Lieut. -F. T. JLorriïnan whio has ibeen stationed at thie trailiJn¶g amnp ait Newmiarket, ieft on Sunday 1-asti for North Bay, wbere be willi now -be Orono Tinshop Furnaces AND Furnace Work'i should be on Order Now R. E. LOGAN' PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30r16, PARK ST. UNITED CHJJRCH Rev. S. Littlewood pastor SUNDAY, NOV. lst 11.00 a.mi. -- Worshiip. "lThe Romancee of Faith" >2.30 - Sundnsay School. 7.00 p.m. - Worship.~ 'R1e loôked for a city whose Bililder and lMàker is God." Local News IMrs. Grady, lHamilton, is -visiting wvith ler ruother, Mrls. C. G. Arm- strong. Missý Enid Cobbledick spent the week-end wiýth ber. parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Glbeik .Mrs. Bannet, of Toronto, is visiting 'withlier sister, Mrs. Crane, for a few days at Mr. Wm. Barrett's. A -,very ice tur-nout attendled the Ang-lican Ghureb IIarvest Thanks- giving services on Sunday evening last. Mn. and Mrs. ýE. G. Hay and son, of Toronto, visîted reeently with the latter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. E Loga. Mn. and Mrs. W. Copping and Mt aud Mrs. R. Copping, of Rowden Qu-ibee, spent a few days with .Mrs G. MeýcKenna. George Lunn has, been busy ti week unloading coal into people's coal bins inretin for the win- ter months abiead. Mr-. Chai-les Miller bas bad the lretree ýoots remioved from th'eý east side of bis reside-,ce, no dfoubt havin~g been there f or the tpast 100 years. Doni't forget tbe Victory Tea tbis afteiinoon (Thiuisday) at the Oranige 'Hall iii aid «of the soldier-s' Cbristrnas bo-xes. A sbower of articles for the boxes wil'l be ,welcomied. A nuim-beir of ladies of St. Sav- ionsAngIlican Cburcb- packed a numben of boûxes for, the boys oven- sens, on. Monday eveninig last at the home of IMrs. John ýMorýris. Rev. Victor and Mrs. Buchanan and son Kelvin have retuned to their home inx Soutb Mountai-n after seniga -week in Onono, the gucsts of Mr. and Mvs. J. Stevenson, Vie- tor'ia St. Mr, Frank Hall, we -undenstand, bas rehted bis propýrtY north of the village, neeeuetly vacated by Mr. and Fred Gibson, ýto Mr. Byami, of Umbridlge, who ex peets to niove bere sometinme in Nomvember. ,Mrs. Tiery Bselal rxwl celebrate ler 91st birtbday on Sat- urday, October 31st. Mrs. Barrahail is stili very aetive, lookin.g after ber biouseholdc duties and this sumnmer spent sonie limie ix bner garden. WTe ext'eud to -Mrs. Barrabail con- graultios'on ber coming birtbday. IRED & WHIJE STORESL Hallo-we'en Kisses, lb. Fancy Cookies, IL Pak Leaf Sardines, large tin in tomato sauce, Oxydol, pkg. Corn Syrup, 10 IL.fin Amber Honey, 4 lb. carton 24c 22c 25e 25eIi ~Mr. and Mrs. James 'Major and tu famii'ily and 31rs. Russell Major sq)erit Sunday in Trenton-. i Mr. and lYrs. Bruce Goode a nd.,tc .MIr. and Mrs- Gordon Major enjoyed t? a trip to Bracebridge recently. TI The large ýbrown retriever do-, be-s lon.ging to John Grady of the R.C. A.F., was shot on Thursday of last week.Î Oonimencin'g a couple of weeks I. ago miilitary is Pow heing IN given to the 'boys of Orono Contîn -1 uation Shool. I ,MIr. ;and IMrs. Gordon Major anda Mrs. Russell Major s.pent Sunday visiting relatives in Aurora and Stoufville.T Fusilier Gordon major lef tn ast Th'ursday for Vancouver,, aï- i eompanied ;by Mrs. Major after twod Ieeks' furlough. Dr. W. W. Sherýwim, reiported on Wednesday evening üod seeing a deer o)n the road ýby the farm- of Mr. Earl 'l Oshorne-ýc, on the baek road to ýBow- mý,an-ulle on Tuesday evenin'g 1lst. The dee'r crossed the road then juinped over the fence. R. J. Uancock held a suceessfuil sale of farmi stock and imi-plements Tuesday afternoon last. The weather was a littie raw, along with sorne suow flurries, but desapite thLe wea- then quite a iiumiler were present. The hors(,s-, old veny raoalbut the cattie rought good prices. *aturday, Octdlber 31st, the night of nig-hts for the eilidren - HlaI- lowe'en. Tlley %vill, as usual, be around with their baskets and paper bags, calling- out that old familiar phrase, "Sheil Out?" This îs a great nigbit for the littie chidren, while the oldor boys wlll Ibe looking to get into sonne misehief. ýLas year the villag-ers were not molested, owing no doubt, to the war, ýand we hope that the iboys will agai-n this year1 behavý_, as they did last year. ORONO HYDRO COMMýlýISSI5ON BUY $1,000 BOND At the regiu 'opxio HydroC y' nigt last,î lase a $,0 Jar meejtingo f bond. This $1500 'wili neePa1s -with Cauadaýs warý effort. 'Owing t tbe fact bat hydro r- canuot be reduced until afton war, tbe o isons thougbh b)etter to use soine of the suri mfoney on, baud to buy bonds. -N Manicb a debenture w'Vill ha paid and if Possible two, thien the el HJdoCommission wlihave two or thne left as the case -,I-, Thie following1 accouints were' dered paid: B. P. u .. ....... ..,...... .. ........ HI.E.P.G ..... ..... .................... Onouno Telephone Go ..... Thietrare as bauký balanice. Tot veported L.A.iC. Jan-es Powers rwÇo ba.s Just Traduated with bonoui-s from No. 6' .T ' S., Toronto, is home on two ,eeks' beave. H1e and several of bis butms lef t Tuesday mor-ning for 'ýew Yooi'k city where they will spend ifew days. The Prýom-otion Service odf the Baby Band wiil be eonducted next Puesday, No-vernlben 8rd, at 3.,15 Dý'clok, follcwing the regulan W.,M.S. meeting. Alil mothers and babis are avited.' Kindly band in the chil- dinen's mite boxes at tbis mieeting. ARE YOU READY ? 'be 'war wiIl soon bc- «ver, the day, is drawing uîgh 'Weunot ia British soldier, or Allled need die; We have old H1-itler beaten, old f.Vlussie's on tbe rua; Starsý andc Striîpes -will soon be flying ahove the Rising Sun. Thbe tinie is drawing near wben ýyo u ng- people will be told We oldler folk, are tived, ýyou you-Lii- s;ters take a 1ho1(L We're bandi'ng yoýu the reins, froin now0ovyoh dan drive, But bandle tingis carefully, Old England's ', u1l alive. rhereý's a living in Old England for, eveny vOring man fyoigfoliks -et together add tee best tbey eau; We need a littie sjvstem, ol, vary ties imunI go And seeds of new prosperitv wel younger folks can sow. We need a differ-ent party, picked1 from the -working class; Our. MP" wonxt be rnib. hev-ý'll be ,oung folks wvar, Certlain,. it 'e. *put our ceed(ed I'm asted, th e b to insure eondi- I om whiich, anpc(Jnuy of ýn ,pite of the bier Uo,%r.W. le ten l , loving o j li, heLsled bt n in w $1,l10 65e Rolled Qats, fine or course, 5 lb> 25c Fresh Sal-mon Steak, lb Fresh Fillet of Cod, lb. Lean Stewing Beef, lb. I-amburg Steak, lb. Fresh Side Pork, lb. Loin Chops, trimmed, lb. Round Steak, steer, lb. Smoked Cottage Rolil, lb. Peanut Butter, 17 oz. jar -25e 25e NOTHING NOW BUT 25c 38c 25c Mircl Wip lrg jrs54 Wonderful Soap, 5 bars 181 J. J. CORNISH Dellvery leaves at 10.00 a.m.each day 1~