-i. We are to-day living more in a mental age r-where te sýueceed, immd hais te becemne keen, 'alert and active, mWhere intelligence and lcno'wledge aire the key notes, where love, 0nt hate, -pens doors te intuition and( insilght. To have love deoes net m-eani weaknesjs, but rather the contrary.1 W¾v net tcech instead, leva cfo Ty f rat 't ,Leamien's have good Itpa-Iuru Onlons for sale. 6 quart, Il quart -or hy the ibushel; aise Qchoic~e Garrots. e-43-p. FOR SALE Fîfty bushels of Taible Turnips, five Isushels of Garrots. Aýpply to George Butters, Oronýo. FARM FOR SALE The E-itate of the late Wmn F. Patterson, Lot 16, COn. 8, Clarke Txni~,125 acýres <moire Or le.ss). For partieulars apply te Joseph J. Melor, Oreno. -1e FOR SALE Slpies, Bald-winrs,, Staeksl,,Russtts and Belflower ýApples. From 50C. a bushel to $5.00 a bairrel. 34 young Pigs, 6 weeks old; aise six head of 2-yar-ld attle, *Apply to A,~ H. Kea-Ae, lOrone.c--p Ntice to Creditorsi, IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN McROBERTS, late of Pontypoel, in the County of Dur- hams, Retired Farnier, deceased: Ail persons 'having d caims againlst the Estýa'e of the said William John ,UcRoberts, -ho died on or a,,bout' the 4th day of .5eptember, '1941, are heret'y notifi'ed to s'end te the uinder- signed Administrator or his Solicitor on or before thre 28th day of Novemn- ber, 1942, their naines and ,-dcdresses adfuili particulars of their dlaimsý aund the nature of the securities (if any) held hy fhemn duly verified by statutor-y declaîia'ion. Im-mediately after the said 28th day of Novenilbeý, .1942, the assets of the said deceased will lie dîstributed sinon-g the parties entitled thereto, havin'g regard only te the claimss of which the' Adiistrator or 'the un- dersigned Solicitor shaîl then have notice. Dated- at -Orono this 28th day of October, 1942. WILLIAM HENRY IHOOPElI, Pontypool, 'Ontario. Administrator of thre Estate of William John Mceberts, deceased. Ornont. Solicitor for the Administrator STARK VEILLE Mr.Bert Ti.in-ý, Charley andi Dianne 'with Tor'onto friends. Mrs. W. A. Hallo1well sfpenit satur- day %vith friends in Oshalwa. iMr. and Mrs. Ed. Rut'hvefli, Zion, with Mr. :and Mrs. AIL. Dohson. .Mjss Audrey Aclams, Newcvýastle, with Mr. and fMrs. Har.old Souch. Mr, and Mvrs. Chas. Cooper, 6th Line, -with -Mr. a dlMs. Wmn. Sav- cry. Mrs. Silver, Pickering, and Mr. -he1, Uxbridge, wvith) Mr. George and NIMrs. Millon Rhno l, with 'Mr. and Ms.Geoi aud -Mrs. George -KimbIIal, Gtranby, with Mr. and Mi-- andMs.WllsFarrow, 'Granliy, with ifMr. anri I Farow. and Mrs. Ethan Jones y, 'cf Zion, -with Mr. and IýJ andi (Mrs. CaleH-oit y, cf Toronto, -with ýMr. Frank Stone. sJohn Pacdon, Wesleyvi ind 'Mrs, Anison Gilroy, Ken ýMr. and Mrs. Lorne Paedon. S. G. ýg toeBow The fAi sueI witl comteort, bet-ween t cets oey nd t dloesn't. between t50 mnuch te ea t,- thes a-11-1oci ones, mn- e he power to that t cf ncf Buy Victory ti aof Matters Now But mn-lt The gate receeî Gweu Gilmier, Audrey B .aret Denault and Mr.E iClarke, ,withi 2r. andtIN nd lMrs. Delbert Ha]lrn te, and Mr. asud Mrs.V -eueo, with INMm. ar-d nd M i ss Marg,-' Lstle, wîvtlh Mr. j e. The ra2ceý Ig-ounid lonle o f $0 TV C-l rrr with M. A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN «and SURGEON Office Ifours: 2.00 te 4.00 pmb; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.~ PHONEW 47 ORONO VF.TERINARY VETFERINARY SURGEON Office. ManSt. Orono Phione 56 r 7, Oroxio, Ont. -î WJohn J. Gilfillai Licentia-te of the coulege of Optff- etry of Oxutario Office Fleurs: 10 to 12 a-m. and 2 4.30 p.m anid hy appeintment Office li IO. BTyrrell'e Drug StS* Phone 6sr2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autom-o- bile ai-d Liability AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coxidueto Auction Sl.o i i an~d at reaseuable rate. oemmuxiieate wiffh him At P<t Perry, Ontario, or see hi. (JIoek, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. F. F. mornes& Son Funeral Directorsj Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orono phonles: Bowmanville, Day 480 Nigbt, 7;14 and 5i3 Orn,27-1 The Otdest, Largest and MOSt Complete Furniture Store and Modernl Funerat Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NWE Our Pr'Ices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE - SONC rgel Carmeul, and M. SnBr:yson -f Ken- cf dal with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery. Will M es2rs. Bet anic! Gerdoni Trimi 'were Caiied teo :shlawa Suniday nighit of owinjjg te tile sudden illness 'cf ther frs. father, w%,he suffered a stroke and is confined te Oshawa hespital. We and wish Mr. 'Trim a speedy recove-rY. Vrs. Large crowds attended anniiver- sary services at Shiloir on Sunday and hn ad] the pleasure cf listeing to ad a former pastor, Rere. Thos. Wallbace cf Greer(bank. NewcastIe Mixeti 'iiQuartette furnishýed the music in th(e [dal, afternoon ànd Kendal choir in tire- eveniiig, which was much enjoye-d. ster, aile-IRBKIY Bur- Miss Kathleen Ard is teaching- our Bert sechool and is giving good satisfac- [Mrs. tien. Th,( young people ocf K'liy helti a reeli, 'ballowe'" ,-'aty anid ail report hare- Wm1--. ing a g-ood timne. Mrs. M \V W. Mcin Toronto, isý peciga f ew days ith Iis, broth-. and er, M. iD. A. Mracinnon. -Il]d Mr. and Ms Eith Badley and~ i4l-s nPntypeol, spent Sunday with *rt Mr n( D Mr s. J. Thocmmpon. a)rd( M. and Mrs. WValker an dBetty and Wilhelnina, Bowmianville, spent Beu- undaywith Mr. and Mrs. J. Top Wi-Son. Mr. Mr. and lVrs. J. 'Thompsoen and Jas S'Mr. Morrew and peari spent Sundar' and with 3Mr. and lMrs. 'Raymond man. and MVrs. 'Mac. -CarIton a-nd Mrs. Wal-. ence ter Carlton, Orono, and ;Mrs. Piggett tawa, cf Brantford visitd Mrs. J. Thonip- WE A offer to 1 1 Orono 1 Ontario